Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Spanner
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Spanner Patron Saint of spitting on the poor

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Neo Is Delight
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Neo Is Delight *noms on tail*

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Known as Fiye, very few people know the idols true name, Kodama Chimari.

At sixteen you might not have expected much, but that’s why you lost, isn’t it?

If you’re really questioning this, you could always grope her, you’d significantly shorten your lifespan, as if her fans didn’t tear you limb from limb, her guildmates certainly would, but hey, at least you’ll feel better knowing she’s a she.

Fiye’s appearance changes depending on the state of her magic look there for images. However, in terms of outfit, she usually wears a short dress, her tail(s) poking out from the bottom. She doesn’t like wearing anything on her feet, and generally goes barefoot, though if the situation calls for it she might wear something she finds cute. As for her undergarments, should anyone be that curious, she tends to either wear black, or pink panties. She stands at exactly five feet, counting her ears, not counting them, she’s only 4’10”. Her guild mark, which is on her outer right thigh, is a light pink.


Bubbly + It can be hard to be a gloomy downer around Fiye, because she’s always happy. In the worst of times she’ll always look for the silver lining, and make an effort to point it out to her allies who might be feeling down.

Inspiring + Fiye doesn’t just point out silver linings, and try to cheer people up. She’s made it her life’s goal to inspire others. To this end, even if she’s on a battlefield, if she notices everyone seems to be losing hope, she’ll sing them a song, hoping to inspire them.

Strong Willed + Whatever might be said about her physical strength, nobody in her guild would ever say she’s weak. Why? Because no matter what her enemy puts her through she won’t give up. She might not be the strongest in terms of physical prowess, but breaking her will is a feat few can accomplish.

Germaphobic - Fiye hates all things dirty. Including dirt, and especially mud. In the words of Fiye herself: “It so gross, it’s all mushy, it sticks to you, and it’s just ew!”

Delicate - While she has a strong will that’s hard to break, she’s also really easy to insult. She can take things far too literally, and because of this people have to watch what they say around her, unless they want to hurt her feelings.

Lewd - Fiye isn’t lewd in the normal sense. Well, she kinda is. She has been known to randomly lift other girls skirts and/or dresses to see what color panties they wear. Aside from that, she has been known to wear rather, showy, outfits to garner attention from people she likes. As well as being really clingy towards them.

Part one, the denial of access:
Oh, hello there! You must be a fan of the idol Fiye. You want to know her past? We’re so sorry, but that’s classified. You see, even we aren’t allowed to pry into Fiye’s past life. She would kill us for sure if we did so, even if it were the king himself asking.

Soul of the Kitsune -
Fiye’s magic is most comparable to that of Beast Soul. Though, there is one key difference. She has a ‘default’ state, as well as a couple more powerful states. Her default state is still very much a kitsune form however. Because her magic is always active, and she can’t turn it off, it stands to reason that even users of Dispel, or similar, can’t either. This isn’t to say Dispel has no effect, but rather it’s as if you’re trying to rip a part of her out. If dispel was used against her, she would fall over in pain. If the user was confused as to why she still had her beast form, and used it again, she would likely end up coughing blood. Use it again, well who knows, by that time her guildmates have probably broke the user’s face for putting her through the pain of the first two times. All her forms share a heightened sense of smell, and hearing, comparable to a dragon slayer. Her tails are the most sensitive part of her body, both in terms of pleasure and pain, a good blow to the tail will likely knock her out.

Magic Items

Extra Info
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
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AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Age: 25

Gender: Male

He seemed a bit odd, didn’t he? You weren’t really sure if he were a guild member or not, not when he looked like a doll with rather pale skin that reminded you of a porcelain doll. Heavy bags under his eyes elluded to the fact he never got enough sleep, though it didn’t seem to affect him as much as you thought it should...did he just fall asleep? Despite being slender framed and appearing willowy he only stood at what 5’4”, maybe 5’5”. His irises were an intense shade of sky lavender with a grin on his face.

When he spoke it was entirely eerie deadpan delivery, like someone speaking to you right before going to bed after a long day of work. It was a soft boyish cadence to it in an ominous faint whisper, and a hoarse dry tone.

Often seen wearing patterned pants and a uniform that almost looked like either the outfit you stuff a doll into or one of a school uniform. Other times he chose to wear suspenders and a lightweight vest with red pants.

Always seen carrying a teddy bear with an eyepatch and either a pink vest or a bow tie around his neck.
Guild mark is on his left shoulder, it is royal purple.

*Look I really wanted to give him alternative outfits

+ Personality:

Reserved -

Veilios is naturally an introvert, many years alone has made him rather mild mannered and to himself. But that’s one of the reasons why he is so easily accepted by others is because he is not overbearing in any of his beliefs. He doesn’t yell or scream at others, though you could argue when he’s mostly asleep all the time when does he have the time to do so, but even if he were awake Veilios wouldn’t change much of that reserved nature.

Protective -

All though obviously not in some sort of clingy way. In the fog of his usual sleepy state Veilios will not let those he wants to protect down. He will always throw himself out on the line for them in order for them to escape or for them not to get seriously hurt. He doesn’t like watching people get hurt, especially if they are being hurt for no reason. There is no reason for pain in this world, unless it is something you deserve or something that you have to learn. But pain from cruel and malicious torture is not acceptable in his eyes.

Accepting -

Due to his reserved nature already, you will never be judged by Veilios for who you are or what you have done in your past. He seems accepting to those who want to redeem themselves or accepting in general to pure people who find themselves in his company because he seems easy to get along with. Veilios is not known to prejudge another person until he gets to know them. But it also doesn’t mean he easily forgives those who betray his trust or the trust of others. Liars and manipulators and hurtful people will not be accepted into his fold once their true colors are known.

- Personality:

Socially Awkward -

Veilios has a harder time than most getting things he wants across. Not talking to people for the many years and the only real “people” he spoke to were phantoms of his imagination, his Ghost friends means Veilios gets phrases and expressions confused all the time. Such as instead of saying “hitting two birds with one stone” “hitting two stones with one bird”. This makes it difficult for others to feasibly respond to him. That and how do you speak to someone sleeping?

Reserved -

While his reserved nature makes others more accepting of him. It also makes others cautious of him or uncertain about him as well. Being quiet means that others around him don’t always know what to make of him. His reserved nature sometimes often makes him creepy to others if they are judging him purely based on how he appears to them. While easily accepted, he is also easily avoided in the same extreme. Some will see the good in him. Others will see the things that haunt his aura.

Wayward -

Veilios has a collection of unstable odd behaviors. He wakes up randomly from his naps if he hears a door close behind him. He doesn’t let anyone touch his teddy bear, which he is seen carrying around everywhere. He mumbles to himself, or talks to his teddy bear or invisible things other people cannot see. And he says odd things from time to time. He also seems afraid of confined places and doesn't like to be trapped too long in such places.

This is also one of the reasons he comes off creepy to some others because these small odd behaviors tend to stack up on someone already a little on the creepy side, being quiet and mild mannered and not saying too much.

He also has a purely dark side to him that comes out from time to time if someone pushes the right amount of buttons to push. This purely dark side seems more menacing and sinister than the rest of Veilios, but it is often only used when someone has pushed him too far. This is the state that you know you have truly done something to get on Veilios’ bad side. And he’s truly pissed.

Ghost Magic

Caster Magic

Alone in a room a child built his own circles and called upon his friends. A Shade may be a type of Ghost, but a Ghost has a different shape than a Shade does.

Ghost Magic can manipulate ghostly figures, but their purpose is entirely different from Shade Magic. Ghost are used for immobilizing an opponent, like the Ghost of ancient stories they can pull from your past, present or future creating ghastly illusionary visages, they have the power to possess people and objects mainly dolls as they are empty vessels, travel through walls and shadows.

See Me Not - Ghostly Immobilization

Tier 1

A shadow passes you by and then it fades away. Did you imagine it all? What kind of spell was that? You thought you saw Ghost, but then where did it go? The casters spell fades and so does the image of the ghost. Seeing this as your advantage you go to take a step, when it feels like something is holding you down. You look down to see your shadow grabbing your leg, no it’s not your shadow, but a ghastly image a spiky shadow with glowing eyes holding you down.

No matter it seems a simple spell. An annoying spell, but one easy to break. And so you break it. But where did he go?

Spooky’s Friends - Ghostly Lashes
Tier 1

The Ghost aren’t coming towards you. No they are holding hands together, five of them. And then they vanish. Where did they go? A skill observer will notice the shadow on the floor coming quickly towards them. An inexperienced individual may not have time to notice as the Ghost land spectral slashes across you.

Trick or Treat - Ghostly Object Absorption

Tier 2

Why is that Teddy Bear glowing? What was that Caster sign? What is this sorcerer capable of? The teddy’s eye glow red and it begins to grow and grow in size. It’s standing 6ft tall now, with a black aura. Did he just possess an object?

Ghostly Object Absorption does not need to be applied to just his teddy bear, any empty doll, or vessel that could be possessed and manipulated is under his control. The issue being that he has to exert some form of focus to control the ghostly object to do what he wants.

He has to directly order the object commands for it to do anything. To do so causes great mental exertion. Maybe that’s the secret behind why he’s so tired all the time.

The Stone With Your Name - Ghostly Torment

Tier 2
There is a grave, with your name on it. How did you get here? Why are you here? It has to be more of those horror ghost bullshit right? A hand grabs you, your zombified corpse, it drags you down into your own grave and you relive your last moments.

A blade cuts deep into your abdomen as blood begins to pool into the mud, you are sliced in half, as entrails and blood splattered across the dirt road.

You scream out. You find yourself back in the battle. Your allies are staring at you. The battle has barely begun. But that vision you saw?

Ghost possess you and show you a version of your death. Purely psychological torment.

That’s Not Me - Ghost Body Possession

Tier 3

It’s just like the last time. You see a ghost for a brief second. Where did it go? Probably down at your leg again right? To hold you back. But something comes over you. Your mind is suddenly not your own, but the will of some ghostly thing. There’s something feeding into your thoughts. You try to fight back. Suddenly you find your body doing something it would not as you attack your allies. Someone is giving you orders, but who.

You hear your allies cry out to you. There’s a conflict between the one giving orders and yourself. You’re fighting for control. You will not succumb to this torment. You break free.

This spell seems to have the ability to possess the bodies of others. A spirit directly enters the individual. And the individual is no longer under control. But just like the toys Veilios has to exert even greater mental control over the individual. The spell is incomplete, it is not a guaranteed will breaking spell. The user will fight him. There is an inner conflict.

Those with strong will powers are able to breakfree. Mentally exhausting Veilios may need time to cast another spell.

Big Boo - Ghostly Convergence
Tier 4

Now these ghost are showing their true power. The caster’s circle emerges and several ghastly phantoms spill out of the circle at once. Link hand by hand, shadow foot by shadowfoot, as they grow and grow and continue to grow. It doesn’t seem at all like the Ghost object possession. Instead a big ghost stands before you, it’s the size of a two story house and gives you as mischievous smile.

It steps on a smaller house, crushing it under its feet. Now this looks more like it’s going to be a pain in the ass to fight. Hey wait, is he asleep? Is the caster actually asleep? You mean he has no control over this ghostly creature? He’s just going to let it rampage freely on its own?

You have to be kidding.

Cage of Illusion - Ghostly Hauntings

Tier 5

Meet the ghost of the past, present, and futures past. They will haunt your nightmares and pull from your darkest fears. As the sky grows darker, something washes over in your mind. Your most fearful moments pulled from your memories as you relive them. The things you fear of your future are shown to you as they happen. The present you fear haunts you.

Welcome to this nightmare cage. Welcome there is no key other than the key to break free from your nightmares or be consumed by them. I really do not care.

Those with strong willpower will more than likely not falter by the nightmares shown to them. They are self aware enough and strong enough to not let fear take them. They stand strong and break free of the night cage they have been locked inside.

As a sustained ability it takes quite lot of Veilios’ mana to sustain such a large shadow field around a person and to mastermind their nightmarish dreams. While it may be difficult for those from the outside to break the nightmare status field around their ally, it can be broken from the outside by attacking Veilios himself.

While he can cast some of his tier 1 abilities while sustaining his illusion cage, it is extremely draining and exhausting. He may entirely exhaust himself from mana doing it that way. And the spell may break if Veilios goes unconscious.

*Unconscious means seizing conscious thought. His sleeping doesn’t affect the hold of the spell and will not break simply because he is asleep.

Hauntings of Torturous Death - Ghostly Projections

Tier 5

It was a clear mistake to underestimate him. He’s a lot more deadly than what he puts off. Sleeping like that is really throwing you off. Is he murmuring in his sleep. Shit it’s one of those weird spells he can cast when he is asleep. What are you talking about he is asleep right now? Oh he awakes now. There’s a sinister looking smile on his face.

Ghast emerge from his royal purple casting spell, spilling out. Coming towards you. What do you do? How do you get rid of these pest? He’s been toying with up to now. But, what could this be? The Ghost has disappeared as it had done the last time. Where could it be.

Then it feels like your body is on fire. Suddenly you are paralyzed by an immense amount of pain. You fall to the floor, writhing in pain, screaming, unable to catch your breath. What is this? Why does it feel like you are on fire, when there isn’t a flame near you?

You feel the slightest cut from a knife. No that can’t be, he doesn’t have any knives, does he. Then you feel more and more slashes across your body. But there are no wounds. You fall to the floor holding onto invisible wounds. It’s like someone is biting into you. Bit by bit. A thousand pains. A thousand tortures.

It appears this spell has a ghost possess you and inflicts a memory of torturous death on the user that it has possessed. The spell can be dispelled and doesn’t kill its victims, but it inflicts an extortionate amount of pain to the person it has possessed.

Magical Items:

History: RIP It's 90 Pages I Already Know Most Won't Read it, but I wrote it. Neo read it though.

Extra Information:

Sleep Casting -

Whether is is magic or a skill Veilios has learned through training, Veilios has the ability to cast magic in his sleep. Often in combat if he does fall asleep, he tends to mutter his spells under his breath from memory. His spells aren’t quite as effective when he is asleep as when he is awake, but his tier 1 spells and object possession can still get the job done. He just doesn’t seem to pour the necessary amount of magic to sustain the abilities. His object possession spells is actually a lot less taxing on him when he is asleep though because he can easily dream of what he wants the object to do and it takes this as a command.

And in honor of Gray taking off his clothes or Juvia’s stalking or any of the number of weird quirky things characters in Fairy Tail do I give you


Narcolepsy -

Or something like it. Veilios has a habit of falling asleep randomly whether that is in combat, during a conversation or even during a villain’s evil speech.

Has been part of Dragon Cry Guild for 2 years

Lover's Poison - Cursed - Hate Magic

Before he could barely form memories, in the crib his father created for him, a woman's cold hands closed his eyes. And a shine of magic was casted. It was bred from Scorn and Hatred and a new type of magic was born from the raw scornful nature of the sorceress who place it on him.

Veilios is cursed to never fully embrace others with love. Any prolonged exposure to him makes him poisonous to touch, after five minutes of embracing him the person may fall ill, and the longer they are exposed to his embrace the sicker they become. Anyone who tries to kiss him on the lips will instantly die.

The Curse may never be fully removed upon the Caster's death or otherwise. Forcefully trying to remove the curse will instantly kill Veilios as well. The way this Curse is to be lifted is by the Caster who casted the spell releasing the spell with the opposite emotions of the one that bore the curse. It means the one of Resentment, Scorn, and Hatred would have to learn to Forgive and Love to remove the curse.

Theme Song:

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
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AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Age: 17

Gender: Male

Kids were so eager these days to prove themselves worthy. They all seemed to be growing too fast and not staying kids for very long. And this kid? Well he looks like a hoity toity rich kid with a stick up his ass. That or the stick went so far up it gave him permanent brain damage as he’s walking into the arena dropping out a name like it’s supposed to mean something.

Two colored irises, that’s very interesting. One the color of gold, it sparkles in the sun like a poorly polished metal piece. The other a deep aquamarine, there’s something about that eye, the way it shimmers, you could almost submerge your thoughts into it. But that outfit had to go. A black and red coat with a frillery shirt underneath, the leather wristbands were already enough to throw your gawdy censors off.

Wait is this kid dressed like that idol character AlucaSoldis? You had to be kidding, this scrawny, willowy, kid standing at 5’9”, was cosplaying at a time like this? Was he lost? Did he go to the wrong competition? He sure seemed fired up though.

His voice was husky, he had the voice of a handsome young man, smooth, and velvet tones that was attractive to the ear. Completely wasted because he was yelling most of the time and making eager, haughty remarks.

His guild mark is emerald green, and is on his right wrist palm side down, not knuckles up.

+ Personality:

Persistent -

Rivule doesn’t give up, he doesn’t know how to give up. And while this may seem like a negative in reality it is his best benefit. He eagerly motivates those around him to do more and better things. To never give up and continue fighting and standing up for what they believe in. He is often is more or less inspiring than he is annoying or overbearing about it. Rivule doesn’t give up a good fight unless he truly knows there is no way of winning. His motto though is how do you know till you even tried?

Loyal -

Rivule will always have your back no matter the circumstances. No matter what it could be, through thick and thin if you need his help you have his help. He won’t let you down. He won’t fail you. And if you both fail he often is resilient enough to not let it get to him and make him worry or sweat about it. So why should you? He’s eager to try again. But if you succeed prepare for a victory party because he enjoys celebrating the good moments in life instead of being dragged down by the negative ones.

Eager -

While he may not be an optimist, Rivule is always eagers. Fail or success he is always eager for more, to learn more, do more, be better and more than what he is or was. He is always seeking to reaffirm that he can be more and be more. He flies head on first into any circumstance with little regard of the consequences because he doesn’t dwell on the consequences much. He will just do as much as he can in his power.

- Personality:

Obnoxious -

Let’s face it, he might not be overbearing on what he believes, but by god Rivule can be obnoxious. He is irresponsible and can be a slacker. Actually if he can avoid doing it he will, by asking Veilios to do it for him. He’s loud and he doesn’t know the difference between an outside voice and inside voice. He’s always high strung and loud about something. Even the tiniest things become big problems for him and he’s yelling at the top of his lungs about it.

He can also be whiny and start a fit if he doesn’t get his way. He may be motivating when he wants to be, but the other half is a sore loser who doesn’t like losing and doesn’t like not getting his way.

Haughty -

Born with a bent silver spoon in his hand, despite not being treated very special, he still lived a special and easy life compared to others. He doesn’t know hardship or pain in the same way someone who has been through war may know hardship and pain, but that doesn’t mean Rivule hasn’t been through hardship and pain. But he acts higher than thou, more so than the brother he claims does so more than him. He acts hoity toity and he flaunts the things he owns around as if they will gain him some status. Even dropping his family name once in awhile to get better treatment.

Envious -

With the way Rivule grew up, it’s no wonder he adopted some of his mother’s jealous tendencies. His eldest brother and youngest sister were favored more than him. While him and Ebon sat at the side lines demanding attention. Though he never realized how little attention the favorites even got because he’s so one sided and blinded.

Rivule main motivation to join The Guild was because of his own rivalry against his brother. Who he believes or claims that he believes he is better than him. Rivule demands attention. He demands to show off and be liked and he craves the attention he rarely got when he was a kid. And so if anyone else gets more attention than him, then he gets irritating and whiny about it.

Or does something completely over the top to win the favor. It’s the reason he will challenge people clearly better than him in terms of league in order to earn some kind of approval or praise from others. He shows off. He’s envious when others do better than him and he goes on crazy rivalry schemes in order to quench his feelings of his own inadequacy.

Eye Illusion Magic

Caster Magic

Is it you or are his eyes more captivating than others? Two colored eyes seem to capture your natural curiosity as you stare into them. But what is this under that gaze? A magic circle glowing in his eyes? How did you fall for the oldest trick in the book?

Rivule’s father Manos used a form of Eye Magic known as Figure Eyes Magic, and his mother Lumina used an Illusionary magic. While Rivule kept some pieces of the Figure Eye Magic he combines it with an illusionary magic with various effects based on the gaze alone.

Traditional Figure Eye movement takes the souls of living individuals and manipulates them as living dolls. But Illusion Eye Magic takes control of the victims neural pathways and visual centers creating unusual results.

The spell is easy to break through if you’re an experienced fighter, you may simply close your eyes to break free from his Illusionary gaze. But for those inexperienced in fighting or those who have never fought against this type of magic before may find themselves in a difficult position.

The Path is Through the Eyes - Self Image Replacement

Tier 1

You go in for a swing of your weapon or cast some magic, he’s staring you down. A lot good that’s going to do when you have the upperhand. He’s not even fighting. Get out of here kid? Was that a magic circle in his eye? Whatever he’ll be defeated before you know it and you’ll go out to get some lunch.

What is this? You hit a pillar? How? Where did he go? Did he teleport? Now that can’t be. He can’t have teleportation magic? What exactly is going on.

It appears that if Rivule holds onto your gaze he can place a copy of himself inside of your mind. When an enemy goes for an attack, they attack what they still think is Rivule standing, but he’s already moved out of the way allowing himself to swap places with a nearby object instead.

A Distant Freedom - Eye Gaze Teleportation
Tier 1

It appears that Rivule can teleport himself to whatever he is directly look at. The catch is that he has to be looking at it and cannot go any further than his own distant vision allows him to go to. If he cannot make out the details and visualize the object he wants to teleport to, he simply cannot teleport to it.

A Window to the Soul - Gaze Mimicry

Tier 2

Why is he staring at you like that? Damn it you have to get out of his range of vision. The last time he did that, he was able to swap his place with an object. What is he doing now. If that’s the case you must get to his blind side. You step to the left side. Suddenly he steps to the left as well. What the hell is he think. You take a step forward, he takes a step forward. Is he reading your movements?

With great concentration when Rivule locks eyes with his enemies, he may be able to see into their next range of movement. Except that he cannot completely mimicry a complex set of movements. If someone is super faster they can lose his gaze, if someone closes their eyes he cannot see into their next movement, or if someone moves too complicated for him to repeat a step then the spell is broken.

A Mirroring Future - Self Projection
Tier 3

Looking directly at you he suddenly charges forward. What an incomprehensible move. Why would he charge you like that? No matter, you’ll land a blow and knock him back and snatch defeat from his over confidence. You go in for the swing, what the he vanishes? No he never vanished. He’s below you.

It appears that he can project an idea into someone’s field of vision. Like an illusion or a hallucination of a “projected” future. He can project himself doing different basic task. But those who do not look into his gaze or already know his abilities are within the range of illusion it is easy to see through the spell because his mirror hallucinations of himself can only do basic movements, like running forward, or a simple attack.

Magical Items:

When Rivule ran from the house to prove that he was better than his Eldest brother he took something with him that he should not have taken. That item would be;

The Nightfall Family Crest as a Pendant -

The Nightfall Family Crest represents unity and bonds. It was crafted at the hands of the families three most powerful Casters. Who were once also one of the three strongest in an old guild that fell from power, the Arcanium Guild served the people for 18 years and all that was left was an amulet of power, the Nightfall family who took in the stragglers who had no home and their family magics.

The Crest Carries the three unique spells from Disas, Manos, and Cerulea. Rivule may cast these spells, but he can only cast one. The amulet is a giant trump card, one spell uses up a whole entire charge of the amulet and it is useless for the rest of the day. That and the spell locked away in the amulet disappears and only the original owner of the spell can replace what was lost.

It also leaves Rivule with no mana of his own left because the spells are quite above his level and the pendant takes quite a bit of mana to activate.

Disas Possession Magic - Sinner’s Delight

Tier 10

A dark royal blue spell burst from the necklace, the color of the red shard fades as mana burst from it. The sky turns hollow and dark, and a storm begins to brew. What is this dark rain? A storm? Suddenly erupting from the ground are a thousand hungry phantoms all pouring out from what could be considered the gates of hell.

They laugh devilishly. They are hungry for a weak minded and pathetic soul and you just happened to be the one they want. This isn’t like possession as they grab onto you and dig into your deeper desires. This is something even far more worse than that.
It takes over your mind. Nestle deeply into your thoughts and tugs. Tugs at your temptations and desires, and possess you with your inner subconscious sin. The spell takes the user mind corrupting them into their baseless desires you embody deeply.

If you are a greedy person you see money everywhere. You dig your nails into the dirt, grabbing at money not there. If you are a slob, you begin to eat the dirt at your feet seeing a bountiful feast. If you are lustful being you begin to cling onto your allies or search for the one you have affections for, but this love is not yourself and you will eventually break their heart with pervish sensibilities. If you are a wrathful person you rampage through the streets.

If left to this. You die either of starvation. Or I have seen someone so wrathful they ran themselves off of a cliff.

Manos Eye Magic - A Warped Dimension
Tier 10

The users eye manifest in the sky. Or something like that. You are trapped within their gaze and as you are trapped by their gaze a portal open ups in their eye. It acts like a black hole which then sucks everything up within its path.

Those who are sucked in the Eye Dimension are forever trapped there in a purgatory state. No one is sure whether or not how many people are trapped in there. Or how any one actually gets out of the spell. Some suspect on the user deaths.

No one is quite for certain.

Cerulea’s Shadow Magic - Shadow Dancers

Tier 10

Cerulea’s shadow magic far surpassed child’s play as she called it. Children who wielded their shadows to merely pull or immobilize their enemies. When she started working with Disas and saw the way he used his magic it gave her an idea.

The hell is this as you saw a deep crimson magic circle form. As the shadows from buildings and the shadows of people began to form, three perfected silhouetted beings. Shadow puppets, woman in metal faulds, and chest plates. Swords and shields in their hands, they stood at an amazonian size of 6’3” and moved like shadow dancers.

They whipped and whirled when they attacked you with their blades. They were stronger than anything you faced before. How could someone form a shade from shadows? The perfect soldiers that felt no pain. They could be broken by spells to banish, light if they were stuck by it, but otherwise they were fast, danced in on the battlefield and she didn’t have to lift a finger beside maintaining them on the battlefield.

This was insane. This couple had an insane amount of creativity and innovation.

Enchanted Short Sword -

Rivule mixes utility magic with efficient sword play. His enchanted sword is his offensive counter. While his eye is a defensive utility to gain a better advantage in battle. Enchanted to keep it from breaking easily in battle it appears to be no more than ordinary sword, Rivule’s inexperience shows.

Extra Information:

Both Rivule and Veilios come from the Nightfall family. They are cousins. Here is the family information;

Father - Manos Nightfall - Eye Magic - 53 - Alive

He worked eighteen years in the Arcanium and dedicated his life to the guild. Though dedication isn't necessarily the right word. As Manos is described as being an irresponsible slacker, who often liked to dodge responsibility and throw it all on his younger brother. He liked to go adventuring rather than dealing with family manners. Him and Disas his brother earned quite a bit of money after the fall of the Arcanium Guild and have lived decently off of luxury and wealth their children have inherited by name alone.

Mother - Lumina Nightfall - Illusion Magic - 49 - Deceased

Lumina was not a sorceress of the Arcanium Guild. In fact she completely avoided such a duty merely because she was greatly jealous of her middle sister Cerulea who often received more praise and admiration for beauty, her innovation, her creativity. She stepped away from her family, Galvan, duty and walked her own path. It was what actually started the attraction between her and Manos. He was spontaneous and could not be bound by simply responsible alone and she was fiercely independent who walked her own path and did what she believed was in her future. Unfortunately Manos also had the habit of attracting other woman to his side, which made her bitter and resentful towards him.

Eldest Brother - Adum Nightfall - Kaleidoscope Magic - 27 - Alive

Voted Number 4 most popular male sorcerer in Sorcerer Fashion Weekly and voted hottest male sorcerer of all time last year. If anyone remembers the name Nightfall its because Adum has been on more than few magazines of Sorcerer Fashion Weekly, ever since his mother put him out to the world like he's some pretty trophy on their viewing shelf. Like his father he seems to attract a mass of woman, it is rumored as well the idol Fiye is fond of him as well. Unlike his father he doesn't seem to recognize the woman or care. And if the men think they have a shot, he also doesn't care. He is suspected to actually be the more powerful out of his siblings, which is what caused the boiling rivalry between Rivule and Adum. But Adum just thinks that Rivule is in competition with himself because he also doesn't care that Rivule wants to fight him or be better than him.

Second Eldest - Ebon Nightfall - Figure Eye Magic - 23 - Alive

While Rivule has his eyes out for Adum, he doesn't seem to recognize his second eldest brother's rivalry with him. Ebon like Rivule was shut out by their own mother's cold embrace long before he came into the picture. And while it is both him and Rivule that were not special enough to be cared for by their mother, Rivule's loud mouth is what got Ebon's eyes on him. He wants to bitterly destroy his siblings, except their sister Luminious. He wants Adums position, he wants Adum's attention that he seems to ignore, while his face is plastered all over magazines. And he wants to shut Rivule's mouth up.

Little Sister - Luminious Nightfall - Mirror Magic - 15 - Alive

Luminious is the spitting image of their mother. That's the reason Luminia always wanted a daughter, to make her exactly like her. To have a little doll she could pamper and do her hair. Luminious was only loved by Luminia when she was doing things the way her mother wanted them to be done. Because of this Luminious is always eager to please others and make them happy. She does whatever they want. She will stop at nothing to make sure they are taken care of. She doesn't choose her own clothes, she ask Adum, or her brothers or servants. She doesn't do her own hair either, preferring someone else to do it. And often shows great loneliness when someone hasn't taken care of her.

Uncle - Disas Nightfall - Possession Magic - 48 - Alive

Disas out of the two was always the more responsible brother. he actually did his work and took his duty as one of the members of the Arcanium seriously. He wasn't a slacker. He was sort of always sort of described as being a little too serious at times and people were uncertain if he had a sense of humor, Disas tells some terrible jokes. He often forgets the punchlines and dismisses the joke entirely when he does. He was always faithfully devoted to those he loved and even so he was faithfully devoted to Cerulea. He loved her. It's the few times you will see Disas smile and take down some of his iron defense shield he has a personality. Disas has always been the dedicated and devoted husband. Even when his wife fell into an emotional catatonic coma he was still there for her. Did everything he could for her. Disas is the type of person who has had 100% intensity to everything he does.

Aunt - Cerulea Nightfall - Shadow Magic - 45 - Alive [Coma]

Cerulea was loved by all. She was more beautiful than Lumina her actually middle sister, they both had a much older sister. Cerulea was kind hearted and a soft spoken woman, but underlying it all despite her homey photo now. She was a strong caster, and a protective woman. She would throw herself out there for anyone and accepted anyone under her wing. For example, everyone of her servants were not really servants, but the leftover guild members with no home or nowhere to go she took them in as family and welcomed them with open arms. She was a very warming woman. And it is said she was the perfect woman for Disas. If she were to be expressed the warming spring that melts snow, he was the breezy wintering breeze that brought in frost. But together they created a balmy weather. She was a loving, trusting woman. But do not double cross her. She may be loving and trusting, and kind. But if you betrayed her, hurt the people she loved, you'd be in for a reckoning.

Cousin - Veilios Nightfall - Ghost Magic - 25 - Alive

The son of Disas and Cerulea

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tenma Tendo
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Tenma Tendo Thunder Pillar in Training

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Okay, this is what I have. I'm not sure if I like the history, but if there's anything wrong just let me know.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Oni_
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Oni_ Moment In Flux

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Rucks Kennithson
Guild mark is a sea foam green, located on the small of his back.

Enabler- Rucks has often been known to not call people out for being at their worst, in fact, he's more likely just to adapt himself. This makes him a favourite amongst those who are often confronted for some of their more 'negative' behaviours.

Concieted - Rucks thinks of himself considerably more highly than perhaps he should, to the point where he sometimes thinks he is far more capable than he is. Thinking he can take on certain missions solo, or that the other members of his party are better off fleeing while he holds the enemy back.

Offhand - Planning was never Rucks' strong point, much to the chagrin of his fellow team mates. He'd much rather jump right in and go with the flow of the consequences of doing so. It often comes as quite a surprise to him when someone takes the time to point out that his "punch things until we win" tactic, isn't quite on the same level as, say, Sun Tzus The Art of War.

Loyal - Rucks knows where his loyalties lie, who he considers a friend, and those he would put his life on the line for. This loyalty is something he prides himself on, perhaps more so than his conceited ability. As much as he believes his magic is strong; he feels that his word is more powerful.

Good-Natured - As much as Rucks has his shortcomings, his arrogance, his dangerous spontaneity and his enabling attitude. It is often out of his misguided good nature; he strongly believes that he is in some way doing some form of good in these actions. By trying to save everyone else in a situation, he thinks could go hairy, or just by trying to, as he would put it "accept people despite their flaws, without trying first to change them". Of course, this could be spun out as him being completely naive, and it may not be a false accusation.

Malleable - While arguable whether a good or a bad trait, Rucks takes great pride in his ability to form himself to specific situations, perhaps the flip of the coin for his offhanded nature. While it's true he thinks a lot of himself, he can easily be convinced that his actions are less than ideal, and while Rucks believes he could be a great leader, he is more than content to instead fall into the place of other peoples plans.

Rucks has the rare privilege of being a first generation Dragon Slayer. And he supposes that having such outright powerful magic is a fair tradeoff for being raised by a dragon, rather than his two human parents. His foster mother, Limmylth, was arguably better than any parent Rucks could have had. She allowed him to roam as he pleased, keeping him under her watchful eye, even if it meant her leaving her home. Something she would rarely do otherwise.

It begs to question what exactly had happened to Rucks Kennithsons birth parents? The truthful answer is, Limmylth never knew. They could be anywhere, alive or dead. At a young age, one which was long before Rucks even had a chance of being able to remember slightly, they left him. A small baby, in the middle of a Fiore field. A huge place for him to roam, with nothing for him to find.

When Limmylth found him, Rucks can't have been more than two, three weeks old tops. By her reckoning, the decision to abandon him can't have been an immediate one. Perhaps the boy's father had passed? Or left his mother after, or even before the birth? Perhaps it was instead the mother who had died shortly after his birth? Or maybe instead the two had decided that a child would drive them apart, a risk they didn't want to take. Whatever their reason, it mattered little to the dragon. She decided to take the young one in, raise him as she would a Wyrmling or her lineage.

It was always an odd quirk of Fiore's dragons, some burnt human villages and sought nothing but their destruction, while others tried to become peaceful neighbours with the humans. And while Limmylth felt that this may have been specific to her species, she was ignorant of the fact that people faced a similar divide. As her kind raised children of Humans, gifting them Dragon Slayer magic, she assumed that they would take that as an offer of peace, a bridge between them. Instead, some people saw this as an opportunity to destroy her kind, slay them rather than coexist with them. But, inter-species politics isn’t the purpose of this story.

The child provided Limmylth great amusement in his formative years, often trying to leave her safe home despite her best efforts. He didn’t even seem to realise at first that he was not like she. He grew as what you might call a feral child. Walking on all fours, prowling. Thankfully, not growling. Limmylth saw to it that she spoke to Rucks in his people's language. After all, she could not keep him alone forever.

After a short handful of years, the boy who so eagerly played with Limmylth, climbing her scaly hide, chewing on her crystalline features without any better direction, began to mature. He grew to realise that the two were not so alike after all. Limmylth knew she still has a few years yet to teach the child, but her heart grew heavy knowing that one day she would leave him.

At the tender age of five years, old Limmylth knew what she must do, to protect this child more than she ever could. She must teach him magic. To say it was easy would be an understatement. The world as a whole occupied Rucks’ mind far too much, beyond Limmylths cave home. He explored, climbed trees and rocks, ran through streams. All while Limmylth flew above, keeping her watchful eye on him. She would have rather hidden away with him forever, but Rucks just couldn’t sit still, could he?

He didn’t take to magic quickly. But eventually he caught on, when he cast his first spell Limmylth was delighted, and from there he became more and more proficient. Soon he would become a fully fledged mage, among the most powerful of humans there were. By this point, Limmylth had even gotten Rucks to stop walking on all fours. Magic required he be centred, and still able to use his arms. Walking on two legs became second nature as his magic casting did.

And then that fated day came, to Limmylth it seemed like only the day before that Rucks was that child she had found in a field. It seemed like he had only just stopped trying to chew on her crystals. And perhaps to her, it had only seemed hours since he had successfully cast his first spell. But she couldn’t keep him any longer, he was her child, but he was no dragon. Left in a strange human world, without his mother. Rucks felt lost.

To begin with, he took it out on other, lashing out in an almost bestial rage. His magic was strong, and his will weak. But soon he adjusted, venturing into towns. He was looking for direction in a strange world. Soon he began to like the idea; he could explore as much as he wanted, without Limmylth to drag him home when he strayed too far. But somewhere in his heart, he wondered why she had abandoned him.

One day, someone had suggested that he find a guild. In fact, he pointed one out nearby. That was six years ago when Rucks was 17, just on the cusp of manhood. He figured he could do it, even when he found out there was a tournament. The first round passed with ease, the second less so. Rucks likes to brag that he managed to defeat the veteran of fairy tail, which is a complete and utter, i.e., which many quickly point out to be untrue. He instead lasted exactly 300 seconds. 5 minutes on the dot. Just enough to secure his prize.

Our current story begins six years later, with Rucks being a self-proclaimed prominent member of the guild, and no one sees anything wrong with that claim. He was now a strong mage, stronger than he thought Limmylth could ever have hoped he would become. He still wonders about her, missing his mother. His only true parental figure. But the pain had passed, and he thought of it less and less as time moved on. He had a new family now, a family of other powerful mages. Of other Dragon Slayers too. A family, in a guild named Dragons Cry.

Crystal Dragon Slayer Magic
Rank A
Offensive Spells
Crystal Dragons Roar
"And as the defeat of the great dragon drew closer, in its frustration and anger it let out a harrowing roar. And as it did we came under a piercing hellfire of magic which tore at our clothes and our flesh, spelling for us the end of our conquest. The dragon had won with its spectacular coup de grace".
Perhaps Rucks' most powerful and draining spell, rarely used due to the sheer toll it takes upon him. A spew of crystalline shards come from his mouth and lacerate his foes.

Crystal Tail Halberd
"Our expedition began many times larger than it ended, but our forces were split in twain by the tail of the beast. Fast and flexible, but keen as a blade it cut our men down should they foolishly have strayed too close".
An incredibly sharp and incredibly fragile blade formed at the end of an oddly flexible pole. Used as a weapon and once described as "really un-mage-like". When questioned about why it bends instead of being rigid, Rucks only replied with "It's a tail. Duh.".

Crystal Dragons Maw
"Every time someone got close to the beast, it's monstrous maw descended upon them. The force of so much crystal striking through them rendered them beyond saving, crushed within the jaws of the beast".
A downward strike, usually issued from the air which results in the explosive contact of a crystal growing from the point of impact.

Crystal Dragons Claw
"Swipes from the beast may not have been the most damaging of its attacks, but they were incredibly frequent. What might have been quickly dealt with by an average creature proved to be far worse due to it's hardened fists."
A weaker variant of Rucks' Crystal Dragons Maw attack. Rather than explosively forming the crystal upon contact, it is instead formed from the get go, mostly making it a fierce punch.

Defensive Spells
Crystal Carapace
"When we heard the cracking of the beasts shell we rejoiced all too quickly. We thought we could finally slay her but were proven wrong as in a flash of light a new Carapace grew before our eyes, defeating our efforts".
The Carapace is Rucks' most defensive move. At yes most basic level it acts as a sort of cocoon in which he can be defended from an opponent's attacks. By using a greater store of magic, one can make the carapace denser, with Rucks theorising that it could be possible to make a thin layer just outside of his skin. He claims only an idiot would do that though, meaning he probably hasn't quite managed it yet, despite his best efforts.

Crystal Dragons Cave
"Perhaps our greatest mistake was fighting the beast in its home territory. The cave quickly became a weapon rather than a battlefield, and also the dragons greatest defence".
While the carapace causes Rucks to become immobile, but also somewhat untouchable due to its hardy nature, the Cave is almost the complete opposite. A web of crystal surrounds Rucks, allowing him to move freely and still be attacked. However, anyone who dares to get close risks being harmed by the Cave's sharp exterior.

Magical Items carried:
Why bring items when you are the magic?

Extra Information:
Nope, none, nada.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Natsume Honnaji
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Natsume Honnaji Angel among Demons

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: "The Wanderer" Robin Lowin

Age: 27

Birthday: unknown

Magic: Magnetic Manipulation. With his magic he is able to alter the repulsive and attractive capabilities of magnetism in various ways. This magic can be used in battle offensively and defensively, he can also use it outside of battle for things such as travel. He can currently only focus his powers on four objects at a time. He cannot control or bend metal only the magnetic forces within. He can also use this to mess with people's sense of direction.

Magic Level: B

History: He lived his life traveling from place to place doing various odd jobs here and there. He never really settled down in one place for more than a month, with one exception, when he was 19 he stayed in a small town helping a family get settled in to their new environment and helping them build a home.

He doesn't remember anything before the age of five when he woke up in the middle of a forest alone, he spent most of his childhood homeless fending for himself. He eventually met a man who took him in for three years before setting off to travel, which is the reason Robin travels now. When he wonder into the town where his new guild lies he had heard talk of a tournament. Wanting to test himself and see if there was a guild he could join as he was ready to join one. He'd made his way through the first part of the tournament with little trouble and wound up joining a guild.

Personality: He seems cold at first but in reality he's a very kind and friendly person. He never does anything he sees as wrong and always helps those in need. When the time comes for it he can be very serious and quick thinking, in combat for example he is calculated, more of a strategist than anything. In certain situations he turns from his usual demeanor into that of a heartless cold blooded killer who would strike someone down without a second thought.

Team Members: none

Three Strengths:
1. He's kind to a fault
2. He can quickly adapt to nearly any situation.
3. He's a decent negotiator

Three Weaknesses:
1. He's quite gullible
2. He's a bit too honest
3. He's a sucker for strawberries

Greatest Love: Adventure and strawberries

Motivation: He simply wishes to get stronger and help as many people as he can.

Appearance: Usually wears a large robe. Attached to the underside of the robe are nine metal blades varying from large to small in size. He always has on black leather gloves with large wristbands, a pair of drivers goggles with a brown hue to them, a skin tight black silk shirt with long sleeves that tuck into his gloves and pants, and a pair baggy blue, slightly cut up, jeans that are snug around the waist but sort of flair out near the bottom. He's a medium build with bright green eyes and green hair that's usually down with one stand hanging slightly over his left eye. His guild Mark as grey and is placed just under his left shoulder blade.

Additional Details: He usually only fights as a last resort, he can quickly change his style to match the situation and he fight more defensively on most occasions but if he needs to go all out he will. He's not usually one to strike up conversation. Usually he's quite nice and seen as what would be considered by most a "good guy" but his personality and motives are near impossible to pin down.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Cherrywitch
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