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Oliver Sullivan

Ship interior -> The Aerie
Skills: N/A

Oliver spent most of the trip lightly dissociating himself away from the awfulness in the cabin. There were things to do, of course, but he was confident that with the current information they had, and the lack of information they had about everything really kept him from doing much. As they landed, Oli rose himself, ready for whatever they'd have to face in The Blue. Hopefully their respite would continue, but he was at least recharged enough that he could knock around a few heads without having to worry about collapse from total exhaustion, and that was all that could be asked of him.

Oli deplaned, and looked at their welcoming party. He was initially shocked by the look of those in front of him. Not that he was one to judge people for their appearances, but he struggled to see how a person with what appeared to be human skulls on her waist could be particularly kind person. As such, he kept his mouth shut, and waited for more data. He wasn't going to attack somebody or attempt to verbally engage when he didn't actually know anything, but he felt uneasy. Whoever these people were, he got the feeling that, at best, their interests were temporarily aligned, rather than them all being called towards a greater good.
Arthur Stanford

Location:Big House
Skills: N/A

Arthur made a face for a moment as he thought, not one of disagreement, but one of contemplation. That was an interesting idea, though he wasn't sure how much it mattered. He'd never heard of a Greek demigod being approached by their Roman counterpart for the purposes of helping Camp Jupiter, but it was a worthwhile consideration. He wasn't sure, however, if such an act would be seen as an act of distrust between the two camps. If it was an ultimately meaningless thing, then all it would do is sew division between the two camps, which wasn't something they'd want in the things to come.

"I think I'd still prefer Demi, Zeus as a parent might make the other campers respect him, between Camp Jupiter and here." He explained, "I'm a bit nervous of trusting Tammy since I don't know her well, and I don't expect her to vote for herself, which might make her winning the election hard." He said, pursing his lips. "If you wanna try it, I'll back you, but I still think Demi is the best all around bet." He said earnestly, as they entered the Big House, laying his cards on the table. He didn't want Andy to feel like she wasn't being listened to though, so he was willing to acquiesce if she strongly believed in this.

Oliver Sullivan

Ship interior
Skills: N/A

The more Oliver learned about this world's Tony Stark, the more and more his mind leaned towards euthanizing their Iron Man for the good of society. He was mostly entertaining the idea as form of catharsis, but come on. Every single piece of AI science fiction in the world could've told him why that was an awful idea, but the damn man had such hubris that he didn't care, because nothing could ever go wrong until everything goes wrong. The fucking complex of a man who'd try to make their kid a demigod, he couldn't even imagine, but it just gave him more and more distain.

Keeping distance between himself and Celestine's body, he thought to himself about if there was any chance of dealing with the Phalanx. He put a few things together in his head, and figured the thing that was hacking and adapting against him when he was trying to wrestle control of the ship must've been related to that. This wouldn't be like any system he could take over, it would fight against him, and he had no idea how to deal with that. The thought crossed his mind that, if any hacker could keep up with an AI, it would be a speedster one, but he honestly doubted himself.
Arthur Stanford

Location:Dining Pavilion -> Big House
Skills: N/A

Arthur made a face, "I think we need to go to the Big House." He said, mildly annoyed. Chiron was right here, after all, and he understood that vote needed some expectation of privacy, but he could just write it down on a piece of paper or something. He shrugged; institutions weren't exactly known for their efficiency, so much as their endless devotion to bureaucracy. i's needed to be dotted and t's needed to be crossed, after all, so it wasn't like they could just do things, they had to go to the special place and do it, lest the heavens fall.

In any case, the walk to the Big House gave him more time with Andy, so he was mildly annoyed at the situation, but happy about who he was in it with. "Yeah, there are a few hard no's that come to mind." He agreed, wanting perhaps nothing more than to avoid a situation with Cassian had any modicum of power. "I'd probably go with Demetri if I had to choose somebody." He said. He liked and trusted Dem, and though it may seem nepotistic to ask Andy to vote for her her half-sibling, it still felt like the best option, especially if votes were anonymous.

Oliver Sullivan

Ship interior
Skills: Jack of All Trades (Science, Engineering)

Oliver cringed over at the body, and took a long look at it, or, long for as much as he could stomach. He wasn't the type to enjoy looking at corpses, or at least, he wasn't, but he, as in, this universe's version of him, probably wouldn't have minded at all. He tried not to linger on that thought, that serial killer Oliver Sullivan had probably seen many bodies like this one, and even made them himself. Moving on, he looked up and down, trying to focus on the tech of his former teammate's body instead of the viscera, and came to a quick conclusion.

"You folks have anything like The Borg here?" Oli asked, scooting himself imperceptibly away from the away from the corpse, not wanting to be converted himself, "Whatever was happening with Celestine, I'd have to guess it's some kind of tech-hive mind like that, and I swear to god if Stark built out something like that and released it into the wild..." He murmured off into a vague threat against The Iron Man. He didn't actually think he could do something against an avenger, but with the metric fuckton of shit that he'd put him through, it was cathartic to pretend.
Arthur Stanford

Location:ining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Arthur listened as Chiron spoke, and grimaced for a moment. something didn't really feel right about him technically being a camp councilor, especially for voting matters. Some other cabins had dozens of members, and hopefully the councilors would roughly accountable to each of them for their respective cabins. He was, oddly enough, accountable to nobody, and wielded as much power as any of the others. Whatever, he thought, he'd at least get to have some say in camp affairs, that made up, a little bit, for being able to be sent on missions whenever fate fancied.

He looked over at Andy and shrugged. The two of them, as a couple, probably wielded more political power at the camp than any other two campers. That was something he hadn't really considered. With that, the two of them might be able to make significant impacts on the status quo here, but he'd need to spend more time thinking on it to come up with how that might be useful to them later on. For now, they at least got a little more time together, as they'd have to go vote together. He wasn't expecting that, and so he was pretty happy in the moment. "Ready to go when you are." He said, smiling.
Arthur Stanford

Location:Clearing -> Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Arthur's gaze followed after Andy's, resting on Tammy. He didn't much like that they were followed, but now really wasn't the time to chew out a person who was likely only acting on the orders of Chiron. That would get him nowhere, and would only serve to make a new enemy when he didn't even know if they'd all be coming home safe. Following quietly after Andy, he listened to her words, and only responded. "I'm glad we met too..." That was about all he could really say about his feelings here. Everything else was feelings, and things that would not easily be conveyed by him directly.

Standing next to Andy in the dining pavilion, he couldn't help but feel trapped. There really wasn't anything he could do but follow fate, and allow the events that were going to come to pass to do so. He hated feeling powerless like this, he didn't want to have to do any of this, but this was the situation. He quietly waiting for Chiron to list off his announcements, and probably send them off on their adventures. After that, he'd be thinking almost every moment about whether or not Andy would be safe, and keep himself as safe as possible for her.

Oliver Sullivan

Ship interior
Skills: N/A

Oliver closed his eyes and listened to the Quinjet. Finally, he was getting, for however short it may be, a moment of rest. Air ran through his lungs, and he just, let the world come to him as it existed. It was only around now that he realized exactly how much in the zone he'd been. Every action he'd taken in the past bit had been tailored to escaping and surviving, and he didn't need to do that for the time being. Were they still on a mission? Yes. Were their minds still being infected with the malignant memories of some mirror, twisted versions of themselves? Yes; but they were doing what they could to abate those things.

He looked onto the body of his former teammate with a frown as she was moved out of sight. He didn't know her particularly well, but loss was loss, and this still sucked. It was also concerning that, whatever tech she was interfacing with eventually infected and overwrote her. There were terrifying implications there about the nature of consciousness, that it could just be replaced and controlled in that particular manner. Mind control wasn't strictly speaking new to him, but this sudden and complete replacement of a human consciousness was totally unprecedented.
Arthur Stanford

Skills: N/A

Arthur struggled to keep himself together at Andy's words. He wanted her to be okay, but he knew she wasn't going to be, and he at least appreciated that she wouldn't lie to him about this. He had a marked silence at the last comment though. He felt sure that he would know exactly what he would do if he lost her. He'd go down to the underworld, demand her soul back, and never take no for an answer, even if it meant Olympus would fall on his head. Did he know what the consequences of that were? Of course not, but if that happened he couldn't image he's care much about them.

In a small voice, he responded, "I... am gonna be scared too. But we're gonna still have to fight. We can't let others get hurt to keep ourselves safe, even for one another." He'd never be able to forgive himself if somebody died and he could have done something about it. "I promise though, I'm gonna try to be safe, and... I dunno. I... can't imagine a world without you. I don't um... I'm sorry." He said, rambling slightly, "You're important to me." He finally managed to eek out. And quickly gave her a hug, squeezing tight, before letting go and stepping back awkwardly.

Oliver Sullivan

Ship interior
Skills: N/A

As their aircraft went through the roughest stabilization he could imagine, Oliver kept his shit together, bracing the back of a chair and keeping himself from going flying about the cabin. Amelia was fucking crazy, but he loved that about her, and she was also the proximate cause of their asses not being dead, so she got to fly the plane however she damn well pleased. As everything stabilized, he nodded weakly to Niah, saying, "I'm so done with today. I'm uh. Fine. I promise." He grunted out, slowly working himself over to a seat, and lowkey collapsing, trying his best to ignore the smell of vomit permeating the air.

"Can we please not chew out the reason we're not unidentifiable corpses in a burning pile of jet fuel and steel for the way she kept us from becoming such, or at least, not right now?" He asked politely. Rubbing his temples, it was everything he had to not pass out in his seat. He'd run a lot today, and team members bickering was the last thing he needed. "Thanks for that, by the way, Amelia. I, for one, am not picky about the particular manner in which you prevented our deaths." Oliver said, his filter completely off for the moment. He was well past the point of social grace at this point.
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