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Zenkichi Hasegawa

Carnival Town

Lvl 7 Zenkichi - (44/70) -> Lvl 7 (45/70)

Word Count: 449 words

It wasn't much longer before Zenkichi's taxi finally gave up the ghost, slowing to a stop about a quarter of the way from his next destination, and he sighed. "Dang. Well, can't imagine I did too bad." His supposition was answered immediately, as the moment his run officially ended, so too did the minigame.

Appearing back on the roulette wheel, Zenkichi hummed. "Wait, does that mean I came in-woah, oh boy!" He stepped rapidly away from Nadia and Juri continuing their fight, idly noticing Midna fighting a Ganondorf not too far away either. Another Ganondorf was on the roulette wheel, pointedly not fighting Midna, so...he had no idea what that was about but was willing to chalk it up to magical shenanigans, especially when the one Midna was fighting shattered once she got a good hit on it. Okay, that was weird...and oh, guess Nadia was going for the Friend Heart, but why'd she start before the game ended? Did she forget we can't hurt each other?

Musings aside, Zenkichi was pleasantly surprised to find out that the last game they'd be playing was a modified version of hide and seek. Though, this version seemed...somewhat violent, with the seekers having to stab the hiders with a 'unicorn horn.' Cutesy as that was, some part of Zenkichi wondered if the stabbing part would hurt or not. He didn't have much time to think on it before they found themselves in a spooky little town. It reminded him of stuff he'd seen from American media about Halloween, and even at a few parties in Japan in the last few years. "Huh, that's kinda cute." He chuckled, looking around and finding Sandalphon, Ganondorf, Juri slinking off to hide right off the bat, and the others. It looked like Geralt, Pit, and the two members of Bowser's crew that weren't Bowser himself, or Junior, would be hunting.

"Oh, we're in trouble." He mentioned to the others who were still around. "Geralt's job is basically hunting stuff down, and when we were in Midgar, he tracked a lady through a battlefield by scent alone. We're gonna need really good hiding spots if we wanna avoid her." The seriousness of his warning aside, Zenkichi had a small smile on his face as he ran off from the others, making a beeline for the Ironworks. Looking around at all the options available to him, Zenkichi quickly used his Mimic Tear to disguise as a large safe, nestling himself in what he figured was a fairly good spot. With only a minute and a half total time, he would rather pick and spot that might work than be caught unawares.
Geralt of Rivia & Zenkichi Hasegawa

Carnival Town

Lvl 13 Geralt (115/130) -> Lvl 13 (116/130) (+1 pending)

Lvl 7 Zenkichi - (43/70) -> Lvl 7 (44/70)

Word Count: 719 words

Geralt crashed into another car, still not having fully internalized how traffic worked, and her fare threw his hands up and shoved the door open, storming out of the vehicle without paying. She groaned, looking around for a new fare and making her way to the green zone to pick up a new person. Hopefully, this one wouldn't need to go so far. 'Take me to Catbird Grove!' The woman demanded, and Geralt nodded, looking to see what direction that was. It wasn't too far from where they were at, but it wasn't particularly close, either. Further still, she didn't have a whole lot of time left, having taken so long to get a hang of controlling a vehicle. So, she put her foot to the accelerator, and they were off.

A patch of Junior's goop was in the road, and Geralt groaned when she realized there was no way around it without wasting even more time. "Oh, that kid..." she grumbled as the taxi drove over the goop, and for a few moments, completely lost traction, sliding forward without any response to Geralt's attempts to control the car. After those few moments, however, the tires caught the road, and despite a little fish-tailing, Geralt managed to get her fare to their destination with seconds to spare. Unfortunately, those seconds were not enough to reach the next fare, and the vehicle sputtered and halted, leaving Geralt eliminated from the game. "Well...that was miserable." She groaned, before shrugging and exiting the taxi. "Might as well have a look around while those lunatics have at it."

One of said lunatics, Zenkichi, was still having the time of his life, though once he started seeing the other Seekers, things got a little too hectic. He got caught by Nadia on her rampage of crashing into as many of the Seekers as she could find, and between Bowser's massive vehicle and Junior's goop, it was hard not to get knocked a little off track by the Koopa Troop. Zenkichi had one thing most of the other Seekers didn't have, even if they knew how to drive cars: City driving experience. Sure, he didn't drive any crazy places like New York City (he'd heard dreadful rumors of traffic in that accursed place, and not even he would be willing to brave it), but Tokyo was one of the most densely-populated cities in the world, and he made it through just fine. Avoiding the nearly suburban traffic of Grapital City, in comparison, was a piece of cake.

'Take me to Payback Square!' 'I need to go to the Grapital Building!' 'Jobber Flats!' 'Bold Coast!' Passengers called out their demands, and Zenkichi dutifully met them. He cut down on the stunts after the first few rough landings, instead focusing on just getting people to their places, though if he saw a perfectly-placed ramp truck, he couldn't say no to it. It was like being an action movie hero, launching into the air and crashing back to the earth.

He laughed, driving along to get this fare to their destination, when he passed Roxas and Sandalphon sitting down for a chat. He slowed to a crawl as he did, honking quickly and giving the pair a quick wave before jetting back off. At one point, he saw the catgirl, Nadia, fighting with Juri, and sped up to get well out of their way. Far be it from him to butt into a catfight. Nooooo, thank you!

Geralt, meanwhile, was wandering around Catbird Grove, just enjoying the small park, there, when she decided to take a seat in the grass and try to meditate. It had been a while since she'd had the time to do so, and even with the distant sounds of engines, horns, and chaos, she found her mind slowing, until only one thought occupied it: Ciri. The face of her daughter, the long scar on her cheek, and she sighed. There was so much going on, and Geralt felt no closer to finding her than she was when she was first awoken from Galeem's curse. As her eyes opened, and she rose, Geralt swore a silent oath. "I will find you, Ciri, and I will free you from Galeem. And when the time comes, we'll stop it together. It's not my story. It's yours."
Geralt of Rivia & Zenkichi Hasegawa

Carnival Town

Lvl 13 Geralt (97/130) +3 +3 +5 +5 Collab XP -> Lvl 13 (115/130) (+1 pending)

Lvl 7 Zenkichi - (23/70) +4 +4 +4 +6 Collab XP -> Lvl 7 (43/70)

Word Count: 838 words

Both Zenkichi and Geralt were pleasantly surprised with their results. Geralt wasn't terribly surprised her, Junior, Midna and Goldlewis didn't pull off a victory, especially given the frosty reception their video got at the beginning. Zenkichi, on the other hand, celebrated a bit, happy to have trusted Juri to direct their film, and he waved to the woman and said as much. "I'd like to thank our wonderful director, Juri, for this award!" He joked, mimicking the style of an American celebrity receiving an award. "But seriously, thanks. I don't think I could've done half as good a job behind the camera."

Rewards and thanks out of the way, all there was to it was to wait to see what was next. When Ballyhoo announced the name of the game, something tickled in the back of Zenkichi's brain. That was...strangely familiar, but not quite right. Almost like a sense of deja vu when you knew that what you were experiencing couldn't have happened before. The explanation only furthered the feeling, but without much time to think on it, they were transported to the next game.

"Oh my god it's Crazy Taxi. Wow, I haven't played that game in years. Since college, I guess." Zenkichi sighed at the memory, half-drunkenly playing with his friends on the coveted Dreamcast, yelling at the current player to distract them and try to get the best score. Good times.

Hopping into the taxi, he chuckled a little and shook his head. "Man, this isn't even fair. I bet most of these guys had never even seen a car until a few days ago. I'm gonna smoke 'em." He knew that a local famous racer was around, but other than that, he wasn't afraid of the competition in the slightest.

On another island, Geralt stared at the vehicle in disbelief. Shaking her head, she quickly climbed inside and took a seat. Her eyes widened at the sheer number of displays staring at her, but looking around quickly found her an instructional booklet entitled 'KOOKY CABBIES FOR DUMBIES'. Glaring at the insulting pamphlet, she nonetheless opened it and started scanning for ways to operate this thing. "Turn the key and hold? These things use keys, huh? Simple enough, I suppose." Searching for, and easily finding, the key to the ignition, she turned it, cringing a little as the engine started rumbling. "Okay, now...right pedal accelerates, left brakes. Easy enough. And the wheel steers. Stop at the marks to pick up fares, then bring them to the indicated positions. Let's try this, then." She was resigned to her inevitable fate, but would at least attempt to partake.

Pushing her right foot down on the accelerator, Geralt lurched as the taxi's tires squealed, launching her directly into a palm tree as she attempted to correct course. She grunted at the impact, before frowning. She was stuck. Quickly grabbing the pamphlet, she started flipping through it viciously.

Zenkichi, meanwhile, had picked up a medium fare and was already well on his way. He wove in and out of traffic, though the unrealistic physics of the Kooky Cab took some getting used to. Still, he was having a blast, hooting and hollering as he launched the car off the 'ramp' of a vehicle-transporting truck, just like the movies. His fare let out an enthusiastic 'O-kay!' to signify that he landed the jump right. Oh, man, was this nostalgic! After a short, hectic drive, Zenkichi drifted into the drop-off zone, already looking for the next fare. He barely registered his fare shoot up, the customer offering a tip for 'speedy service.' Nodding gratefully, he decided to go for a real challenge: a red fare. He was going for gold here, and if it didn't work out, he still already had six chips between his win and the first mini-game, so he was pretty okay with that.

This fare, unfortunately, didn't want to go very far, and Zenkichi held back a groan. This was practically gonna be a waste of time. Still, he did what he was here to do, and put the pedal to the metal, crashing into a car that was zooming by in his blind spot. His fare berated him, but Zenkichi just shook his head and focused on the road. It was just a game, and the other car recovered quickly and drove off as well.

Geralt, having finally figured out the gear shift, put her cab in reverse and lightly tapped the accelerator, inching away from the palm tree with a groan. She turned the wheel to the side to extricate herself from the position she was in, slowly freeing her vehicle before looking for somebody to drive. Finding a passenger with a green marker, she shifted back into drive and approached them, going just a little too slow. When she finally stopped, the passenger strode up to the car and got in, asking to be driven to the other side of town.

This was going to be a long game...
Film Those Freaks - Juri’s Still Out I

Zenkichi’s @Multi_Media_Man, Ganondorf’s @Double, Juri’s @Zoey Boey, Level 7 Sandalphon (31/70)
Word Count: 3381 (+4)

Out of the four assembled, the first to take initiative toward their shared goal turned out to be the stranger. Not visibly perturbed by Juri’s lack of manners, Sandalphon observed as the woman sauntered over and procured the camera. The way she handled the device suggested a level of familiarity, which Juri then backed up by claiming leadership over the little group. Though that made for a bold assertion, undermined somewhat by her dismissiveness toward Sandalphon. It was true the archangel didn’t hail from a technological world, but she had learned a great deal during her time in Midgar, definitely enough to form a basic understanding of the task at hand. She chose not to belabor the point, however. Instead she kept quiet to give Juri a chance to prove herself, and the martial artist quickly explained her confidence.

Apparently Juri had found a great deal of success on an analogous social media platform in the past, meaning she had plenty of experience with making quality videos. Without giving the others a chance to interject, she proceeded to demonstrate her know-how by recording a quick but effective introduction for the video to come. When she realized she was being filmed, Sandalphon stiffened up with widened eyes, not at all sure how to act. Of course, it was over just a moment later, and Juri followed up by sharing an important tidbit of information. While Sandalphon didn’t plan to engage in vulgarity regardless, and Juri’s liberal indulgence in it would take a little getting used to, she nodded in sagacious appreciation at the trade secret. Faced with this demonstration, the archangel couldn’t help but be impressed; Juri had shown she meant business and already knocked out an important part of the content process, all while conserving crucial seconds. With her in charge, the team’s chances of doing well in this competition seemed very good.

“In that case, we’ll be in your capable hands. For as long as we cooperate, your wish is my command.” Sandalphon bowed her head in pre-emptive thanks, her effulgent golden-rimmed halo dipping slightly. “We are fortunate to have you, Juri.” The archangel had not missed her newest acquaintance’s name-drop during her self-aggrandizement.

In sharp contrast to Juri, Ganondorf remained stoically silent for the time being. And also in sharp contrast to Sandalphon, he didn’t look as welcoming to the vulgar girl as she was. But he voiced no opinion on the matter either, having little to no grasp on the concept of videos, let alone something as modern as an internet video platform like this “SpookTube”.

Juri kicked the dirt and tilted her head. ”Damn straight, Sandy. That’s what I like to hear!”

Zenkichi shared Sandalphon’s relief at being partnered, both because she was somebody that he recognized, but also because it was her specifically. He gave her a smile, which then greeted the other two members of his team. He wasn’t quite as uneasy around Ganondorf now, but the large man was still somewhat intimidating by merit of size alone. Juri, on the other hand…she had an energy about her that gave Zenkichi pause. She immediately took the reins, and while he was fairly certain neither himself nor Sandalphon had any experience in video-making (beyond some home videos of himself, Aoi, and Akane), part of that rubbed him the wrong way.

Her pegging him for a cop, almost immediately at that, made him hum a bit. There was definitely more to this punk than met the eyes, then. He shrugged as she told them to be quiet while she filmed their intro, and when she was done, had his own reply. ”Alright, I’ll play ball. If any of you guys need it, I can probably spare a defense or speed buff, but not much more. It’s already been a crazy day, and I don’t wanna burn myself out before we’re done.”

”Hey! Don’t forget, this has to be scary. No one’s going to be interested in ‘defense buffs.’ Someone’s gotta get mauled for the camera.” Juri said. As she did, the shop screen caught her attention.

Zenkichi ignored her complete disregard for his offer of assistance, following her attention to the screen.

"Hmph." Ganondorf grunted, crossing his arms over his chest, "How frightening could these so-called “freaks” actually be?" He questioned before gesturing to himself, "And none shall believe an intimidating figure like I could be realistically frightened by whatever is down there." It seemed once again he was going to be at a severe disadvantage. And it was starting to annoy him.

”The hell is all this.” Juri muttered, tapping the screen. ”We can buy shit.” She said. She began scanning through the items, mashing all the buttons with her finger to see as many as possible, often having to double back because she didn’t see enough the first time.

”I mean…I guess a better mic or flashlight would be a good idea. I’ve seen old movies with bad audio quality, and…I dunno, it takes away from the experience when it sounds like they’re a hundred feet away from the camera.” He mused. ”Don’t think any of us are rolling in coins, though…”

Sandalphon shook her head. “I’ve earned only one token so far, though in all honesty, even saying that I ‘earned’ it is something of a stretch.” Juri had scrolled through the items with such a manic energy that she got in her own way and made Sandalphon wonder if it might be a bit performative. Luckily, the archangel had managed to scan everything on offer. The selection led to a little self-reflection on what she could personally offer the team instead. “My halo should provide ample light should we encounter darkness,” she brought up, glancing upward. The radiance of the three rings and their trailing cords tended to be lost in the daytime, but they would shine bright in the gloom. “That could very well increase my likelihood of being targeted, but in a roundabout way even that may benefit our efforts.”

She conjured a divine screen at her fingertips, scanning her teammates. “It would behoove us all to incorporate you both into my network,” the archangel told Ganondorf and Juri. “This would permit us to communicate over long distances, and ensure that the camera can hear all of us, as well.” She nodded at Zenkichi. “The two of us are already connected.”

"As you wish." Ganondorf responded curtly. "Hm, me, working with angels…" He further commented, as the irony of this was indeed not lost on him.

Sandalphon moved in to perform the right, the pupils of her unblinking eyes turned to inverted triangles. When standing next to the warlord, she wasn’t much shorter than him. “Then please allow me.” She held her palm by his cheek for a moment, creating a small golden glyph about an inch from his helmet that shone before disappearing. “There. Simply hold your pointer and middle fingers at the spot to engage the link, and repeat this action to disengage it.” Then she stepped back toward Zenkichi, waiting for Juri’s consent -or lack thereof- before she took further action.

Juri was obviously suspicious, narrowing her eyes. ”I don’t fuck with any brain shit. Is that just a magic radio?” She asked. ”Better tell me the truth. I’m not messing around on this.”

“Technically, it is a miracle,” Sandalphon clarified, though she didn’t plan to bore the irritable girl with the details. “But that is a decently apt analogy. It has no effect whatsoever on the mind. Of course, you need not opt in if the idea discomforts you. It is merely a prudent convenience.” On a battlefield with lives at stake proper communication was not optional, but for now at least, it wasn’t strictly necessary–just sensible. Still, the idea of her being more resistant to this suggestion than an avatar of darkness held a vague sense of amusement for Sandalphon.

”Forget it. I don’t care enough about winning this stupid game to let you perform any ‘miracles’ on me. Besides, I’m excommunicated.” Juri said. Sandalphon merely looked away.

”And besides besides, you guys shouldn’t be doing anything off camera. So that means sticking by me at all times. Never outside screaming distance.” Juri said.

”If we’ve got no ‘token’ or whatever, we should just get this show on the road. This place gives me the creeps.” She frowned, glancing around at the picturesque landscape. She shuddered and stuck out her tongue, before heading over to the diving bell. With one glance at Zenkichi to make sure he was ready, Sandalphon followed the team’s self-proclaimed leader toward the vessel. Inside, a choice awaited them: the Factory, the Cruise Ship, or the Tunnels.

"Hmph, speak for thyself. Thou hast no token because this is thy first game." Ganondorf corrected, "But we each hath been awarded one for playing the previous game." He elaborated, but also similarly chose to ignore the shopping kiosk in favor of entering the bell straight away. "But I hath no interest in giving up my only token for some meager upgrade that shall only be useful for the duration of this single game. I would instead save my tokens for the prizes I shall actually be able to keep and use."

Juri breathed out a laugh, amused. ”Why doth thou assume I give a shit? I’ve got tokens, dude. Hold onto ‘em if you want. Maybe you can get a gumball.” She said, looking over the options.

”Factory, cruise ship, tunnels…” Juri mused aloud. ”I like the cruise ship. Worst case scenario I can just climb around on the outside like a spider.”

That would be impressive, especially with a camera, Sandalphon thought. Having no preferences on which destination to visit herself, she went ahead and selected the cruise ship. Once someone closed the diving bell’s main door, all that remained was to crank the main lever and begin the vessel’s descent to the Old World. “Shall I do the honors?” she asked, giving one of the others the chance to kickstart the adventure if so desired.

”Aye.” Ganondorf said with a nod of his head.

Juri leaned up against the wall and crossed her arms. ”Sure, Sandy, let’s rock this rustbucket.”

Zenkichi nodded, mentally preparing himself for what was about to come. ”Go for it.”

The archangel pulled the lever, and with a sharp jerk, the team’s journey into the unknown began.

For some time the diving bell just descended uneventfully, the only sound the harsh but rhythmic metallic clank of the massive chain in motion, dulled by the vessel’s think hull. Without any windows to peer through, its occupants were blind to the world outside, but Sandalphon didn’t need to see out there to realize that Juri had been right about one thing. If their destination really did lay underwater, a sunken cruise ship in the benthic depths of some ocean, they would have felt the diving bell’s impact against the water’s surface. She could only imagine, given the crew’s starting point and hints about darkness, that they were descending from the sky islands through a cloud layer so thick that no light reached the world below. Luckily, she and the others didn’t have to wait and wonder for long. They could feel the diving bell slow down, then finally stop, its landing almost hard enough to knock Sandalphon down. For a brief moment the archangel flailed, unsteady.

Zenkichi immediately reacted, carefully grabbing a hold of Sandalphon’s arm to steady her, his own stance far steadier. ”You alright there?” He asked with a concerned smile.

A second passed before she seemed to find her voice. “Yes, thank you.”

When the vessel’s door creaked open, the upper deck of a cruise ship stretched out before them, albeit one cast completely in shades of murky gray. Everything from the walls to the floor to the tables and deck chairs appeared to be of the same exact material, almost like paper. Orbs of pure white light floated in seemingly random spots, divorced of any support or housing, but beyond the radius of their light it was terribly dark. Everyone could at least see the outlines of the ship itself so as to not blindly blunder off an edge, but on the other side of those railings lay only an infinite black void.

To Sandalphon, that emptiness looked far deeper and darker than even space. Some part of her -probably the part gained from Parvati and Leanne- felt a twinge of fear at that boundless darkness. If no floor lay beneath it in this simulated wonderworld, one could conceivably fall forever. She knew that she could teleport up to either Zenkichi or Ganondorf, though, and she found solace in the light of her halo. Once she exited the warmly-lit diving bell and strode down its ramp, her halo’s yellow glow provided a brilliant, unmistakable beacon in the darkness. The team had been lowered onto the cruise ship’s upper deck, but another open deck lay a short jump away, one floor down. In the other direction stood a doorway, and though it looked similarly dark inside, Sandalphon could see what resembled a bar and a set of stairs in the light of a ghostly orb.

Without saying anything, she turned to look at Juri, ready to take her cues. Her bright green power-symbol eyes said lead the way.

Juri glanced around outside. ”Woah. Wicked cool.” She admired this place. It was way cooler than the kiddy crap up top. So toxic you couldn’t even breathe? Awesome. She blew her hair up and it settled back into place underneath her big dumb helmet she hated.

”Alright. Cop and Sandy go first.” She pointed at the two of them. ”Big guy, you watch my back.” She said. Clearly, Juri enjoyed bossing people around. But she wanted to win, so she wasn’t going to get them to do something stupid. Unless it was really, really funny. Then maybe.

”If there’s anything scary, it’ll be down those stairs. Let’s go!” She took a second to get an establishing shot of the view from the inside of the open diving bell, establishing the upper floor and the staircase they were heading down.

"Tch." Was Ganondorf’s only response. Having to play bodyguard for this vulgar woman was certainly not on his list of things he wanted to do. But at the same time he offered no objections nor suggestions of his own. Maybe he just wanted to get this game over with? It was impossible to tell. He did, however, hold his right hand and clenched it into a fist. This triggered the glow of the Triforce that said hand was branded with and that glow served as a potential source of light for this dark sunken ship. He supposed the ship had to be haunted in some way, but didn’t look particularly concerned by that. The Warlord clearly had plenty of experience dealing with demons and spirits. He doubted anything they ran into down here would be all that different.

Heeding Juri’s instructions, Sandalphon advanced at the forefront of the group, taking measured steps in a long, careful stride. Each click of her heels against the floor rang out through the stillness, threatening to alert unknown horrors to her presence. Given her undiminishable light, however, the archangel could only make peace with the eventuality of attracting monsters, and be ready for when it happened. As she proceeded toward the stairs, she watched for any sign of movement, reasoning that anything aside from them had to be an enemy. This went double once she stepped into the interior where an ambush could come from any angle. With every step, the glow of her halo sent the shadows into a frenzied dance, but for now the only contours she could see belonged to tables, chairs, bottles, glasses, and ashtrays. Sandalphon was so focused on the corners and shadows that she failed to look up.

“...Ah!” Right in front of the stairwell, something wrenched her upward with terrifying speed and strength. Freakiest of all was the fact that whatever it was seemed to have a grasp on her halo, and by virtue of some unseen connection, that dragged Sandalphon into the air as well. As she rose, stunned, with her neck at a hangman’s angle, the light of her halo revealed her captor: a starfish-like creature attached to the ceiling, its color and texture indistinguishable from the surrounding material. Sandalphon struggled as she swung, vainly grasping for the monster that now had her in its grasp.

Juri turned the camera on and swung it upward to focus on Sandalphon. She hit the record button, but she wouldn’t spend too much time on this. Just a basic jumpscare, not that scary. ”Woah, oh my God! Woah! What is that?! It’s got Sandy!” She feigned, grinning.

Having followed just behind Sandalphon, Zenkichi bit back a curse as Sandalphon was yanked upwards, but the thing didn’t seem to be hurting her too badly. For the sake of the video, he didn’t immediately summon his pistols and start shooting, but instead looked around for something to throw at it. Quickly spotting a sturdy-looking bottle on a table, he rushed over and grabbed the makeshift projectile and hurled it at the starfish-looking thing to try and get it to drop her. ”I’ve got you!”” He cried, only having to ham it up a little.

Zenkichi’s not-so-magic missile worked like a charm. The moment it struck the starfish, it released its captive, though maybe its inability to get its circular mouth around the archangel’s three-ringed halo played a part. Sandalphon slowed her fall as she neared the ground, then drifted away from the danger zone, landing softly a second later. She turned, rubbing her neck, with stress marks in her pupils. Falling for a trap like that did not please her, especially once a second look confirmed the presence of (questionably real) bones scattered beneath the predator. “Lesson learned,” she remarked, her tone hard but quiet. When she glanced at Zenkichi, though, her irritation died down. “Good thinking. I am in your debt.”

Zenkichi just shrugged, waving off the thanks. ”Nothin’ to it. I’ve got your back.”

“Looking more closely, I can just barely make out some sort of dangling appendage. Highly transparent,” Sandalphon observed. She then looked around the room, counting her blessings as she realized just how bad the arrival of a second monster would have been during the disturbance. She summoned her Aether Lance. “I experienced enough strangulation to lower the hit point counter displayed in my helmet,” she reported as she healed herself, noting that this didn’t effect her assigned ‘hit points’. “I will endeavor to be more careful.”

”Would that not defeat the purpose of why we are here?” Ganondorf inquired, still so far being largely uninterested in all of this. ”We are meant to be frightened of these… things, not to defeat them.” What he said was logical but his tone and expression told a different story. Namely that he wasn’t especially enthusiastic. But he was still right, regardless.

”I mean, that’s true, but once we get the footage of ‘em…not much reason to keep them around once the camera’s off,, right? Unless we want to do some stupid horror movie cliche where we’re running away from something else and stumble into the trap, making it all dramatic and us look like careless idiots while we get our brains munched on or something.” Zenkichi had some genre-savviness to draw upon, though he didn’t entirely disagree with Ganondorf, either.

Juri had long turned the camera off. ”Nah, Sandy’s right. That was good for one. But that won’t keep being scary. That thing didn’t even get you by the neck. It’s just some stupid starfish. I can’t think of a less intimidating animal. It’s no spider, that’s for sure. We gotta avoid the lame-ass shit.” She said. She looked to keep walking, but used her body language to indicate Sandalphon and Zenkichi should still be going first.

The archangel nodded, and began to head toward the stairs leading deeper into the cruise ship. This time, however, she kept her staff at the ready. Zenkichi followed just a step behind, eyes scanning in figure-eights to make sure he didn’t miss any obvious signs this time around.
The Witcher & The Warlord II

Word Count: 2,393
EXP: +3
Rapport: Ganondorf/Geralt (+3)

Unfortunately Ganondorf and Geralt weren’t making very good time in the mine. These blasted moving platforms were making Ganondorf’s jumps even harder than they already were. But they were at least beginning to make a headway when the warlord heard faint shouting coming from above. In fact the shouting sounded like it was rapidly getting closer. And in moments he saw the flailing forms of Roland and Captain Falcon drop down right by the platform he and Geralt were standing on. Evidently they must’ve missed some jump further up ahead and now suffered the consequences of it.

This made him grumble a bit, "Why do I have a sinking feeling that is going to be us in a few minutes?" He asked with a shake of his head before changing the subject, "This supposed to be a mine of some sort, yes?" He inquired and then added, "What do you suppose they were mining for? Iron? Or copper, perhaps?" It wasn’t the most thrilling topic of conversation, but at least it was helping to keep him from having to think about the more frustrating aspects of this minigame.

Geralt watched Roland and Captain Falcon fall right past them, frowning a little. “Might very well be, especially if it gets more complicated the further up we go.” She had a feeling that’d be the case, as the moving platforms represented a paradigm shift, which she doubted would end there. When he asked about the mine itself, however, Geralt wasn’t so sure. “Could be a number of things. Metals, precious gems, clay, salt. They might even get a few different things from here.” Without seeing any carts or wagons of spoils, she simply couldn’t tell just from the way the mine was built. She knew many things, but this was not one of them.

The most concerning part, Geralt thought as they moved ever upwards, were the strange crumbling sections of rock that seemed to magically regenerate after a few moments. Of course, if they didn’t come back it would render the game nigh-impossible for all but the first pair to advance past them, but it was still so strange to see. “Seen magic used for a lot of things, but this place might be the strangest.” She admitted. Even if these platforms were moved by technology, the dimensional travel, protections, and restrictions placed on them reeked of magic. Her medallion was gently humming against her chest, and had been since they got here.

Ganondorf himself would have also reeked with magic, especially his Triforce of Power, being the divine artifact of power that it was. At any rate, the pair continued their slow ascent through the mines. When the crumbling blocks began to appear they indicated to Ganondorf that not even the platforms themselves were going to be entirely safe to stand on at all times like they had been up to this point. "Lovely." He commented upon first seeing them.

"What shall be next?" He wondered, "Platforms that spring to life and attack us, mayhaps?"

“Please don’t say that.” Geralt mumbled. If things got that annoying, she had no idea what she’d do. “This is all bad enough as it is.” She had little concern for trying to beat any other teams at this point, but any more than this would be too much like Witcher training all over again. There wasn’t much to it except to keep going, though when they found a section of numerous extremely small crumbling platforms above them as they stood atop a moving one, she sighed. “No room for error, at all.” She sighed. “Let me know when you’re ready, because there’s no stopping once we’re off this platform.”

”Hmm…” Ganondorf hesitated slightly, mostly to get his bearings and to prepare himself for what was almost certainly going to be a near-disaster. But in the end he nodded and said, ”...Now!” And then he jumped. It went well up until one particular jump in which they didn’t quite make it all the way. But they did manage to cling to the side of the block much like they had done for the overhangs in previous sections. And it was here that they discovered that the blocks would only crumble when someone was standing on top of them. But clinging to the side like this? They didn’t seem to show any sign of crumbling down.

”So that is the trick, is it?” Ganondorf inquired. This seemed to indicate that the optimal course of action was to stay on the sides as long as they were able to in order to delay when the blocks would start to crumble. And it was then he spotted a moving platform and was finally able to make out the objects it was carrying along its tracked path. ”Fish?” He asked suddenly. ”The mine is for… fish?”

“What.” Was all Geralt’s deadpan voice returned with. How…did one mine for fish?! Were there underground lakes that they fished from? She decided, as she often did in the World of Light, not to dwell on this strange facet of this world. What was important was figuring out what to do next. “We need to move.” Geralt followed up with, well aware of the limitations of their current situation. Staying here forever would result in falling. “I’ll swing, just hold on.” She said, letting go and trusting Ganondorf to hang on as she swung back and forth a couple of times, before her momentum carried her high enough for her to twist and grab the other side of the rock.

“Now!” She called out to Ganondorf, to signal him to let go and swing.

The Warlord did just that. Between the momentum and his own imposing strength, they were often able to make impressively long jumps this way. And this wasn’t all that different. It certainly made reaching those precariously placed crumbling blocks much more doable than if he was trying to do this alone. Alone… he supposed that was the entire point of this little game - teamwork. It wasn’t exactly something he had a lot of experience in. Although he had been getting a bit more practice at it since joining the Seekers. Though he had still yet to call any of them his friend. Of course, that sentiment was pretty often echoed, especially by the other royals. The truth was, Ganondorf was simply given little in the way of actual chances to really bond with anyone. And he wasn’t entirely sure how he felt about that, either.

As Ganondorf grabbed the other side of the rock, Geralt felt the rope slacken, signaling her to let go of her side and swing. She saw their next goal, a small wooden platform to which she could swing, and swing she did. One more pass gave her the momentum she needed to go up and onto the platform, from which she called back to Ganondorf, “I can pull you up from here.”

Once the Gerudo King was up with her, Geralt turned her attention further above them. “Couple of quick jumps, then we have to make sure we time it right, or we’re going way back down.” Should she have spoken that possibility into existence? Probably not, but they needed to be prepared. No half-assing this next series of jumps. If they screwed it up, they’d be losing quite a bit of progress if they didn’t manage to luckily land on one of the platforms just below them.

The first jump went smoothly, with no time pressure to make them falter. The second required a moment of thought, after which the pair leapt, experience giving them an idea of what timing worked best for the pair. The third jump, however, with the moving platform sliding rapidly closer to them, would be the moment of triumph or failure. Geralt jumped as the platform neared the end of its path, but barely mistimed just how long it would stay at the end, and felt gravity take hold of her a moment later.

Ganondorf, on the other hand, didn’t fare quite as badly. His taller form gave him a longer reach to grab the edge of the moving platform before it was too late. But of course, now he was just hanging there with Geralt dangling just below. The Gerudo King was thankfully not lacking in strength, so he was certain his grip wouldn’t loosen anytime soon. But he still wanted to get out of this position as soon as possible. And so he began the process of pulling his heavy body up onto the platform. It was by no means quick, but he still pulled himself up in the end. Then he anchored down and began to pull the rope tethering him to Geralt in order to pull her up as well.

“Thanks.” Geralt calmly stated as she got to her feet on the moving platform. It had taken them a bit to get up, during which she noticed Zenkichi and one of the girls from Yellow Team up above them. “Huh, expected them to be further up. Must’ve taken a nasty fall at some point and not noticed them.” She commented, before looking for their path forward. They’d have to jump from the fractured stone block to the wall, then swing around it, and from there swing onto the wooden platform before they’d be able to stop. And from there, it was just another swing to another moving platform, this one going vertically.

“Just have to get the timing right…” Geralt mumbled, mentally drawing the path as the platform they were on slid back and forth on its track, taking a stance. “Ready when you are.” She confirmed, legs bending in preparation of the jump.

The Warlord bent his own knees and said, ”Jump!” when he thought the timing looked good enough. They swung around the wall with success. And by all accounts even the swing to the wooden platform went well. At least it should have. Midway there they both felt something like wind pulling them downward. And whatever this was it was enough to make them miss grabbing onto the wooden platform and resulted in them plummeting down. It was a pretty far fall too. Once Ganondorf had finally gotten back to his feet he was able to spot the source of the sudden wind that had messed them up, and he gave an angry scowl.

”Curse that blasted, overgrown lizard!” Ganondorf barked in reference to Bowser, ”What doth he even have to gain from this? He is as far behind as the rest of us!” The Gerudo King had half a mind to start making his way toward the Koopa and wipe whatever grin he was no doubt sporting off of his face.

“Sounds like boss is just a sore loser.” Geralt said, rolling her eyes. “Or he figures if he drags the rest of us down to his level, it gives him a better chance to get in the lead.” She looked between Ganondorf, Bowser, and the way back up. “Not the first time I’ve dealt with one of those, and it won’t be the last. Way I see it, we can go try and shove a cork down his throat, or we can wait until he gets bored. We try and go back up, he’s just going to do it again.” Perhaps a pessimistic approach, but Geralt had long since given up any illusions of victory.

"Hmm…" The Gerudo thought for a bit. "Well, I don’t believe we were in a position to win the race." He finally said. "And that being so… perhaps we might as well see what kind of payback we can take from him?" Ganondorf, too, had long since given up on any delusions of actually winning this race. And so the idea of getting back at the big sore loser was seeming more and more appealing to him.

Geralt thought on the idea for a few moments. She, personally, didn’t actually have anything against Bowser aside from his delusions of grandeur. She wasn’t sure that he was entirely serious about how great and evil he was, but she supposed this was fairly ‘mean’, at least. Ruining the experience for the rest of the Seekers because he wanted to do better was definitely not the kind of thing one of the other do-gooders in the Seekers would do, that was for sure. “Might as well. He just wasted all of our time.”

That got a smirk from the Warlord. "Then let us teach him the punishment for interfering with everyone else." And so the two at this point had effectively changed routes and made their way toward where the Koopa King in question was. Since it was obvious no one this far behind was going to win, the two gave up on reaching the end and were now a bit more interested in getting some payback before the game ended.

"There you are!" Ganondorf barked out when he spotted Bowser’s enlarged form. He looked like he was done inhaling for now and was even shrinking back down to his usual size as a result of his adviser halting the spell. Ganondorf lunged for the Koopa with a roar as soon as he and Geralt had gotten close enough and Warlock Punched him as hard as he could… doing absolutely zero damage due to the rules of the minigame. "Do thou hast any idea how much of our time was wasted because of thee?"

Momentum, however, was still a thing, and so the king skidded back just a bit as he kept shrinking. He grunted, shook his head, and then had the audacity to smile and say ”How about you tell me so I know how much I can laugh at your expense” as he put up his dukes for a punchup, with Ganondorf essentially doing the same. The two kings then just traded punch after punch. Naturally, they did no damage to one another, but they didn’t seem to be letting that stop them. This was probably one of the rare times where the two could just take their frustrations out on one another… and of course no one would be hurt.

Just what happened between those two while we were split up? Geralt wondered, while awkwardly trying to reposition and give Ganondorf enough room to fight with.
Speed Demons

Word Count: 3,425 words
EXP: +4
Rapport: Primrose/Zenkichi +4

Being transported into a new plane of existence would always be a strange and slightly unnerving experience, no matter how many times Primrose went through it. Seeing as it wasn’t even the first time that day that it had happened to her though, she recovered fairly quickly.

‘Connected Climbing Chaos’ was going to be their first event, and it was really all in the name. Ballyhoo was nice enough to elaborate further before their location was changed once more, with the mountain they’d be climbing towering over them.

A large gray knitted band fit over Primrose’s head at an angle, protecting her ears and forehead from the chill but leaving her hair and the rest of her face uncovered. A matching pair of knitted leg warmers covered the area from her ankles to her knees, putting her bare thighs into contrast whenever her dress shifted enough to expose them. She glanced down at the climbing gloves on her hands before finding the rope tied around her waist and tracking its length to one of the more unassuming and plain looking men from the city team.

The brief introduction earlier painted Zenkichi to be on the more friendly side, but even so Primrose couldn’t help but think with some irony about being tethered to a man, physically this time. Hopefully he didn’t catch the sharp, wry smile on her face before it quickly morphed into a much more pleasant expression.

"Zen-ki-chi," she said, putting emphasis on the syllables of his name. "My name is Primrose, if you didn’t catch it earlier. I’m not sure how well I’ll do at this kind of game. I’ll be in your hands~"

Looking around the mountainous area they’d been teleported to, Zenkichi completely missed the look on Primrose’s face, a small shock of disappointment running through him that he hadn’t been tethered to a different woman, but it was replaced with a small smile and a nod.

”Ah, don’t worry about it. With some of the other guys we’ve got, I was definitely not gonna be doing too hot, myself. Let’s just do what we can and maybe it’ll be fun.” And maybe it wouldn’t destroy his knees, but something involving lots of climbing was probably going to wreak havoc on this old man.

Content with not placing very highly, the two of them set off on an almost leisurely pace. Their first obstacle was barely one at all, merely a pair of platforms to be jumped upon, but the series of jumps after looked a bit more daunting. And just looking at the rope holding the two together showed Zenkichi that this was going to require some technique. ”Yeah, that rope is definitely not long enough for us to go one by one…” He said, frowning a little.

"And it looks like they did something to my floating scarf, so no taking the easy way out," Primrose said, picking at the shimmery white material. The runes that allowed its wearer to fly had all dimmed as if they'd already been spent.

They engaged in some people watching, gathering information as other pairs tried, failed, and tried again to get across the long jump until they made it. Some had more unique ways of getting to the other side, but one way seemed to be the most straightforward and successful method: leveraging each other's weight and momentum to swing partners across almost at once. Primrose looked at Zenkichi.

"Want to give it a try?"

Watching the gap, Zenkichi pondered the best way to make use of their tether, before coming up with an idea and nodding. ”I think I've got it.” He replied, before stepping backwards and hopping off the platform.

Primrose took a slightly wider stance to better support the man's weight. Thankfully she wasn't partnered with any of the larger members of the group, else she might have trouble. As it was, the dancer was a little stronger than she looked and kept on her feet while holding tight to the tether. While Zenkichi swung, Primrose looked between him, the platform's edge, and their intended destination. Understanding what to do was different than actually pulling it off, so she braced herself for the feel of the rope's pull in order to time her own jump.

Zenkichi whirled under the platform and forward, the momentum of his fall pulling him in a circle and towards the front of the platform. His stomach lifted a bit, but he grit his teeth and trusted Primrose to time the jump properly, though if they messed this up the fall wouldn’t be terribly harsh, at least.

The rope tying the two of them together kept its slack and both were sailing the small distance to the rock face on the other side of the snow filled pit. With the benefit of seeing the practice of others' for their first time trying the swing and fling technique Primrose and Zenkichi did pretty well. As the second jumper, Primrose didn't quite clear the gap entirely, but she stuck to the cliff with the aid of the climbing gloves until her partner reeled her in.

They could see part of how the course continued from there. It went diagonally up at a steeper angle than the path they'd just come from, but it didn't look like there would be another wide gap for a little while. It would still take coordination to continue the climb, but it was doable. They began to make their way up, taking the time to pause or go at the same time while they jogged to each jump. Above and below them they could hear shouts and thumps of fallen pairs who were taking a less slow and steady approach.

"Let me know if you'd like to pick up our pace," Primrose said casually as they came upon the next place they'd have to swing. "I have something for that."

”I wouldn't say no to that. It's funny, I've actually got a speed buff spell we could've used, but I'm not sure I can summon Valjean in this place.” Zenkichi paused, thinking. Could he summon Valjean? Sukukaja would be useful here…

A moment later, Zenkichi transformed into his Phantom Thief attire, and behind him, a spectral figure appeared before slowly fading into invisibility. ”So yeah, that's Valjean. My Persona. Lets me do a bunch of cool stuff. Just wanted to check if I could still get him in here. You said you had something we could use?”

Primrose had stepped away from him in order to prepare for a dance, but she put that on hold since the surprise revelation.


The way Primrose said the one word, it was that she was surprised Zenkichi had such a thing rather than being confused about what it was. So he was from the same world as Ann, Alibaba, and their friends? No, more than that, his outfit change indicated something else...

"You're one of the Phantom Thieves?" she asked. She wasn't sure, since he seemed much older than they were. Perhaps he was a mentor figure of some sort?

Zenkichi’s guard rose when Primrose asked him if he was one of the Phantom Thieves. Staring into her eyes, he let out a breath and relaxed. ”I am. The latest addition to the team, but back in our world we worked together to take down a corrupt businessman and the AI program he was trying to use to control the world. I guess you were on that other team with them before you all got split up?” He asked, concern evident in his voice for his allies.

That he was their latest edition, instead of the mentor Primrose figured, was an amusing detail. Still, hearing the worry Zenkichi held in his voice for the kids made Primrose soften somewhat. She hadn't been hostile to him, instead keeping up her more friendly facade around the man since he was still basically a stranger, but the genuine concern he showed for the Phantom Thieves went a long way to endearing himself with the dancer - though unbeknownst to him entirely.

"I was," she replied. "They've been looking for their lost friends. We managed to find two of them before we parted ways, but there are still some out there, somewhere." Alibaba's other half, Sakura, came to mind. Primrose shook her head slightly, then flashed Zenkichi a small, warmer smile than before. "I like to think I got to know some of them pretty well. If you're a part of their group, I'm sure they'll be delighted to see you when we manage to meet again."

Zenkichi smiled a little at the thought. ”Yeah, I kinda miss those kids. And it’d be good to know they’re doing alright in here, what with everything going on…” Trying not to let everything that happened in Midgar get to him, he nodded. ”And I think I heard Joker made one of the freakin’ Guardians into a Persona?” Somehow, that just fit that kid so well.

"Oh yes," she said, recalling the Red Eye's defeat and absorption quite well. It was probably the best outcome.

Eventually they really had to get going if they didn't want to end up last. So on that note Primrose bid Zenkichi to mind the rope between them as she took her starting pose.

"The Panther Dance," she purred, beginning to flow into the motions of her performance. It was a smooth, quick-footed dance that increased the speed of whomever she performed it for, which was only Zenkichi at the moment in order not to spread the effects to all of her allies, on the off chance every other pair was suddenly boosted. Of course she'd have to buff herself as well in order to keep up with him, but with practiced step she could move from the end of the first dance into the start of the second seamlessly as though it was a single dance.

When it was finished she glanced at partner. "How's that?"

Zenkichi’s eyebrows were raised at the dance, and at the very noticeable effect that it had on him, making him feel lighter, not unlike Sukukaja did. ”Dang, that’s actually pretty good. I just remembered that my speed-boosting spell can only affect one person at a time, though. Still, was worth a thought.” He mused as he looked towards the next obstacle, another rather long jump that would likely require them to swing underneath the platform.

His partner chuckled. "I've something for that too, if you're so inclined." She supposed if it resulted in accidentally giving the others a speed buff too, it wouldn't be the worst since collectively she and Zenkichi would have two.

”I mean, it’s worth a shot, I guess. Valjean!” Summoning his Persona once more, Valjean appeared in a burst of blue flames, raising his chains above him. ”This one only lasts a minute, though, so once you’re done, we better get a move on!” He warned.

Primrose nodded, and went right into the steps of the more sensual Sealticge's Seduction. This dance was as potent as it was provocative, and once she was finished she let her audience of one know so he could cast his spell.

”Sukukaja!” Zenkichi cried, another burst of energy flowing through him. As advertised, the energy poured not just through him, but into Primrose as well, spreading its effects.

Zenkichi wasted no time in dropping below and swinging, and this time, they cleared the jump easily with the benefit of both their boosted speed and a bit of practice from earlier. ”Now that’s what I’m talkin about!” He cheered.

Primrose joined him not a moment later, jumping when he was at the apex of his arc. She didn't voice her thoughts aloud like he did, though it was clear she too was having fun with their newfound speed.

Together they made short work of the next couple of sections, though not without several close calls. The increase in speed was exhilarating, but also made traversing the mountain more treacherous. The ice and snow didn't help that fact, and just when the unlikely duo had actually managed to pass a couple other pairs the danger of going too fast hit them. After another successful swing, Primrose landed on one of the small floating rocks but promptly slid off, her momentum sending her slipping forward over the side of it. She let out a soft "oh" in place of a gasp, about to go into free fall and take Zenkichi with her.

Zenkichi, right behind Primrose, watched the Dancer slide right off the edge of the rock and managed to get out a panicked ”Oh shi-” before he went right over the edge with her, flailing in mortal terror, watching the ground get closer and closer until they landed with an unceremonious thump, Zenkichi breathing heavily before realizing he was still alive. ”Oh, right, the hat guy said damage was disabled, didn’t he…?” The Phantom Thief mused, scratching the back of his neck. ”That was still terrifying though. Let’s, uh…not do that again.”

Standing up, he offered a hand to Primrose, sighing. ”And there goes all that lead that we got there, though I guess that’s what we get for trying to rush through it so much. Ah, oh well. It was still pretty fun until the whole ‘falling to your not-death’ thing.” A bit on the optimistic side, but he hadn’t expected to have ever really been in the lead in the first place, so it wasn’t much of a loss to him.

Primrose gingerly took his hand and let him help her to her feet. Dusting herself off she glanced up from where they’d fallen. "It was fun," she agreed. Also with the fact that maybe two speed buffs was too much. ”And I suppose there's nothing more we can do than go again."

”All there is to it, yeah.” Zenkichi agreed, turning back to the climb ahead of them. It’d be quite a bit of work to get back to where they were, but having already done it once, they had a fairly good idea of what would work and what would land them in the snow. On the way back up, without the exhilaration of their enhanced speed, however, Zenkichi noticed something…odd. There were streaks of blood in the snow, though when he stopped to look at them, the volume reminded him that the other team of Seekers did have somebody who could disassemble their body on a whim. ”Well, that’s not gross at all.” He nevertheless complained.

"Courtesy of Ms. Fortune, I'm sure." Primrose knew she was partnered with Therion, and having gotten to know both thieves (whether in her home world or here) she certainly didn't put it past either of them to set up some kind of trap.

Stepping over and around the blood, a small grimace on his face, Zenkichi jumped to the next platform and prepared to swing once more. ”So, how did things go on your end? Aside from getting the job done, that is. Midgar was…a bit of a mess. Always has been, at least as far back as my memory living there goes.”

"I've heard some about it from Midna already. As for the Under..." she trailed off, not very keen on going into detail about what they'd seen and done after already chatting about it a little with the Twilight Princess and Queen of Floralia. A byproduct of her pause was the slightly dramatic effect it created, but rather than leave Zenkichi in suspense she gave a simple answer. "...it was unpleasant. Hopefully it improves now that the source of its plague is gone."

And, because she just couldn't help herself apparently, she asked after a moment's hesitation, "...how far back do you remember? You've been in that place, Midgar, the entire time?"

Zenkichi paused at the question, stopping to really think. ”It’s…really fuzzy and vague. I know I’ve lived there for a few years, but trying to remember how long, it just…doesn’t work. I don’t know if my memories are even real, or if Galeem just created a facsimile of my life in Japan and replaced a bunch of places in my head. But I can remember at least two or three years of living in Midgar. That much I know for sure.” It was sort of existentially terrifying, knowing that at least some of his life was either false, or an implanted copy of a memory from the life he lived before Galeem.

He tried not to let it bother him, though his face betrayed some of that discomfort. ”I…haven’t really thought much about what that means, to be honest. I’m trying not to.” It was freaky to think about, really. They had plenty more climbing to do, which Zenkichi gestured towards, careful not to get too lost in conversation. When things got intense, he made sure not to distract Primrose, or himself. But when they found another series of short jumps, he added one more thing.

”What’s weirdest about it is that I’m basically trying to unscrew up my relationship with Akane again. My daughter,” he added quickly, ”Because boy, was I a rotten father for a while both times around after Aoi died…Ah, sorry, that got heavy all of a sudden.” He backpedaled quickly, knowing how weird it could get when he got reminiscey.

The dancer mentally filed away Zenkichi's timeline. The big mystery of it all, or part of it anyway, had already been revealed to her - but she still felt it important to keep track of how far back people could remember. For her, it was a scant few weeks. She didn't reply, especially since her partner hadn't asked, content for now to listen to Zenkichi tell part of his story as they gradually climbed back up the mountain.

The next piece of information he volunteered came as a surprise. Not only did Zenkichi have a daughter, but she was with him. He'd said "trying" - present tense. Primrose didn't say anything for a few moments, full of conflicting feelings as she was. Figuring that Zenkichi's apology might mean he thought she was uncomfortable with the conversation, she was quick to tell him, "it's fine."

A daughter, hm? she thought. In her opinion, Zenkichi was much too forthcoming with things like that. If he told the wrong person, it could put her in danger. Moreover though, the relationship between father and daughter had always been something of a sore spot for her. She didn't know Zenkichi well enough to dispute his comment about being a rotten father; but even if it was true and the man was trying to make amends, then Akane probably didn't know how lucky she had it that he was still in her life.

Eventually, after some awkward silence, Primrose offered him some advice. "...the best thing you can do, I think, is let her know you're there for her. And, then, be there for her."

Zenkichi paused, nodding. ”I think, for now, that’s probably the best thing I can do. She’s hanging out with her new pet on the ship we came in on now, sounded like she thought a carnival was too old-fashioned for her. Gotta admit, compared to an invisible flying ship the size of a small town, she’s probably right, but…am I really that old?” He complained rhetorically. His knees could tell him that he was.

At this point though, the conversation really was distracting Primrose and slowing them down. If they wanted to even complete the course, they'd have to pick up the pace. "Well, let's get going."

They hunkered down for a few more swings, focusing on cooperation instead of speed. Steadily making up for their lost time, they arrived at the mines.

As they crossed the threshold into the mines, Zenkichi breathed a sigh of relief. It was a little warmer in here, though as he looked ahead and noticed platforms moving, his relief turned into mortification. ”Ah. I see it’s only going to get worse.”

The way forward did seem daunting. They'd gotten a pretty good workout so far, exercising some muscles seldom used (at least on the dancer's part), so Primrose would be fine bowing out at this point. Then again, maybe that was against the spirit of the game. She took her time catching her breath at least, glancing down to see how far a fall would send them.

"Taking our time has worked so far. " Hopefully it would work the rest of the way too.
Geralt of Rivia & Zenkichi Hasegawa

Carnival Town

Lvl 13 Geralt (97/130) -> Lvl 13 (98/130) (+1 pending)

Lvl 7 Zenkichi - (23/70) -> Lvl 6 (24/70)

Word Count: 389 words

Their pieces said, Geralt and Zenkichi were rather taciturn for the remainder of the meetup, with Geralt mulling over the loss of Omori and the other Seekers, and Zenkichi just trying to people-watch and piece together who was who, and what everybody meant to each other. It was a bit of doing, and he definitely got the heebie-jeebies from Ganondorf, and a bit from Sectonia, but by the time they made it to the Big Top, the detective felt like he had a basic rundown of some of what was going on. Geralt did make sure to find a moment to give Nadia a short nod, though part of her still felt a bit uneasy at her current situation.

Cocking an eyebrow at Ballyhoo's over-the-top explanations, Geralt quickly made her way to grab a quick snack, getting some kind of confectionary consisting of peanuts covered in chocolate. The snack was rather tasty, though just as quickly devoured. Still, having something in her stomach after that fight with Z helped settle her nerves more, and she sighed. Competition for rewards, huh? With the possibility of getting a powerful Spirit to bolster herself with? It was almost too good to be true. Was it, in fact, too good to be true? What she was overhearing from some of the others indicated that these sorts of things were normal, but she was still a bit put off by the fact that this all seemed to be effectively free, except for the snacks. "Are we...sure this isn't some kind of trap?" She asked, eyes narrowing to slits.

"Honestly, this seems legit to me. This is classic video game stuff, and uh..." Lowering his voice, he slide next to Geralt and leant in. "Where I come from, I know for a fact Peach and Bowser come from a famous series of games. I don't know what that means about Galeem, or multiple universes, but...well, some things really are just what they seem." He stood back up as he said that last part, biting his lip nervously. Should he have said that? He felt like he recalled Geralt mentioning something about multiple worlds where she came from, but he wasn't sure if it was a good idea to even give those ideas to others. It was just...

So weird to him!
Geralt of Rivia & Zenkichi Hasegawa

Carnival Town

Lvl 13 Geralt (96/130) -> Lvl 13 (97/130) (+1 pending)

Lvl 7 Zenkichi - (22/70) -> Lvl 6 (23/70) (+1 pending)

Word Count: 699 words

The display on the Avenger's Bridge of the World of Light caught Zenkichi's interest almost immediately, and he found himself looking over it with Dawn and Sandalphon, though the latter was deeply focused on it. He had no idea just how massive the World of Light was, though he supposed there wasn't much reason for him to have, having only been free for a few days now. A lot of the names were definitely not from Earth, though he recognized one or two names from games like Mario, which gave him pause. He felt like he'd heard mention of Bowser, and Princess Peach had been with them in Midgar. Just what the hell was Galeem? Did infinite universes exist, and one just so happened to at least superficially resemble one of the most famous video game franchises from his world? Weird.

The introduction to Vandham, informal as it was, gave Zenkichi a little more info about where they were supposed to have been going. It seems like the attack on that Alcamoth place cost them a lot, but at least Geralt's wife was okay, and helping keep the new location for civilians safe. He'd have to see what happened with Akane, if the Avenger would be best with her trying to help out here and there, or settling her into this Markarth place. She was used to him being away for a few days at a time, though mostly from Japan instead of Midgar, so hopefully that wouldn't be too stressful if that was the route they took.

Soon enough, though, the Seekers were called to head to the Deployment Bay, and from there they got a crash course in high-impact altitude adjustment, both downwards and upwards. Death trap pods aptly named Hellpods, and a portable balloon device that put so many g's on you that it could knock you out.

Zenkichi gulped, while Geralt frowned with displeasure. Must people come up with such horrific modes of transportation? This might actually be worse than portals, and even the mere thought of that being the case disturbed Geralt. Still, at least Sandalphon seemed to enjoy it. Her deadpan voice the first go, before she teleported back onto the ship, didn't give much away, but her excitement to go again sure did.

Zenkichi took a few moments to text Akane a quick update, to which he received a sarcastic "Go ahead, dad, I'm just gonna hang out with Maru on the totally lame invisible megaship. Have fun at your carnival, old man." Yeah, he couldn't blame her for finding this place cool, especially with her nerves starting to settle.

So it was that Zenkichi and Geralt took one of the later batches of Hellpods down, landing not far from one another and racing to meet up with the Seekers while Midna was having an argument with one of the newer members of the other team, and Nadia completely failed to recognize Geralt. Though, she hardly looked like she had the last time Nadia saw her. As a quick proof of identity, Geralt drew her silver sword and rolled her eyes. "It's me. Fused with a few Spirits since we last saw one another. Though it looks like you've done a bit of Fusing yourself, even if you're still unmistakably Nadia." She greeted the other Seekers that they'd split up with, though took note of a few missing members. Ace, Rubick, and Big Band included among them.

Zenkichi, on the other hand, was meeting all of these new folks for the first time, and he was...a bit overwhelmed. A flying Bee Lady, Literally Bowser (Holy shit actually literally Bowser), a cat girl, and thankfully some kind of normal-looking people. "Hey, nice to meet you guys. I'm Zenkichi, new to the team. Geralt beat me up and shoved a magic heart inside me. Then we toppled a corrupt government and accidentally destroyed a city with millions of people living in it. I, uh...hope your Guardian went smoother!" Scratching the back of his neck awkwardly, Zenkichi shrugged. "At least we took care of it, though. Would've sucked to show up without anything to say for it, jeeze."
Zenkichi Hasegawa

Skies of Dystopia

Lvl 6 Zenkichi - (80/60) -> Lvl 7 (22/70)

Word Count: 808 words

As all of the Seekers boarded the Avenger, Zenkichi found himself looking around, a little awestruck, while he went with Akane to the living quarters. The ship was just so dang big. Akane was still a bit freaked out from the attack, but seeing that her dad and the others seemed to be okay was helping calm her nerves, along with being on a ship much bigger than the Virgin Victory. It'd take a lot more than a few thunderbolts from Z to take the Avenger down.

When the pair got to the living quarters, they looked around for an open set of bunks before settling down, sitting together on one of the couches. "Listen, Akane...I'm sorry things didn't work out the way I was hoping they would. I thought that they'd have a safe place for us to stay, and while it sounds like they do...it was a lot harder getting there than I think either of us expected."

Akane let Maru out of her Pal Sphere, cuddling the Cremis as she listened to her father. "I...don't think you could have predicted basically Zeus coming after us, dad. Though finding out that you guys basically destroyed Midgar was...a lot. Like, how did you even do that? Why did you do that? Those...all those people without power. I know Midgar was a bad place, but..." As the reality of the situation started to settle in, Akane looked more and more distraught, clutching Maru close and trying not to cry or get angry.

"We, uh...definitely did not expect that to happen. What they're...what we're trying to do is destroy these Guardians that are protecting Galeem. That's the thing that brought us here. And unfortunately...the Guardian in Midgar was this weird machine thing that was hooked up to a bunch of portals and generating energy for Midgar. So when we destroyed it...we took down Midgar's power source. They were lying about the Mako reactors, though I wonder if those things are even safe, or even work. I...trust me, Akane, I wasn't happy about it, either, but...honestly, Midgar was such a horrible place, I feel like whatever comes next can only be better. And I know it's terrible to say that about so many people losing their homes, but it was constantly under attack. Shinra never really cared about people, General Affairs was corrupt, and DesporHado wasn't much better. I just hope they can get a new start...if it even really makes a difference." Zenkichi sighed, shaking his head.

"We don't even know what comes after this. After Galeem is gone. How it's all gonna go. If...we'll even remember any of this. I don't wanna just pretend nothing we do matters, but...when it's the fate of like a jillion universes at stake, I can kind of see why people say the ends justify the means. I don't like it, and I'm not gonna just start killing people or anything, but...it just sucks." Zenkichi chuckled bitterly, before sighing again.

Akane forced a crooked smile, giving her dad a vaguely condescending pat on the thigh. "It's okay, dad. At least you're trying, now." She half-joked, prompting another chuckle from Zenkichi.

"Yeah, at least I'm trying, hah. I just wanna do the right thing, and in this screwed up place it feels like that's harder to do than it used to be. But I'm still trying." Akane groaned a little, letting her head fall back.

"Dad, you're not cool, stop trying to be." She chuckled a little, squeezing Maru and burying her face in her fluffy mane. "But...thanks, dad. For trying. So, uh...what's the deal with those weird clothes?"

Zenkichi laughed at that, shaking his head. "I genuinely don't think you'd believe me if I tried to explain it." He deflected, not wanting to go into it. "But it was described to me as the spirit of rebellion inside me. And yes, I know, I'm not a cool rebellious dude or anything. He cut off any rebuttal with a roll of his eyes. "But I'm trying to make this world a little better for people. And get us all home." Akane nodded, petting Maru lovingly.

"Yeah. Uh, if you wanna go and meet up with the others and like, do a strategy meeting or whatever you do, I think I'm just gonna hang out with Maru for a while..." Akane plopped her face into Maru's fur, cuddling the Cremis to calm down more.

"Alright, Akane. I love you, kid. Even if you're a giant pain in my butt." Zenkichi joked, headpatting his daughter softly with a chuckle.

"You deserve it." Came a muffled response from Maru's fur as Zenkichi left. As he left, passing by the bridge, he ran into Sandalphon and Dawn, who were exiting.

"Oh, hey you two. What's up?" He asked.
Geralt of Rivia & Zenkichi Hasegawa

Skies of Dystopia

Lvl 13 Geralt (90/130) -> Lvl 13 (92/130) (+1 pending)

Lvl 6 Zenkichi - (78/60) -> Lvl 6 (80/60) (+1 pending)

Word Count: 780 words

As the battle raged on even harder, Geralt transformed into her Ardor Blossom form, knocking Zeustrikes out of the sky with fireballs, but taking more heat in return. Z punished each Zeustrike's demise with a bolt of lightning, and then simply summoned more. They couldn't be ignored, however, as they flitted around, hurting every Seeker they could land an attack on.

Zenkichi was doing his best to purge the statuses that Z and the Zeustrikes gave out, but his buffs were powerful and far apart, meaning that within a few seconds, whoever he managed to cleanse would likely be Charged and Jolted again. It was rough going, and once Midna's will broke and she retreated, things started to look even more bleak as Z commanded his minions to pepper the Seekers with shavings of iron, furthering increasing their electrical conductivity and rendering them more vulnerable to electric damage.

It was after this point that Sandalphon reached out to Commander Nelson, requesting a change of plan to escape. Sandalphon and Goldlewis unleashed powerful attacks, forcing Z off and heavily damaging the Zeustrikes, and defeating many of them outright. Geralt and Zenkichi filled the air with fireballs and bullets, Zenkichi sighing after his revolvers clicked empty, and Geralt relaxing with satisfaction after the last was destroyed, and the Virgin Victory's shields came up.

Geralt returned to her natural Identity, and Zenkichi let out a long sigh, shoulders slumping. He was just about depleted again, maybe having a few more Triple Downs or -kaja buffs in him. A Heat Riser or Megidola would probably wipe him out, though. Their relief was short lived, with Z bursting through the cloud cover in a completely expected manner, booming that they'd only made their inevitable crash-landing even worse. Zenkichi and Geralt locked eyes, nodded, and prepared for combat once more, before pausing to stare at the massive ship that appeared before the Virgin Victory.

Watching the absolute smackdown that occurred after the fighters burst from the new ship, Zenkichi laughed, hooted and hollered, completely confident that these daredevils had the fight, though Geralt watched with narrowed eyes. That almost looks like Dante, but certainly not the way I remember her. But those three girls are unmistakable as the ones Link freed from that Gaol. Silently, he smiled. That meant they'd know what happened to Yennefer. Good.

Not long after, the Virgin Victory landed and the Seekers disembarked near the Avenger. Akane was practically clinging to her father, who was more than willing to reassure his daughter. While their relationship was sometimes acerbic, the time they'd had to remember the mending that the Thieves had helped them do was easing the tension. It didn't hurt that he'd just risked his life to protect her, either.

When Tora came out of the Avenger, Poppi right at his side, Geralt had to pause. Knowing what she knew, it should have been possible, but...they'd mentioned that Poppi was lost in the Valley when the robots attacked. So...how did Tora get her Spirit back?

Zenkichi was just thrilled to learn that that doomed expedition had been just a little less terrible. Poppi wasn't the only casualty of that mission, but...well, he couldn't blame the others for celebrating having their friend back. It was a lot easier not to think about the people they'd known for a couple of hours, the mercs that had gone out with them. Even for him.

The matter of Poppi's Spirit was explained after a couple of questions by Roxas, and Geralt was...only somewhat surprised to hear about the help from the Organization. He knew Roxas didn't trust them, their leader in particular, but they'd been nothing but helpful so far, even if their help was not always practical in nature. Still, having Poppi, and by extension Tora, back was great.

"It's Geralt, by the way. Flirt with me at your own risk." She made sure to clarify, knowing that neither had seen her since her latest round of Fusions. Zenkichi gave a chuckle to that, though he had no idea just how far Tora's flirtatious ways went when it came to attractive women. Geralt might have had some weird stuff inside her at the moment, but the warning wasn't unwarranted.

The discussion surrounding their new allies, where they had come from, and the...ramifications of Galeem's defeat put a bit of a damper, on the mood, but Geralt looked to Dante, Cirrus, and Dawn, and stepped forward. "Where's Yennefer? On the ship, or did she have you drop her off somewhere?" The possibility that she didn't survive had not once occurred to Geralt, and to even entertain the notion would have felt like a betrayal.
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