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7 yrs ago
Current Ok, so sorta back. Net still sketchy, but I can't resist roleplaying after being gone so long. XD
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7 yrs ago
In case anyone is wondering I am not officially back yet My internet situation is sketchy at the moment and I don't want to make promises of being back when I might vanish again due to circumstances.


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Granted, you are able to have a super thoughtful conversation with a small spider. After the conversation, you follow it to a large area of your house that you didn't even know was there. A giant spider tells you it's plans for world domination, before eating you.

I wish for the next poster to be covered in glitter.
Granted, but you made everyone literally laugh to death, there is now nobody to enjoy your successful career.

I wish to be made into a bunny overlord! >:D
Okay, I'm going to say something on this before everyone leaves:

We were not being hostile. While it may seem like that, we were perfectly within our rights as GMs. We stated something, and gave perfectly valid reasons as to why it was that way. Rune's 'opinion' disputed our reasons as to why we said what was said, and regardless of what you call it, if you go out of your way to dispute the reasons for something the GM said, it's arguing against that statement.
So, with that in mind, while it's possible it could have been handled better, it shouldn't have occurred in the first place. Such matters will be handled better in the future if they should occur again.

With that said, if anyone still want's to leave, they're more than free to.

@Tenma Tendo
As for your character, I haven't really read everything, but of what I have read I like them. =^.^=

You keep using the word 'Argue' I am not trying to argue anything. I was stating opinion in hopes of having a civil discussion, but this is the internet so I suppose that's not possible. It happens more often than not when someone tries to get a better understanding of something. I wasn't trying to say you were wrong about anything. I just wanted to better understand your reasoning. I admit, I may have had a bit of a misunderstanding when I read the interest check about a guild that is going to focus on dragon slayers. To me, that reads 'Primarily Dragon Slayers'

You keep assuming I'm trying to start something...when I am not. There is no need to 'put your foot down' when I didn't even suggest you were wrong. I just said I would agree to disagree.

@Neo Is Delight

And we're already breaking cannon by having more dragon slayers regardless, but maybe that's just me.

Either way, I don't really have any interest in taking part in Standard Fairy Tail RP # 1 bajillion, so I will be withdrawing completely and removing my CS from the Character tab and the second one from the last page.

I bid you both good luck with the RP and hope it goes well for you.

You most certainly had a misunderstanding, as I did not state in the interest check it was about a guild focusing on dragon slayers. I said I wanted the rp to be focused on them, before realizing the flaws, and that there was one arc planned around them, nowhere's was it said that dragon slayers were the focus of the guild.

Your character will be missed, but I wish you luck in any future endeavors.

Anyway, I still bid you good luck in your RP and hope that it'll be sucessful. Sorry for the bother.

You will be missed as well, but I'll also wish you luck in future endeavors.

I wasn't trying to debate anything. I was just giving an opinion because I care about this RP and want to see it succeed...and suddenly changing the RP's premise before it even gets started is just bad taste. If it wasn't changed, then it should have just been explained better.

Nothing was changed. In fact, I had this information in the very first post. All them bright colorful letters? Yeah, they serve a purpose. And not once in those colorful letters did it state: "this is a guild with a shit ton of dragon slayers, yay!" In fact, and I'm going to pull a direct quote here, I said this: "Well, Dragons Cry is home to not only one, but multiple dragon slayers, as well as a popular idol!"
You see the difference? It says "Multiple" not "Primarily."

If you still feel like leaving, that's up to you. But we aren't changing anything simply because you feel it's possible. It's breaking canon, and if you want a rp fan fiction that breaks canon laws of the universe, you're more than free to go make your own rp focused on a guild with a hundred or so slayers.
Okay, let me put this in a different perspective.
You have a fire slayer.
You have an air slayer.
You have an ice slayer.
You have a sound slayer.
You have a poison slayer.
You have an earth slayer.

Now, that's six different magics that are going to be useless.

Now add in the fact that some slayers can eat secondary elements.
That's six more elements that are useless. See where I'm going with this? They're inherently more powerful than other magic because they can just eat magic that is thrown at them, with a few rare exceptions.

So, assume we can think up plenty of challenges for these slayers. It still doesn't change the fact that Dragon Slayers are rare. God slayers are rarer, and Demon Slayers even rarer. So, tell me how we would have a guild 'primarily made up of slayers'? This is AU, so yes, there will be a little more wiggle room with stuff, but I don't want a million slayers, because this isn't canon breaking fan fiction.
I'll also point out, I never once said the guild was made of primarily slayers. What I said was it was guild known for having 'multiple' slayers.

Now, I could be wrong and I might have misread something from the Int. Check, but wasn't the fact this RP was supposed to focus on a guild mostly made up of dragon slayers be sort of what was special about it?

At least, that was my understanding of it and what sort of drew me to it in the first place. Don't get me wrong, I understand where you're coming from but the fact that this was supposed to be a guild full of Dragon Slayers was basically what was pitched to everyone as the premise.

I'd also point out, that no, Dragon Slayer magic isn't the end all of magic and isn't 'super powerful awesome' and has been repeatedly beaten or at least dealt with fairly easy by other skilled mages.

Technically, I didn't say the guild was full of dragon slayers. I said I wanted a rp focused on them, but then I also came upon the realization that this would make for a bad rp premise. Because like angel said, if everyone's special, then nobody is. If you have a few dragon slayers, they're a force to be reckoned with. If you have 6-10 dragon slayers, nobody can even stand against them. There would be no point for any arcs, or anything of the sort, because it would be "Oh hai, here's our villain, everyone ready to roar" bam villain down. no effort, no character building, no nothing. It wouldn't make for a good rp, because the cast would be too powerful for normal villains to face, and as said, slayers are rare. That point becomes null and void if not only we have a cast of them, but also every villain is a slayer so they actually provide a challenge.
@Neo Is Delight
I know you want to keep the idea of Dragon Slayers fairly rare, but since the guild is known mostly because of it's higher than average number of Dragon Slayers wouldn't it in some way make sense that a sort of clique would form from them? And since we'd be focusing on a specific group of the characters rather than the entire guild is it that important a distinction to be made? Surely as we wrote through the RP the number of non-dragon slayers would be made apparent from us writing them as NPC's?

Of course, it's your RP so what you want goes, I only bring it up because of a) I'm not 100% sure on the reasoning, which may just be something completely basic that I'm missing. And b) I have slight concerns about running two characters because personally, I hate making two of my own characters interact. Maybe that stems from me being a TTRPG DM and having two NPC's chat is awful for players and it's just a fear that translates a little too well. I can still write up a second character, just be aware I would actively go out of my way to keep their interactions with each other to a minimum - I feel like at that point I may as well be sat writing my novel.

Well, first off, it's not that I want to keep them rare. It's that it's canon, it's literal fact that dragon slayers are a rare sight. So, while the guild is known for having more, I do want actual character that aren't so. Yes, there are likely to be non-slayer npcs, but it's not the same. We will not be focusing entirely on the dragon slayers. There are a couple arcs planned for them, yes, but the entire guild is the focus of the roleplay, which is why we need some normals too. :3

Of course, I understand your concerns, and it can be awkward at times interacting with your own characters, but fear not! You don't have to interact with your own characters all that much if you don't want to. I'll likely be splitting characters into their own little teams, like Team Natsu, so they can do their own things, while still moving the plots forward. :D
@Neo Is Delight

Unfortunately, I don't think I can make a non-slayer character. I kind of already hit my character limit and even the atual quantity of characters I already have is hard to cope with to the point where I'm considering dropping one of the RPs I'm in to get some extra time.

That is perfectly okay, thanks for letting me know. =^.^=

<Snipped quote by AngelofOctober>

I normally avoid getting into discussions like that when it doesn't involve my own characters or cause any sort of direct impact on my life but this time I actually feel compelled to point something... Isn't that too much of a selfish action?

I mean, taking a famous character as your face claim is quite the normal practice for roleplayers to start with - hardly qualifying a reason for refusing a character. Also, It's important to realize that even if someone decides to take a famous character as reference for appearance they're not obliged to make a character identical to the referential appearance, they're merely providing some visual reference to make it easier for us to visualize them, and even if they do decide to take some aspects of the original character it's not like it will ever be a complete copy - after all the development of the character will always depend on the specific environment and how they interact with it.

Anyway, ignoring the whole half-drunk speech about how you should be able to do the character the way you like and repressing that is wrong, the point of this whole discussion is pointing that refusing a character because you personally don't like the way it was made is kind of going against what RPs stand for. It's not like they're doing metagaming or shit like that, it's just roleplaying a character based in a concept they liked, repressing this without a concrete rrason is just forcing you personal beliefs into someone else - an abuse of you position as GM.

P.s. Shirogane Naoto is a she. She even declares that.

The issue wasn't that they used a popular character for a face claim. In fact, I'm perfectly fine with that aspect. However, at the same time, if you go in with the intent of using that character, it's the character that inspires you. Not the image. So you end up taking aspects of that character. And while true the character depends on their environment, it's still not a good thing to be taking ideas from characters. Though, it's not something we're going to deny a character over. So there is no need to worry of abuse of GM power. :3

I'll read the character stuff later when I'm actually awake. XD
Important Announcement!

It has come to my attention I need to state a couple things I thought were obvious.

First. There won't be any more 'nobles'. No high class families. Rune's character is a noble, as are Angel's. If everyone is a noble, then they aren't anything special, because guess what: You can't have nobles if everyone is a noble, because then they are just normal peasants. With that, if your character had even the slightest hint of being noble, and has yet to be accepted, you won't be unless you change this. Be unique. Angel is an exception, as they have been working on their characters since before I even posted the interest check, and are considered grandfathered from this new rule.

Second. While we will have arcs focused on the dragon slayers, you have to keep in mind a very important detail: Dragons are rare, so are Dragon Slayer Lacrima's. With that said, I will be requiring a normal mage to every dragon slayer, unless you can specifically tell me why you can't handle more than one character. This should not make it look like there are more dragon slayers than normal mages.

@Neo Is Delight@AngelofOctober

You know I've been thinking.

Regarding that discussion I had with Spanner a few hours ago about the ability for Second Gen Slayers to use Dragon Force. What are your stances on that? Does it particularly matter too much to you guys? I might decide to change Eira to being a first Gen, or somehow have her become Third Gen through the course of the RP.

That'd actually be pretty neat as far as character development goes, thinking about it, if it'd be doable.

As for this:
I've honestly never thought about it, because Laxus never once went into dragon force.
The poison guy did though, most people say it's only a semi because he just has a few scales and what not, but the dragon force state depends on the slayer type, so I find it weird that people expected more.
So, my stance is, they can do it all the same as a gen one can. They would need a lot of training to be able to enter as easy as a gen three, but with the consumption of large amounts of their element(or super rare versions of their element), they can enter Dragon Force.

A second gen can't become a third gen. A third gen is a dragon slayer who was both raised by dragons, and had a lacrima implanted in them, as such, it would be impossible to go from a second gen to a third. It might be possible to go from a first to a third, but there's a reason they implant lacrima's in children and not adults, so I'm going to say this will also be impossible in the rp.
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