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12 days ago
I don’t know if I’ll get used to hearing Nero’s voice in Dante’s body, but I’m confident that Johnny will do a good job!
18 days ago
Updated my interest check!
5 yrs ago
sorry for all the late replies, coming up on finals week and trying not to fail
5 yrs ago
*rises from the grave* haha school is cancelled so i can rp


Older, wiser, and hopefully cooler.

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...Is she just gonna talk like that? All this time?
Oh man, this is gonna be hilarious.
@Yankee I was just thinking a nerdy type is exactly what we needed on the boy side! Excellent!
Re: pairings, I guess Ei x Suzu and Mika x Ryuu are pretty set, but I'm not really sure about the rest? I guess it's up to everybody else to decide. I can say that Eikichi is gonna annoy the heck out of this guy until he becomes friends with him and Haru, probably because he's caught a glimpse of the okatu side underneath and decided it would be fun to mess with him. Or they can already be friends!

Eikichi & Haru & Mika & Suzu - get along well
Junko - not really "friends" with anybody?
Koharu & Takaya - ???

The more established friendships, the better, in my opinion.

Dialogue Color: #6567be
As seen in: Shoujo³: Hatsukoi Reunion

Notes: Eikichi, Jun, and Lynn all have very similar dialogue colors. I can't help it; they all feel blue-purple to me. Eikichi is a riff on the foxlike, flirty, sneaky side character that shows up in a lot of romance manga. They usually get in the way of MCs, but end up backing off after seeing proof of the main couple's love. I think putting that character in the spotlight is a really interesting idea! And Eikichi has a really soft center.

Would play again: Remains to be seen. RP hasn't actually started yet.

Added some plot categories!
Lots of fun ways this could go! Are you still open to partners?
Work and life comes first, although I am very disappointed to hear that. I hope your power stays on :)
For reference:
Eikichi, Mikako, Haru, Junko, Takaya, Koharu - lived on the island their whole lives
Suzuka - lived on the island as a child, moved away for 3-4 years, JUST moved back for her second year of highschool
Ryuu - visited the island as a child, moved away, came back

For the record, I don't think it's bad if Ryuu isn't as locked in to the island as the rest of the characters. Maybe the island was a summer vacation spot for him? That would give him some background in the area, but living here would still be a new(er) experience for him.
I’d really like to get started before the weekend - hope our cast assembles quickly!
@Kensai I think that’s a great angle! That sets Koharu apart from Eikichi too - forced to grow up vs wanting to grow up.
Not that it’s a big problem, but isn’t there a lot of overlap with Mikako re: working a lot, optimistic nature, etc? Nothing wrong with having two cheerful gals but it would be interesting if she were on the more flirty side to better put her apart from mikako. Her forcefulness also relates her to junko. Obvs traits aren’t locked to one character but I do think the more the traits are different between characters the more drama / interesting interactions will be had.
Also, I can’t really tell if our characters knew her before her change, or if they only met her once she moved to the area after her parents deaths.
Overall, I think there’s some potential here to be a flirty, ditzy kind of gal with hidden depths, but it’s up to you!
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