Ok, so sorta back. Net still sketchy, but I can't resist roleplaying after being gone so long. XD
7 yrs ago
In case anyone is wondering I am not officially back yet My internet situation is sketchy at the moment and I don't want to make promises of being back when I might vanish again due to circumstances.
Granted. You know have a black unicorn that kills everything around it, except you. You can now never get close to anything ever again, except for that black unicorn.
Granted, your date tomorrow went amazingly, and you even ended up getting married after dinner. Unfortunately, your date forgot to mention their mother was a psychopath, and she murdered you rather brutally, the worst part, you didn't even get any of the cake first.
*bunny hops in* I was told not to click, this bunny did not listen. Also, this bunny does not know who Spooki is, but he seems common throughout the spam sections, so if there is to be votes, I shall vote for them to be spam king. xD
Name Known as Fiye, very few people know the idols true name, Kodama Chimari.
Age At sixteen you might not have expected much, but that’s why you lost, isn’t it?
Gender If you’re really questioning this, you could always grope her, you’d significantly shorten your lifespan, as if her fans didn’t tear you limb from limb, her guildmates certainly would, but hey, at least you’ll feel better knowing she’s a she.
Appearance Fiye’s appearance changes depending on the state of her magic look there for images. However, in terms of outfit, she usually wears a short dress, her tail(s) poking out from the bottom. She doesn’t like wearing anything on her feet, and generally goes barefoot, though if the situation calls for it she might wear something she finds cute. As for her undergarments, should anyone be that curious, she tends to either wear black, or pink panties. She stands at exactly five feet, counting her ears, not counting them, she’s only 4’10”. Her guild mark, which is on her outer right thigh, is a light pink.
Bubbly + It can be hard to be a gloomy downer around Fiye, because she’s always happy. In the worst of times she’ll always look for the silver lining, and make an effort to point it out to her allies who might be feeling down.
Inspiring + Fiye doesn’t just point out silver linings, and try to cheer people up. She’s made it her life’s goal to inspire others. To this end, even if she’s on a battlefield, if she notices everyone seems to be losing hope, she’ll sing them a song, hoping to inspire them.
Strong Willed + Whatever might be said about her physical strength, nobody in her guild would ever say she’s weak. Why? Because no matter what her enemy puts her through she won’t give up. She might not be the strongest in terms of physical prowess, but breaking her will is a feat few can accomplish.
Germaphobic - Fiye hates all things dirty. Including dirt, and especially mud. In the words of Fiye herself: “It so gross, it’s all mushy, it sticks to you, and it’s just ew!”
Delicate - While she has a strong will that’s hard to break, she’s also really easy to insult. She can take things far too literally, and because of this people have to watch what they say around her, unless they want to hurt her feelings.
Lewd - Fiye isn’t lewd in the normal sense. Well, she kinda is. She has been known to randomly lift other girls skirts and/or dresses to see what color panties they wear. Aside from that, she has been known to wear rather, showy, outfits to garner attention from people she likes. As well as being really clingy towards them.
History Part one, the denial of access: Oh, hello there! You must be a fan of the idol Fiye. You want to know her past? We’re so sorry, but that’s classified. You see, even we aren’t allowed to pry into Fiye’s past life. She would kill us for sure if we did so, even if it were the king himself asking.
Part two, welcome into the world little fox: The idol known as Fiye was not born with that name. She was born into a poor family, that had to struggle everyday to just barely get by. That was before they even had a child. When Fiye was on the way, her mother, a woman by the name of Kodama Tetsu, insisted her father, a man by the name of Kodama Montaro, get a better job so they could better support their child.
With neither of them being mages, this was a difficult task, as it was hard for a non-mage to get a job without any specific expertise. Montaro eventually landed a job working at a local tavern. The job provided them with enough Jewel to get into a bigger place, and more importantly get the food they needed everyday.
A month after Montaro got his new job, the child that would come to be known as Fiye was born. The name her parents gave her was Kodama Chimari. It was obvious right away this child was special. The doctors called her a ‘demon’, and because her mother passed away giving birth to the child, her father agreed, harboring a hatred for this child that took away his love.
Part three, a drunken spiral: Since the death of Tetsu, Montaro had started using his job at the tavern to get drunk. Most would say, oh he’s in grieving, he deserves a drink here and then. But he didn’t have a drink here and then. He had alcohol in his system 24/7, spending most of his pay on the substance.
At this point you might be wondering, hey, wasn’t there a baby? Yep. He was such a great father, he took her to the bar with him. Of course, he just left her on a random table while he worked. Luckily, an older mage that frequented took care of the child. The mage even bought her things like clothes.
Montaro took notice of this, and being the angry drunk that he was, decided he would chew out this person. Of course, talking wasn’t all he tried to do. After the conversation didn’t go his way, he took a swing at the mage. Though the mage didn’t actually hit back, until Montaro took his anger out on the defenseless child. Montaro had come within millimeters of hitting the child, when he was sent flying across the room.
After this it seemed like Montaro had gotten better. He stopped drinking so much, and actually took care of his child. Though he did it in spite of this mage who had judged him, and defended the demon child that took his love from him. He only cared for the child as much as was necessary however, only buying what she needed when she needed it, and only the bare minimum.
Part four, a new mage: Chimari, now five, has learned to walk and talk. Though she seemed to avoid strangers. It wasn’t because she was timid, but rather she seemed scared. She still accompanied her father to his place of work every day. The mage that helped care for her when she was younger still frequented, and took notice of the bruises she would have every day.
One such day, when he noticed there was more than just bruises, he decided it was time to step in. He knew she had some natural magic, he only had to help her access it. However, whenever he tried to talk to her, she turned away and ignored him. This didn’t stop him, as he just talked to her anyways, with the thought process that she couldn’t ignore him forever.
Eventually, while recounting one of his adventure stories to her, the thought process proved correct. As she started asking questions. This continued for a while, as they grew to be good friends. Montaro took notice, and seemed to grow angry, but instead of doing anything simply drink more. Chimari took notice of her father’s anger during one of the mages stories, and shied away. The mage asked why, her response seemed to spark a flame in the mages eye. “He says I owe him, since he took care of me, that I have to do everything he says….sometimes it hurts.” It was clear to the mage what she had meant. But it was also clear that he couldn’t interfere directly, or it would only make things worse. He had to teach this girl how to defend herself. It was time she learned magecraft. He told her this, and she looked surprised that she could.
Over the course of the next few weeks he took her out into the parking lot of the bar, and taught her the ways of magecraft. She had her own magic, but it wasn’t enough, because he couldn’t teach her that. Instead, he taught her his magic, Requip, and even gave her a weapon with which to practice, and defend herself. She seemed a natural at it, as he expected she had an affinity for magic.
Part five, newfound freedom: Chimari is now seven, she has been training with the mage known as Marost Itsolloss for a year and a half. She has proven herself to not only be good at requip, but she mastered its use in such little time. Marost decided such a thing required celebration, and gave her her very first magical weapon. The mirrored blades. He explained their use, and even promised he would teach her how to use telekinetic magic to make full use of them after he returned from his next job.
This never came to pass however, as three weeks later, when Marost was supposed to be returning, another mage from his guild showed up with news. Marost hadn’t returned from the job with the rest of his party. Chimari was devastated by this news. He was like a father to her, and it seemed as if he had viewed her much like a daughter. As he had a blacksmith prepare a weapon for her as a birthday present, with his passing, the blacksmith felt it appropriate that his guildmates deliver it early. This was her bow.
Montaro actually seemed happy about the turn of events however, and thought he would take advantage of Chimari’s state of mind. However, things didn’t turn out how he had hoped. When he mentioned that he was glad, and that Marost deserved what had happened, something in Chimari snapped, and the next thing she knew, one of her blades had found itself placed firmly in his chest.
Of course, killing her father was quite shocking, regardless of what he had done to her, he was still her father. Not to mention, she’d never done anything like that before. Being a bit frazzled, she did the first thing that came to her mind, she fled. Leaving this life behind her.
Part six, an Idol named Fiye: Chimari is now ten, she’s been traveling for a while now, alone. Of course you might be thinking, oh poor child. But, she used this opportunity to spread her presence. Her ‘career’ started with her singing songs on streets hoping to get some jewel to pay for food and shelter. Things however, did not go as expected.
Chimari met a woman, Yesa Vubues, who said she could make her famous. This was the start of her career. However, when asked for her name, Chimari simply stared back blankly. She didn’t want the name, it simply held bad memories. Yesa seemed to not mind too much, and instead just called her ‘Fiye’, and that’s what stuck.
Fiye’s first concert wasn’t that much of a hit. She seemed somewhat disappointed in the turnout, however Yesa assured her that future concerts would be better, that it would just take time for her name to get out there. Though, two weeks later she held another concert, the turnout had more than doubled. Soon enough, she was known across all of Fiore as one of the most successful pop idols.
Part seven, Dragons Cry gains an idol:
Fiye is fourteen, and this year is an important event in her history as an Idol. All of her fans remember when she joined Dragons Cry. It wasn’t because she won the second part of the tournament, she lost that, but rather how she won the first part. She turned it into her own concert. Singing and dancing around the arena.
Her fans loved it, and there was lots of cheering. Her opponent's loved it less so, frustrated that she was taunting them, and seemingly not even paying attention to them. After her song, she swept the floor with them, using a new magic she had learned over the past four years.
When it came to her battle with the vet, she was less successful, though she gave the vet a challenge. She had came within moments of victory, when they decided to stop holding back on her. She wasn’t too upset about the defeat, and even thanked her opponent for the lesson. Since then, she has participated in the tourney as a commentator every year.
Part eight, the little fox topples a god:
Fiye is now fifteen, having been part of the guild for a year. Due to her status as an idol, and the jewel such a career brings in she didn’t participate in jobs very often, unless specifically requested to. This little story is one her guild mates are fond of, especially those that had just joined.
The guilds heaviest hitters were all out on a job that the guild master herself requested. So, that left Fiye at the guild hall. The tournament was just held the week prior, and the newest members were still getting settled. Well, it turned out a dark guild had set its eyes on the guild.
Since all the heavy hitters were out, the dark guild thought it would be the perfect time to strike, send Dragons Cry a message. They sent their strongest member with the intent to kill anyone there, and destroy the guild hall. None of the newbies were up to the challenge, most of them were still recovering from their battles in the tourney. So, it was up to Fiye.
She stood against the god slayer. At first, she didn’t seem like much of a match, her mirrored blades couldn’t even scratch him. So she tried something new, her new magic. Engulfed in flame, she emerged with a new appearance and a flame in her eyes. She proceeded to assault the god slayer with everything she could muster, her Fox’s Assault landed perfectly, but after the dust settled, the god slayer seemed untouched. It was his turn now, and he held nothing back, unleashing his bellow upon her. She couldn’t dodge it, not if she wanted to protect her guild mates behind her, so she took the full force of the attack, collapsing afterwards.
She didn’t stay down however, she was weak, but she still stood. Her eyes were different now, and in a flash of blue light she seemed to have been frozen solid. Was she attacked? No, the ice around her shattered and she held a new form once more. She didn’t even know what she could do with this one, but she had to protect them. She charged forward, holding her hands together as a frozen mist formed around her hands, daggers of ice forming she swiped at the god slayer, who laughed at the effort. She had already tried that, what did she think it was going to accomplish.
When she neared the slayer, he simply caught her by the neck and held her up, looking her square in the eye. He quickly learned the mistake he had made as she unleashed an attack upon him. It was of his element, lightning, yet he couldn’t eat it. What was this trickery? He had learned of Fiye’s trump card. Her thief eyes. She could throw the user’s own magic at them. This was a magic even a slayer couldn’t best. She could already feel weak, that slayer magic took a lot out of her she had to finish it quickly. One final strike, at least that was the plan, she couldn’t do it. Her form reverted back, and she collapsed, covered in wounds.
The god slayer didn’t stick around long though, as moments later one of the stronger members showed up, and if Fiye could hold him back, then he didn’t want to test those of the guild that were actually known for their strength. Fiye was in critical condition for a week after, and there were a few moments where it seemed like she wouldn’t make it. The guild would have sought retribution, but regardless of the attempts made, nobody could dig up any info on this dark guild that had attacked.
Magic Soul of the Kitsune - Fiye’s magic is most comparable to that of Beast Soul. Though, there is one key difference. She has a ‘default’ state, as well as a couple more powerful states. Her default state is still very much a kitsune form however. Because her magic is always active, and she can’t turn it off, it stands to reason that even users of Dispel, or similar, can’t either. This isn’t to say Dispel has no effect, but rather it’s as if you’re trying to rip a part of her out. If dispel was used against her, she would fall over in pain. If the user was confused as to why she still had her beast form, and used it again, she would likely end up coughing blood. Use it again, well who knows, by that time her guildmates have probably broke the user’s face for putting her through the pain of the first two times. All her forms share a heightened sense of smell, and hearing, comparable to a dragon slayer. Her tails are the most sensitive part of her body, both in terms of pleasure and pain, a good blow to the tail will likely knock her out.
This is Fiye’s default state, and her weakest kitsune form. Though, she isn’t as defenseless as she might portray. She has access to a special kind of Requip, called ‘The Assassin’. Unlike its counterparts, it’s not limited to a certain weapon type, containing both melee and ranged weaponry. However, it lacks the armor of The knight, and the guns of The Gunner, being limited to blades and bows. Fiye’s reflexes are sharp, due to her own training. Her agility is boosted by her kitsune state, though she isn’t very strong so she relies on fast strikes rather than power.
Mirrored Blades - These blades are special, in that it seems like no matter how many times they are shattered, they can recreate themselves. This is merely because they are actually copies, the real blades tucked safely away inside Fiye's Requip space. The blades hold the unique property to duplicate, usually used in tandem with a telekinetic magic, Fiye uses it a little differently than it's inventor intended because she lacks telekinetic magic. Cupids Bow - It's actually just a really fancy looking bow. What? Did you expect it to have some amazing magical property? Well, you're right. It's trump card is 'Piercing Love'. Essentially, she's aiming for your heart, and unless you can dodge it, it isn't missing. Whether or not it actually pierces your skin or not, is another story because while it can magically pass any barrier, the strenght of the actual arrow still depends on Fiye, and let's face it, she isn't winning any strength competitions.
Fiye's Mic(Ignore the cord and headphones, they don’t exist) - Not a very fancy name, but any fanboy or girl would die happy if they even touched this object. It's just your everyday ordinary magic microphone, enchanted to carry the users voice without the need for speakers. You might be wondering, why would she be able to requip this? It's not a weapon. Well, shut up. She has been known to commentate a few battles, using this very mic, she's even been known to requip to her mic, and taunt her foes with it, or sing a song to encourage her allies.
This is Fiye’s most used form for battle. If she’s serious, she’s probably taken to this state. Prior to entering this form, her previous is engulfed in flame, emerging in this form. While in her default state she only has one tail, this state boasts six tails. She loses her requip in this state, but gains fire magic in it’s stead. Her fires are not quite as hot as that of a flame dragon slayer, but they are hotter than the average fire mage. She also boasts a resistance to flame, not immunity, but resistance.
Claws of Flame - Wrapping flame around her hands she swipes towards her enemy. This tactic uses little mana, but does little damage as well.
Fox Flare - Holding her hand like a gun, a small ball of fire forms on her fingertips. This ball is then sent whichever way she is pointing. It explodes after a while, but does very little damage if contact is made. Fiye developed this technique as a way to signal for help.
Fox’s Assault - Holding her hands together, Fiye forms a small ball of fire that grows larger, before launching it towards her opponent. This ball doesn’t explode immediately, but rather continues growing to encompass the foe completely, before exploding. It’s a powerful spell, but it’s easily dispelled by water, wind, or a well placed slash from a sword.
Aura of the Fox - Fiye’s flame encompasses her completely, giving her a boost to any attacks she may make, at the expense of burning herself. This is usually a last resort spell, as it is self injuring in exchange for the power boost.
Fiye’s third forms strength is debatable. Why, because in this state she two magics. One, being static Ice Make. The second, an eye magic, called ‘Thief’. With her Ice Make alone, the strength of this form is comparable to her default. However, with the addition of her eye magic, she can topple most opponents who make the mistake of eye contact. She has nine wonderfully fluffy tails in this form.
Daggers of Frost - Fiye isn’t very creative, or maybe she’s just sticking to the fighting style she knows best, as this spell makes frozen versions of her mirrored blades. Crafting these buggers takes little mana, but she can make them sturdier by pouring more into them.
Frost Nova - If Fiye places a hand on the ground in this state, it’s advised to back off. Her frost nova spell causes many frozen lance like spikes to emerge around her in a small radius. Though, they don’t last long, and shatter seconds after forming.
Buster Blade - Fiye crafts a rather large sword of ice, which she then let’s gravity do the work of slamming it into her opponent. This is a large attack, and hurts if it hits, but it also leaves her open, as she can’t move even to turn and reposition if needed, while holding it.
Thief - Fiye’s eye magic. Those who lock eyes with Fiye, might notice something. She just threw their own magic at them. How’d she learn it? She didn’t. Her eye magic allows her to ‘steal’ a spell from her opponent’s repertoire, and use it against them. Though she’s only capable of using the spell once, having to lock gazes again to repeat, and it’s random as to which spell she might use. The spells she steals use the same amount of mana as they do for the user, which means stronger spells drain Fiye rather quickly.
If you get Fiye into this form, you’ve made a grave mistake. This isn’t a form she can enter on will like the others, but rather she takes this form on when in a severe state of grief or anger. Fiye is not Fiye in this state, but rather ‘a beast of pure rage’. She will not stop for anything, innocent, ally, or foe. She also boasts a newfound resistance to magic and near supernatural strength to boot. But, she doesn’t possess any magic at all, well, none that are active.
Magic Sense - Fiye is actually blind in this state, so the best way to stay off her radar, is to do absolutely nothing. If for even a moment you think you’ll have an easier chance because of this, you’ll regret the thought immediately, because while she’s blind she can ‘see’ magic output. Meaning you cast a spell, you become her new chew toy. Of course, this can be used against her, if you’re brave enough to try and lure her into a trap.
The Beast - You might notice that that magic you threw at her seemingly had no effect, well it’s not that they didn’t affect her, but that she just didn’t care, in fact once she returns to normal she’s probably going to be really sore where hit. Not only on top of that, but she can hit like a freight train all of a sudden. What happened to the cute little weak idol? You fucked up and pissed her off, that’s what.
@Oni_ A second character might not be necessary, since half the people dropped, so unless they change their minds, or you really want to, you can hold off. With that, Rucks is accepted. He was technically accepted a while ago, I'm just slow, sorry XD
@Tenma Tendo Akira's history has some concerns, mainly why an orphanage wouldn't give a child with such bad sight glasses, but other than that she's fine and accepted.