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1 mo ago
Current Bored. Boredity bored, bored. Oh, and did I mention that I'm bored?
2 mos ago
Spent the afternoon making Kimchi,, and now my hands sting from the chilli ><
2 mos ago
I remember Guild fall. It was so much busier around here before that!
3 mos ago
When you're decorating and find some beautiful Victorian tiles hidden under the hallway carpet. It's a happy day!!
4 mos ago
Sorry folks, crazy busy. Will get back to everyone tomorrow.


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Hi all,

As you might have guessed, I'm looking to start up a Tudor roleplay. The era is my absolute favourite - and I'm always binge watching some sort of series or documentary on Tudor Kings and Queens and general day to day life. I'm a history nerd and I'm not sorry about it. With that in mind, I do want to say that I'm not the kinda' gal that's going to get annoyed if every tiny detail isn't spot on accurate. That just isn't me.

Pairings? Well, we have alot to play with, but I do think it's quite fun to write a story set right smack bang in the middle of the Royal Court. From politics, romance and intrigue - it has it all.

I do want there to be some sort of romance between the characters, that's just what I'm feeling at the moment. I tend to do MxF pairings, and in this situation I prefer to play F. I love to write side characters of all different varieties. It helps to keep the world alive.

I have a few possible pairings, but I'm always open to ideas. Oh and before I forget! Mature themes will happen, but we can fade the smutty stuff or write it out - I don't really mind. Just let me know your preference. Gore, violence and all that jazz are also a possibility.

King x Lady-in-waiting
King's friend x Queen (The Friend and the Queen were childhood friends)
Noble person x Noble person (Family rivalry a plenty)

If you're interested, send me a PM.

@Harrington If you're still looking for a RP partner, shoot me a DM! You can find my IC in the 1x1 forum if you want to take a peek.
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