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Arthur Stanford

Location:Top Deck

Skills: Ferrokinesis

Arthur looked on as he late sister delivered her message, unable to form a response. It hurt a lot to see her, more than he expected, but when Rebecca told him to stay, something snapped. Him being useless in that fight at camp was the last time he'd ever feel that way. His hands shaking, he drew his dagger, and exhaled. He was going out there, and he was going to keep these people safe. Running out to the deck, he looked out at the birds, ready to fight.

Almost on impulse, he tossed his knife up into the air for a moment, before it floated back down to hid hand. Once more, he put threw it up, only for it to stay this time, floating above his hand. There was something new in his eyes, a kind of fury that he hadn't felt before. These monsters wanted them? They'd have to take them by force. From his hands, the dagger flew and struck one of the creatures, before jutting at a right angle, and striking another one, making both of them fall dead. Returning back to him, Arthur held the dagger in his hands, a bit surprised at what he'd just done, but impressed nevertheless.

Oliver Sullivan

Location:Quinjet -> ground
Skills: Superspeed

Shielding his eyes from the bright light, Oliver had a gut feeling that, whatever was about to happen, was bad. His fears were confirmed, as the squid looking alien introduced itself and invoked Thanos's name. Knowing that these people were bad news, he came up with a rough plan of what to do: attack, and retreat back. He figured he was fast, and even though he wasn't skilled in combat, the creature didn't look that strong, especially compared to the hulkish creature standing beside him. Thinking he might be able to cut the head off the the proverbial snake, Oli backed up, and then charged him down.

Closing the distance between the two of them, Oli thought for sure he'd be able to land a solid hit, but he stopped dead as this thing caught him, and with strength that surprised Oliver, tossed him through the air like a ragdoll. A look of pure fear crossed his face as he realized, there was nothing he could do to stop this. Bracing for impact as best he could, his eyes went wide as he smacked into it, feeling at least three of his ribs break at the same time. A howl briefly escaped his lips, before dying off, as his body fell limp on the ground, unconscious.

Elizabeth Flame

Location: Exploding Snap Compartment (Compartment 15)
Magic: Patronus Charm, Engorgio

Eliza huffed at Artemis's warning saying, "Right right, counterpoint." She said, and stepped back from the door, pointing her wand outwards, "Let's do somethin' a bit more useful." She closed her eyes, and thought for a moment, summoning up the happiest memory she had: watching the sunset over the poppy fields from her childhood home. Nothing would ever be so beautiful, or fill her with such comfort as that. "Expecto Patronum!" She shouted, and, erupting from the tip of her wand, came a silver, beautiful unicorn, bristling and ready to run. Taking a step forward, she said, "Run out there and keep them death eaters from focusing, distract best you can." The unicorn charged out the room in response. In the mean time, Eliza pointed her wand at the door, and with a swish of her wand, whispered, "Engorgio!" Causing the cinder block to swell up this time, and block them in. Tilting her head towards Paige she said, "I'd say you should send yours out at well, whatever edge we can give the aurors is worth it."

Meanwhile, the unicorn ran out the room, and down the corridor towards to Engine room, only to find a single death eater being forced against a wall by a water jet. Pausing for a moment, it backed away a bit, not wanting to distract the auror by mistake. It seemed like they had the situation under control, and doing anything more would risk messing that up. The unicorn stood by the side, ready to charge at and try to scare the Death Eater if it got out of it's current situation.

Oliver Sullivan

Skills: Hacking, Computers

Oliver looked at Tempest, on one hand happy that she found Thane, on the other hand unable to believe she didn't provide a last name. Deciding to take matters into his own hands, he tried to get into the hospital records on his own and find them, but was unable to get any concretre information without knowing Thane's last name. "Was there uh, any kind of surname in those records?" Oliver asked Tempest, hoping that would lead him to being able to get them some kind of information on how to track down the man. Unrelated, however, he gave a nervous, awkward look towards Cass, happy to see she'd joined them, but unable to bring himself to say anything to her, still ashamed of his actions.

As they waited for things to get a move on, he tried to make further use of himself for the other team, see if he could find anything that could point him towards "The Black Order." He figured that, if they were here, somebody might have seen them enter, but it seemed the Twitterverse was much more interested in talking about The God of Thunder's rock hard abs, and how fuckable that made him. That was depressing on several levels, even if he couldn't strictly speaking disagree with them. Awkwardly shirking back after Flynn's outburst towards Tinley, he supposed now wasn't the best time to tell them all he had jack shit.

Elizabeth Flame

Location: Exploding Snap Compartment (Compartment 15)
Magic: Inanimatus Conjurus, Engorgio

It seems the universe had plans for Eliza that didn't involve her leaving this room anytime soon, as a large commotion seemed to be happening outside the compartment. Drawing her wand, she looked around the room, before cursing under her breath, "Fuck, this ain't good." On the bright side, two of the most competent duelists around were in here, and Fae could beat the daylights out of anybody who came near them, so there was that. Thinking quickly, she started formulate the beginnings of a plan. Keeping people out was the best idea, Death Eaters finding them in here would probably end in bloodshed.

Swishing her wand about, she stuttered, "I-Inanimatus Conjurus!" and a small dead rat, which fell to the ground, motionless. "Fer fuck's sake, now's not the time for nerves Eliza, focus." She berated herself, and tried again, finding her voice, and almost shouting, "Inanimatus Conjurus!" causing a small cider block to appear in front of her. Now, she had something she could use to keep them out. Picking up the block, she propped it against the door, and said, "Engorgio!" Trying to make it larger, but hitting the rat instead, making it start to swell, before bursting. Retching, she began to cough, covering her nose and saying, "Fuck, sorry."

Elizabeth Flame

Location: Earth -> Stark Tower, Upper Floor
Skills: N/A

Looking at Guin and Pietro argue, Elizabeth couldn't believe this was happening. The human torch has just crashed in front of them, and they were bickering about going up there. Wasn't the entire point of them being heroes was that they put themselves at risk? She was scared, sure, but she was at least ready to accept the danger incurred by her actions. Maybe it was different, being in a relationship the way they were changed priorities, but now wasn't the time. Didn't he realize that, if they didn't get this up there, Guin would die anyway? They had to deal with this, it was so much bigger than them.

As she was thinking this, Bethany moved her and the rest of them up into the tower. This was her first time experiencing shadow travel, and it was a trip. "Gosh that's fast, nice job." She said, steadying herself. Shifting her arm into a gun, she looked around at the group, ready for them to advance forward, if anything hostile might be waiting for them on the top of the tower. They were in the endgame now, and she was going to assume that anything that looked like it was going to fuck with them needed to be summarily dealt with. That meant she was fully in shoot first, ask questions later mode.
Arthur Stanford

Location: Hallway -> Top Deck

Talking to Des, Arthur visibly froze when he saw Ash in the corner of his eye. That wasn;t supposed to be possible, she was dead and gone, not at all supposed to be here on the ship. Quickly enough, something told him exactly what she was. A ghost, and fragment of who she used to be. He supposed being a son of Hades lent him some predilection for certain traits, and that included some instincts around the undead. He felt his heart beat quickening, everything feeling bad and wrong. If she was here, that meant she wasn't resting, she wasn't enjoying her afterlife with their godly father.

His voice breaking, as he broke off from Des, and approached the ghost, he called out, "A-ash? You're n-not supposed to be here." He was shaking from head to toe, eyes welling up and struggling to keep himself from crying. "G-go away! Please!" He was lashing out, it's not that he didn't want her with them, but rather that he didn't want her like this. "You deserve to rest, and that's not something you can do here." He bit his lip, hoping she wouldn't be around for long, since he had no idea how to actually put her to rest.

Oliver Sullivan

Skills: Databases, Computers

As they entered the atmosphere, Oli started working on actually being useful. He thought that, perhaps, SHIELD had run into this Thanos person before, and that they might know something of him. Unfortunately, as he searched and searched, nothing came up. It seemed that whoever this person was, they were an unknown quantity. The only other reasonable thing he could think to check, would be to try to find anybody who'd actually undergone Terrigenesis in Cardiff. Looking through local news, he saw that a young man by the name of Stephen Watts certainly had.

Feeling tense, he started digging into the man's life, trying to see if this could be their suspect. The man seemed to have a Facebook page, and he frowned as he saw that he was outside of their target age range. "God damn it." He muttered under his breath. This was like searching for a needle in a haystack. There was only one thing left to check that he could possibly think of, to start looking for UFO sightings. If Thane was an alien, that meant he had to have arrived on Earth at some point. Logging back into the SHIELD databases, he started searching, and finally came upon something useful. There'd been a crash in 1992, Halloween, two people were on it, one DOA, the other got carted off to University Hospital of Wales. That sat oddly with him, as that was the same date he was born, and the same hospital he was born in. Frowning, he closed his laptop at they landed, and got suited up. Ignoring Raynor's comments, trying to keep things as professional as possible for the moment, he waited next to Tempest and said, "When you get a chance, can you check records for the University Hospital of Wales, Halloween 1992? SHIELD records indicate a UFO crash happened back then, and apparently one of the occupants were sent there. The time and date make sense for Thane, this seems like the best lead we have." He'd do it himself, but he figured getting another set of eyes of the problem would be good, and keeping the general team apprised of the situation seemed like a good thing.

Elizabeth Flame

Location: Exploding Snap Compartment (Compartment 15)

Elizabeth frowned as Chiara scuttled away from her, but she of all people knew it was best to respect boundaries on these things. Standing back up, she just nodded and said, "Space it is then." Looking at the poor thing, she frowned. Whatever was going on, it seemed to all start off after Paige and Fae's exchange. She loved her best friend dearly, but Eliza knew that she came on strong, and that could be scary to those that didn't know any better. Whatever was going on, them staying would only make things harder for her, Eliza thought, and that meant it'd be best for them to take their lead.

"Nah Paige, it's fine." She said, and straightened herself up, before looking back at Fae. "I think it's actually best if the two of us take our leave for now. Fae, come along love." It wasn't really Fae's fault, Eliza didn't think, but what she had said had set the kid off, maybe that meant that removing the two of them from the situation would make things better. That, and it might be a token to Paige to let her talk with Barnaby. The way she saw it, there was no point in firing the first shot this year. If the girl so much as lifted a finger against her of Fae, it'd be war for sure, but she was doing all she could to at least give her a shot.

Elizabeth Flame

Location: Galactus' Ship -> Earth
Skills: N/A

As they were teleported back to Earth, Elizabeth looked around at the destruction in front of her. This was not good, at all, and seeing what the Surfer could do made her marvel. This was the sort of powers that, even as Xmen or Avengers, people didn't often see. It looked like an army had gone through here, but she knew it was, in all probability, just one man, versus Earth's mightiest heroes. "Yeah, priority has to be getting that Nullifier to a place where it can be used on Galactus, the sooner this battle ends, the better." Looking back at Mira, she nodded to the crew leaving with her. Taking care of their own was important, but they couldn't let that distract from the importance of their mission.

"We should go as a group to the top, er, Guin right?" She asked, thinking this might be the first time they had actually spoken. "If you go up alone, and somebody else is there, or sees you there and ambushes you, we could lose the Nullifier, and then it's game over." That was the correct move to her, though she admittedly had less experience than anybody else here, so her tactics could be off. In reality, she wanted to be there when they threatened this planet eating monster. This was her first real mission, and she didn't want to be sidelined at the end of everything. It just so happened that, what she considered good strategy lined up with her own desire.
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