Alright, I think I'm done. I'm by no means an expert on Fairy Tail's lore or magic system, or it's world building as a whole, to be honest, so there may very well be some detail issues. Point them out to me and I'll fix 'em up when I wake up in the morning. But without any further hesitation here we go:

Rucks Kennithson
Guild mark is a sea foam green, located on the small of his back.
Enabler- Rucks has often been known to not call people out for being at their worst, in fact, he's more likely just to adapt himself. This makes him a favourite amongst those who are often confronted for some of their more 'negative' behaviours.
Concieted - Rucks thinks of himself considerably more highly than perhaps he should, to the point where he sometimes thinks he is far more capable than he is. Thinking he can take on certain missions solo, or that the other members of his party are better off fleeing while he holds the enemy back.
Offhand - Planning was never Rucks' strong point, much to the chagrin of his fellow team mates. He'd much rather jump right in and go with the flow of the consequences of doing so. It often comes as quite a surprise to him when someone takes the time to point out that his "punch things until we win" tactic, isn't quite on the same level as, say, Sun Tzus The Art of War.
Loyal - Rucks knows where his loyalties lie, who he considers a friend, and those he would put his life on the line for. This loyalty is something he prides himself on, perhaps more so than his conceited ability. As much as he believes his magic is strong; he feels that his word is more powerful.
Good-Natured - As much as Rucks has his shortcomings, his arrogance, his dangerous spontaneity and his enabling attitude. It is often out of his misguided good nature; he strongly believes that he is in some way doing some form of good in these actions. By trying to save everyone else in a situation, he thinks could go hairy, or just by trying to, as he would put it "accept people despite their flaws, without trying first to change them". Of course, this could be spun out as him being completely naive, and it may not be a false accusation.
Malleable - While arguable whether a good or a bad trait, Rucks takes great pride in his ability to form himself to specific situations, perhaps the flip of the coin for his offhanded nature. While it's true he thinks a lot of himself, he can easily be convinced that his actions are less than ideal, and while Rucks believes he could be a great leader, he is more than content to instead fall into the place of other peoples plans.
Rucks has the rare privilege of being a first generation Dragon Slayer. And he supposes that having such outright powerful magic is a fair tradeoff for being raised by a dragon, rather than his two human parents. His foster mother, Limmylth, was arguably better than any parent Rucks could have had. She allowed him to roam as he pleased, keeping him under her watchful eye, even if it meant her leaving her home. Something she would rarely do otherwise.
It begs to question what exactly had happened to Rucks Kennithsons birth parents? The truthful answer is, Limmylth never knew. They could be anywhere, alive or dead. At a young age, one which was long before Rucks even had a chance of being able to remember slightly, they left him. A small baby, in the middle of a Fiore field. A huge place for him to roam, with nothing for him to find.
When Limmylth found him, Rucks can't have been more than two, three weeks old tops. By her reckoning, the decision to abandon him can't have been an immediate one. Perhaps the boy's father had passed? Or left his mother after, or even before the birth? Perhaps it was instead the mother who had died shortly after his birth? Or maybe instead the two had decided that a child would drive them apart, a risk they didn't want to take. Whatever their reason, it mattered little to the dragon. She decided to take the young one in, raise him as she would a Wyrmling or her lineage.
It was always an odd quirk of Fiore's dragons, some burnt human villages and sought nothing but their destruction, while others tried to become peaceful neighbours with the humans. And while Limmylth felt that this may have been specific to her species, she was ignorant of the fact that people faced a similar divide. As her kind raised children of Humans, gifting them Dragon Slayer magic, she assumed that they would take that as an offer of peace, a bridge between them. Instead, some people saw this as an opportunity to destroy her kind, slay them rather than coexist with them. But, inter-species politics isn’t the purpose of this story.
The child provided Limmylth great amusement in his formative years, often trying to leave her safe home despite her best efforts. He didn’t even seem to realise at first that he was not like she. He grew as what you might call a feral child. Walking on all fours, prowling. Thankfully, not growling. Limmylth saw to it that she spoke to Rucks in his people's language. After all, she could not keep him alone forever.
After a short handful of years, the boy who so eagerly played with Limmylth, climbing her scaly hide, chewing on her crystalline features without any better direction, began to mature. He grew to realise that the two were not so alike after all. Limmylth knew she still has a few years yet to teach the child, but her heart grew heavy knowing that one day she would leave him.
At the tender age of five years, old Limmylth knew what she must do, to protect this child more than she ever could. She must teach him magic. To say it was easy would be an understatement. The world as a whole occupied Rucks’ mind far too much, beyond Limmylths cave home. He explored, climbed trees and rocks, ran through streams. All while Limmylth flew above, keeping her watchful eye on him. She would have rather hidden away with him forever, but Rucks just couldn’t sit still, could he?
He didn’t take to magic quickly. But eventually he caught on, when he cast his first spell Limmylth was delighted, and from there he became more and more proficient. Soon he would become a fully fledged mage, among the most powerful of humans there were. By this point, Limmylth had even gotten Rucks to stop walking on all fours. Magic required he be centred, and still able to use his arms. Walking on two legs became second nature as his magic casting did.
And then that fated day came, to Limmylth it seemed like only the day before that Rucks was that child she had found in a field. It seemed like he had only just stopped trying to chew on her crystals. And perhaps to her, it had only seemed hours since he had successfully cast his first spell. But she couldn’t keep him any longer, he was her child, but he was no dragon. Left in a strange human world, without his mother. Rucks felt lost.
To begin with, he took it out on other, lashing out in an almost bestial rage. His magic was strong, and his will weak. But soon he adjusted, venturing into towns. He was looking for direction in a strange world. Soon he began to like the idea; he could explore as much as he wanted, without Limmylth to drag him home when he strayed too far. But somewhere in his heart, he wondered why she had abandoned him.
One day, someone had suggested that he find a guild. In fact, he pointed one out nearby. That was six years ago when Rucks was 17, just on the cusp of manhood. He figured he could do it, even when he found out there was a tournament. The first round passed with ease, the second less so. Rucks likes to brag that he managed to defeat the veteran of fairy tail, which is a complete and utter, i.e., which many quickly point out to be untrue. He instead lasted exactly 300 seconds. 5 minutes on the dot. Just enough to secure his prize.
Our current story begins six years later, with Rucks being a self-proclaimed prominent member of the guild, and no one sees anything wrong with that claim. He was now a strong mage, stronger than he thought Limmylth could ever have hoped he would become. He still wonders about her, missing his mother. His only true parental figure. But the pain had passed, and he thought of it less and less as time moved on. He had a new family now, a family of other powerful mages. Of other Dragon Slayers too. A family, in a guild named Dragons Cry.
Crystal Dragon Slayer Magic
Rank A
Offensive Spells
Crystal Dragons Roar
"And as the defeat of the great dragon drew closer, in its frustration and anger it let out a harrowing roar. And as it did we came under a piercing hellfire of magic which tore at our clothes and our flesh, spelling for us the end of our conquest. The dragon had won with its spectacular coup de grace".
Perhaps Rucks' most powerful and draining spell, rarely used due to the sheer toll it takes upon him. A spew of crystalline shards come from his mouth and lacerate his foes.
Crystal Tail Halberd
"Our expedition began many times larger than it ended, but our forces were split in twain by the tail of the beast. Fast and flexible, but keen as a blade it cut our men down should they foolishly have strayed too close".
An incredibly sharp and incredibly fragile blade formed at the end of an oddly flexible pole. Used as a weapon and once described as "really un-mage-like". When questioned about why it bends instead of being rigid, Rucks only replied with "It's a tail. Duh.".
Crystal Dragons Maw
"Every time someone got close to the beast, it's monstrous maw descended upon them. The force of so much crystal striking through them rendered them beyond saving, crushed within the jaws of the beast".
A downward strike, usually issued from the air which results in the explosive contact of a crystal growing from the point of impact.
Crystal Dragons Claw
"Swipes from the beast may not have been the most damaging of its attacks, but they were incredibly frequent. What might have been quickly dealt with by an average creature proved to be far worse due to it's hardened fists."
A weaker variant of Rucks' Crystal Dragons Maw attack. Rather than explosively forming the crystal upon contact, it is instead formed from the get go, mostly making it a fierce punch.
Defensive Spells
Crystal Carapace
"When we heard the cracking of the beasts shell we rejoiced all too quickly. We thought we could finally slay her but were proven wrong as in a flash of light a new Carapace grew before our eyes, defeating our efforts".
The Carapace is Rucks' most defensive move. At yes most basic level it acts as a sort of cocoon in which he can be defended from an opponent's attacks. By using a greater store of magic, one can make the carapace denser, with Rucks theorising that it could be possible to make a thin layer just outside of his skin. He claims only an idiot would do that though, meaning he probably hasn't quite managed it yet, despite his best efforts.
Crystal Dragons Cave
"Perhaps our greatest mistake was fighting the beast in its home territory. The cave quickly became a weapon rather than a battlefield, and also the dragons greatest defence".
While the carapace causes Rucks to become immobile, but also somewhat untouchable due to its hardy nature, the Cave is almost the complete opposite. A web of crystal surrounds Rucks, allowing him to move freely and still be attacked. However, anyone who dares to get close risks being harmed by the Cave's sharp exterior.
Magical Items carried:
Why bring items when you are the magic?
Extra Information:
Nope, none, nada.

Rucks Kennithson
Guild mark is a sea foam green, located on the small of his back.
Enabler- Rucks has often been known to not call people out for being at their worst, in fact, he's more likely just to adapt himself. This makes him a favourite amongst those who are often confronted for some of their more 'negative' behaviours.
Concieted - Rucks thinks of himself considerably more highly than perhaps he should, to the point where he sometimes thinks he is far more capable than he is. Thinking he can take on certain missions solo, or that the other members of his party are better off fleeing while he holds the enemy back.
Offhand - Planning was never Rucks' strong point, much to the chagrin of his fellow team mates. He'd much rather jump right in and go with the flow of the consequences of doing so. It often comes as quite a surprise to him when someone takes the time to point out that his "punch things until we win" tactic, isn't quite on the same level as, say, Sun Tzus The Art of War.
Loyal - Rucks knows where his loyalties lie, who he considers a friend, and those he would put his life on the line for. This loyalty is something he prides himself on, perhaps more so than his conceited ability. As much as he believes his magic is strong; he feels that his word is more powerful.
Good-Natured - As much as Rucks has his shortcomings, his arrogance, his dangerous spontaneity and his enabling attitude. It is often out of his misguided good nature; he strongly believes that he is in some way doing some form of good in these actions. By trying to save everyone else in a situation, he thinks could go hairy, or just by trying to, as he would put it "accept people despite their flaws, without trying first to change them". Of course, this could be spun out as him being completely naive, and it may not be a false accusation.
Malleable - While arguable whether a good or a bad trait, Rucks takes great pride in his ability to form himself to specific situations, perhaps the flip of the coin for his offhanded nature. While it's true he thinks a lot of himself, he can easily be convinced that his actions are less than ideal, and while Rucks believes he could be a great leader, he is more than content to instead fall into the place of other peoples plans.
Rucks has the rare privilege of being a first generation Dragon Slayer. And he supposes that having such outright powerful magic is a fair tradeoff for being raised by a dragon, rather than his two human parents. His foster mother, Limmylth, was arguably better than any parent Rucks could have had. She allowed him to roam as he pleased, keeping him under her watchful eye, even if it meant her leaving her home. Something she would rarely do otherwise.
It begs to question what exactly had happened to Rucks Kennithsons birth parents? The truthful answer is, Limmylth never knew. They could be anywhere, alive or dead. At a young age, one which was long before Rucks even had a chance of being able to remember slightly, they left him. A small baby, in the middle of a Fiore field. A huge place for him to roam, with nothing for him to find.
When Limmylth found him, Rucks can't have been more than two, three weeks old tops. By her reckoning, the decision to abandon him can't have been an immediate one. Perhaps the boy's father had passed? Or left his mother after, or even before the birth? Perhaps it was instead the mother who had died shortly after his birth? Or maybe instead the two had decided that a child would drive them apart, a risk they didn't want to take. Whatever their reason, it mattered little to the dragon. She decided to take the young one in, raise him as she would a Wyrmling or her lineage.
It was always an odd quirk of Fiore's dragons, some burnt human villages and sought nothing but their destruction, while others tried to become peaceful neighbours with the humans. And while Limmylth felt that this may have been specific to her species, she was ignorant of the fact that people faced a similar divide. As her kind raised children of Humans, gifting them Dragon Slayer magic, she assumed that they would take that as an offer of peace, a bridge between them. Instead, some people saw this as an opportunity to destroy her kind, slay them rather than coexist with them. But, inter-species politics isn’t the purpose of this story.
The child provided Limmylth great amusement in his formative years, often trying to leave her safe home despite her best efforts. He didn’t even seem to realise at first that he was not like she. He grew as what you might call a feral child. Walking on all fours, prowling. Thankfully, not growling. Limmylth saw to it that she spoke to Rucks in his people's language. After all, she could not keep him alone forever.
After a short handful of years, the boy who so eagerly played with Limmylth, climbing her scaly hide, chewing on her crystalline features without any better direction, began to mature. He grew to realise that the two were not so alike after all. Limmylth knew she still has a few years yet to teach the child, but her heart grew heavy knowing that one day she would leave him.
At the tender age of five years, old Limmylth knew what she must do, to protect this child more than she ever could. She must teach him magic. To say it was easy would be an understatement. The world as a whole occupied Rucks’ mind far too much, beyond Limmylths cave home. He explored, climbed trees and rocks, ran through streams. All while Limmylth flew above, keeping her watchful eye on him. She would have rather hidden away with him forever, but Rucks just couldn’t sit still, could he?
He didn’t take to magic quickly. But eventually he caught on, when he cast his first spell Limmylth was delighted, and from there he became more and more proficient. Soon he would become a fully fledged mage, among the most powerful of humans there were. By this point, Limmylth had even gotten Rucks to stop walking on all fours. Magic required he be centred, and still able to use his arms. Walking on two legs became second nature as his magic casting did.
And then that fated day came, to Limmylth it seemed like only the day before that Rucks was that child she had found in a field. It seemed like he had only just stopped trying to chew on her crystals. And perhaps to her, it had only seemed hours since he had successfully cast his first spell. But she couldn’t keep him any longer, he was her child, but he was no dragon. Left in a strange human world, without his mother. Rucks felt lost.
To begin with, he took it out on other, lashing out in an almost bestial rage. His magic was strong, and his will weak. But soon he adjusted, venturing into towns. He was looking for direction in a strange world. Soon he began to like the idea; he could explore as much as he wanted, without Limmylth to drag him home when he strayed too far. But somewhere in his heart, he wondered why she had abandoned him.
One day, someone had suggested that he find a guild. In fact, he pointed one out nearby. That was six years ago when Rucks was 17, just on the cusp of manhood. He figured he could do it, even when he found out there was a tournament. The first round passed with ease, the second less so. Rucks likes to brag that he managed to defeat the veteran of fairy tail, which is a complete and utter, i.e., which many quickly point out to be untrue. He instead lasted exactly 300 seconds. 5 minutes on the dot. Just enough to secure his prize.
Our current story begins six years later, with Rucks being a self-proclaimed prominent member of the guild, and no one sees anything wrong with that claim. He was now a strong mage, stronger than he thought Limmylth could ever have hoped he would become. He still wonders about her, missing his mother. His only true parental figure. But the pain had passed, and he thought of it less and less as time moved on. He had a new family now, a family of other powerful mages. Of other Dragon Slayers too. A family, in a guild named Dragons Cry.
Crystal Dragon Slayer Magic
Rank A
Offensive Spells
Crystal Dragons Roar
"And as the defeat of the great dragon drew closer, in its frustration and anger it let out a harrowing roar. And as it did we came under a piercing hellfire of magic which tore at our clothes and our flesh, spelling for us the end of our conquest. The dragon had won with its spectacular coup de grace".
Perhaps Rucks' most powerful and draining spell, rarely used due to the sheer toll it takes upon him. A spew of crystalline shards come from his mouth and lacerate his foes.
Crystal Tail Halberd
"Our expedition began many times larger than it ended, but our forces were split in twain by the tail of the beast. Fast and flexible, but keen as a blade it cut our men down should they foolishly have strayed too close".
An incredibly sharp and incredibly fragile blade formed at the end of an oddly flexible pole. Used as a weapon and once described as "really un-mage-like". When questioned about why it bends instead of being rigid, Rucks only replied with "It's a tail. Duh.".
Crystal Dragons Maw
"Every time someone got close to the beast, it's monstrous maw descended upon them. The force of so much crystal striking through them rendered them beyond saving, crushed within the jaws of the beast".
A downward strike, usually issued from the air which results in the explosive contact of a crystal growing from the point of impact.
Crystal Dragons Claw
"Swipes from the beast may not have been the most damaging of its attacks, but they were incredibly frequent. What might have been quickly dealt with by an average creature proved to be far worse due to it's hardened fists."
A weaker variant of Rucks' Crystal Dragons Maw attack. Rather than explosively forming the crystal upon contact, it is instead formed from the get go, mostly making it a fierce punch.
Defensive Spells
Crystal Carapace
"When we heard the cracking of the beasts shell we rejoiced all too quickly. We thought we could finally slay her but were proven wrong as in a flash of light a new Carapace grew before our eyes, defeating our efforts".
The Carapace is Rucks' most defensive move. At yes most basic level it acts as a sort of cocoon in which he can be defended from an opponent's attacks. By using a greater store of magic, one can make the carapace denser, with Rucks theorising that it could be possible to make a thin layer just outside of his skin. He claims only an idiot would do that though, meaning he probably hasn't quite managed it yet, despite his best efforts.
Crystal Dragons Cave
"Perhaps our greatest mistake was fighting the beast in its home territory. The cave quickly became a weapon rather than a battlefield, and also the dragons greatest defence".
While the carapace causes Rucks to become immobile, but also somewhat untouchable due to its hardy nature, the Cave is almost the complete opposite. A web of crystal surrounds Rucks, allowing him to move freely and still be attacked. However, anyone who dares to get close risks being harmed by the Cave's sharp exterior.
Magical Items carried:
Why bring items when you are the magic?
Extra Information:
Nope, none, nada.
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