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Arthur Stanford

Location: Van
Skills: N/A

Arthur gave a long blink at Leda, and searched for words. In what ways could fighting for your life ever be fun? This felt like a thing people told themselves to be happy about the absolute hell of a situation they were in. It was fun up until the people they cared about were murdered. It felt so difficult to understand, but he just didn't want to push back that hard, so instead he gave a quiet nod, and said, "I hope I can see it that way sometime soon." Trying to sound as sincere as possible. He knew Leda was jus trying to help, and didn't wanna spite that.

Arthur didn't care much about the fact that they would be underwater, and him brain, for a moment, thought about how they'd be able to survive underwater, before he remembered that they now lived in a world with magic and gods. He was actually kinda excited to see a space like that, cool and dark, somewhere unlike he'd ever been. It was perhaps the only part of their adventure that he was really looking forward to. The only thing he could do was hope that things would ultimately be okay, and that nobody would get hurt. The rest was in the hands of the fates.

Oliver Sullivan

The Aerie
Skills: N/A

Oliver learned into Niah, and shrugged. "Clones are more likely." He said simply. If he was in their position, "Doppelgangers from another universe" would be pretty far down on the list of reasonable explanations for any of this, and he'd be very unlikely to even consider it when they lived in a world of clones and shape shifters and magic and aliens. There was too much to rule out, so he wasn't particularly frustrated at their current situation.

Oli did give a sort of quizzicle look at the thought of the womanhood of this universe's Wolverine, if only because it was a fundamental departure from their universe's variant. He wasn't about to say anything though, if there was one thing Oli seemed to learn, it was that he should keep his mouth shut and not act in precarious situations, and with a piece of wood nestled comfortable in his abdomen, he wasn't by any means out of the woods yet.
Arthur Stanford

Location: Van
Skills: N/A

Arthur raised his head towards Kiera, and exhaled. He just said, "This is all just a lot, and I wish it wasn't happening, but what can we do about a prophecy, right? It's this or bad stuff is gonna happen." The silent part was, of course, that bad stuff would very probably happen either way, it just happened to be their jobs as heroes to sacrifice their personal happiness for the greater good. This was the sort of thing that sounded noble on paper, but in reality was dystopian, much like children selling lemonade so their parents could afford chemo. They were children, and they had to risk their lives and their loved ones to keep monsters and gods and titans and other wretched things from hurting all other people.

Arthur's eyes drifted on Leda, and a twinge of deep unfairness ran through him. Why, he wondered, did the fates not only separate him from the person he card for most, but also kept together two people who were clearly close? It was like somebody had him in mind specifically, and was mocking him. Maybe he could be pragmatic, and take time from these two to learn how best to deal with such separations, but for now, he felt more bitter than anything else, and it kept him from so much as

Oliver Sullivan

The Aerie
Skills: N/A

Oli nodded weakly at Niah. He knew they needed to get him serious medical attention sooner rather than later, but he wanted to pus as much of a brave face on as he could. After all this, he just... didn't want to keep getting hurt. It seemed cowardly, but if he had the choice between working a desk job or research or literally anything that didn't invoke a daily risk of evisceration, he just felt like he had to take that. There was, however, the worry in his head that the government wouldn't let him stop working, after all, the son of Thanos was probably somebody you wanted to keep on a short leash.

Even with him being barely able to move, Oli's eyes rested on Raynor, somebody that he really did consider a good friend, but nevertheless was caught on ways to kill. He could barely move at the moment, and there was still the persistent thought that he could call Raynor over to him, get him distracted, and rip his heart out of his chest and show it to him before he died. He felt absolutely disgusted with himself, and he had no idea why his brain was doing this. He was only glad that he seemed to have the self control to keep himself from indulging.
Arthur Stanford

Location:Big House (outside) -> Van
Skills: N/A

Arthur quietly nodded, and took a seat next to Andy in the Van. At least they got to ride together for a little while, that was really nice, and it would hopefully kill a lot of the tension in waiting for things to kick off, since things would finally actually be in progress. He gave a glance over to Kiera and Leda, knowing that the three of them would be spending a good amount of time together too. For not though, he just held Andy's hand, and was ready for this all to kick off. Plus, he would never say no to some climate control, a thing that seemed to be missing in a lot of the camp.

Sitting in the van, Arthur closed his eyes, and thought about the situation before him. He needed to self reflect, see what had happened to get him where he was today. It all seemed to be so much, the meeting of his best friend, finding out she was his sister, and then her dying. That hit him hard, and after that, his other best friend being turned into an animal and killed. Besides those two terribly traumatic events, it all seemed pretty okay, but the burden of that just seemed to absolutely ruin his ability to experience happiness here.

Oliver Sullivan

The Aerie
Skills: N/A

As the piece of wood embedded in him was snapped off, Oli had his heart jump a bit. He knew he'd need surgery sooner rather than later, but he couldn't focus much on that right now. He needed to make sure that this situation didn't turn into a fight again, because he was pretty sure he'd die very quickly. He smiled up at Niah, and cautiously looked at their combatants. He knew that he probably hadn't made any friends with the whole "Almost murdered an Avenger" thing, but he had to at least hope that they could let bygones be bygones.

Oli stayed exactly where he was though, he wasn't gonna ignore Sparky's advice here. He knew that the less he moved m, the better, his mind racing with the possibilities of sepsis and the like. He liked having his insides inside him, and not spilled out along this hellrealm of an alternate universe. He just managed to cough out, "I am sorry about the shield, I really didn't know that that would happen." He said honestly, his head light and dizzy from all the damage he'd taken.
Arthur Stanford

Location:Big House (outside)
Skills: N/A

Arthur waited more, happy to see that people were finally showing up. Watching them all with a cautious eye, he tried to do a mental headcount of people.
This was happening now, and it was just about in front of them, far outside of his ability to do anything to actually stop it from happening. He gave a nervous look from person to person; feeling as in edge as ever, like he'd jump of anything unexpected happened.

Holding Andy's hand as long as possible, he still couldn't shake the dread of being separated, no matter how he tried to rationalize that things would be fine. This was happening, and it was going to hurt a lot. He would be split from Andy, and be sat worrying about her almost the whole time. Arthur's worries were slightly pushed off by Demi's gift, and he nodded mutely and mouthed thanks.
Arthur Stanford

Location:Big House (outside)
Skills: N/A

Arthur waited around after letting go of Andy, and looked at the group of kids around them. He didn't particularly care if they say him show affection or not, he had difficulty caring about most anything outside of Andy recently. A part of him hoped that time away from Andy would give him the opportunity to branch out in that department, and find some hope in the world. Everything had just been so awful for so long, he felt like he might take anything to just have a little bit more.

In the moment though, nothing much seemed to be happening. He supposed that was just the calm before the storm, or whatever. There wasn't much point in starting stuff when they'd all be scattered to the wind in a few minutes. Arthur crossed his arms, and just breathed in, existing at the camp for as long as he could, before he'd be thrusted into the much more dangerous world, with people he didn't much know, to server gods he didn't really care all that much about.

Oliver Sullivan

The Aerie
Skills: Molecular Oscillation

Support beams were important, or at least, that was what Oli thought as somebody who had no formal training in architectural design, and in the grand tradition that Oli's life seemed to engage in, he was right, and it didn't much matter. Before he could do anything, things were falling around and on him. Holding his breath, he knew that he couldn't get out of this situation, even with his speed, and so the one thing he could do was control variables. If he accepted the fact that he was gonna get hit by something, he might be able to control how that happened. And, just as he thought, at the small of his back, he felt wood start to pierce his skin and, thanking himself for his super speed, he shifted his body ever so slightly, and tried his best to make sure nothing important was pierced.

And it seemed like it worked, as with everything said and done, he wasn't dead, though he was impaled and in ungodly amounts of pain. He coughed, and blood trickled down his chin. He was pretty sure that if he phased out now, he'd be fine, his speed healing could keep this from making him bleed out, but god he was having trouble muster up the energy to not just collapse here. It was then that he heard Niah's voice, calling out to him, and he knew he had to reach into that internal reserve of power that was there in all of us when it needed to be, and power through it. Phasing himself through, and lightly grabbing Flynn as he did so, Oli popped out holding his asshole of a comrade, and met eyes with Niah as he collapsed on the ground in front of the rubble, barely managing to set Flynn down as he fell forward. "Not dead but um." He coughed, holding his wound, "I really, really don't want to ever have a building dropped on me again."

Oliver Sullivan

The Aerie
Skills: Super speed

Oli watched as Cap managed to deal with the severing of his tendon, a bit of shock on his face. If it wasn't for his inhuman (pun intended) reaction time, he may have not been able to get out of the way before the jetpack hit him. He really didn't want to kill Captain America, even if this universe's one was somehow evil, or working for powers that ultimately were not aligned with the best interests of innocent people, and so he decided to try to deal with the jetpack, and took his sword to it. Oli, however, was very smart, but not very wise, and so he hadn't considered that this would literally blow up in his face.

As the jetpack exploded and blew him back, Oli tried to keep his wits about him. The odd thing about physics was that it didn't much care about consciousness; the things that would normally happen in too little time to perceive were very perceptible to speedsters, so as his body blew back, he was helpless but to be a spectator until the forces were more manageable. Once he landed though, he took the momentum, and headed straight for Luminous. Zipping over, he pulled his fist back, and stopped firmly by shoving his fist in her face, knocking her out cold, and hopefully clearing the battlefield of two effective adversaries.
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