Mary Sue Sullivan
Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Costume: Avenger's Academy Student.
Mary Sue beamed at Andy wanting to get to know her; her attempts to make friends was working! She quickly started to say, "Um, I really like writing, but I haven't been able to do it in a bit." To be honest, she'd started the hobby when she was small, writing stories about the different heroes she'd heard or read about, but those were luckily all lost to time, as far as she knew. These days, she was much more for poetry, but the idea of sharing any of that made her heart almost jump out of her chest. She should really get back into it, if she got the chance.
"Besides that, I'm a really big hero nerd, I have a list of biographies I still have to chew through when I have the free time. What about you two?" She wanted to know more about Andy, admittedly she knew almost nothing, but she seemed cool. She really liked being on a team with her, and out of all her team members, she probably knew her the best. She gave a quick turn to Zari, as if to try to signal that she wanted to hear from her as well; she didn't want her to feel left out at all, she just couldn't think of a more natural way to extend that to her in that moment.