Ah, the sound of loud, bass-boosted EDM late at night is a feeling like no other. To be precise, a headache.
Yunnie isn't the best at parties; oh, she
tries, but after an hour or so she can feel herself wearing down and the idea of socializing until 2 AM becomes something she doesn't want expand upon. It's a shame, too, because she put a lot of effort into getting ready today. She wanted to make a good impression on the general public--aka, her classmates--but now her pigtails have been pulled out and her pink leather jacket traded for the more comfortable fluffy pastel bathrobe that she's currently wrapped up in. The blaring electronic music of the nearby dormitory is only slightly blocked out by the song she's listening too--her "sleepy time" playlist--so Yunnie sighs and tries to keep herself hydrated to ward off headaches. Halfway through removing sparkly eye shadow, she notices something in between the crack in her rose-embroidered curtains, down in the academy's courtyard, far below her bedroom window.
(It's the sequins that tip her off first. Yunnie can spot sequins from a mile away.)
In the middle of courtyard is a figure, somebody all dressed up in a mask and suit, but she's 80 to 90 percent sure it's not because of a masquerade ball. Next to him is a small boy, almost overlooked because she can hardly see his face, either--she would guess he's maybe five years old, but he's near entirely shrouded in shadow. And then, from the other side of the courtyard, another figure approaches, this time alone.
Curious, Yunnie removes one earbud from her ear and cracks the window just a tad. She's far enough above that nobody notices her, but also close enough to catch just the tiniest bits of a conversation. The boy is crying, she can hear that much--wait, isn't that...?
Yes! That's the headmaster--Yunnie almost says it out loud, but that would surely give her away. There's a package in his hand--no, it must have just been a shadow, because the next moment the boy is in the
headmaster's arms and the person in the suit is nowhere to be found. How
weird. Is this normal? Yunnie's only been here for a month or so, so maybe picking up orphans from suspiciously-dressed men is the norm. After all, this academy is for superheroes. And superheroes usually have tragic backstories! (Hers is only slightly depressing, but for the most part, she dodged that bullet. Kind of scared her parents into never having children again, though. That's her fault, she's sure.)
Out of the corner of her eye, Yunnie catches the shape of somebody else, crouching behind the fountain. And another, swinging down from the roof of the nearby dorm. Increasingly curious, she leans in, trying to catch sight of their faces...
@King Tai@Raptra