Been without good wifi for a couple weeks since the hurricane. Will get back to RP's and iChecks soon...
6 mos ago
Working on a new iCheck for a Justice League Unlimited revival. The new comic series has me feeling ten kinds of inspired rn....
8 mos ago
What happens when you combine the Titans and the X-Men to make a new Amalgam Universe? Come find out...…
9 mos ago
Been too long since I've RP'ed....
1 yr ago
"I hope when I die it's early in the morning so I don't go to work that day for nothing..." - Me
You JUST scrolled down!
Hello out there! My name's Mason. I like a lot of random stuff like comics, Masters of the Universe, M*A*S*H, X-Files, conspiracy theories, as well as a good superhero themed role play! I'm more of a DC freak than a Marvel zombie but I did grow up on mutants and 3rd string heroes. Once in awhile I'll make a few micros in MSPaint for my RP's because I love designing heroes as much as I do writing/reading about them. I'm about to try and get another Amalgam Universe themed game off the ground, if you're interested gimme a shout!
My top RP's on the Guild:
Young Justice 2020 Justice League Unlimited Titans of Gotham Champions of Engine City Marvel Reborn Legion of Superheroes Return [stat based]
Top Characters:
Ditto - Young Justice series Bulleteer - Justice League Unlimited Leviathan - Titans of Gotham Fastlane - Champions of Engine City the Thing II - Marvel Reborn Ultra Boy II - Legion of Superheroes Return
I've been RP'ing for awhile. I mostly RP to keep my writing skills up to par, and I generally RP between Casual and Advanced. I've been a member of the guild for quite a bit, pre Guildfall even. Ninety percent of the time you'll find me in some superhero themed RP or something based off of another fandom like MotU or Power Rangers. Currently in the process of developing my own comics!
Favorite DC heroes (I won't go into villains to save space) in no order: Aquaman, Hawkman, Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner), Superboy (the clone), Swamp Thing, Starman, Animal Man, the Ray (90's era), Impulse, Captain Atom, and Batman Beyond.
Favorite Marvel heroes list: Human Torch I & II, Capt. Mar-Vell, Black Bolt, the classic Destroyer, Havok, Multiple Man, classic Scarlet Spider, Spiderman 2099, Nova, and Colossus.
OTHER FAVORITES: Space Ghost, Haunt, the Maxx, Shadowhawk, Green Hornet, Madman, Doctor Star/Andromeda, the Phantom, He-Man, and Zorro.
After binging Young Justice and a bunch of Rebirth issues, I definitely want to do a DC RP. Count me in.
Edit: I pretty much have my character ready, which is largely based from Negative Man.
Negative Man is the ONLY reason I've ever cared for the Doom Patrol. A character based on him would be great.
Screw the fact that I'm already in a superhero RP, I wanna do more superhero RPs dammit!
I'm interested, I'll probably use The Question (because I love him to death) or whip up a brand new character.
EDIT: Gonna use The Question. He has no powers, so can I change that part of the sheet to abilities instead?
Question is one of my favorite Steve Ditko creations, and you seem to have a good understanding of the guy so I'd be glad to have him. And yeah since he's powerless you could substitute Powers for Skills. Again, just don't go too crazy.
@Pathfinder I was excited for an Invisible Man in the DCU, but this guy looks good too. I'll give it a read once I get caught up on some stuff.
Would it be possible to use any of these three? The Ray, Gypsy, and Sandman? Ive played them before but i never got to finish their arcs.
Lowkey i kind lf wanna play all three, bit granted never in the same mission so ill be playibg onr lol
Can I just say I'm SUPER IMPRESSED with the 3rd and 4th stringers you guys are bringing up. All three of those would be cool, although with Sandman I hope it's based on the JSA version and not Neil Gaiman's.
I'm super excited for this now that I know you guy's are already bringing in some really epic cannons and OC's based on them. I'm gonna give it another day or two before I start thinking about who I'm going to use. Not gonna lie... last night I pondered using the Ray, some form of Sandman [based on Sanderson Hawkins], and the Question. Hearing ALL of them mentioned has got me giddy LOL
Aaaah, I might have to take this. I have a character in mind I made for a Teen Titans rp and with some refinement he can definitely fit into the League proper. I made him like, 4 years ago and he was 17 then so I guess bringing him in at 21 would make sense, eh?
He'd fit more properly in Justice League Dark but hey, maybe a proper magic user in the league would be a nice change of pace! I'll get a sheet up as well as some pics by Tuesday, since you want an almost advanced feel!
You say 'proper magic user' like Doctor Fate is a chump?!? LOL
This RP is something of an experiment because of the large cast, episodic adventures, and out of this world scenarios. It is EXACTLY what it sounds like. The JLU from the cartoons of days gone by fully realized in role player fashion. I know... I've already got two RPs with Batman [one in the present and one BEYOND] but I needed something with a little more flare. If there's enough interest we'll get this going with eight players and continue forward. You can play as a cannon character, be based on a cannon, or make a complete original within the DC universe. I'm not basing this thing on any one continuity, and much like my other games I'll just take bits from here and there to make the most entertaining RP possible. The only cannons off limits are Superman, Green Lantern, and Batman. If you wanna make your own Wonder Woman or Supergirl have at it. A new Flash? That could be cool too. Use whatever cannon you'd like, it's only unacceptable if I say it's unacceptable. Just don't make any characters tied to huge events in the comics like Blackest Night or Zero Hour and we should be okay.
Starting with eight players, teams of four would each get paired with one of the big guns [Superman, GL, or Batman] for two different missions. RECRUITING WILL STILL CONTINUE. The next four players accepted would take the remaining big gun for another mission. And guess what? RECRUITING WILL STILL CONTINUE. If we go beyond 16 players that'd be awesome. If not? After the first two or three missions the smaller groups would get switched around and any new recruits waiting for their group of four would just get cycled into the larger cast. Like if we had fourteen players and the last two weren't on mission and were waiting for more players, they'd get cycled in after the missions start ending. Another big gun might come into play like Martian Manhunter depending on what sort of characters you guys bring in or create.
I'm willing to let any seasoned players, after you get two missions in the can, to finish building the League with secondary characters until we reach at least twenty-four characters total. After the first four or five missions we'll have a larger adventure that will require all of us on hand. Any and all dropouts will be used as fodder for stories. Dropouts will be anybody who goes quiet in both the OOC and IC for two weeks without warning.
While this RP will be Casual/High Casual, the character sheets will almost look Advanced Level and include an in-character sample post. Players will be given some freedom when choosing story lines and can collaborate on possible enemies to take on with each other. There will be an overarching sub-plot stirring that will come to fruition during the first huge team battle, so some villains early on may be leading towards that.
In the event I can get some Co-GM's they would likely have to submit a sample post as a mentor to be able to take point over a squad. As for actual story details, I wanna see what interest looks like first before getting too deep into it. There will be some form of Superman, Green Lantern, and Batman in cannon. Everything else is up to you guys and gals. I'm half debating making an original New Gods character. Or reimagining some mort like Bluejay.
Character Sheets MUST include:
Name: Alias: Age: Personality: [five words best describing your hero] Archetype: Metahuman, Alien, Alien Tech, Mystic/Supernatural, or Gadgeteer Powers: [don't get too nuts] Weaknesses: Appearance: Character Evolution: [How do you want your character to grow within the League? What do you want as far as a personal story? A friendship/rivalry in the JLU? A superhero girlfriend or boyfriend?] BRIEF Bio: Notes: Sample Post: [Two paragraphs minimum with dialogue]
Still with me? Get to work. I think I might go old school and reinvent somebody like Manhunter or the Spectre, but I DO like me some B'Wana Beast. As soon as I get my sheet finished and another 7 players accepted we'll get the OOC and IC going and keep recruiting going forward. Key word is UNLIMITED.
I just noticed while looking at the team lineup of micros, but we've got all these dark colored costumes looking all gritty... then Accel has this bright red orange that stands out and is almost blinding by comparison. XD
The twins will have a little more color in their suits soon but both will also still have some black in them LOL.
It always begins with a Robin. After discovering the truth about his lineage and who his older brother really was, Matt Mcginnis became the new Robin and soon set out to create his own Titans team like Robins of the past. However, it was for all of the wrong reasons. When approaching his older brother at his apartment, Matt showed Terry his new suit. Terry insisted his brother stayed out of the superheroics, claiming it took more than good DNA. The last words out of his mouth would seal his brother's fate... "It would take a team of five or six of you to even take me on and stand a chance..." So Matt had a plan now: to find other young wannabe heroes, preferably with metahuman powers or some strange DNA of their own, and to unite against common threats. The latest Robin would go on to recruit five other heroes and their first mission was to prove themselves to the current Batman. Matt had no chance of taking on his more experienced brother, but when the other young heroes joined the fight it was a little more even playing field. Terry still took them all down, it just wasn't as easy as he thought.
After meeting with his team on a few occasions both in and out of school, a dark time came in the form of the villain Inque. Paid by another enemy who knew the secret identity of Batman, she killed Matt McGinnis before his career had even really began. When Terry found his brother lying lifeless on the floor of the makeshift HQ in an old rundown late 19th century arcade he lost it. He lashed out at the young heroes as if it was their fault in some way. None of them were even around when Inque showed up....
Batman would go on to take down Inque as well as her employer, Paxton Powers... aka the son of Blight and current CEO of Wayne/Powers Industries. After Batman took a few days to cool his head, upon Bruce's request, Terry contacted the young heroes who made up his brother's team. To honor him, Terry took it upon himself to train these new Titans.
One month later, while serving a sentence at Iron Heights, Paxton seemingly got into an accident that left him with metahuman powers of his own. His first target... the pet project of Batman: the Titans.
1.) No back-to-back posting.
3.) Make sense. If we can't make heads or tails of your posts they're likely to get skipped over.
4.) Get permission before using another player's character in your posts if it involves changing the scene or making actions. Everybody will take beatings in this game in battle however, so don't get pissed if you get punched or blasted into a wall by the bad guys! Namely me controlling the badguys...
5.) Problems with the game or players should be sent directly to me through PM's. I don't want a bunch of bickering in the OOC.
6.) Abandoned characters will be used as NPC's or killed off within the context of the story.
7.) “I was waiting for [insert player/character] to make a move” is not how this game is played.
8.) There is no rule #8.
9.) My word is law.
10.) Obey the law.
11.) In the event that I'm offline for any period of time, the Co-GM [none atm] will take control and HIS/HER word will then be law.
He had been at it now for about an hour and a half. The training area was set in a deeper area of the larger room of the HQ. Z had set the holo-droids up for him earlier and he hadn't stopped. He turned into an ape. And then an elephant. A giant anaconda was probably the most terrifying. J was beginning to lose steam. He turned back into his human form and jogged towards the kitchen to grab a bottle of water.
"Has anybody heard from Batman? Know what time he'll be coming by tomorrow?" he asked out loud to nobody in particular. It was a Tuesday and Batman generally showed up for training on Wednesdays and Fridays.
There were a few members of the team staying at HQ. It had a lot to do with the fact some of them were homeless and had nowhere else to go. The twins thought the arcade topside was a good find since one old video game, Maximum Force, had an independent power source built into it some time after the 2020's. When they moved down into the bunker the arcade game came with them. After walking to his and his brothers quarters to change into some regular clothes he walked out to the mementos area where the arcade was located.
"Anybody wanna take the red gun?" he shouted back picking up the player one blue gun attached to the arcade set-up by a cord. There were two pedals under the gun stand and screen for dodging in and out of gunfire. He began the game as a cop in 90's Los Angeles stopping a bank robbery.
A newscast came over the large monitor in the back end of the HQ suddenly.
"...ust in! A gang of Jokerz have just taken Judge Conroy hostage at the Autism Charity Benefit this evening in the Gotham Harbor. They abducted he and his wife on a large fishing boat it appears and are keeping the authorities back with dynamite being thrown by one of the clowns. This is Pepper Patterson reporting..."
"Coming up, sports with Brian Dudeman." said the news anchor before the cast went to commercials.
Batman found him dead in the old arcade after an argument they'd had, nobody was around. Just makes it easier. One of the twins, since they lived there, may have seen Batman leaving with the body.
@Member 00492 Hey I was wondering? Did we know Matt's identity before he died? Do we know it now? And who was present when his body was discovered? I figure those that live in the HQ while not being present for Inque's attack would likely be the first to discover him then given the connection of Robin to Batman inform the Dark Knight. Is that more or less right?
Pretty sure I covered that somewhere. Maybe the Terry CS. Only the people who went to school with him may have known his ID. Now though, we've been getting mentored by his bro twice a week for a month so we're already closer to him than we were with Matt. If you want your ID to remain secret don't tell anybody your real name. They can see you with your mask off, but they still don't have to have a name with the face.
With the boys it's different because we don't wear mask or care if anybody knows who we are. We're basically orphans again with nothing to lose.
[sub]You JUST scrolled down![/sub][/center]
[i][b]Hello out there! My name's Mason. I like a lot of random stuff like comics, Masters of the Universe, M*A*S*H, X-Files, conspiracy theories, as well as a good superhero themed role play! I'm more of a DC freak than a Marvel zombie but I did grow up on mutants and 3rd string heroes. Once in awhile I'll make a few micros in MSPaint for my RP's because I love designing heroes as much as I do writing/reading about them. I'm about to try and get another Amalgam Universe themed game off the ground, if you're interested gimme a shout![/b][/i]
[u][b]My top RP's on the Guild:[/b][/u]
[sub]Young Justice 2020
Justice League Unlimited
Titans of Gotham
Champions of Engine City
Marvel Reborn
Legion of Superheroes Return [stat based][/sub]
[b][u]Top Characters:[/u][/b]
[sub]Ditto - Young Justice series
Bulleteer - Justice League Unlimited
Leviathan - Titans of Gotham
Fastlane - Champions of Engine City
the Thing II - Marvel Reborn
Ultra Boy II - Legion of Superheroes Return[/sub][/center]
[i][b]I've been RP'ing for awhile. I mostly RP to keep my writing skills up to par, and I generally RP between Casual and Advanced. I've been a member of the guild for quite a bit, pre Guildfall even. Ninety percent of the time you'll find me in some superhero themed RP or something based off of another fandom like MotU or Power Rangers. Currently in the process of developing my own comics![/b][/i]
Favorite DC heroes (I won't go into villains to save space) in no order: Aquaman, Hawkman, Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner), Superboy (the clone), Swamp Thing, Starman, Animal Man, the Ray (90's era), Impulse, Captain Atom, and Batman Beyond.
Favorite Marvel heroes list: Human Torch I & II, Capt. Mar-Vell, Black Bolt, the classic Destroyer, Havok, Multiple Man, classic Scarlet Spider, Spiderman 2099, Nova, and Colossus.
OTHER FAVORITES: Space Ghost, Haunt, the Maxx, Shadowhawk, Green Hornet, Madman, Doctor Star/Andromeda, the Phantom, He-Man, and Zorro.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><div class="bb-center"><img src="" /><br><sub>You JUST scrolled down!</sub></div><br><br><span class="bb-i"><span class="bb-b">Hello out there! My name's Mason. I like a lot of random stuff like comics, Masters of the Universe, M*A*S*H, X-Files, conspiracy theories, as well as a good superhero themed role play! I'm more of a DC freak than a Marvel zombie but I did grow up on mutants and 3rd string heroes. Once in awhile I'll make a few micros in MSPaint for my RP's because I love designing heroes as much as I do writing/reading about them. I'm about to try and get another Amalgam Universe themed game off the ground, if you're interested gimme a shout!</span></span><br><br><div class="bb-center"><img src="" /><br><br><span class="bb-u"><span class="bb-b">My top RP's on the Guild:</span></span><br><br><sub>Young Justice 2020 <br>Justice League Unlimited <br>Titans of Gotham <br>Champions of Engine City <br>Marvel Reborn <br>Legion of Superheroes Return [stat based]</sub><br><br><span class="bb-b"><span class="bb-u">Top Characters:</span></span><br><br><sub>Ditto - Young Justice series<br>Bulleteer - Justice League Unlimited<br>Leviathan - Titans of Gotham<br>Fastlane - Champions of Engine City<br>the Thing II - Marvel Reborn<br>Ultra Boy II - Legion of Superheroes Return</sub></div><br><br><span class="bb-i"><span class="bb-b">I've been RP'ing for awhile. I mostly RP to keep my writing skills up to par, and I generally RP between Casual and Advanced. I've been a member of the guild for quite a bit, pre Guildfall even. Ninety percent of the time you'll find me in some superhero themed RP or something based off of another fandom like MotU or Power Rangers. Currently in the process of developing my own comics!</span></span><br><br>Favorite DC heroes (I won't go into villains to save space) in no order: Aquaman, Hawkman, Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner), Superboy (the clone), Swamp Thing, Starman, Animal Man, the Ray (90's era), Impulse, Captain Atom, and Batman Beyond. <br><br>Favorite Marvel heroes list: Human Torch I & II, Capt. Mar-Vell, Black Bolt, the classic Destroyer, Havok, Multiple Man, classic Scarlet Spider, Spiderman 2099, Nova, and Colossus. <br><br>OTHER FAVORITES: Space Ghost, Haunt, the Maxx, Shadowhawk, Green Hornet, Madman, Doctor Star/Andromeda, the Phantom, He-Man, and Zorro.<br><br><div class="bb-center"><img src="" /></div></div>