Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the annual Dragons Cry Tournament!
Dragons Cry has been the strongest guild in Fiore for six years now, and it holds this title due to how it get's members. Everyone who is a part of Dragons Cry, regardless of how weak they may seem, has entered this tournament. Why? Because it's how you get in! Every year hundreds of people join the tournament, and only a few actually make it to the finals, and into the guild.
Why would so many people go through this? Well, Dragons Cry is home to not only one, but multiple dragon slayers, as well as a popular idol!
So, back to the Tournament! It's essentially a free for all battle royale. All the participants are split up, and released into an arena in groups of five. Only one emerging. After, they are pitted against a winner from another bracket. Once past this stage, you're solid, guaranteed a spot in the guild. So, you might ask, why continue? Well, if you make it that far you get to fight one of the higher ranking members of Dragons Cry. If you manage to survive for five minutes, or even win, you get a 10,000 Jewel prize, as well as free board for a year!
Dragons Cry isn't all about power though. Ask any member, the true goal isn't power, but friendship. Attack one member, and you'll have the rest of the guild to deal with as well.
"So Neo, what's this about, I thought we were experienced members of the guild?"
You're free to have experience within the guild! In fact, I encourage both newbies, and vets! That is more or less an intro that I bullshitted, since I don't have any actual plots for the IC yet. Plus, it gives you an idea of how the guild operates! XD
"Okay, that's great and all, but after reading, I saw there's an Idol in the guild? Can I make this character?"
No. Why? Because the Idol character is an important plot point later on, and she will be my character. Do not feel threatened! She is not a dragon slayer, and this is after all, about the dragon slayers!
"I thought we could have other mage types? I don't want to be overshadowed?"
I will direct your attention to Erza. She could kick dragon slayer ass any day of the week blindfolded. You will not be overshadowed by the slayers, and are more than welcome to suggest Arcs where the dragon slayers aren't the focus!
"What's the Dragons Cry guild mark?"
Well, put your color, and location on your character sheets, and you will find out, because I will issue you a guild mark in your preferred color! Or at least close to it, specific colors will need the hex number thingy.
"Okay, well what about this character sheet then, oh wonderful Neo?"
Well, being the lazy GM I am, I will not be giving you much of one. You are free to add whatever you feel necessary. Guild mark color and location should be in appearance, feel free to be exotic! Nothing lewd, if you wouldn't show it to a guard, then it's in the wrong place, nudists that are comfortable flashing private areas do not count, no lewdness whatsoever!
"What is up with these colors? They're hurting my eyes you awful, evil bunny!"
Mwahahaha. More seriously though, if you don't like it, tell me, and suggest a less eyesore of a color that would please you more. If you just don't like the colors, but they don't injure your eyes in any way, then you can deal with them, because you thought I was an awful, evil bunny for using them!
Personality: (minimum 3 positive traits 3 negative traits, any format you want)
Magic: (Name and list of commonly used spells + any limitations)
Magical Items carried:
Extra Information:
Be kind. I will not tolerate rudeness.
Be smart. Common sense.
Be Un-Lewd. If you wanna be lewd, take it to PMs, mature themes can be implied in histories, however we likely won't be doing anything 'mature' in the actual roleplay.
Your characters are yours, X's characters are X's. Unless they expressly give you permission to control their character, don't.
Have fun. If you lose interest please tell me. If you have any ideas for the rp, share them! I don't bite too hard.
Edited Rules:
It has been brought to my attention that one rule is unclear. The third rule, does not mean nothing mature at all will occur, after all what's a Fairy Tail rp without fighting? So, with that said, mature themes are allowed! Just nothing lewd, lewdness can be implied, or taken to PMs, but should not be described at any time.