Ok, so sorta back. Net still sketchy, but I can't resist roleplaying after being gone so long. XD
7 yrs ago
In case anyone is wondering I am not officially back yet My internet situation is sketchy at the moment and I don't want to make promises of being back when I might vanish again due to circumstances.
@Oni_ I haven't gotten to reading everything yet I'm lazy, sorreh XD But so far, I like what I see! :D
@Tenma Tendo I have a huge issue with your character. 'Glass' is a type of crystal, as such, your character to me, seems like a copy of Oni's. I don't know who came up with their idea first, nor do I care, Oni's character went up first, thus they have dibs on the crystal element, and making a sub element dragon slayer to get around this isn't acceptable. You either need to not be a dragon slayer, and just use normal glass magic, or pick a different element. With that, @AngelofOctober has some issues as well.
I actually meant that he was taken care of by the guild and then joined them through the tournament later in the year... I do admit that it was a fairly vague statement and hardly explained the process of him joining though. I'll just go ahead and expand this part of the sheet to include more info.
Another thing, if it's not too much trouble, could you possibly expand upon the history. We're perfectly fine accepting a character with amnesia, but just because the character doesn't know what happened, doesn't mean we can't. It helps us know more about the character, and connect with them better. :3
@Spanner I have to say you're character isn't accepted. It's a great character, and I love them, I really do. So, why am I not accepting them? Well, reading their history I have this suspicion you didn't read the information on the first post. Now, I hope I'm wrong, and maybe you just spaced it, but there's only one way into the guild, and your character's history makes it seem as if they broke the rules to get in another way, which isn't possible.
History: Aleister is, above anything else, a mystery even for his guild mates - a person with a past so awfully hidden that even himself doesn't really know where did he come from, as he has roughly six years of memories from before the present day and even those start with wandering by the outskirts Magnolia without a single memory other than a name and covered by blood until being rescued/captured by members of the local guild, Dragons Cry, that took care of - and ultimately adopted/recruited - him due to his use of Dragon Slaying magic - by which the guild was widely recognized. Even now, 6 years after the occasion of his acceptance into the guild, Aleister has little to no knowledge about where exactly did he come from and why he was covered in blood when he was found by the guild, with all his attempts of investigating his own past ending in frustration.
That being said, the person himself is far from being concerned about his mysterious past, valuing the lifestyle of a mage in a guild away too much to care about how he could've been someone else had he not forgotten about his identity and deeply caring about the guild who gave him a new home - a family earned through his own actions rather than given him by destiny - being fairly satisfied by his lifestyle of taking it easy, occasionaly doing missions when he takes a break from messing around with others in Magnolia.
Edit: @Natsume Honnaji It's perfectly fine for him to be joining as a newbie, however there's only one opportunity to do such. If this is the case it will be assumed he's already participated in the first portion of the tournament, so this needs mentioned in the history. Also, he needs guild mark location and color in his appearance.
Well shoot, @Rune_Alchemist, our dragon slayers are like...two opposite sides of the same coin. While this could be very fun to play up, I do also understand in terms story there are certain similaties. Perhaps to similare...
Well I'll go ahead and give ya'll Klisa's CS, and if you Rune or @Neo Is Delight think that my character is to similar to your already accepted one I'll construct a new one.
Guild mark is sea green upon her left palm ~Name~ Klisa Bay
Klisa, while not quite a wallflower, is kind of timid for lack of a better description. It would be best to say that she does not have a very strong personality. She is pleasant and outgoing enough in familiar settings or around those she trusts, but outside the walls of the guild or interacting with loud strangers she can quickly wilt into a speechless and fidgety state of nervousness. It not conflict she shy away from, given that she will always find her voice and courage for a friend in need. She when chips are down and the battle is on she seems as stalwart and ready to fight as anyone. It is the social things that seem to unnerve her. Anytime she finds herself in a spot like she will find herself having trouble breathing and feel an overwhelming desire to run away. She has always been better at defending other rather than herself. In fact she will go to great lengths for others even stepping well out of her comfort zone without seeming to realize that is what she is doing. It is more of a reflex than anything else it seems.
lisa is the illegitimate child of a peasant woman and a business tycoon turned nobleman through marriage and success. She lived the first few years with her mother, who passed due to a sickness in her lungs. An only child, she had no other family that anyone knew. But instead of being a child left to die in the streets her father, Sir Hightower, took her in to his home. Despite that he did not openly recognize her as his child in any official form and rarely even in private. To this day she does not truly know if her father ever held any real feelings for her or her mother to inspire him into saving her from a certain death on the streets, or if it was simply because he wanted her out of the public spotlight, where his bastard child could be easily kept under wraps and would not harm his public image. She lived, more or less, as a maid-servant in his house hold. Most of her raising and caring was given to her by the others servants of the house. She was a diligent worker, hoping that being so would garner attention from her father, and perhaps even praise. But Sir Hightower was a very busy man dealing with both politics and business kept him off the estate most of the time.
She was not the only child in the house, the other was her fathers and his noble lady wife's son. A boy only a year or so younger than herself. This had her interacting quite often with him as well as Sir Hightower's wife, who knew of Klisa's scandalous origins. She was the kind of prideful noble lady that had a hard enough time dealing with the blow to her honor that her husband would conceive a child with a commoner, much less the unforgivable insult of bringing that child into their home. The woman didn't make life easy on Klisa. She was a talent mage and schemer, and did many things to make Klisa's life hard and treat her with disdain and contempt. Klisa and the son had started out as something close to friends, but children are known to imitate the parents and it wasn't to long before the boy was just as spiteful to her as the mother was.
While doing her best to keep tabs on her father, around the time she turned 10, she noted a pattern of sorts. She had heard her mother had been a magic user of some sort, a humble but respect specialist among the local guilds. Her father's Wife was a talented magic user from a long family of highborn, well bred, mages. Much of the time he was home was spent admiring his sons progress in developing magical skills. Clearly her father loved magic, she thought if she could use magic as well, perhaps she could get the attention and love she craved from her distant father.
She took to studying under one of the servants, the one who had most closely raised and cared for her. He was an elderly man, but had studied magic in his youth and had enough know-how to teach her the basics. Klisa's natural affinity seemed to be with water magic. 5 years passed and though her skills steadily grew, especially given she had taken to sneaking into Lady Hightowers library and reading some of her magic books, she felt she paled in comparison to her half brother who had a more proper teacher, more time to focus on training, and had been practicing longer.
Then one day, she heard some servant talking about some sort of major purchase the Hightower family had made. Of some sort of rare and powerful magical item. A Larcime filled a lost kind of magic. She felt this was her chance to do something incredible and get her fathers approval and acceptance. If she could make it so she could use the lost magic in that Larcime she'd surely prove to be a good enough mage for her father's attention. She snuck into the storage room late one night and after much searching found what she was looking for.
It hadn't quite been like other Larcime she had seen before. It was more rough shaped, jagged and more opaque. It was the most brilliant green-blue she had ever seen, as if someone had turned the sea into a shard of glass. Gingerly she reached out to take hold of it, but as soon as her fingers touched it she blacked out. She wasn't sure what happened, but she remembered a great deal of pain.
Next thing she knew, she had woken up in a bed, and most of the household standing about it, including her father, his wife, and her half-brother. She was informed that she had stolen something meant for her half-brother, and such theft could not be tolerated, not even from her. So as punishment, as soon as she was well, she was to leave the household and never return. Delirious, in pain, and utterly heartbroken by this news Klisa could do little other than weep in response. Her Father, his wife, her-half brother as well as many of the servants left her alone. Those servant closest to her and most like her family remained to care and comfort her. Eventually it was just her and the servant who had acted as her magic teacher.
When they were alone, he asked her to try to use magic. While it took some coaxing for her to even attempt she got a very unique surprise. Her magic type before had been a water casting type, but she ended up producing was something like a claw of swirling, green-blue, salt water about her hand rather than the clear blue little ball she had tried to make. It seems she had successfully absorbed the Larcime of the Sea Dragon. He told her not everyone could have done such a thing, and that doing so meant that she was a great mage indeed.
The praise felt like a hollow victory to her at this point, she asked him where could she go or what she could do. All she had ever known was living in this estate with him and the other servants.
He told her that when he was younger he had studied magic so that he may one day join a guild, specifically a guild in a few cities over. He had always admired the guild and it members and if he was her, with this new power and nothing to hold her down here anymore, he'd at least go check it out, perhaps she'd like it there. Around others who would see her as equals, as comrades, as family. They were always good about family.
Apprehensive and nervous, but with no other real option she did just that. Once she recovered and was discharged from the Hightower estate she made her way to the home of Dragon Cry. And, much to her surprise she felt like she discovered what she was looking for all those years among the hightwoer estate. A real family. 3 years later and she had never felt more at home anywhere in her life.
Magic Sea Dragon Slayer Magic
Description Considered the 'mirror' of sky dragon slayer magic. While the user can demonstrate the ability to attack by generating sea water, as the Sky dragon slayer is able to enhance their allies abilities, the Sea dragon slayer is more suited to weakening and disabling opponents.
These 'de-buffing' spells are still an imperfect aft of hers, having had been a self taught slayer.. She can only cast one de-buffing spell on one target, she is unable to double down her debuffs on one person. She can cast each spells on as many individual targets as her stamina allows, but it would drain her magic significantly and rapidly.
~Known Spells~ Offensive Spells Sea Dragon Roar ( of course ) A massive, whirling torrent of sea water is spelled forth from the users mouth, like a whirlpool, tidal wave, and a riptide all at once, it is by far her most powerful spell, though she can only seem to use it about once a day at the moment, even with an abundant of amount of water to 'eat' afterwards.
Sea Dragon Fang A fierce swipe of her hand is followed closely by a forceful rush of water that can connect with her foe with all the force of a hammer blow. Her go to close range, offensive attack. By no means an overtly impressive form of attack, it is strong enough to give the young girl claws to keep foes weary of approach.
Sea Dragon Claw Much like the fang attack, but it is a kick instead, much stronger and more 'sharp' where the fang is more blunt in nature. With a greater deal of force, and a keener edge she can use this move to slice through thick, hard wood, or inflict greater damage on a foe; but likewise it has a much more significant effect on her stamina.
Draining Low Tide The spell, while active will drain the foe of strength and endurance, making them feel as if their power is being drawn away from them. It is far from spell that would instantly reduce a man to complete weakness, and the stronger the foe the longer it would take for them to have visible effects on there power, but in the heat of combat and apply well it is a good way to have a foe's endurance being spent twice as fast and to gradually reduce them to being breathless and weak. As soon as she stops maintaining the spell there endurance will began to trickle back in, quicker than it left, so its best for this move to be released once the foe is incapacitated or otherwise unable to fight.
Heavy High Tide The spell, while active, will force an impressive amount of pressure on the foe, making there body weight feel as if has increased and give them the sensation that they are moving as if they were at the bottom of the sea. A good technique for slowing down a foe. How much pressure is actually applied to the enemy is based on how much power she puts into it. At most she can make them feel as if their weight is increased times 5, and while that can force many foes to their knees, she will quickly burn through her stamina trying to maintain such a force.
Withering Red Tide A spell that can be inflicted on only one foe at a time. The spell, while active, significantly drains the offensive power of spells. This only effects spell power and only very externally offensive spells. This will have no effect on the targets physical strength or abilities that augment the physical power. But if your foe is trying to roast you with a raging inferno or deadly shadow spear, while under this spell he is more likely to produce a minor fireball or harmless shade.
~Extra information~
Klisa always has a pouch of salt about her. While she can replenish her strength by consuming freshwater, she finds salt water is much more effective and agreeable to her pallet.
Klisa does not have an over abundance of magic, big spells and long fights are very draining on her. She will try to end things quickly or stay to the support roles in a fight in order to keep herself from running out of steam before battle is done.
Klisa has only be a dragon slayer for 5 years, and is mostly self taught in this form of magic. She believes there is much she doesn't yet know about her powers and feels she has yet to plumb the depths of her abilities.
As mentioned in her Bio she is a Second generation dragon slayer, and often feels...troubled by this. She wonders is she deserves to call herself a dragon slayer, as one who has never met a dragon, much less slayed one.
Looking over everything, I have to say there's a few too many similarities. Sorry. ^.^"
Okay, so, I'm an awful GM. Bunnies are not made for such powerful roles. We are meant to be adorable, not all powerful bunny overlords, as much as I love such a title. xD So, I've elected to promote @AngelofOctober to Co-Gm, because they help me with stuff in discord anyways, so it might as well be official.
Personality: Victor is quite quiet when in battle because he is used to working with someone who knew him very well. But when he's at the guild bar or on the street, you cant do anything to stop him from talking, and he would never feel tired talking about himself. However, he isn't good at teamwork and the word 'plan' is never in his mind. He always wants everyone else to pay attention to him and he thinks everything happening is about him. He is caring, and has a great spirit, knowing how to cheer other people up rather well.
History: No one knows where he came from. 2 years ago, he appeared in Fiore with a friend. He used a magic staff while his friend used a transformable umbrella. This team traveled around Fiore and fought with a bad guy everywhere they visited. Unfortunately, during a fight Victor's friend was killed while trying to save a kid from being killed in the crossfire. After that day, Victor used both his staff and the umbrella to kill all the bad guys he met. As his friend's last will, he went and joined in the tournament to show everyone the power of this weapon.
Magic: Moonlight magic and Enhance weapon magic -Moon Blast: Shoots a magic bullet that explodes when it touches the enemy. -Moon Shadow: Casts a strong magic to help increase its user's speed and weapon. But this skill require a lot of magic energy from the moon to cast. -Moon Arrow: Casts a magic that generates two magic circles that shoot light arrows to the user's target (each circle can only shoot 3 arrows) -Moonlight armor: Cast a magic that generate a light armor help its user to remove dark effect and have chance to negate physical attack. (This skill spend very much energy from moon) -Transform: the umbrella has 3 forms; A spear, magic gun, and a shield. -Moonlight cannon: only in magic gun form; Shoots a cannon ball made from moonlight. -Moonlight spear: only in spear form; Enhances the spear and allows it to attack from a longer range. -Moonlight Shield: only in shield form; Enhances the shield and allows it to protect the user from 1 attack.
Okay, so everything's fixed. So, do know I will expect better grammar in character. Using language barriers is a valid excuse, however there is auto correct, so there shouldn't have been as many errors as there were, unless you ignored the squiggly red line.
Now, with that out of the way. I have to ask you describe the magical items. We do not know what the dragon claw is, and at the moment, it seems irrelevant without description.
Okay, great! You fixed the major issues I had, and I appreciate that. I just have a slight concern. Grammar. Now, I'm not a huge Grammar Nazi, and I don't mind an error here and there. But there's more than a little error here and there, and I'd like to politely request you clean it up a bit.
Forgive me, it's been awhile since I've done anything Fairy Tail related. My memory may be a bit fuzzy xD I'll remove that bit about the healing. Simple mistake on my part.
As for the whole newbie thing - I think your previous statements in this thread about a character not starting as part of the guild may have confused me slightly. If it's acceptable for this to be her first tournament to get into the guild, that is perfectly fine and what I'd prefer.
Sorry for the confusion. The previous statements were more one character is described as a lone wanderer, suggesting they aren't interested in joining the guild, and the other was simply lacking guild mark location/color ^.^" This will be starting off at the tournament, and if your character is a newbie that's accepted, it is assumed they finished the first part. The second part, where they fight a vet for a chance at the prize will actually be where we're starting.
Like most dragon slayers, any ice-based magic will find themselves falling short against her, since she can just eat the element and regain magic and heal wounds of all kinds.
This is not how element consumption works. Well, not technically. Dragon Slayers can consume their respective element to replenish their magic, yes. However, this action does NOT heal wounds. It is the God Slayers that consume their respective element to restore health, but they can't replenish magic.
To make things clear if its not, she's been part of the guild for only a short while.
Okay, so I have to ask because it's not clear, how 'short while'? Either she's a complete newbie joining in this years tourney, or she joined in last years.
@vn2202 Okay, so I might come off as a little mean here, and I really hope you don't hate me for it.
First off, I've noticed you plan for your character to be a newbie participating in the tourney to join the guild, but you still need to have guild mark location and color, I'm positive I've stated this was a necessity in the first post.
Secondly, this might be in casual, and I know I'm new and all and don't know how the community usually does stuff here, that personality is unacceptable to me. It tell's us barely anything about your character. I will not accept it as is.