Avatar of NeutralNexus
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    1. NeutralNexus 10 yrs ago


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He didn’t want to follow the pair of Jedi. As he recoiled backward and threw his cape up to shield himself from the flames he contemplated just letting them run off.

But the Sith Code would not allow it, neither would the entailing suspicion of such an act. As much as it would be easier just to let them run off with no conflict it would bring up too many questions, too much doubt as to why a someone like him would just let a pair of Jedi escape. On top of that, there was another reason to give chase to the Jedi investigators.

The girl.

Among the array of emotions layered across the area, the girl had a flicker of curiosity among her fear. He could feel it among her panic, a tinge of interest in him. She was in awe, leading him to only guess that she had never come across someone like him before. Maybe she had seen those who had some semblance of power in their hearts, but none who had the ambition and potential that he possessed. If he could capitalize on her interest, make her see what kind of power he possessed, perhaps he could set aflame a darkness in her, a lust for power only a few potentials could relate.

After all, he was the Master now. He would need an apprentice soon, and a well-trained Jedi like her could be a potential candidate.

He did not pursue at a fast pace, simply striding after the panicked girl and her master, but he wasn't going to let them get away unscathed mentally or physically. He was quick to hone in on the girl and her master based on their emotional state. They weren't hard to track, the male was very vocally trying to dispel the air around him, trying to create a focal point of light in the air as he prowled about them. He was a light in the dark, which while it made him safer than most from Darth Seducus' mental influence, it also made him a beacon among the area, allowing the Sith to easily track his location. His Padawan fared no better when it came to hiding from the Sith Lord, her erratic state practically giving away her position. Her lack of mental control made her extremely easy to follow, even without visually seeing her he could tell exactly where she was. He could judge by her erratic pattern in the pipes that she did not know the layout of Nar Shadda's pipelines like he did, and he could reasonably assume the same of her master. Another advantage for him, as his time under Trubba the Hutt have him intricate knowledge of these tunnels, and as such superior maneuverability.

He strode through a separate tunnel, coming around a bend in the weaving pipelines to cut off their original escape route, but at his leisurely pace, he was not going to be able to reach them. He could sense they arrived at a separate platform, another control room with a few other connectors. Rather than expand the extra energy sprinting to cut them off, he instead gave a flick of his wrist, grabbing hold of the air around the girl with the Force and ripping it downward around her. He didn't need to locate her by sight anymore.

"You know, when I suggested that we part ways without any violence, I did not expect you two to take such an offer.” He called out, his voice echoing through the durasteel tunnels. “I did not expect the Jedi to train such cowardice among their Knights, where is your backbone? Is it not the task of every Jedi to seek and purge darkness whenever it rises? Or do you consider me beyond even your power?”

He did not put himself out in the open, moving along the borders of the area, just out of view of the Padawan and her master. He sent small ripples out with the force, shattering nearby light sources at he moved with simple crushes, allowing him to darken the area more and more, leaving only his prey in the light.

“It’s very clear that you did not come here for me, I’m just the little bonus you found along the way.” He uttered, his voice amplified through the darkness, channeled through the Force with his ambitious passion, flowing through the air like a poisonous fog as he attempted to force the emotions. “But that still leaves the unanswered question...what are you Jedi doing out here? Is it really in the Republic’s best interest to be sending their oh-so-important Jedi Knights to Outer Rim dumps like this? Is it really worth trying to bring hope to such a hopeless planet?”

The Sith let out a laugh, channeling his darkness to project into the increasingly dim surroundings, piling on a display of power to send waves of fear into their hearts.

“For that matter, is it Jedi should they be sending? Usually your kind is sent out for diplomacy, but I’ve heard your Common and a diplomat you are not. You’re a warrior born, Master Jedi. There is a fire in your heart that cannot be quelled by words. So what are you here for? Who did the Republic send you to kill? And why send Jedi? Why send lightsabers for what blasters could easily accomplish,albeit with less of a show? Is this just a display of power to keep the other worlds within their overbearing fingers? Or could they just find no better use for you other than chasing brigands across the scum planets of the Outer Rim?”
@Athinar Soooo....my guarantee kind of didn't go as well as planned, I was a few days off from my word.


The post turned out a lot longer and a lot more interesting than I expected it to be. Hopefully it's an appreciated 'real talk' between the two.

Y'know, until the inevitable other team comes for the snarky merc. *Leers at the party talking about him.*
A consummate professional, Warden was more than capable of keeping up with Sherlock. While he was nowhere close to the AI’s intricacies of datawork and coding, he was extremely potent in it from just being a human being with no powers. While it took a few more pieces of code, Warden was able to simply attach certain lines of code to Sherlock’s packet, allowing him to be used as a remote access point in assisting the AI in shutting down the base’s defenses.

However, this was also a very opportune moment for the merc, now being able to see exactly what STRIKE was capable of. While the AI was right in its assumption they would not trace his involvement with such a target such as Sherlock, it was far too hard to pass up collecting some of the disabled data and schematics that STRIKE possessed. The AI would most likely notice, but there was no denying it’s usefulness later on, and on top of that, the AI had Angel as a more important concern. Whenever Sherlock would break a program or disable a protocol, Warden made a point to collect even a piece of it, hopefully to reconstruct it later on his own time. Nevertheless, when Sherlock gave the advice to split, Warden was succinct and quick to adhere.

“I’ll make sure the two of them don’t come to blows. You make sure you get out of here intact...it seems like your friend really counts on you in more ways the one. We will speak again soon.”

And with that, Warden’s signature disappeared from the grid. His IP reconfigured on the spot as soon as the left, leaving no trace of his interaction with either the AI or STRIKE’s database. It would only take him a few minutes to re-configure to War-Pulse’s comm frequency, but the two on the ground wouldn’t get into anything too heated, right?

Upon hearing Equilibrium’s comment War-Pulse was only able to blurt out “Wait, what--” before the sound of the jump jets drowned him out, the robotic frame of the ATD jettisoning out of the base and tearing through the hole into open air.

“Well, guess I’m covering you then! Real glad we’re establishing such good communications for this dangerous jailbreak!” He sarcastically snapped back into his comm link. The mercenary was quick to follow, with a rippling burst of energy catapulting him after the mech in a streak of blue light, tearing off in front of the ATD . Of course, at this point Sherlock and Warden had done a fairly good job temporarily shutting down the STRIKE base, the Anti Air cannons lining the base's exterior remained silent during their exit. However, as crafty as the plan had been, there was still one oversight in the escape.

The hanger bay.

Even with the base temporarily on lockdown, the airships were separate systems, possibly with analog interfaces instead of digital, and War-Pulse had no guarantee that Equilibrium's powers or Sherlock's hacking skill would be able to disable the fighter jets while they were busy with other activities. It was much safer to prevent them from taking off rather than risk being chased down by a hail of heat seeking missiles.

Breaking off from Equilibrium's flight path, the mercenary came back around to the base's single runway. As this base was built into a mountainside, there was barely enough even terrain to have more that one, which had been a calculated risk for STRIKE in exchange for being very well hidden and given superior cover by the rocky outcropping.

One that would not pay off well in this case.

Coming around the base, the mercenary was able to take note that while he was back in range, the soldiers were taking potshots with their firearms. The pinging noise of bullets ricocheting off of his kinetic barrier ring out as he rocketed towards the base's single runway. Small arms had little effect on his trajectory, but it was enough of a nuisance that a few kinetic blasts were loosed back into the squads below.

With enough aerial maneuvers, War-Pulse made his way over the runway. In his hand began to appear a small blue ball, a sphere of focus kinetic energy packed into a throwable package. Like a baseball pitcher, the mercenary wound back, the energy ball crackling and distorting, turning him into a small beacon of light in the air.

“Hey! STRIKE Assholes!” War-Pulse called out, his voice booming down to the hangar bay to the pilots desperately trying to get their planes into the air. “When your boss comes by and sees what happened, tell him War-Pulse says hello!”

With his words, the mercenary sent his kinetic package straight down, hurtling into the ground with impressive speed, the air rippling as the ball rocketed through it. As it connected, the ground seemed to implode only for a brief second before a mighty explosion rocked the paved runway, pulverizing the concrete and reducing it into a rocky crater, the length of the runway becoming entirely unusable. Before the ground even finished shaking, War-Pulse was off again, chasing after the ATD with a smirk on his face, knowing that STRIKE now had no way to pursue for a while.

The flight indeed took half an hour, as Equilibrium had so dutifully explained before. The flight was rather silent at the beginning, the adrenaline of the hard-fought escape beginning to wear off, making way for the unsettling tension that came with being enemies only a few days ago. Of course, War-Pulse was always the first to break the ice in this situation, and this would be no exception.

“Soooo...you probably don’t want to hear things from me, given the last time we talked I threw a truck at your head…but can we talk?” War-Pulse asked. “You don’t really have to say anything, to be honest. And it isn't like you can stop me from saying my piece, either. You said yourself that you don’t have any defensive abilities while we’re going to your homebase. So you might as well sit back and listen to what I got on my mind.”

The mercenary manuered his way to the ATD’s front, flying with his back to the ground and staring into the metallic frame’s front. He knew the kid could hear him, Equilibrium hacked into his comm link, there was no way the guy wasn’t listening to him right now.

“Now look, I’m going to be upfront with you...I know what you did with the helicopter back on the night of the riots. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that helicopters don’t just fall out of the sky onto your head, and on top of that, you aren’t the only one with an analytical program on your side, Mine’s just organic.”

The merc sighed, crossing his arms as he spoke. “Look, here me out, between you and me, that’s one hell of a move. It was ballsy and cutthroat, one hell of a shot in the dark in an attempt to put me down. Sure, it didn’t work, but you wouldn’t have known unless you tried, right? So while others are judging you for it, I’m just impressed you had the gumption to try such a move. That’s the kind of ‘never say die’ potential I rarely see.

However, here’s the flipside of this conversation, and subsequently the point I want to make. If it’s not clear to you by this point; I’m kind of a piece of shit, and due to my past track record, I don’t think you’ll find many who don’t agree with that statement. My morals are screwy as hell, I take whoever gives me money to do literally whatever...Hell, before I was hired to rescue you I tried to poison the city with something that I now entirely regret doing, and you know what? I don’t hold it against anyone that they’re going to probably blame me for it.”

War-Pulse let out a shaky chuckle, rubbing his eyes with a hand as he flew. “But that’s something I’m going to deal with later, and I’ll own up to it when the time comes. That’s not the point…the point is if someone like me is agreeing with an action like the one you took, then what does it say about what you did?”

He glanced upward at the destination, by this point they were getting closer, the bustling coming back into view in the distance. His brow furrowed, a stony grimace coloring his face as he looked over the rapidly closer city.

“Bah...Chances are you aren’t even listening to me, it’s not like I can tell behind that bucket of bolts…” His body turned back over, letting his chest point towards the ground once more as he began to decelerate, falling behind the ATD so it could lead him to the garage. “Whatever, thought I'd just say my piece, damned if you care or not. Still...take it from someone who threw his ethical judgement away far too long ago. Stand by your actions, but let your actions stand for who you are and what you believe...or else you end up without a moral to stand on when the finger is pointed your way.”

With that, he disappeared from the ATD’s view, now lagging behind with a more somber look on his face. His brow furrowed now, lips pursed and contorted. Where the hell did that come from?
I'm sorry if I'm not giving you enough @NeutralNexus. But I'm thinking it going to be short posts for a bit as action occurs.
And my post didn't tell what Malov did...only alluded to the idea. ;)

I interjected. ;)
EDIT: Let me know if I'm going to far. I don't want to ruin your guys' plans.

I'll have something within the next day or so. I just saw the force awakens and now feel a bit more star wars inclined.
Okay! Now that the holidays are ALMOST over, I can get back to posting more regularly. @Athinar, I will have a post coming for you either tonight or tomorrow, and that is a guarantee!
@Phoenix To address the concerns with Eevy's behavior, I don't think she acted contrary to Jedi Code. Had she lunged at him with no regard for judgement, that would be directly in conflict with the Jedi Order's code in any right. However, what was described was a verbal warning and a display of intent to prevent him from running. That isn't an attack, that's a peacekeeping attempt. It's the same as a cop drawing his weapon in an attempt to apprehend a criminal and prevent him from running(which Jedi would do from time to time). Jedi do what they must to protect the peace, and it was already reviewed that the force-sensitive they were chasing was at least powerful, if not possibly dangerous.

I don't see this as disobeying Jedi Rules, it's bending against them. Unless she tried to strike him, I don't see that as a direct violation.

As for Jedi/Sith rules, I'm good with Force-Users not all being super-force-gods. Sure, they should be given a bit of leeway(Being able to force push and use a lightsaber isn't an out-of-place idea at least, though bigger attacks would need windup), but most Jedi and Sith could still be beaten by enough blaster fire, especially well-trained blaster users.

Though Nite's got the final say, video games like SWTOR at least give me a basis of what I can do.
“What are you talking about Master Jedi?” The sith lord sneered back, his lightsaber unignited in his hand. “I did not bring anyone here, you followed upon your own volition. There was nothing forcing you to come down to meet me, you did it all by yourselves...both a brave and foolish thing to do. What if I was down here with an army of thugs and blaster rifles? You would have walked right into your own demise!”

His visor switching its gaze between the Jedi as he took a casual few steps toward them, the mask doing well to hide his face as he continued to address his pursuers.

Now getting a look, Malov was already busy trying to peg his pursuers, his dialog only testing the waters to see what kind of people he was up against. It was very clearly a Jedi and his Padawan from the way they felt in the Force. The Master was a Male humanoid, and a militant one at that judging by his attire and stature. He was tall and muscular, his expression remaining cold and stoic as he seemed to simply be waiting for Malov to finish talking so they could battle already. This was a mind of focus and drive, Seducus could already feel the man sizing him up as well, methodical and calculating, looking for physical weaknesses and blocking out the Sith's words. This would not be a man he could simply mock into making a stupid move, Dun Moch would have little affect on a man like him, or at least would take a while to work. As much as The Sith Lord disliked a fair fight, if it was the only way, he would have to see it done.

The Padawan was a different story, on the other hand, her inexperience was displayed in her color and shifting of weight, her fear very clear on her twitching brow. She was a Falleen, a race that based itself on pheromone use to read other's emotions, much like his own race, but lacked the natural Zeltron ability to implant emotions onto another person like he could. She was a pretty young woman, her frame being that of an athlete, evidence of her training with the man at her side. Though training was still fresh, from the looks of it, as even before the man could force his emotions into her, the Sith Lord could feel her fear rising up from within. If Darth Seducus was going to gain an edge in what was undoubtedly going to become a fight, she would have to be the exploit he would utilize.

“Apparently the Jedi Order these days do not teach caution, only blind fervor and one-track minds.” He taunted. “Alas, there is no grand trap for you, no large explosion of thermal detonators or blaster fire from all directions. Just a single man waiting to see what you would actually do in this situation, and...for that matter...what you are doing here in the first place.”

Absent-mindedly, the Sith ran a hand along the cold durasteel plating of a nearby generator as he ambled off-center, his visor never leaving the two jedi. “It’s a long way from Republic space, out here in the land of the Hutts...quite a distance to be travelling to be threatening no-name thugs and angering Hutts. Tell me, are you here just chasing gangsters? Looking for the Republic’s next conquest? Or looking into yet another corrupt senator's dirty deeds?”

Seducus gave a short laugh, his attention turning to the padawan, a Falleen from what he could observe. The Sith Lord honed in almost immediately on her emotional state being influenced by her master, like a bloodhound to a fox's scent. He stared at her for a while, his stance adjusting as he continued his ambling pace around the room. The emotionless mask pointed in her direction as he continued to speak.

"You...you're frightened, aren't you?" the Sith Lord taunted. “Your master is doing well to hide it...but someone like me can see through such a trick. Fear runs rampant through you, my dear, your haggard breath and trembling frame says it all. Tell me, are you more frightened of me, or the lessons your Order taught you about men like me?” He opened his arms out to her, beckoning her with an outstretched arm. “I must tell you, fear is a powerful emotion, young lady. It can drive people to cower or run in the face of danger...or it can cause them to fight and lash out, channeling their fears into adrenaline and power....what will your fear do for you? Will you run, or freeze and leave your master to face me alone? Or will your fear drive you to fight until your last breath?”

He then turned, his cape flickering about as he revealed his back to the two Jedi, walking back towards the other side of the generator room, ambling towards the exit on the other side. “Of course, we could all just pretend we never saw each other and go on our separate ways...what happens on Nar Shadda stays on Nar Shadda, after all. It’s not like you have to kill me out of duty, correct?”
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