"Born and raised in such a place that enforces separation is disgusting." - Nyai'Baatwe upon leaving the Caverns of Kilfi.
Nyai’Baatwe from the Caverns of Kilfi
Nyai is what many have called the girl while growing up in the Caverns of Kilfi. A peaceful place to many was a place of conflict for the young girl. The masters always were afraid of her anger and frustration. If they spent more time with her and understood she was having a difficult time controlling her powers; they would have been able to stop her from leaving.
At the age of sixteen, Nyai decided she did not belong in such a place and left without a word. Her parents were devastated the next morning, but she felt like they would be better off without a daughter that barely could make a spark while they were teachers in such a magical place.
Upon leaving, Nyai'Baatwe adventured to Oceania where she helped make parts for the giant sailing and fishing boats for the oceans. Months went by and she was a hard worker, everyone enjoyed her time, but she decided to travel the world some more. Going from Oceania to the city of Ortish...
it was a mistake... Large crowds for such a size, she was being shoved, and tugged till she tripped over in the mud. Feeling the pressure of a foot stepping on her hand, "Ah!" she cried out while grabbing her hand away from the person who wasn't watching where they were going. Everyone was completely different from Oceanie, rude, and didn't care at all.
"Hey you need to watch where you are going!-" she began while standing herself up "-don't you know it's rude to step on people!" Nyai called the individual out and terror ran across her face when they turned around. It was a large man with many tattoos and scars. He seemed like the type she should have not called out and she slowly stepped away while he got closer.
The man sniffed her before grabbing her shirt collar and lifting her up quickly in one swipe, "You shouldn't fall down and let people step on you, now should you?" He asked while she grabbed at his wrist for support. She couldn't even wrap her hands around the size of his bones let alone the muscle he had around his limbs.
"I...uhm...-" stuttering was the only thing she could do before he dropped her on her ass, "-ow!" She whined out while watching him walk away.
Rough estimate of height, weight, and age: 5'6", 125 lbs, and 25-30.
Occupation : Pirate Captain of the Andorsa[4 years sailing as one]
Quick Skills: Hand-to-hand combat, long range weapons [spears, bows, crossbows, throwing knives], intermediate to advance survival skills, and navigating.
Advanced Skills: Advanced survival skills, shipwright, magic, and bargaining.
Backstory:Nyai-Baatwe was born and raised to parents who were teachers in the Caverns of Kilfi. This meant she was directly going to have abilities and maybe more advanced than her bloodline. While being raised, she was taught from a young age what magic blessed individuals needed to do and how they needed to do it.
Many, many attempts of her trying her best, everyone watched while the young child couldn't help curse herself and her abilities. She barely could make mist appear from her finger tips or help a plant not wilt while the other children accelerated. Being competitive caused impatience in the young girl and allowed her to fall behind more. After years of training, Nyai was still in what they called 'the yearlings' this meant you have been in physical training for less than five years; sadly she has been practicing since the age of three. Meaning that the young girl was six years too old for the rank she was placed in.
Completely devastated, Nyai decided to run away from home at the age of sixteen. She did this without a word and no one has heard from her since. Masters and others who have traveled out of the caverns have noticed her on ships, but they are not socialized with her anymore, only a faded image.
This led to the young girl working as a shipwright in Oceanie for months. Learning the trades of how to create and fix wooden boats from the knowledge the civilization had. Learning the different ways of the marsh-based society, she wanted to travel more, and she set off to the City of Ortish.
Upon entering such a city, she had regretted ever adventuring here, but she learned a lot from the people. What brought her to Ortish was the money and work opportunity. The guy she worked for in Oceania wrote a letter to his cousin who held a boating shop in Ortish. Soon enough she was working with the most sarcastic, bloodthirsty, and sleaziest people you could ever meet.
All these people and experiences shaped the young girl to the woman she is today; she is known as the Captain of the Andorsa, one of the most ruthless pirate yet most respectful pirate crew you will ever meet.