General Information
S’venia Skor
The Truth
The Purple Streak
S'venia stands at the height of five foot, eleven inches tall with a lithe feminine frame. She keeps her hair cut to a medium length bob that is both stylish and functional, with the occasional ponytail when needed. While she is a brunette by nature, she has dyed her hair blue with a single purple streak for the past five years, earning herself the nickname the purple streak in the process. Her natural eye color is a brown color that often changes to a shade of green. Her left eye sports an eye-spy contact lens that serves as her camera that, while not ordinarily visible, can be seen when recording as an orange ring appears over her eyes. The set of three hexagonal tattoos to the left of the eye is a set of control panels that are required to be used with the contact camera, a regulation that for once S’venia wishes was dropped. While she is never one to be overly fancy, instead, she tends to stick with the tried and tested look of black boots over-top simple jeans underneath a simple t-shirt. She does tend to vary this simple look with any number of jackets; the color and style depending on the day. She tends to focus on a very colorful and over-top style that is all too in fashion right now or very basic leather for her jackets, with very few that fall in the middle.
South City Blues:
S'venia works for the South City Blues as a journalist. Her job has her traversing the city in search of stories to tell. She has a deep network of contacts that send her information, what they saw or what is going down. A regular part of her job is traveling the district. As such, she has come to know a great deal of the residents. She has traversed, with caution, the war has torn outer regions and has troves of videos of the carnage. She has crossed across the homeless within and heard their voices. From here, she connects the dots and finds a story to tell that will not only not get her fired, but also get enough views to pay the bills. Sometimes she is sent to cover an event. While she does not live the most glamorous life, her job still keeps the lights on and allows her to continue to push for a change.
Dexter Campbell's Campaign Team -
S'venia worked, and still does in some sense, as a communication director to try and help get Dexter Campbell elected to the mayor's chair. He had a vision for the people, one that S'venia thought could be sprung up the political ladder. S'venia had grand plans for what the campaign could do. Unfortunately, as the world saw, the Ripper as it became named saw to it that Dexter would be wounded and it nearly took out Gatch as well. Shortly thereafter, all traces of Dexter vanished. The team fractured and went there separate way from there, to S'venias protests. Dexter had started something, and S'venia want to continue it. She could not convince any of the others and she can not blame them for their decision. This world consumes those that seek to shine a light of the filth. She sometimes brings up her old files to see if she missed any connections, any greater story as to how everything happened but everything appears to be known. She wonders what ended up happening to Dex. The photos of the would-be assassin still exist, hidden among layers and layers of security.
The Truth: Under the Umbrella of the Broker.
S'venia is The Truth, a virtual persona she has adopted to both keep her safe and to build her brand. She knows that change is coming. The politicians and mega-corps don't see it, but S'venia knows the people are ready. She has watched as they witnessed countless atrocities. From the war-torn hellscape that the corporations have enacted on our borders to the gangs running free, they have experienced this hell on earth. She knows the people are ready for more. She wants to be the one to show them how to get it.
She is afforded this luxury because she is under the protection of the Information Broker. After the team split after the debate, S'venia resumed a more active role as the Truth and as such, came further into the shade of the Brokers umbrella. She knows little of the individual who holds the title, her only interactions come with their agents, but the stories of them are concerning. When an individual gets too involved, and too on the radar of those who with the power to make people disappear, the Broker calls them in. What happens next is still a bit of a mystery. Some say they are moved to a safe location to continue their arts, others say something more nefarious happens. One thing S'venia knows, for sure, is that if the day does come and they try and take her away, she may not go as willingly as she let on initially.
Psychological Profile
“The Truth is what allows me to be free.”
Resourceful | Confident | Restrained | Impartial | Arrogant | Impetuous | Paranoid
PERSONAL GOAL: (Why are you still around? What are you trying to achieve?)
S'venia knows the people need a voice to unite behind to go after these corporations and their death squads. She wants to be that voice.
CAMPAIGN GOAL: (Why are you on the campaign trail? What are you trying to do for your relevant platform?)
S'venia’s goal is simple; for her to start making progress on her platform, she needs to learn more about this corrupt world. She has seen the horrors that have been brought down on her district, most haven't; if they have, they turned a blind eye. S'venia is here to expose the terrible situations to the masses. She has traversed the war-torn outskirts and has numerous videos of the mayhem these corporations have started. She has seen many children lose their parents, children, their futures, and all this in the name of corporate greed. The truth of the matter is this is not okay. The masses have seen the bodies in the streets and have turned a blind eye to the status quo. S'venia wants the people to not have to hide inside their homes as the corps fight it out to decide which one gets to bend and fuck them over.
S'venia has seen the homeless crowd the streets. The masses have turned a blind eye to them, but she hasn't. She has seen the people with bodies broken by unsafe work conditions and watched as their children get pressed into gangs for security. She has watched the people of this district make terrible decisions to survive, and so have the masses.
S'venia is here to expose the system and bring power back to the people, but thus far she is alone in her crusade. She is one voice. She can not hope to bring the people back to their rightful glory without learning what she is up against. She plans to find a way into one of these local elections and use her talents to get them elected. Get her foot in the door if you will. From there, she will learn what skeletons hide in which closets, what secrets can be learned, and how to expose them for the monsters they are. She got a taste of the process with Dex, she wants to take it another step with this cycle.
In the virtual, the Truth shall set her free.
PERSONAL PHILOSOPHY: (Who are you really? What morally defines you? What drives you?)
"I am a harbinger of change. I am but one voice, but soon I hope to conduct the symphony that we united shall sing back at the darkness. The corporations have turned a blind eye to us. They think we are weak and we listened."
S'venia believes there is a clear divide between good and evil but that there is not a clear divide between a good and an evil person. She has watched as ordinary people are forced to do evil things in the name of survival. She has also written about the "good" that a corporation does as it tries to shape its image. She sees the contradictions as clear as day. She wants to expose them and have those who have suffered remembered. The corrupt have had their time, she says, and it's time for them to reap what they sowed.
POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY: (What are your views on the world? While a partisan identity would be nice to include, feel free to define yourself outside of the five parties.)
S'venias goal is ultimately the gift of choice for the people and the power to be held accountable. She wants the mega-corps who've waged wars on her city to be forced in front of the people and have their verdicts decided by those who have suffered under them. She wants the politicians who have taken "campaign contributions" exposed and voted out. She wants the people to have a voice and to not live in fear of using it.
She most closely identifies with the Pirate Party but has been put off by them as of late. From their shadow campaign where they act like the others, not revealing the source of their funding, making her regret her initial support. Although there are still numerous members of the party that she is close with.
SECRETS: (What are you hiding? What would it cost you if someone found out what’s behind the veil?)
Her role as the Truth is here most closely held secret. From her videos about the political crisis caused by a specific one, to the dangers of the corporations, S'venia has said a lot of things about a lot of people. If someone were to trace it back to her, she knows she must accept her fate.
S'venia often trades in secrets. She learns a lot on her journeys around the district, and from her colleagues. From the location of a bounty to a gang to the secrets she overheard to the source of them, she often finds a way to make a bad situation worse for others. If it was revealed she did this, it would mark her and ruin her reputation as a journalist.
She has seen more than she shares. She has troves of data, video, and recordings of influential individuals involved in less than legal situations. While she sometimes uses this as ammo to fire back at them as The Truth, the fact that such a trove exists makes it a threat if it was revealed.
FEARS: (What keeps you up at night? What makes you freeze up in the moment? What do you avoid at all costs?)
Corporate death squads.
Becoming consumed by the filth and becoming another cog.
Losing my voice and will to bring change.
The further loss of our rights
Further environmental collapse
REPUTATION: (How does the world view you? What are you known for? How do your people act around you?)
S'venia is still a fly under the radar of those in the know. While her articles can fluctuate in popularity and her name brought up, she is not someone who draws a crowd in real life. Her pieces are fluff. They make the powerful feel secure, the popular feel adored, and their fans seen.
When she adopts the persona of The Truth she is still relatively unknown. While she has a small base of followers who listen, she is still dwarfed by the sheer number of cogs. She is slowly trying to make an inroad into gaining a bigger audience. Her voice is not enough, she needs to find some more explosive content to put in front of it.
As a campaign member, she has a mixed reception. While on one hand she handled her role with class and did have some success, on the other the stigma associated with what happened still exists.
LIKES: (Feel free to list a few.)
Friends and people
Old books and movies, the new stuff just are too edited, you know?
Talking at great lengths about positive strides no matter where.
Colorful hair colors
Nicknames, both giving and receiving.
Technology and gadgets
DISLIKES: (Same as above)
Lack of focus. If you can't lock yourself into the moment, then how can you expect to secure your future.
Corporations and gangs.
Overly optimistic personalities. A strange dislike as her public persona is the same. Yet she can not stand the type of people who hope for a better day but make no attempt to bring it about. Most optimists speak simply of the corporations making changes on their own accord. Most of them scream that better days are coming if we show them what we have to deal with. They need to tell them directly.
Overly augmented individuals. Mental decay is not worth it.
QUIRKS: (What makes you unique for better or worse?)
She is always humming a song. It has no correlation to a song that may be playing at the bar, nor the song sung by the singer during karaoke, but it is clearly remarkable. When asked what that song is, she will provide an answer. If one were to search the song, it would always end up being incorrect.
She is continually adjusting her posture to ensure the perfect balance between perfect and comfortable. To those who have ideal posture, she will appear to not be great, but those with bad posture will feel like she goes enough to consider it 'perfect.'
Background Information
“You can be silent about our situation, or you can take action. The risks are the same with a different filter placed on the end.”
S'venia lived a quiet start to her life. She spent her days exploring, listening, and learning about the developing world around her. Her parents were nothing more than cogs in the corporate machine, and they slaved away to eke out a living. While they were not poor, they were a long life away from luxury. She at least had food on the table for dinner but never really had the fanciest of toys or clothes. Even though their conversations were composed of wanting, they did little to upset the status quo. While unable to provide a lot, her parents did strive to make sure she was educated. Instead of trusting the ever crumbling public systems, she instead spent most of her time away from home at some of the cheapest private schools. While they were not much better than their crumbling counterparts, they at least attracted some teachers who wanted to teach. During these years, she was often distracted by the world around her, and she often allowed her imagination to replace the images of the decaying world with something else.
As she grew into her teen years, she discovered she had a natural ability to write and excellent attention to detail. She could recall minute details of conversations, and her writing style lent itself to these detailed stories. She eventually decided to focus her attention on her future and took a passion for journalism. She went to the best college a poor person could get loans for, made a lot of friends along the way, and graduated with decent grades and a disdain for the current state of higher education. Quickly, S'venina learned that the job market was overcrowded in every regard, and even with a degree, finding a job was not an easy task. It took a lot of convincing, a lot of favors for a friend, and hours of hard work before she got work as an unpaid intern at a local news station, the South City Blues. She has since made it up the ladder in the years since and is a full-time journalist that has somehow earned the trust of her editors. Even though she still has the same attention to detail, she has chosen to omit specific information from her stories. Nothing serious, but if an unpleasant aspect could paint the wrong person in a dangerous way would end up in the trash.
Five years ago, she lost her family to a random accident. Some poor residents tried to rob the wrong person, triggering their security detail, which resulted in an unfortunate massacre of both the perp and innocents alike. The story is not one that is too all well known, the powerful have a way to alter the truth. The news talked about the attack on the wealthy businessman and how his security detail bravely defended their client. No one spoke about the three hundred rounds fired by their guns, nor did they talk about the two dozen people killed who had no part to play. Her parents were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. The news still judged them as guilty, even though their only crime was to stay late at work and leave at the wrong time.
They never once spoke out about this unjust system. Her parents kept their silence and worked as useful cogs for the machine. They warned S'venia to not speak out about those in power because they had a way of making people disappear. When she started going to school, they warned her of not reading too deep into the stories involving the powerful because there could be some dangerous truths hiding in plain sight. When she became a journalist, they drove home the point to never publish anything negative about the mega-corps because they would bury her and make sure she never found work again. They kept their mouths shut, worked their lives away, and were still consumed by the filth.
S'venia, however, could not speak out about this injustice. She could not lend her voice, her writing even, to the cause as to do so would mean her fate would end up the same. After many weeks of grieving, a lot of visits from friends, and extended family, she finally vented to a close confidant. Her voice was no longer her own. She spoke about a dream she never knew she wanted. A world where the people could hold the strong and powerful accountable and bind their fates to the will of the people. A world where we, the people, held power. An existence not tied to one's income but to one's voice. After the whole tirade S'venia collapsed exhausted and emotional. If it were any other friend, the end might have been different. Yet it was one of her oldest friends, a man named Ajax Quanta, that helped her. He listened as she told of a new life, listened as she broke down as reality came back, and told her she was not alone.
He would check in on S'venia over the next few weeks. After S'venia finally leveled off from the emotional high, he revealed his association with a group. They called themselves agents and were a group that worked for the Broker. He explained the Broker offered protection for those who have the will to put themselves at risk to say their message, no matter the form. Art, comics, videos, and everything else still fell under the protection of the Broker. They specialized in keeping everything physical and would then upload it to the Virtual, concealing the identities of those under their umbrella.
S'venia eventually accepted their services and thus began her new life as The Truth. She worked her life as S'venia as a journalist, and she kept writing the same fluff pieces about what the public idol was doing and what corporation was making strides to be better. Every story that cast a shadow over someone's character would make it back home. She would connect the dots, find the truth, and release her voice in full as The Truth to expose the hypocrisy. She has gained a small following in her corner in the virtual, her avatar being nothing more than a loudspeaker on top of an old newsstand with articles detailing the facts of the conversation. Everyone is free to stand and listen, and to grab a copy, whether they want to help the world to change, is up to them.
In today's heightened political tensions as the battle rages for the 'large' council seat, S'venia has been caught up in the coverage of the events. She has been careful to only report the positive sides of each candidate. The bad outway the good and The Truth shall be busy saying the quiet parts loud to the people. She is attempting to find an inroad to any campaign she can and hopes her job does the dirty work for her.
Operative Information
“If they can't tell The Truth from the average voice, do I even pose a threat?”
AUGMENTATIONS: (What sort of Cyberware are you equipped with? If in doubt, ask me.)
Engitech Eye-Spy Camera and video recording contact.
One of the few pieces of tech she has, the Eye-Spy is a clear contact lens that allows for high-quality photos and videos to be shot right from her perspective. The camera itself is very powerful and surprisingly cheap (with everyone rushing to get the newest implant, older style electronics have dropped in price), with the ability to shoot video at a 16k resolution and take photos at fifty mega-pixels for ultra-clear and easily edited photos. The camera is controlled by a few different methods. The first is a small physical shutter control device that she can covertly click when doing more covert research. The second is the control panel inserted on the side of her head (a requirement by the government). While it does little her voice can't, it still marks her with the markings of someone with a covert camera.
EQUIPMENT: (What are you carrying on the job?)
Engitech All-in-one computer -
The Engintech All-in-one model that S’venia uses is a few years old, yet she can't find it in her heart to replace it yet. It is sleek, and portable, as it merely looks like she wrapped some fabric across the latter half of her forearm. When she wants to use the device, she simply unwraps it, and it extends inwards for her to use with her free hand. She mainly uses the device for editing but may take a note or two.
Engitech ESCP-101 "Carrier of Justice" -
The SCP-101 is a simple, 9mm pistol that is both compact and lightweight in designs. ESCP-101 is billed as the “everyday” type of weapon, meant to go with you and be hidden unless drawn. It has a brown handle and metal finish. It is not the low-end pistol offered by Engitech, nor is it the highest end. Her family purchased it for her when she accepted the job with News Station 117 as they were worried about the worse neighborhood. S’venia goes to the range at least once a week to keep sharp. Her jackets have an “Ever-Secure holster” added on the inner left side of her jackets. The holster bonds with the material of the coat, and the company bills the holster as a “fast, secure, and hidden” way of holstering your weapon. S'venia has it holstered in a way that she can toggle safety and fire from the pocket of her jacket. The holder itself is easy to remove and rebond onto other areas.
Engitech Eye in the Sky drone –
A small, round, dimple laden drone that offers a wide-angle lens on its camera that delivers crisp and clear video and still shots. S’venia managed to snag this beast off the “secondary market” for well below its retail value about a year ago and it has become a staple of her interviews, as well as her normal life. Boasting a flight time of four hours, one hour if you take videos, the Eye in the Sky is always on the deck for S’venia when she needs it. The Eye in the Sky also features a current generation repulsorlift technology that is both silent and efficient. S’venia often uses it on her walks to and from her apartment to be the eyes in the back of her head. The done comes programmed with a track and follow mode, live streaming the feed to the special glasses that were included in the purchase. Furthermore, the camera and drone controls can be used through the Engitech Eye-Spy camera lens that she wears already. Directional control is either achieved through voice commands, or with the special glove that was, again, included with purchase.
The Drone itself weighs in at around twenty-five pounds and has a metallic finish.
Engitech R-01010010 "Gun Drone" -
S'venia has "acquired" these drones through her travels of the outskirts of the district. Oftentimes these were broken and discarded by the corporations after a battle was waged. What is broken can be fixed, if you know the right gal. They feature a more powerful repulsorlift that has a quick spin up and higher operating speed. They come equipped with a 5.56x45mm rapid-firing gun with an ammo capacity of fifty rounds. They are designed to be a part of a swarm that is used to overwhelm positions. Usually controlled by a Engitech technician that manages the flock as a whole, S'venia was able to get the 2 she has slaved to work with her software. She can use her hand and voice commands to make them move, but they are not as accurate when commanded this way. She mainly uses them as a deterrent and would instead not test their full combat capabilities.
SKILLS: (Feel free to list a few and elaborate a bit.)
Social butterfly - S'venia, though her life and experience, found it easy to relate to everyone. Whether it's the war-torn gangster, to the corporate scum, S'venia has enough experience to talk from someplace of expertise and to develop personal connections with most. This is something that has allowed her to foster a strong base of friends who all can be relied upon for various purposes.
Strong Voice - S'venia always has some power behind her words, whether written or spoken.
Conviction - S'venia is rooted in her beliefs, and very little can sway her from them. If she accepts a task, she will see it through for better or worse.
Journalistic intuition - S'venia knows where a story is and when there is nothing more than noise. She can filter through her various contacts and find a way to connect the dots through a complex series of events. This intuition is also used in everyday instances as well.
Tech Savant - While not a creator, S'venia can use her tech to significant effect. She uses her camera drones to act as her eyes and can edit in real-time on her devices. She has also adapted her camera drone controls to be used as an interface for the gun drones as well. She is also very handy at picking up new tech and figuring out how they work.
Street knowledge - While not terribly smart in the traditionally thought of street knowledge, her memory and traveling of the less beaten path have allowed her to remember how to navigate the streets of the district without having to use other tools. She knows many routes to the same place, some faster than others, while others are easy to lose someone in the crowds.
FLAWS: (Aim for three or so. Equal or greater to your number of skills.)
Conviction - S'venia is rooted in her beliefs, and very little can sway her from them. If she accepts a task, she will see it through for better or worse.
Reliant on tech - S'venia, while not augmented, is consumed by having the most up to date tech. From her drones to her software, a lot of what makes S'venia work as a journalist and overall is based in tech. As such, she has a relatively stable footprint in the Virtual.
Nosey - Something there is just something about what someone else is doing. From the way they carry themself to the way they are dressed. S'venia is often observing the world around her and the people within. This is not just to find her next jacket, it is a crucial part to stumble upon stories that her contacts could not. She has found unfavorable characters doing things in the shadows. While she never publishes what she sees, she still has some ammo to spare when it comes to spreading the Truth
Grandiose - S'venia lives life like she is the most important person in it. She has her vision. If someone is expendable along the way to achieve it, S'venia feels the temptation to do what is needed to get through with her goals.
Lust for power - S'venia alone does not know how far she will take her vision, but she still wants the power that uniting the people can bring. She wants nothing more to see her vision to fruition. Part of this was drilled into her following the losses she's faced. The feeling of not being able to do anything made her yearn for the power to do.
Need for control - From managing collaborations with her coworkers to her stores as The Truth, the need for control is an ever-present desire.
Character Name | Relationship |
Delilah Amano | Delilah and I go back a little. We worked on Dex's campaign together and, while not close, I know she suffered the most from the fallout. We didn't talk much about what happened, but to no surprise, we were never that close. I have kept in contact with her after we all split. Her skills are not only impressive, but they are also downright scary. Who else can slave a gun drone to a camera drone command? Nobody but Deli. Don't tell her I call her that, by the way. That being said, I once made a fact made known. My secret. THE secret. Who I am under the mask of myself. It was the day of the debate after I found her unresponsive in the campaign suite. They managed to bring her back but she was content on going on the slab all the same. I said the same thing there as I said on the ground, save someone S'vei, someone ANYONE, and I joined her for some drinks to dissuade her. I thought I knew the definition of "some drinks". Well, we were a few hours in and feeling pretty good but someone had to bring something up. Her secret. THE secret. Who she is under the mask of herself. She did not take it so well. In lieu of the day we've both had, in the fact that she was technically dead at one point, I let her know that I too had a secret. I let her know her secret was safe. I still remember waking up the next day thinking it was just a dream. That was until I got a kind worded response back that broke my world. We don't meet much in the real, but if I get a visit from her as she runs through the lab or if I send off a message, we at least keep in touch. |
Dexter Campbell | I don't know what happened to you. All I know is I feel like there is a story to tell of what happened, I hope to one day share it. |
Serena Petrukov | There is something about this woman and I can not figure what I don't like. We should be best friends right now. From her platform to her decision to be so public with her message, these alone on anybody else would mean I would have her followed and be staying awake waiting for her next message. I learned of her too late I think. I've heard of her through friends and acquaintances, sure, but I never heard her message until after she started running. The more I looked at her the more I approved. Regulations to protect speech? Eradication of the corrupt? Sign S'venia up. Yet the more she looked at the campaign itself the more she questioned Serena's true motives. The lack of transparency involved with just who is backing her, who is funding it, and what are their goals? What influence do they have over her?" |