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2 yrs ago
Current Happy new year. Yes I am still alive. Bleep you 2022.
3 yrs ago
You need to chill, girl. ;P
4 yrs ago
I still don't know why I'm awake.
4 yrs ago
I have no idea why the hell I am still awake right now. I blame my brother.
4 yrs ago
Today, I have added "people who don't wear masks" onto my shitlist. Oh wait, I did that months ago...


I'm a 32 year old woman just looking to keep those writing muscles in whatever shape I can. I'm also Canadian, so fill the rest of this bio with every stereotype you can think of. I've also been single for over a year now, so clearly I'm a catch.

"She's horrible and stuff" - @BangoSkank

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A Shawna @NeoAJ and Jack @Bee collab

There wasn’t much research available to compare the mood entering this particular dance, but despite Jack’s pump up speech, Shawna had to conclude it was definitely more subdued than anything else. It seemed like everyone was going to show up fashionably late to an event that promised to be crawling with “authority figures” intent on enforcing this whole “no emotions” idea of theirs. It still didn’t make any damn sense. But it was the first function where Shawna was attending as a patron, not a volunteer at coat check, and it was going to be memorable damn it.

Besides, it wasn’t like they could completely eliminate everything, and Shawna had been practicing some more covert techniques that would be of use here. She may now have the ability to stuff a flask in her cleavage, but it certainly fit well into the secret pouch of her purse that she decided to bring. Best $75 she ever spent having that dude from Fort Lauderdale guide her to the best stashing spot she could have on her person. She took out the container, unscrewed the top and unleashed some of the sweet silver-shining liquid. Tequila wasn’t her first choice, but it was going to be the most effective since her father’s whiskey supplies were now off-limits. Sated, she handed the flask towards her escort for the evening. “Would like you like a bit of the Jose Cuervo special Jack? Or are you saving it for later?”

Man, this party was LAME. He figured there would be more energy than there was right now, but considering that this was about one of the most whack Valentine’s Day dances he’d ever been to, he shouldn’t have been that surprised. That didn’t mean he couldn’t carry a party on his own, however. Jack had many tricks up his sleeve that would hopefully make the party better than it was right now.

Apparently, Shawna had her own idea of a party as well, watching her pull a flask out of seemingly nowhere and take a sip out of it. Jack had no idea that Shawna was even remotely capable of such a thing. He was gawking just a bit. He knew damn well what a flask implied. However, he couldn’t really drink, considering he was driving. ”I’m driving tonight, dude. Can’t drink right now.” She shrugged, chuckling. ”Didn’t know you had that in you… or on you, I guess.”

Shawna legit giggled at that. “There is a lot you apparently don’t know about me, Jack ma boy! And I respect that choice. You are being exactly the kind of gentleman my dad would approve of. Plus, I heard what happened last time at one of these things. Definitely a good idea to keep the ability to get your car out of harm’s way.” She took another swig and then tucked it back into the designated compartment. There was so much padding on her purse, no one would ever tell it was in there. Plus, and this was the ingenious part, it looked metallic, but it was actually made out of silicone. No way it could set off a metal detector. It was genius if she did say so herself.

“Anyway, I think our work is cut out for us. Doesn’t seem to be much of a vibe going here.”

Jack chuckled, “I see that now.” Jack quickly eyed Shawna’s purse, watching her stuff her flask away and act as if nothing had happened. Damn. Too bad Jack couldn’t get away with that. There were many a situation where something like that could potentially prove to be useful. But he wasn’t a girl, and having a purse like that as a man like him was plenty a reason to suspect him.

“Hey, I’ve been in whacker. Just stick with me.” Jack continued to walk along, ”Hopefully we find something neat.”

“Hey, worse case, as you said, we bail on this thing and go get burgers or something,” Shawna affirmed. “Or, just be really cheap, eat whatever food they got from the caterers and save our money.” As the two got closer, the strains of slow cheesy pop ballads could be heard wafting from the club. Shawna rolled her eyes at hearing the sounds of Charlie Puth. And not the good Charlie Puth, when he sounds like he actually knows what he’s talking about, the lame Charlie Puth when he sounds like he got all his knowledge on love from a sex education class in Utah. “Let’s hope the playlist is just running through all the terrible songs first.”

”Man, these tunes are… WHACK.” Jack wasn’t entirely looking to hear what appeared to be the most inappropriate song for an event like this. They were supposed to be turnt up and not be listening to Charlie Puth try to weasel his way into someone’s pants. Why would he try to Marvin Gaye and get it on when he has a bunch of other people One Call Away? It made no sense.

”So, what do you wanna do first? You wanna get a couple of drinks or something first?”

Shawna shrugged. “I dunno, I guess I thought there would be more to these things. I mean, the rumors I’ve heard… Anyway, um, sure, drinks sounds good, Jack.”

”I did too… Jack glanced at Shawna, before walking over to the drinks table to see what was up. There was your standard variety of drinks - a punch fountain, water, lemonade, and some unidentifiable fizzy drink. ”Yo, if you want something good, lemme make you some of the Jack special.” Since Jack had been to many a dance, and they tend to have the same sort of refreshments there, he had figured out a way to make the most of what he had.

Taking a couple of cups out of their sleeve, Jack got a couple scoops of punch in both cups, before following up with splashes of lemonade. Turning around, Jack raised the cup to Shawna’s face, offering it to her. ”Here, I call this the Jack special.”

The cup was graciously accepted by the woman in the white-and-blue dress. Her dad would have told her to never accept a drink from a boy in a social setting, but at this point, Jack struck her as the last male who would put anything in her cup.

Shawna took a sip, then paused. It tasted like someone put something in her cup.

The punch and lemonade flavors worked well, but there was definitely something extra in there. Something boozy. Was it vodka? There was nothing else other than the lemon and fruit. It had to be something like that.

Which means Jack probably shouldn’t be drinking it if he wanted to get the Viper home.

“Jack, if you’re really committed to this whole not-drinking thing you have going, I’m going to recommend you don’t drink what you just gave me.”

Jack was a bit confused, before he connected the dots in his head. ”Oh shit, they spiked these things?” Jack looked at his cup. ”Damn! I almost took a sip myself.” Jack took a glance at the bowl he just got the punch from, ”Well, at least you don’t have to take your special flask out when it’s already done for us.”

Shawna tilted her head back and forth. “Well, I may still go to it, but it’s nice to know there is someone looking out for us. Here, c’mon, take me to the table, we’ll see if we can’t find you a nice non-spiked drink.” She took the other cup from Jack to make sure he wasn’t tempted and drained her initial one so she wouldn’t be carrying around two cups and looking weird. “Worse case, the water is bottled. I doubt it’s going to be spiked… Unless someone was really committed and did that thing I saw on the internet to get it full of vodka…”

Shame Jack was driving. Spiked punch sounded great right now, but he had to abide by his word. He was Shawna’s ride home and he didn’t feel like wrapping the Viper around a tree, especially with Shawna inside of it. ”At that point I’m just gonna call us an Uber. If our water bottles have vodka in them, then clearly someone wants us to party.” Jack glanced over at the table, the one that he could safely assume that Shawna wanted to head over to.

”Alright. I’ll take you to your table.” He smiled, sticking his elbow out so that Shawna could hook it.

“One sec, Jack,” Shawna told him as she sampled the wares of the punch fountain. Heavily syruped fruit juice and flat ginger ale… and nothing else. “I can confirm that you are clear to drink out of the fountain. It appears to be clean.” She gave the thumbs up as she came over and hooked her arm around Jack’s. “Escort me, sir.”

Smiling softly, he appreciated Shawna’s initiative. Looking out for his tail like that was always something that Jack could appreciate. Shuffling over to the nearest table, Jack pulled out the nearest chair, allowing Shawna to sit in it as he would opt to stand instead. ”Man, if the tunes weren’t so whack I figured we could go dance or something. But, how the fuck are we supposed to get turnt to this shit? I thought this school knew how to party.”

“Yeah, that’s what I was told too,” Shawna sighed as she took the seat that Jack had pulled out and rested her head on her arm. “I guess this is what happens when the teachers do all the planning and monitoring and bullshit like that. I swear, sometimes they take way too much interest in their students for their own good.” She looked over at the bored-looking DJ, slowly spinning the most inoffensive pop hits of the past three decades. Some dude was warbling about being taken higher now. Garbage.

She looked over at Jack. “I guess there are definitely worse people I could be here with to bask in the glory of this crappy music with though. That makes it a better party than it would be otherwise.”

Jack eventually plopped down into the nearest seat and sighed. He glanced over at Shawna as he listened to her talk about the party. ”That’s mad gay, Shawna…” Jack teased, before he had a mini brainwave, ”Hey, speaking of gay, why don’t we go find your Sunshine? Gives us something to do, at least.”

Shawna looked around to try and spot her Sunshine, but it turns out she didn’t have to. Sunshine had spotted them first. However, Shawna was quick to notice her girlfriend making her way across the dance floor. She returned her wave and stood up, ready to greet the bringer of more punch. Dang, I’m going to be buzzing quicker than I thought I guess…

She blushed slightly under the tender peck on the cheek but made sure to adjust herself so none of the punch splashed on a dress that was highly susceptible to showing off Red Dye #5. Sunshine meanwhile had a message for Jack.

”I appreciate what you’re doing for our girl here, Jack, I really do. But let me make it very, very clear that if I so much as see you look at her the wrong way, I’ll break your perfectly chiseled jaw. Got it?”

Shawna had to giggle about how protective Sunshine was being. Not that she had any doubts that her girlfriend could take on her fake boyfriend in a fight. “Don’t worry. My dad made very clear the repercussions for askew glances.”

Well, that didn’t take long. As soon as Jack turned around, there Sunshine was. Jack laughed at the idea of Sunshine breaking his jaw, but he understood the sentiment. Anyone else he’d stand up and challenge their statement, but since this was Shawna’s girl he’d figure he’d let it slide. ”Got no problems on my end over here.” Jack said, holding his hands up.

”I’m just here so that Shawna doesn’t get in trouble.”

"My knight in shining armor," Shawna confirmed. "He's no match for my queen in... a stunning dress, hun. Still can't believe you found that. As Sunshine remarked about the quality of the refreshments, Shawna nodded. "More where that came from too. Plus Jack is graciously serving as the DD tonight." She winked at her official date, who could now be considered a good friend.

Wild how much better this calendar year was going for Shawna considering the shitshow of last year. Even if the dance was lame. At least someone had the good sense to request some different music. She wasn't much for the 1D crowd, but anything was better than what they were playing. Of course, now that Sunshine was back in her orbit, Shawna doubted she would pay the music much mind anymore.
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