Avatar of Otakuforreal


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9 mos ago
Current 1) Thats a matter of opinion bc I actually like what I see and 2) I've been waiting for another DA game for almost 10 years so at this point, it'll have to be pried it from my cold dead hands
9 mos ago
I need more Dragon Age content. We've had so much stuff this past week, and I know we'll get more before release, but I need more. I feel like an addict going through withdrawls.
1 like
1 yr ago
Happy birthday to me <3
1 yr ago
Took my first driving lesson today!! At almost 26 years old, I'm finally getting my shit together. Take that severe anxiety!
1 yr ago
My sister moved out today and I'm stuck at work instead of being there to help her move 😭😭😭


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@ViolentViolet so we just post our character's name with where the character is at when we make our response , yeah?
so MF is down again, which sucks cause i had a few RPs I was doing, so now i'm just waiting for this one to start.
Yeah, plus I was at a friend's house and just got back like 30 minutes ago
@Kafka Komedy I like A as well

hai everyone :D

Name: Cleo Vauch (pronounced Cl-eh-oh)

Age: 19

Gender: Female; Male Identity

Race: human

Side: trance kingdom-kingsguard

Weapons(s): giant ax for close range, crossbow for far away

Abilities/Powers: No Powers (for now. I might change it if I think of something good)

Talent(s): very stealthy, agile, and fast

Personality: Kind, trustworthy, doesn't trust easily, friendly, sarcastic, optimistic

Biography: "I never asked to be this way! I never asked to be a girl!"
These were the words spoken by Cleo to her mother, who caught Cleo binding her chest.
"I did NOT raise you to act like this! You're being delusional! You are a girl!" her mother cried out, enraged at what was going on.
"I AM A BOY!" -smack- The two stood in silence, both a bit shocked at what had just occurred. Lowering her hand, Cleo's mother stood back, readjusting herself and taking a deep breath."...We can't have word that a nobleman's daughter is acting this way. I'll send word for a doctor. We'll get you cured in no time. Do not worry about a thing." Her mother said, leaving Cleo to her own thoughts. She couldn't stay here. Not any longer. Later that night, Cleo packed her bags and left, not knowing where to go. Binding her chest, cutting her hair, and stealing some of the male servant's clothing, she left home, changing her name to 'Cleo.' She definitely got into trouble, though. Stealing, mugging, even down right murder. But, she did what she had to in order to survive. She was finally caught by guards of the royal family after attempting to sneak in and steal some of the royal family's belongings in order to live. The guards, however, were impressed by Cleo's skill. Not knowing HE was a SHE biologically speaking, they put Cleo to work in the Royal Family's guard. It was there she ranked higher and higher. When she had her first physical, however, the doctor was going to tell the rest about what Cleo truly was. Until, that is, Cleo bribed him with expensive jewels he managed to steal from his days as a thief. This became their little deal. Money for a secret needing to be kept. Now, Cleo is the second position of the Kingsguard, and is exceeding at what he does.

Extras: Sexuality: He likes the guys

@White Feather Considering his what? Gender Identity? ?_?
@White Feather He kinda is?? I mean, He'll only throw the first punch if someone pisses him off enough
@White Feather That would still be pretty interesting. Or at least I think so ^^;
@White Feather I wonder what would happen if they were to meet :D I'm sure it'd be interesting! ;)
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