Avatar of NeoAJ


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2 yrs ago
Current Happy new year. Yes I am still alive. Bleep you 2022.
3 yrs ago
You need to chill, girl. ;P
4 yrs ago
I still don't know why I'm awake.
4 yrs ago
I have no idea why the hell I am still awake right now. I blame my brother.
4 yrs ago
Today, I have added "people who don't wear masks" onto my shitlist. Oh wait, I did that months ago...


I'm a 32 year old woman just looking to keep those writing muscles in whatever shape I can. I'm also Canadian, so fill the rest of this bio with every stereotype you can think of. I've also been single for over a year now, so clearly I'm a catch.

"She's horrible and stuff" - @BangoSkank

Most Recent Posts

Fireworks. Who actually cares about fireworks anymore? Loud bangs only made palatable because of a brief flash of color? Get over yourselves.

While the fact that she was alone on a hill near the cabins gave the appearance that the girl was staking out a spot to try and get the best glimpse of the nighttime show, Lexi Parsons just wanted to get away from the crowd at camp. She knew that taking part in this place was going to be a mistake, but she had to get out of the house for the summer. Her father was driving her nuts with his whole push to actually try and give a damn about what his daughter was doing and she just wanted some time for herself. It's the only reason she agreed to come to this camp. Not that it gave her any warm and fuzzy feelings about remaining in Utah when the other option was on the West Coast.

Would they be any better in California? Probably not.

They would probably be swallowed up by the LA smog. Not that her other option was all that close to LA. Or that she would at least have the option to be left alone like this. The mountains did allow for some solitary time that probably would not be available in Victorville. But her dad kept taking her around from place to place as a kid, why did Utah hold such a place in his heart? Lexi knew the only thing that ever stood out about her time in Ridgefield, and she wasn't exactly mentioning that to anyone.

So, how the hell did that Jericho person know about that? And my email address?

She looked back over at her phone, resting beside her on the rock that was serving as her seat for the show she had little interest in. Prior to that message, Lexi's time at camp was spent plotting out the best places to sneak smokes and avoid the gaze of the higher-ups. It was during one of those little side hikes that she discovered the spot she was at now. The faint trail of the cigarette that rested in her left hand wasn't visible from the main camp area, that's for sure. It's why if she was going to try and reason this whole email out, she wanted to not be disturbed. She had a tendency to talk out loud to herself when trying to figure out complex issues.

"I thought for sure that shit was just a dream..." Lexi said softly. It was definitely something that had stood out over any other memories of her time in the Beehive State. Even for someone who didn't care for dinosaurs in her youth, seeing a giant red-and-green version of what would happen when a stegosaurus merged with a T-rex battle the largest, nastiest bug this side of a Scyther would be something that wouldn't be forgotten. She remembered wondering why no one from the base was scrambling out to stop the monsters and by the time Adam had woken up to see why his daughter was standing in their duplex in stunned silence, there was nothing there. So she said nothing. To no one. Ever. Didn't need to have anyone thinking she was going slightly loco. Maybe she Googled it once or twice, but it only led to a bunch of nonsense parroted by tin-foil-wearing rubes, and she erased the history after...

But this guy Jericho knew about it. Knew she saw it.

So what? This dude was probably one of those rubes too! Picked some random emails off some server and just sent them out in the hopes that someone would be duped enough to respond so he could ask for their credit card info. Why was she even giving this any thought in the slightest? It was stupid!

"Nah, can't be anything. Don't know why I'd think it is." Lexi leaned back onto the rock and took a soft puff of her cigarette. She just had to calm her nerves and realize it for what it was. "Gonna have to get a new email address though if I'm on some creep's list. What a pain." She lazed on the rock, ignoring the colors in the sky as she closed her eyes and let herself drift into her own special type of meditation.

It felt as if one more ghost had joined the army floating around Edenridge High that night. At least, that's how Jillian felt. Well aware of just how pathetic she looked curled up on a floor that heralded the bloody end of so many dreams lately, floating above a body that for all intents and purposes was already dead to the world. Jillian wanted to scream at herself to stop feeling so god damn sorry. To stop letting the past continue to bury her under everything it put her through, even as it continued to pile on. But it was a futile effort.

Brains are assholes like that after all.

So she sat there, tears in her eyes as more fighting broke out, another remnant of the past as her ride clashed with her nemesis. Again. The bad blood between Kylie Grimm and Natalia Belmonte was very well known, and it didn't take a lot of arm-twisting on Kylie's part to get Jill to side with her in that battle. From when they were kids, Natalia had been nothing but an absolute bitch to her whenever she visited Danny's place. Jill learned how to give people the side-eye because she was on the receiving end of countless glares from the twin. As much as Jillian tried to put olive branches out there, Natalia only wanted to break them and use them as kindling. So it wasn't surprising that the sparks from that fight reignited in this pressure-cooker situation.

Also not surprising that Danny and Lanie went to try and quell that instead of paying any attention to her at all. They had well and truly abandoned her. Jill contemplated for a second asking Decky to just put her out of her misery since he probably had experience...

Then she was reminded of the force that brought her here.

She could almost feel her essence sucked back into her body through the warmth on her forehead. It seemed to have healing properties that would make the Catholic Church call in its panel to determine its status as a miracle. The tears stopped as she looked back up into the eyes of Miss Midnight. How appropriate she led Jill away from that harsh light, if only for a moment.

”Come on, baby. We’re gonna end this.”

The vigor was renewed, stronger than any fortification vodka would provide at this time. As Mei turned to address the assembled masses in the hallway, Jillian shakily pushed herself back up to her feet. Her fellow former cheerleader was marshaling the forces to head back to Carlisle Street. Just one thought was going through her own mind at that moment, overriding everything else.

I would follow this woman to the gates of hell and back...

The twenty-minute walk gave some time for the redhead in the group to think. She still held onto the now empty vodka bottle, content to have something to hold onto during the walk while indulging herself in the latest discussion to take up real estate in her brain.

Do I really want to ask her that? I mean, we spent the whole day together with time flying by. So many days. Like they're nothing. She wasn't sick of me, even like this. She pulled me out of this. But she's my best friend... Heh, all those people who thought I would end up sleeping with my best friend but betting on Danny would have been completely wrong. She wouldn't go for that though. I can't imagine. I mean, how would we discuss the headlines from the previous night if we already knew what happened? As the familiar fallen remains of the Sinclair house came into view, she had to come to some conclusion and her conclusion was...? Are you sure this isn't the booze talking, Bean? You know damn well how you get when you're drinking. Think about this tomorrow maybe and see if you still want to go to that spot.

The presence of ReyRey Gonzalez made it a lot easier to table the conversation with herself. Jillian knew that if Hailey was going to get her in at the Edge, she was going to have to go through ReyRey, so she did her best to maintain some level of presence that didn't invoke pity. ReyRey admitted it wasn't him writing the letters but he started to take the ex-students of Edenridge back to the day that Allison Davies breathed her last breath. It wasn't hard for Jillian to join him. The reason she made so many trips to this house was to go back to that night...

December 4, 2016, Edenridge, MA, 13 Carlisle Avenue, ReyRey’s Party House


"You're going to be the queen of the emergency ward if you don't get back in here! C'mon, Red!" the male in the Edenridge letterman jacket beckoned.

Jillian pouted and climbed back in off the roof of the awning that overlooked the house that served as the staging point of the celebration of what would be a long line of Pinehurst defeats. It was proving to be a night of firsts for her. The first victory in cheer competition over those Pineheads. Her first (and second, third, fourth and fifth at that point) alcoholic beverages. And not 10 minutes ago, the first time she got to third base with a boy. "I'm sorry! I'm just... really freaking happy right now, you know?"

"I wish all the other girls were as happy as you are after what you just did. Would make my life easier."

"As fun as that was, it's not just that. It... I don't know. Just feels like things are really falling into place. Like this is who I'm meant to be. Even... doing that. By the way, how was I? I mean, for a rookie and all. I know I've been exceeding expectations tonight, so I'd love to keep that streak going."

The boy ran his hand over his hair to slick back the beads of sweat while coming up with a diplomatic answer. He didn't dare say that Jill wasn't quite up to the levels as her more practiced sister. In fact, mentioning Grace at all seemed to be a bad idea. "You kept it going, all right. If that's your first effort, I'd say you're going to be going places in that regard." Jillian beamed and went to kiss him, but he held up his hand. "Easy there! Go down another couple Breezers, wash the taste out, then you can go ahead and do that."

"Sorry! Still new to this whole process. Duly noted though. And your feedback will help improve this service in the future."

"Any time you need feedback, girl, let me know." He snapped the fly on his jeans and stood up from the meager bed that served as the staging grounds for their endeavor. "C'mon. We should clear out and get back down to the party so someone else can have their fun... Jill, right?" He knew damn well it was Jill, but she didn't need to know he knew that.

Jillian nodded affirmingly. "You got it! I'll probably get back to my friends, so maybe I'll see you around... um... sorry I don't know why I'm blanking right now. I'm usually so good with names! I swear I have a memory like an elephant!"

The boy laughed and dismissively waved his hand. "Don't worry about it. It's Mike. Mike Barrie. I'll see you around, Jill. Don't go practicing too much without me, all right?" Michael turned and left with a more positive wave as he faded out of sight.

A giggle escaped Jill's lips as she gave a quick glance in the dirty mirror, fixing the straps that had come askew during her time in the room. "I don't know what could make this night better," she said softly to herself as she went to rejoin the party.

There were many things that were getting on Jillian’s nerves at the moment. Nerves that should have been dulled at this point to anything other than finding the sick SOB that was putting out these garbage diary pages and force-feeding them every gymnasium floorboard the assembled mob could pull up. But there were too many hooks pulling up things that she wanted to forget. Lanie showing up and acting like she didn’t need to be here. The mocking tributes to Alison Davies. Danny. Everything Danny. She spent so long trying to forget the past that having the various ghosts burst through the fog she spent the entire day carefully crafting were getting to her. But nothing could distract her enough from what was happening. This Danny was far different than the one she last spoke to in anger and hurt.

Not that she had changed her tactics much since then. Danny did though. He was never the take-charge serious type before… well, he stopped being a lovable doofus and became an untrustworthy asshole. She still didn’t see any sign of the latter yet. But at least he was leading a party out of this god-forsaken gym. Right now, the Edenridge gym was the last place Jillian wanted to be in the world. Aside from maybe the Pinehurst gym. She still hated them too. So she followed the growing Scooby squad around Danny as he led the way to the lockers to see if his hypothesis was right.

Walking the hallways again was giving Jill the shivers. The recent nightmares weren’t helping matters either. The tiles still looked the same, alternating pale and dark as they did when she got the up close look at them when she fell. Every time. Seeing the floor and the wall of lockers in reality were reducing any effect her liquid courage was having. She looked back, as if to try and find an exit, but only saw Mei walking behind her. Mei wasn’t scared. Why would she be scared? She wasn’t reliving those horrors over and over. She was reliving different horrors over and over. At least she was doing it by choice. Jillian swallowed a gulp as the grip on the nearly-empty bottle turned her knuckles white.

It turned out Roddy was going to be the one to open up his brother’s locker. It made sense, even if for some reason it was Danny that had come up with the combination. Jillian thought that she couldn’t get more tense than she already was but hearing the clicks of the lock seemingly amplified by the hollow resonance of the halls was ratcheting up the pressure in her mind. Yet Roddy was able to open the lock with the given numbers. Jill half expected a boom or a jump scare to pop out of the locker when Roddy opened it.

Instead, there was just more music. Fucking A/V nerd was really enjoying themselves with this soundtracking.

As the Callahan boy searched through what used to be his brother’s storage space, the only things he found didn’t seem to pertain to him. Roddy pulled out a photo and a sunflower, a wilted remnant of former cheery glory. How apt that he handed it off to Jillian. She stood there holding the plant, trying to figure out what it had to do with Allison as Roddy requested, but she was drawing a blank at the moment. I don’t know what sunflowers had to do with Allison. I don’t remember her being gung-ho about them. She didn’t have earrings or anything…”

Roddy held up the photograph though, and being right next to him, Jillian was first to grab that from him as well. She shifted the flower into her bottle hand and stared at the photo. She barely recognized young Francis Callahan but got there after a few seconds. Forgot how hot he was back then… Flipping it over though, her heart continued to sink. This hook was barbed, and it was pulling her back down with ease.

Jillian crashed back-first into the lockers and slid down to the floor, the bottle making an empty thud on the ground as she stared at the back. It was Francis, and some dude named Russ, but that wasn’t the key detail for her that triggered her fall. But it would circle back in a second.

The date was ominous enough. Everyone in Edenridge knew that day. That was the day that the innocence died. When the picturesque world of high school was shattered like… well Jill at that moment. In more ways than one.

It was the night that young Jillian O’Brien got her first taste of high-school partying. It was where she got her first taste of alcohol, courtesy her sister grabbing some Breezers for the rest of the freshman cheerleaders to partake while the seniors and juniors went for the harder stuff. She could still remember the syrupy-sweet strawberry flavor that seemed to herald sweet success for a fleeting couple of hours.

It was an address that she knew very well, having stopped by the place more than a few times lately. Whenever she thought confronting the ghosts head on would convince them to leave her alone for a moment’s peace, and when that didn’t work, to drink until she forgot they were haunting her. There was one ghost in particular she wanted to try and talk to and exorcise, and yet she couldn’t be shaken. She was here tonight after all. And that picture on the front may explain the unfinished business.

Jill muttered softly at first to herself. ”That was the night…” She looked up to see the rest of her former classmates staring at her. It was probably a mix of 20% confusion, 60% pity and 20% anger. She couldn’t tell where in particular the emotions were coming from, but as her glassed-over eyes stared up at everyone, tears forming, breakdown surely coming, she did her best to stammer out as she handed the photograph off to her partner-in-crime, Miss Midnight.

Say something! Everyone’s looking at you to say something!

Jill closed her eyes, trying to flush the sadness so she could explain herself. “That was the night…” she said louder this time, but still at a whimper’s decibel level. “While Francis was in the arms of another man… that was the night. That was the place. That’s when Ally died… There was no respite now. No courage. No bravado. No swear words for defense. The depression and regret was fully in control and there was nothing Jillian could do about it. ”That’s when it all went downhill…” The flower was getting watered and the bottle started to regain some volume as a hundred bottles’ worth of liquor started to be shed for the first time in a while.
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