Avatar of NanoFreakV2
  • Last Seen: 15 days ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 575 (0.16 / day)
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    1. NanoFreakV2 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

9 yrs ago
Current One does not simply perform a hardware assisted lithobraking twice.
1 like
9 yrs ago
I don’t have a short temper, I just have a quick reaction to bullshit.
9 yrs ago
"Will they stay when they see, what we have done just to be . . . free . . ."
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9 yrs ago
They're coming to make peace. Destroy them!
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9 yrs ago
If you see a bomb technician running, follow him.


Maybe I'll add something about me here... someday...

But until then have some:


Or maybe you'd prefer to become a criminal and drive it like you stole it?

And then, after you realize what horrible crimes you've done, you'd probably want to just get high and forget about things.


Maybe you're a bit stressed out and insomnia has taken over. I'm certainly an insomniac, but not due to stress.

But fret not over crimes or stress or insomnia my friend, cause you shall gather the seven nation army and take over this forum!
Take the sky epxress to your throne, to make it yours to rule, more infamous than any Human alive.

Blind with power you'll become careless and indifferent of your eminent downfall. Desperate to hold on to that power, yet still a Dreamer, where others have failed, you are cunning.

And once the forums have been shook by your cymatics, down the road you make your escape to a place where the real stars are.

But remember, one day somebody might come back for you.

I didn't plan for this . . . it just happened. Still haven't written anything about myself in here... other than my music tastes.
Eh, maybe another day then.

Either way thanks for the visit!

Most Recent Posts

A bit of childhood memories and nostalgia right there.
@Lmpkio Well I did not intend on putting Palpatine on hold or anything, I thought you wanted a chance to react to Palpatine, last time I checked the USS Creed did send a warning it was beaming Palpatine to the Hangar bay of the Endeavor. But if you wish I can have Palpatine start stuff over there, it's no issue.

As long as Queen Raidne is gone I'll try to keep this running to the best of my abilities (Palpatine included), but it was never my intention to do this alone. There are a lot of things to keep track of when suddenly having to GM the RP on your own.

My point is, if there is something holding you back from posting or I happened to miss something, don't just sit around doing nothing. The least any of you can do if such happens is at least point it out in OOC so that I can resolve any issues.

That being said, Lmpkio do let me know if you want to do anything else and if that is not the case I'll handle Palpatine in the next post.
@Sep As suggested, to move things along, the next post will also deal with new arrivals.

As a final note I'll just leave this here:

For an RP to work communication is key.
Well seeing as nothing else is happening, I'll get a post up in the next two days and have the new people pop in, so last chance to get something up. It would be nice to know who specifically is dropping out as I've got plans for the soon to be AFK ships.
Percyvallus Crowglide

Location - Terreille, Dhemlan Territory, Landen town of Ironmawr

Percyvallus turned his head to the side and stared out of the corner of his eye at the man who had entered the tavern, immediately recognizing him as one of the few bloods in town. A frown immediately overtook his face.
As the man willingly elaborated on the current state of affairs in Ironmawr, Percyvallus turned to face his glass and lowered his head, eyes closed.

It seemed Landen weren't the only ones to suffer under the sweep of corruption. Percyvallus may have even felt somewhat uplifted hearing about the misfortune of other Blood, were it not for others gaining more influence from it. And as if his parents didn't have enough, now his father was seeking to possibly gain even more.

"Perhaps it would be best if they weren't allowed to enter Helios." Percyvallus sneered at Rainer with contempt and disregard to his hardships. "Blood in large groups are just trouble."

Unlike the way most people would have avoided discussions regarding that subject, the taverner was surprisingly open about it. "That may be. But the same Blood might be the only thing that could stand against this depraved and perverted caste. As a Blood, you should know. You've been doing so for quite a while now, haven't you? Possibly for even longer than I've been alive."

Percyvallus clenched his teeth in response to being called out as Blood, despite it being common knowledge, and merely responded to the taverner with a contemplative grunt. More so as he was forced to acknowledge the truth behind the man's words. Even if he managed to ever take down his parents, then what? They were certainly part of the problem, but not the source of it. A source of evil Percyvallus had no hope of defeating on his own.

Helios, eh? He mentally repeated.

Downing one final glass of the brown liquid, Percyvallus stood up. "It seems I won't be staying as long as I usually do." He said as he left his payment on the counter. "It's always a pleasure conversing with you."
The taverner turned to face him and offered melancholic smile, though accompanied by a look that gave Percyvallus the impression he could see right through him. Perhaps he could.

Passing Rainer on the way to the door, he couldn't help but glance sternly at him. He never liked seeing Blood wandering through Ironmawr. It almost felt like an invasion of his private space. Part of Percyvallus wanted to challenge the man to the duel, and he would have if Rainer wasn't someone who couldn't hope to hold his own against him. It was no surprise to Percyvallus that his wife and son had left him.

Just as Percyvallus was about leave he stopped as the man behind the counter spoke to him one more time.

"Do tell me all about Helios once you return."

With a smirk on his face, Percyvallus closed the door behind him.
@NanoFreakV2 question will we drop in elsewhere or in the middle of the existing cluster fuck?

I feel like new ships dropping in elsewhere would be good for them.

Depends. If the combat will be over by then, I'll have you drop there. Otherwise it will indeed be somewhere close by, but not in the middle of the battle zone.

Also if I may add to the previous discussion. I think it's not a particularly good idea to try and extract hard facts out of any science-fantasy or even science fiction show. There will always be times where a producer or such will go with what's cool and not what makes sense from a scientific point of view.
@Burning Kitty It's mainly intended for new players to join, but if someone is interested in having a different or additional ship added to the mix, I'm open to discussions.
A note to everyone, after the next one or two GM posts new ships will have the possibility to drop in. That also means as of now new applications can be made to join once more.

@Sep I've reviewed your CS and it's accepted. You can go ahead and move it to the CS section in preparation for its arrival.
@Burning Kitty
One of the old Goa'uld hyperdrives could have ships going at 32000 times the speed of light. So if my calculation isn't wrong (though its entirely possible it is, I suck at math), an old Goa'uld ship could travel 1 lightyear in around 16 minutes. And that's like the slowest ship in the stargate universe, from that point on, they only get faster.

Indeed these are completely different universes, different circumstances, differences are to be expected. Still, in order for the RP to be... well... not shite, all speeds from the different universes will be roughly equalized. If it weren't, well it would have taken the Creed quite a bit longer to reach earth.

Or... OR... It could be interesting seeing the player ships try to make in-universe drives work with their ships. Like trying to salvage them from the Goa'uld. That could make things interesting too.
Though your really quick warp to earth would still have to be explained somehow...
@Queen Raidne No worries, I'll keep the show running for when you decide to return.

@Burning Kitty Well the current Prometheus has a modified Al'kesh hyperdrive and old Goa'uld hyperdrives aren't particularly fast. It could take a few months to years to cross the galaxy. There are however faster ones used later in a show. The quickest a Stargate Command ship has ever been was 4 days for an intergalactic voyage. From the milky way to the pegasus to be specific. I believe the Asgard can top that with just a few hours between galaxies.
@Flamelord Stuff is hitting the fan alright. xD

@Burning Kitty Well I reckon this is more of a grey area Captain Frye is treading. On one hand earth is indeed pre-warp, but currently Fyre is only dealing with Stargate Command whose ships are warp-speed capable via Hyperspace, although they're currently using a Goa'uld hyperdrive as opposed to one of their own design. It is a rather interesting situation if you think about it, yeah.
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