Name: Eleanora Hawke
Age: 17
Power: Water Manipulation/Breathing underwater/Talking to fish
Bio: Since she was a girl, Eleanora had been in constant foster homes and orphanages. All of them were great, except they didn't cater to children with..'Special needs'. Her special needs were that of a different kind; her water-based powers. Breathing underwater and staying under for so long, the caretakers thought she had died, when in reality, she was just thinking of everything and nothing. Her manipulation of water, making it do what she wanted, whether it be freezing it, boiling it, making into mist, or just making it move were she willed it to move. She often used it to play pranks on the other children, or make them happy when they were sad. This, however, got her into trouble more times than she would like to admit. She talks to fish, which the caretakers thought was merely a child with an active imagination, but no, she
talked to them and
understood them. They had such fantastic stories to tell her of the ocean and their lives and their experiences. The water, the life that inhabited, all sang a sweet song to her, a song she'd hum on long summer days, and cool winter nights, a song that brought her comfort when she was sad or scared.
Like how she felt the day she came to the Orphanage for children like her.
She was only 8 at the time, but she new it felt different here.
"It sounds different. The water changes the song." She said,walking into the building, watching children laugh and play and enjoy their life and their powers. This place, the water in the place, changed the song she loved so dearly.
And she preferred it.