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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Janelle Gauger

Location: Manhattan Bus Depot
Skills: N/A

She wasn't too sure about this, at all. They had a few people around them, that much was obvious just by the noise alone. Anyone around them could be after them, and she wasn't too sure what to really think. "So this Mist thing makes it so that normal people don't see anything or whatever... That's fun..." she muttered somewhat, as she listened to what Kristin was saying about monsters. She didn't want to run into anything like the Manticore right off the bat, it was a bit concerning, but they didn't really have much time to lose, they had to get going.

When Kristin suggested getting on the bus, Janelle nodded her head in agreement, they really needed to get on the bus already. "...So let's get going already," she said, about to head that direction when Zeke offered to guide her to the bus and on board. Thinking for a moment, she nodded her head, "Okay, thank you Zeke," she said, giving him a smile as she reached out slightly, taking his arm. It was something she was used to, since it allowed her to move around more quickly should they need to run. As opposed to if she was left by herself.

Marygold Isley

Location: Flying Ship - Galley
Skills: N/A

"Glad you seem to be enjoying yourself, even if it is just a little bit," she said, giving the kid a smile as she turned her attention back to Alannah and Lauryn. Listening to them explain somewhat what was going on, and letting Andy know where Jupiter was exactly. "Yeah, them being on the west coast is why most of us who are demigods of the Greek Pantheon tend to stay away from it. We tend to like to stay on the east coast," she added with a shrug, saying nothing else on the subject.

Looking at the map where Alannah circled, "Fun, I've always wanted to go to Vegas." Hearing Lauryn's words, she rolled her eyes slightly at her wanting to go stop by at some dump that Hephaestus created. She wasn't too sure that would be the best idea, but she also knew that there might be useful things there that could hopefully help them along the way, but it was a bit of a crap shoot what they'd find. They could find helpful things, or things that could potentially kill them, it was a bit random with a god's dump of sorts.

Jason Gauger

Location: Flying Ship - His cabin -> The Galley
Skills: N/A

He let out a bit of a sigh as he glanced around once more at the cabin. Who chose orange for a camp color of all things? Especially such a bright orange. At least if it had been a darker color, he probably could have lived with it, but now they were stuck with it. Clearly someone had a sense of humor when it came to that sort of thing. Jason wished that things could go back to before the satyr had shown up to help them run from monsters. At least before, it was mainly just him and his sister against the world, but now they were more or less truly against a world that seemed to constantly be wanting to kill them.

After a moment, he just shook his head, before he turned and left the cabin, wanting to get out of the odd color scheme as soon as possible. He wasn't too sure where to go on the ship, so he figured he might as well try to find his way to the galley, since they had mentioned that before. The question is was he paying attention enough to actually figure out where that was. Luckily for him, it wasn't so much that he remembered, but that he just chose the lucky direction, and wandered into the galley, seeing others already there.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Ship: Top Deck

Demetri continued his way on towards the galley, his gait slowing down as he inevitably stopped in a hallway away from peering eyes. He leaned against the wooden wall and closed his eyes. His worry for how things might be going on Zekes end began to bubble up again as he debated on doing one thing he had never tried before. It was hard to think of prayer when one didnt believe in gods, though the evidence was piling up against him and he had began to concede on the fact that at the very least greek gods did exist. He had seen Thanatos in person and thus had to conclude at least Hades was real. "Look, I dont normally do this but...I'm calling out to you Zeus, father of heavens and blood in my veins. I ask that you watch over Zeke and the others on their quest. Help ensure that they return to camp safely and without harm. I know I haven't-" suddenly he heard music blaring from above him.

"Alright whose throwing the rager without me." There was a bit of excitement but it was tinged with annoyance as his prayer was cut short. Demetri quickly made his way towards the Upper Deck only to see Arthur and Rebecca in the center of the Justin Bieber party. "Hey! Maybe choose a better song to party to next time, no judgement but it's a little 2010 dont you think? Could we maybe do some Troye or Charli XCX, hell I'd settle for Ariana Grande even.". A shadow loomed over him as he looked up and saw the birds above them. Suddenly the noisey racket made sense. Hercules had a attempted a similar feat during his labors and it would be best for the ship if they could gather them all together. "Ok I have an idea. Keep up the racket, I need to find rope and a ginger boy who is child to Ares."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Argo III Upper Deck:

Everyone who was on the ship would instantly be able to hear the godawful singing of Justin Bieber, but Rebecca's distraction was really effective there were 100 birds and now only 28 birds would remain. Though they were a lot more braver then the ones who fled, they would swoop down and attack, one of them attempted to snatch the book out of Rebecca's hands. It's celestial bronze talons trying to claw at the book as well, while two others managed to land a few small cuts across her face. While three of them instantly went to attack Arthur now as well landing a few scratches at his arms as well and trying to take a bite out of the young kid as well.

Five more went and started to attack Demetri, landing a couple of scratches on his arms and face while they all squawked at the three of them angrily. Lauryn quickly made her way up the flight of stairs, a shield and sword in her hand and managed to cut down the ones who had attacked Arthur. "Really you picked a really god awful song to distract them." Lauryn said looking at Rebecca and gave her a slight smile though she hated the singer, the song was so horrible that it at least got a lot of the birds to flee a few seconds later Alannah and Kiera came up as well.

Kiera Donovan

Location: The Argo III, Crew Deck -> Upper Deck
Skills: Hydrokinesis

Kiera listened to Leda as she told her why the two of them broke up, from what she could tell from Rebecca she seemed to be pretty nice and didn't really display the things Leda mentioned. But then she had only been in the camp for a week now anyway, and made a note to talk to Rebecca privately to see her side of things. "Thank you for telling me." Kiera said giving Leda a friendly smile, and looked over towards the galley and nodded towards her. "Sounds good to me, then want to hang out or something afterwards?" She said, while she made her way towards the galley.

She got the little bit of information, and looked down at the map of the US seeing their stop locations, but she wasn't sure what they were for anyway. When Kiera covered her ears, and hearing the shitty singing of Justin Bieber. While she looked towards the others, and wondered if someone was in their cabin blasting it but she could hear it clearly coming up from the upper deck. "I'm going to check it out." Alannah said following shortly behind Lauryn as well, Kiera looked at the others before following as well she wanted to know what the music was all about as well.

When Kiera got up there she saw the birds attacking Rebecca, Demetri and Arthur as well she looked around before seeing some clouds nearby from what she remembered from high school classes they were made of water mostly as well. And she hadn't really used her demigod abilities much either and then concentrated as she managed to make some water from them and then sent the water directly at the ones attacking Demetri, and they broke off quickly.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Manhattan Bus Depot
Skills: N/A

Kristin nodded towards Janelle and smiled towards her a little bit. "Some demigods are able to learn how to control and manipulate the Mist as well to." She said, she didn't really know anyone at camp who could actually control it but she did hear stories that they could if someone did train them to use it as well. Kristin was about to make her way towards the bus when she stopped both Janelle and Zeke would hear the sound as well. When Kristin felt the wind getting knocked out of her, and felt talons grabbing her shoulder she was sent flying back and hit her back with a loud thud.

Her vision blurred a little bit as Kristin got up, and pulled out her spear again off of her wrist, seeing that it was a group of five harpies. Zeke would recognize them as well from camp the ones who were friendly at camp and one of the few monsters allowed to move freely in camp. Though they weren't the ones from camp, the one who managed to attack Kristin had her pack in it's hands and started to rummage through it's contents. "Hey that's mine!" Kristin yelled as she tried to grab it back, when another of the harpies tried to take Zeke's and Janelle's packs as well.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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✨ Rebecca Eventide ✨

Location: Argo III - Upper Deck
Skills: Necromancy

Rebecca arched an eyebrow as Demetri came up to the top deck, complaining about the choice of music. "It is not meant to be pleasing to the ears!" she informed him, though he seemed to come to that realization all on his own a moment later. The horrible song had worked mostly, repelling the blunt of the birds - only about a quarter of them remained. The birds swarmed her, trying to take her precious grimoire, her Book of Shadows - a magical gift from her mother. They cut at her face and she bled, droplets falling down onto the cover of the book. She could hardly think as she thrust out her hand and clenched her fingers. "Serve me!" she commanded.

Arthur was not the only demigod with powers over the dead. Hecate was the goddess of ghosts.

A skeleton was seemingly spit out onto the top deck of the ship, dressed in old military gear from a war that had long since past. It was armed with a sword and did Rebecca's bidding, aiding the daughter of Hecate. The skeleton fought off as many birds as it could, slicing five of the birds for its mistress. Catching her breath and concentration, Rebecca was relieved to see that Lauryn had protected Arthur. He must have been too stunned to hear her tell him to go down below deck where it was safe. Others had come up too, including the daughter of Poseidon, spraying jets of water at the birds.

"Demetri! What's your plan?" Rebecca called out, her skeleton bodyguard at her side.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Argo III - Crew Deck Hallway -> Galley -> Upper Deck
Skills: Rainbow Manipulation

"Sure, maybe they've got some stuff for tie dying on this ship," Leda said. She loved to add splashes of rainbow coloring to everything. It was dreadfully boring when things were just a single solid color - total blah. The brighter, more vibrant, more varied things were, the more beautiful. It was one thing she liked about Keira. Her eyes were green like the ocean - shifting shades in the light. For a brief moment, she had to wonder how much like her older brother, Percy, Keira would be. He was their generation's Hercules after all - and aside from a Cyclops, Leda hadn't heard of any siblings of Percy Jackson. Keira was essentially the first one in a long time. It was an even bigger legacy to live up to than Zeus'.

She entered the galley with Keira, briefly looking at the map of locations as to where they'd stop. She couldn't help but notice that Rebecca wasn't there. When all of the sudden, Justin Bieber started blasting - and Leda's ears felt like they had just burst. It had to be the most horrible, gods awful sound she had ever heard. "Bloody hell?" she cursed. She wasn't about to stay behind, though she had to wonder what sort of monsters liked to listen to Justin Bieber. Only the must depraved ones would...

When they got up to the top deck, Leda saw killer birds tormenting the demigods up there. Rebecca had a skeleton minion at her side, a spell book in her hand. Lauryn sprang into action to protect Arthur, as he was too young to know much fighting. She wasn't sure what Demetri was doing. "Don't look this way!" Leda called out, as she blasted rainbow light at a small clump of birds, vaporizing five of them. "It's safe now!"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Location: The ship [Galley -> Topdeck]

Andy had never been west of the Mississippi. She didn't even know how to spell Mississippi. There were a lot of s's and i's and p's and one M, that's all she knew. Landing in Nevada would be interesting. But they would still have a way to go after that. Would they continue to fly, or go on foot from there? Andy didn't get a chance to ask any further questions as music started blasting from outside the ship. She wasn't certain where, but Lauryn was running up the stairs to the top deck. Andy followed quickly in step behind her, pulling her dagger from its charm on her bracelet.

On the top deck, she found a spot somewhat clear of other demi-gods and stabbed the weird bird things that seemed to be attacking the ship. It poofed into dust. Andy had already learned this meant the monster was dead. She nodded proud of herself and turned to blast a spark of lightning as best she could. Another bird dusted. She grinned. This was much better than last fight with monsters. She let another blast go and two more birds dusted.

She looked and spotted both her brother, who was running back below deck, and Arthur. "Are you okay?" She asked Arthur. He looked like he had seen a ghost.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 5 days ago

Arthur Stanford

Location:Top Deck

Skills: Ferrokinesis

Arthur looked on as he late sister delivered her message, unable to form a response. It hurt a lot to see her, more than he expected, but when Rebecca told him to stay, something snapped. Him being useless in that fight at camp was the last time he'd ever feel that way. His hands shaking, he drew his dagger, and exhaled. He was going out there, and he was going to keep these people safe. Running out to the deck, he looked out at the birds, ready to fight.

Almost on impulse, he tossed his knife up into the air for a moment, before it floated back down to hid hand. Once more, he put threw it up, only for it to stay this time, floating above his hand. There was something new in his eyes, a kind of fury that he hadn't felt before. These monsters wanted them? They'd have to take them by force. From his hands, the dagger flew and struck one of the creatures, before jutting at a right angle, and striking another one, making both of them fall dead. Returning back to him, Arthur held the dagger in his hands, a bit surprised at what he'd just done, but impressed nevertheless.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 26 min ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Bus Depot -- New York City, New York
Skills: Light Manipulation

Ezekiel watched Kristin get the wind knocked out of her and get thrown back and he grabbed onto Janelle’s hand. ”Well this just got exciting,” he said as the harpies descended and two of them started to go after his and Janelle’s pack. ”Hey! Knock it off,” he said and grabbed his pack and pulled out a pen and tossed it before he manipulated the light onto it to make it more shiny and desirable. Harpies, all they were were humanoid crows. He managed to get the one off his pack and two others distracted but the one going for Kristin and Janelle were still determined.
He sighed and opened his pack again and shook his bag of chips at the Harpy on Janelle before he opened the bag and tossed that aside in hopes they would go after it. No dice. Ezekiel huffed. ”Seriously? What a waste of good chips. Does anyone else have anything shiny?” They were just pests. They had a few back at camp but they were tamed and relatively friendly although they still had the same habits of taking off with something shiny.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Janelle Gauger

Location: Manhattan Bus Depot
Skills: Hypnokinesis

She wasn't all too sure what was going on, but suddenly she heard a sound and felt something, or someone, trying to grab her pack away from her, "What the?" she said, trying to keep the harpy off of her pack. Zeke's words about finding something shiny made her wonder what exactly was even attacking them, but of course no one was really tell her anything, oh well. If you needed help you needed to do it yourself. "Get the hell away from me!" she snapped, before suddenly, she felt something near her fall to the ground, and pausing for a second, she heard what sounded like something sound asleep.

Well that was new.

Janelle's mind raced to what she knew about who her father was, and realized that if he was the god of sleep, then maybe she could do something like that too, put people to sleep. Getting her bearings once more, she heard where Kristin was, as well as the sounds of the harpy near her. She was really hoping that if by some weird reason, this actually worked, that she wasn't going to accidentally put Kristin to sleep. Taking a bit of a deep breath, she pointed her free hand slightly in that direction, and started thinking about trying to put the creature to sleep, and eventually, she was able to put the other harpy to sleep as well, leaving only the one that Zeke had distracted still awake. "Uh... Let's get out of here..."

Jason Gauger and Marygold Isley

Location: Flying Ship - The Galley -> The Upper Deck
Skills: Sword Fighting, Chlorokinesis

To say the least that Mary was not too thrilled to hear the worst song in history start blasting away from up above on what sounded like the upper deck. "Okay, whose bright idea was it to start blasting Justin Bieber?" she asked out loud as she glanced upwards. Though based on what she knew, that sort of thing was definitely not a good thing, even if it was an actually decent song, blasting it loudly was a good way to bring unwanted attention to them. So odds are that something was going on, and she instantly took off from the galley and headed upstairs.

"I do have to agree, Justin Bieber is a horrid music choice," he commented, before he took off upstairs as well. He wasn't even too sure what he was going to do when he got up there if there was actually some weird thing going on, like them potentially getting attacked by monsters or whatever. Of course, he was more then willing to get his hands dirty, he typically did fighting for fun, so what was the difference between then and now? Aside from this sort of situation actually being a matter of life and death...

Mary instantly raced up to the top deck, seeing the chaos around her. "Alright, I will practically do anything to get that music to shut up, if taking out these birds will do that, then let's get rid of them!" she said instantly, before pulling plant seeds from her pocket and sending vines flying at the remaining 9 birds, attempting to more or less kill them by strangling the birds. Of course, everything decided to be evil, and she only managed to take out, 8 of them. "Oh great, of course there has to be one!"

Just then, Jason raced up onto the top deck, and saw that just about every bird was dealt with, and he decided that he might as well deal with the last one that was there still. He pulled out his dagger, which instantly shifted into a sword, and then proceeded to stab the remaining bird with it, killing it. "Ok then, so... What the hell were those things? And I'm in the agreement of, can we please stop with that music?" he said as the sword shifted back into a dagger and he looked at everyone else.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Ship: Top Deck

As Rebecca asked him what his plan was, he halted and stared at the Skeletal servant that she had conjured from the Underworld. He had forgotten they were children of gods. Children with abilities meant for combat and survival unlike his own. He froze as his mind sidetracked on this new thought, the ADHD allowing him to forget he was in the middle of a battlefield as he hyper focused on the new crew mate before him. Not long after bright lights and of iridescent colours began to shine and blast away at the birds. A flash of lightning followed and slowly one by one the children of gods began to annihilate the enemies before them. His plan was slowly dwindling into nothing, the mere powers from them all eclipsing the idea he had for mortal men. "It doesnt seem to matter now. Besides you guys seemed to do just fine without my bird brain idea."

As Jason asked what those creatures were, Demetri changed into a realistic version of Disneys Hercules. "Those, my fellow ginger headed man, were Stymphilians. A mythological bird with talons of celestial bronze that I defeated during one of my twelve labors. Though my choice of noise was far less...appalling, than what Rebecca had created. But it served the purpose none the less" Hercules ruffled Jason's hair and as he circled his way around behind him Demetri shifted into Megara. Arm draping across Jason's shoulder as she pointed towards the demi-gods and the piles of ash before them. "Besides you all seemed to handle it just fiiiine You were Damsels, you were in distress, you handled it." She pinched Jason's cheek and gave him a slight tap at the end as she moved away from the boy and crossed ther arms, looking at the group. "So now what?"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Kiera Donovan

Location: The Argo III, Upper Deck
Skills: Hydrokinisis

Ash looked at Rebecca and Arthur one last time, it looked like she wanted to say something else, but she couldn't before disappearing only the two of them would see her, and Rebecca's skeletal friend burst into dust as well after seeing that their purpose was done now as well. Baby was still blasting pretty loudly still in front of everyone. Alannah and Lauryn gave each other a really weird look seeing Demetri shifting into Hercules and then Megara basically hitting on poor Jason which made Lauryn gag a little bit. "I'd rather deal with fighting in a dung pit full of cyclopes." She said mostly to herself, before heading back down stairs.

Kiera was actually glad that the fighting had stopped, she looked at Leda it was really cool to her seeing her using her powers and seeing all of those colors all at once to. She watched as Lauryn headed back down into the insides of the ship, and looked towards the others they all dealt with the birds pretty well she gave Demetri a little bit of a strange look when he shapeshifted. "And when you think you've seen everything." Kiera said jokingly, feeling bad for Jason, and wondered if he would end up hitting Demetri or something at some point, the skies looked pretty clear now as well and looked at Alannah. "So what do we do now?" She asked.

"So anyway, before we were interrupted we are going to make two stops one for refueling, and the second for scavenging. Also duties, we will switch off every few hours, two people on lookout, and one piloting the ship. Lauryn and I will show you how to as well, so don't worry about that, any questions?" Alannah asked, Kiera shook her head a little bit, she then looked over at Rebecca who was bleeding from the attack, and pulled out some water from the air. She hadn't tried it before, but figured that it would be a good chance to try it. "Let me try something real quick." She said as Kiera pressed her hand to Rebecca's wounds and then the water healed them rather quickly, and made her way back towards Leda. Even though Leda did warn her about Rebecca earlier she wanted to at least see if she could try and heal her wounds anyway.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Manhattan Bus Depot
Skills: Spear Fighting

Kristin felt the harpy that was on her falling at her feet and looked down to see that the harpy was now fast asleep, looking over towards Janelle and smiled towards her, she was actually really happy that she pulled through. "Thanks for the save, those were harpies they tend to try and steal food or whatever they thing is valuable or shiny." Kristin said to Janelle when there was still one on Zeke and quickly ran over towards the harpy and ran it through with her spear letting it burst into a fine dust now. She looked towards Zeke for a moment and smirked towards him. "Saved you from getting your stuff stolen by a harpy." Kristin said smirking towards him.

Then she heard that the bus was about ready to leave and quickly grabbed both Zeke's and Janelle's hands and ran over towards the bus presenting their tickets, before being allowed onboard. The manticore from Kristin and Zeke's quest came to her mind again, Leda did end up getting a nice little trophy from it. "This was what your second monster encounter now right?" Kristin asked as she made her way towards the back seat of the bus and looked at her shoulders and noticed that they were bleeding a little bit and started to rummage through her pack.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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✨ Rebecca Eventide ✨

Location: Argo III - Upper Deck
Skills: Mystiokinesis, Spell Casting

The fighting had ceased, with demigods coming up from below deck to intervene. The young ones even managed to fell some of the monsters, causing her heart to swell with pride. Andy and Arthur were children of the eldest gods, it was logical for them to have great strength, but the successful application of it was joyous to see. The son of Ares requested for the song to cease and Rebecca nodded. Her skeletal warrior had already returned to whence he came, as his duty was finished. "Τελείωσε," Rebecca cast. The music began to wane until it had faded away entirely. She raised an eyebrow at Demetri's explanation - especially his choice of form for it.

"Are you going to transform into the Lord of the Dead next?" she asked innocently. The Disney movie was filled with inaccuracies, but of course she had seen it. Every little American kid had seen it - it was practically required watching for their culture. She wondered how the child of Ares would react though to this blatant flirting from the changeling. The children of Ares tended to have vicious and brutal tempers. They were bloodthirsty warriors, their desires practically insatiable. It wouldn't have shocked her should Jason decide to escalate things and take to blows against the son of Zeus, though she hoped that he did not. They were in the sky, the realm of Demetri and Andy's immortal father - and they were most certainly at the peak of their abilities here.

She nodded as Alannah gave the instructions for their time on the ship. She was actually quite keen on the idea of learning to pilot the Argo III - the ship was simply beautiful. "Oh, thank you - may the gods bless you," she told Keira, surprised as the daughter of Poseidon used water to heal her wounds. "If I can repay your efforts, please do let me know." Perhaps there was something she could brew for her. Maybe a love potion? It was obvious that Leda was smitten with the daughter of the Earth Shaker. She wondered if the attraction went both ways.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Argo III - Upper Deck
Skills: N/A

Leda couldn't help but snicker at Demetri's antics. She hadn't seen someone like him before and it was hard for her to really buy that he was the son of Zeus. He seemed more like a Hermes type to her. He also had to be outrageously gay, which made him more likable. It was a bit reductionist, yet Leda found that she usually got along with other queer people best. "Yeah, I do got a question actually - what's the schedule?" she asked Alannah. They were going to be rotating through people, so she figured that was more or less the logical next step.

She was secretly hoping to be paired up with Keira - or at least, anyone but Rebecca. The thought of spending hours on lookout duty with her ex-girlfriend wasn't what she thought of as a good time. Sure, Rebecca hadn't been outright mean or nasty or anything to her... but in a way, that made things worse. It would be easier to hate her if Rebecca were horrible. Leda didn't regret how their relationship had ended, she had glimpsed the darkness in Rebecca's soul and didn't want to see more of it. A bit of her even felt a bit jealous, uncomfortable, with Keira using her powers to heal her. "Woah... That's bloody brilliant," Leda made herself say, giving Keira a big smile. "I bet you'll have mastered that in no time!"

"Actually, you with the water reminds me... Want to help me send an Iris Message to Camp Jupiter, let 'em know we're coming?" she asked, fishing out a drachma. "My mom's pretty nice, she'll carry messages for us demigods if she's not too busy. I can make the rainbow, unless you want to give it a try with some water mist?"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Location: The ship [Topdeck]
Skill: N/A

They had killed all the birds. No one seemed super hurt, except Rebecca, who Andy didn't know, but it seemed like Kiera was taking care of that. Andy watched her brother shift from Hurcules to Megara, she blinked. "Oh! I know that character." She said excited. She had seen the film a few times. Once in an afterschool program, that she had gotten kicked out of a couple of weeks later for fighting, and at least once in a foster home. Her ears were ringing a bit when the music stopped and she turned to face Arthur.

"We were looking at a map in the Galley. They showed me where the camp we are going to is." It was nice being in the know. She never expected to be as smart as Kristin, but Andy wondered if there was any sort of hope for her yet. "Oh, I didn't finish my bagel again. Maybe bagels are cursed for me." She was curious what the schedule would be like, and waited for Alannah to answer Leda's question.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 5 days ago

Arthur Stanford

Location:Top Deck

As the monsters were dispatched, Arthur pocketed his dagger and looked along at his fellow demigods. That honestly felt good, unadulterated violence against literal monsters. That was honestly something he never expected himself to do, but maybe this would be how he would process his recent emotions, by burying them in death and destruction. It seemed fitting for a son of Hades, and with how good he felt right now, he was ready to take it as an option. Power meant he could defend people, and make sure he never got hurt again, so that would be what he would embrace.

Looking over at Andy, he was glad she was safe, before saying, "Better stick to muffin's then, we can't be expected to defend the ship every breakfast." He teased, smirking at her. He too wanted to know what the schedules would look like, not only so he could know when he'd be on watch, but with whom he'd be. If it was with Andy, that'd be great, but if it were with Rebecca, that might give him a chance to start learning how to master his powers. He was considerably more excited to start that now, so the sooner he knew what everyone's plans looked like, the better.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Janelle Gauger

Location: Manhattan Bus Depot
Skills: N/A

"I'm stell naht even one 'ondred percent sure what i just ded," Janelle admitted to Kristin who managed to save Zeke's bag from getting stolen by the harpy. Her accent started to shine through a little bit more when she spoke. She listened somewhat as Kristin more or less explained what exactly had attacked them. She raced along when Kristin grabbed her hand and headed straight for the bus. Janelle was more then ready to leave the Bus Depot, since otherwise they could easily get attacked by something again. This was not going to be easy, that was for sure.

"Yeah, it wus, but somethin' tells me dat it 'ill be far from my last one," she commented as she took a seat on the bus, not really too sure what else to do. They didn't really have a plan for this quest at all, nothing really was making too much sense in her mind. So, now what do we do? Before we were interrupted we were blatherin' aboyt where we are 'eadin', but we still 'aven't really figured oyt what we're gonna do once we git dare." It was a little concerning, not really having a plan, since it seemed somewhat important to have.

Jason Gauger and Marygold Isley

Location: Flying Ship - The Upper Deck
Skills: Hand-to-Hand

Mary couldn't help but giggle slightly at what it was that Demetri was doing involving Jason. Him shape shifting into Hercules from the Disney movie was hilarious, even if that movie wasn't exactly accurate in it's depiction of the hero. The fact that Demetri then shifted into Megara and proceeded to hit on Jason was funny, and she was just wondering if the guy could be even more obvious in him having a thing for the Irish ginger, who so far as she could tell Jason wasn't really amused by that whole thing.

"Uh..." Jason said, more than clearly a little bit uncomfortable with the whole situation regarding him changing into Hercules and then Meg. Sure, he was glad that Demetri had decided to actually tell him what the hell the things even were, that didn't really seem to matter at this point though. Since the guy was openly flirting with him, which was more then just a little bit strange. He knew one thing was for sure, and that was that he definitely did not swing that way.

"Git away from me! Dat is so weord!" he finally managed to say towards Demetri, before he walked over and shoved the guy fairly hard. This resulted in Demetri falling to the ground onto his butt. Sure, he hadn't meant to push him that hard, sometimes forgetting his own strength, and he did feel slightly bad regarding the whole thing. "I don't swin' dat way," he added, figuring to say something about that definitely right now. The guy was sort of creeping him out with how obvious he was being about things.

Now Mary couldn't help but actually laugh at Demetri's misfortunes at this point, but her attention instantly turned back towards the others now. She couldn't help but be curious as to what the schedules were going to be like, and she couldn't help but be somewhat interested in how to steer the ship. Piloting the flying ship sounds like it might be somewhat fun. "I'm curious as to what the schedules will look like too, since preferably we'd pair people with each other who probably wouldn't cause too much problems hopefully."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Ship: Top Deck

Demetri gave Rebecca a bit of a wink as she commented on him turning into Hades next. The thought had crossed his mind, but given the kindness his uncle had shown him earlier, he thought it best not to do something that might upset the Lord of the Dead or tarnish their working reputation. Andy's outburst of her knowledge of Hercules brought a smile to his facez turning to see her and help but be happy that there was some semblance of normality in her life, though perhaps theyd have to watch some other Disney classics together. This ofcourse was all cut short as the kid of Ares had an outburst of his own, pushing Demetri to the ground and causing him to fall on his arse.

His eyes grew watery as he looked at Jason's. Casting them down as he stood up and dusted himself off silently before speaking. "I'd almost forgotten, child of ares, that such behavior was prone to happen. I just wanted to liven up what was otherwise tense situations by answering your question in a way that wasnt so damn bleak. But I can see now that you can't take a joke. If you need me, well don't. I'll be in my room asking Daddy dearest not to strike us out of the sky for your assault on his son. Kiera, keep up the good work on that healing. It's pretty cool. Oh and Rebecca...I wouldnt dare impersonate a god. I feel both Leda and whomever I impersonate might strike me down." His back had stayed turned to Jason, ignoring him after his initial comment and insuring their eyes never crossed again.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Camp Jupiter 11:10AM:

It was close to noon over at Camp Jupiter, all of the cohorts were out running drills like usual while the newer members of the Legion were digging holes, in preparation for the War Games that were held later in the evening. The citizens of New Rome were all busy doing their own thing as well who had retired from the Legion and opted for a more normal life. Though in case of an attack they would come back to duty if the Praetors ordered it.

Nancy would however get a vision suddenly she would find herself surrounded in a battlefield of sorts a large ship crumbling in the distance, the sky looked very dark, and the air felt heavy and hot as well and smelled of sulfur as well. She would see a large group of monsters, and a few titans there among them and giants as well. She would see thirteen demigods there as well, and would notice Niah, Madalyne, and Leandra among the group as well all chained up in what looked to be a shrine of Apollo, before the vision suddenly ended.

Kiera Donovan

Location: The Argo III, Upper Deck
Skills: N/A

Kiera looked towards Rebecca and gave her a friendly smile and nodded towards her. "No problem, anytime you need it." She said, she was surprised that she could actually do that which was pretty cool as well. Though she would think on the offer if she did actually want the offer returned, and made a note to use it more often whenever they finished up a fight. Her eyes turned towards Leda and blushed slightly at Leda's compliment. "I could be the next Katara or something." She said jokingly, referring to the show Avatar the Last Airbender, a show that she actually did like watching to whenever there was a tv around.

"I wouldn't mind giving it a try, just tell me what to do." Kiera said, and it would be more time to hangout with Leda as well. She turned to look at Alannah as she was thinking about the same thing as well to about the job schedule. Kiera winced slightly as she watched Jason shoving Demetri onto the ground hearing him land on his ass with a thud as well, feeling bad a little bit for Demetri for the sudden little act of violence.

"So job schedule, we switch off every five hours or so, it will be Demetri, me and Marygold i'll show you three how to pilot the ship around here in a bit." Alannah said looking over towards the others. "Then Arthur, Rebecca and Jason, then after that Lauryn, Kiera, Leda and Andy." Alannah then waved for the three of them to follow her into the wheelhouse of shorts, inside there was a rather comfortable chair. While it didn't have a really weird setup like the Argo II did with its Wii remotes, there was a joystick, and a few buttons on the table with a rather large screen on it as well.

"So we have already plotted the course and our stops we are on autopilot pretty much but just monitor the screen." Alannah said, the screen had a large map of the US displaying the weather forecast for the next few days, as well as what looked like a radar of sorts. There were a lot of dots that were going away right now which were the birds that had been scared off by Bieber music. "You'll want to pay more attention to the radar of sorts which will usually show monsters nearby. Any questions at all?" Alannah asked looking at the two of them.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Manhattan Bus Depot
Skills: Spear Fighting

Kristin looked towards Janelle hearing her accent much more clearly now breaking through, and started to think for a moment as she started to fish through her bag before finding her bottle of nectar and took a quick sip from it. The wounds on her shoulders started to heal up rather quickly letting out a slight sigh as she leaned back setting her backpack down on the ground. "You put them to sleep, its one of your father's abilities we usually get a power or two from them." Kristin said, while her powers weren't really flashy like sending out vines at someone, or throwing water or throwing lightening around like it was nothing.

"Like I am naturally gifted in battling and also learning to use any weapon is pretty easy as well to." She looked towards Zeke and assumed that he was asleep now or something at this point as well. Kristin thought for a moment about strategy and what they should be expecting. They were going against the mother of monsters after all so she was pretty sure that they would end up dealing with a lot more at some point to. "Like earlier we usually get dreams of something happening, so usually they will give us an answer. And usually plans don't go according to plan either honestly." Kristin said softly.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Camp Jupiter, Senate Building
Skills: N/A

Madalyne sat bored in her chair tapping her fingers across the marble surface of the table letting out a slight sigh she really didn't really like all of the bureaucratic meetings day in and day out. Funding for this and that, and events coming up which were interesting for her and the occasional quest as well. She played around with the bracelet of werewolf teeth that she had gotten while out on her quest with her best friend and co-praetor Nancy as well as Niah.

Madalyne would give her votes and all of that before the meeting as adjourned for now. She got up and stretched slightly watching the ten other senators leaving the room to go on about their own normal duties, she needed to go back to her villa one of the really good perks of being a praetor you didn't have to live in the bunks anymore and get changed out of her robes which were uncomfortable to her as well.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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✨ Rebecca Eventide ✨

Location: Argo III - Upper Deck
Skills: Trivia Knowledge

Rebecca smiled slightly, hearing Andy and Arthur's conversation about breakfast foods. It was nice to see that they were relatively normal and well adjusted kids, even with everything they had experienced. It used to be all too common for demigods to die before they were twelve years old. Of course, her attention was then caught by Jason's tirade against Demetri. She mentally prepared herself to intervene with a spell or a curse - it was too violent for her tastes. She also felt a bit protective over the changeling. The children of Ares were insensitive and cruel as a rule. Though Demetri was a little bit overly dramatic when he said he would pray for Zeus to not blast them. The Lord of the Skies wouldn't do such a thing with two of his children on the Argo III.

"You impersonated Heracles and he achieved godhood, as well as marrying Hebe, the Goddess of Youth," she pointed out to Demetri to lighten the mood. She was assigned to the second rotation with Arthur and Jason, beginning in approximately five hours. She figured she would sleep after the shift concluded. That gave her five hours to do something she hoped to accomplish - begin Arthur's training. "Arthur, if you'd like we can begin some lessons now on necromancy - unless you'd prefer to go eat a muffin first," she told him. "Andy, you're welcome to come too - I can teach you to manipulate the Mist if you'd like."

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Argo III - Upper Deck
Skills: N/A

"You know you're straight when being hit on by a gay guy triggers your accent," Leda couldn't help but quip with a giggle. It was an overreaction, but the children of Ares tended to be like that. Their father was all war and bloodshed, and they tended to be jerks who enjoyed picking fights for any reason at all. If anything, it was a little bit surprising that Jason hadn't done more than just shove Demetri. Some of the Ares campers would have run him through with their sword for that. Demetri didn't know that, but then again, he'd hardly been at Camp Half-blood before signing up to go on a flying ship to Camp Jupiter. "Hey, Sky Boy, the kids of Ares are like that. I wouldn't take it personally that they don't exactly appreciate comedy. And nah, if you impersonate a god, that's up to them to deal with smiting you. I'm too busy to go around doing that."

She also knew enough about the gods to figure that if she handled their dirty work for them, there was a not too small chance they would take their anger out on her instead. Gods were fickle like that - hardly more mature than toddlers at times. Zeke's father, Apollo, was one of the worst offenders in her opinion.

Her shift with Keira wasn't for about ten hours, so Leda mentally planned to try to sleep at some point before then. They'd be working with Lauryn and Andy, a competent team and people she enjoyed hanging out with. Leda quietly thanked the gods she hadn't been paired with Rebecca. Someone must have been looking out for her. "Alright, c'mon Katara, let's go see if my mum can do us a solid." She gave Keira a smile, before pulling her over to the edge of the upper deck. Leda pulled out a drachma. "So all you need to do is make a rainbow. You need to concentrate and make a fine mist of water. The light'll catch it and ta-da. Toss this drachma into the rainbow and say Oh Mum, goddess of the Rainbow, please accept my offering. Well for you, say Iris instead of mum. She's not your mum."

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: New Rome - the Senate House
Skills: Prophecy

If she were to be sent to eternal damnation in Pluto's Underworld, Nancy was fairly certain it would resemble a meeting of the Senate. As a praetor, she was unfortunately required to attend them, pay attention to others, speak her mind, and take votes on issues. She hadn't entered Camp Jupiter wanting to gain the most important rank, but it had happened. She wished praetors were more like dictators. The bureaucracy was suffocating, even with a mocha from her favorite little shop in New Rome to help power her through it. Her purple praetor's cloak just felt weird, only increasing her urge to jump out of her skin or just start shouting and running around the Senate House like a maniac to alleviate her boredom.

Unfortunately, her day was about to get a lot more interesting.

The signs of an imminent prophetic episode coincidentally were very similar to those that harbingered a seizure. Her vision became fuzzy, as the entire world shifted out of focus. Her hearing faded away, leaving her completely unaware of what was going on - essentially, Jupiter could have come down from Olympus and she wouldn't have noticed. "Mads, it's happening," Nancy mumbled, as her limbs began to twitch and kick of their own accord. Like she was being controlled by a sadistic puppeteer, she drew her deck of tarot cards and unconsciously pulled a five card spread, as she was trapped in a vision.

New Rome faded away, replaced with a dark and dreary battlefield. The air was thick and heavy, pressing her down into the ground. It smelled like rotten eggs and farts. Nancy gagged, spotting the ongoing wreckage of a ship in the distance, but that didn't pull her attention nearly as much as those engaged in the fight. Her heart clenched in fear, seeing titans and giants and monsters facing a group of thirteen demigods - among them her best friends, Niah and Madalyne, and her mortal enemy, Leandra. The demigods were chained up in a shrine - a shrine to her father, Apollo, Nancy realized with a jolt.

She gasped as the vision ended, finding herself face to face with the five cards she had drawn, all from the major arcana -

The High Priestess - Reversed
Lovers - Reversed
The Hanged Man
The Tower

"...We need to reconvene the Senate," she said, her voice shaky. She hated Senate meetings with a passion. She lived for the moment when they ended. For Nancy to use her authority as a praetor to extend the meeting time, it had to be serious - end of the world serious.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

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Location: The ship [Topdeck]
Skill: N/A

Some tension Andy had been carrying but hadn't been aware of released from her shoulders when Arthur smirked. She smiled back at the teasing. "Muffins it is." She agreed. It also might have just been the flaw of being a demi-god on a ship full of demi-gods, but she might as well try to mitigate the trouble.

Andy tensed back up when Jason pushed Demetri. Should she get involved? Her brother looked upset. She decided to move between him and Jason. Andy didn't know what Jason meant by not swinging that way.

Listening to the order of shifts Andy nodded. She was happy with those in her group, even if she would have preferred if Arthur had been in the group. When Rebecca included her in the lessons Andy grinned brightly. "I'd love to learn." She wasn't certain what Mist control was, but she was happy to learn something new. Especially from Rebecca who seemed cool, though Andy had picked up that Leda didn't like her for some reason.

Niah Bautista

Location: New Rome - the Senate House

Niah was tired. Her own cup of coffee, something she hadn't been big on drinking before joining the Senate was empty. She had dumped a ridiculous amount of sugar and cream into it to make it palatable. She hated bitter foods, and coffee was the worst offender. Thankfully the meeting came to a close. Why had she agreed to join the Senate? Why had she allowed herself to be pushed into this position? Oh right, she couldn't say no, especially to her best friends. She glanced at the beaded bracelet on her wrist.

Niah was almost done packing up her notes when she noticed something was wrong with Nancy. She knew that look on her face. Niah had seen it enough times. Nancy pulled out of the vision and announced they needed to reconvene. "I'll get those who just left." She said and ran outside. "Hey, everyone come back. Nancy had a vision." Her face was pale with worry as she said it. Something big and terrible was coming down the pipeline and Niah was terrified of what it could be. Niah knew it had to be terrible if Nancy was suggesting they reconvene.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 26 min ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Bus Depot ---> Bus -- New York City, New York
Skills: Tracking

Ezekiel watched the Harpy that was bothering Kristin drop from the sky and looked at Janelle. ”Daughter of Hypnos, sleep, cool. Remind me not to piss you off,” he noted. He watched Kristin kill the last one before he was grabbed and they were hauled onto the bus. Now, hopefully they wouldn’t get stranded like last time.
He settled into a seat near the girls and shut his eyes for a moment. He had managed to reclaim his pen but left his discarded chips to the seagulls. He still had a few cookies and his pop to last him so that was good enough. Ezekiel was used to going with a little less on these trips anyways. It was a bit of religious rite in that sense.
Ezekiel looked over at Janelle, opening his eyes as Kristin explained the power thing. ”I can manipulate sunlight and can heal. Back at camp I mainly work in the infirmary at the Big House,” he briefly explained. ”Where is your accent from?” He hadn’t heard too many different accents in his lifetime.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

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Arthur Stanford

Location:Top Deck

Once Andy was in on starting training, that cemented it for Arthur, now was the time to start. He nodded at Rebecca and said, "That sounds like a good idea to me." The sooner he mastered his powers, the better. He was still a little emotional after seeing his sister, but hopefully this would help him get his mind off of that, but in all reality, he knew it wouldn't. He practiced with Ash before, and doing this again would just bring all of those memories flooding back to him. The only way out, was to make new memories, and Andy being there would help him do that.

Focusing on Rebecca, Arthur tilted his head a bit, "So, your mom is the goddess of magic, right?" He asked, trying to understand the nature of her powers. He didn't know much about that goddess, and he was curious what magic was actually like. "What's that give you, is it like Harry Potter?" He'd read those books before, and he couldn't imagine Rowling actually got things right, unless she herself was a demigod, but that seemed unlikely. That was his only reference point for witches and wizards though, so it was how he had to ask about it. Mostly, he wanted to know how she was qualified to teach this things, but asking about that directly would be rude.
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