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Posted a sheet!

But look at all this interest! Guess I shouldn't be surprised, those last few episodes were awesome, after all.
Name: Danburite (Dani)

Gem: A rectangular, white stone rests on the middle Dani's left forearm.

Appearance: Dani is rather large, standing at about eight feet tall. Her shoulders are squared, her physique muscular, and much of her skin white colored. Black coloration goes from the top of her neck, down past the base, and long her shoulders down to the elbow, where it continues white. Her torso and legs are clad in gray clothing. Her right arm is concealed by a tattered, off-white cloak, a hood able to cover her head if need be. Her hair is unkempt and bristly looking, reaching down her shoulders and partially over her left eye.

Weapon: When activated, her arm is covered by a thick, white stone, from the shoulder down. Along this arm, she can grow spikes of various shapes and sizes, and is also capable of shooting them off, though bigger ones take far more energy to do so.

Unique Abilities:
Earth Medium – By placing her weapon against the ground, Dani can use dirt and stone as a medium, sprouting and shooting spikes from it as if it were her own weapon. It has a medium range, and she also has an easier time with larger spikes, but it highly limits her mobility: if separated from the ground, she loses control. She needn't stay still, but moving risks separating her touch from the ground for even a moment. Aiming at a distance is also a bit trickier, as expected.

Strength – Dani has quite the easy time chucking boulders around, even with one hand. Beyond that though, it takes considerably more effort, but its nothing to be underestimated.

Behavior: Despite her size, Dani certainly acts like she's on the younger side. Excitable and hasty, she seems to move faster when no one's watching. Curiosity is her drive, and in her mind, adventure has no brakes. She can be a bit hesitant to act, however, as not only is she strong, but she's also a bit clumsy. She tends not to get stressed over little things, but given how easily she shows her emotions, it's for the best. But hey, if every porkchop were perfect, we wouldn't have hotdogs.

Origin: To be revealed.

Other: Nothing not to be revealed.
Oh, fresh blood. Welcome!

I'll probably start my sheet soonish: thinking of Danburite for my character though.
I'll hopefully have something up before the end of the day! o:
I'm also curious to see if a Steven Universe RP would work out, though I'd also like for it to be Casual, hopefully with a group on the smaller side.

As for the plot, I like the second idea of once dormant Crystal Gems, but to expand on it, perhaps we could go with our characters trying to find Rose Quartz (not knowing of her fate or how much time has passed), bouncing around Earth, or even warping to other worlds, occasionally dealing with Gem creatures or homeworld Gems (though for the latter, I feel like that should happen very infrequently. Homeworld Gems are a pretty big deal, after all). The main characters would still exist, but we'd be able to avoid them for at least a little while, focusing on our own.
My kingdom for a One Piece 1x1 where someone posts more than twice...

Anyway, I'm hoping for:

*Someone at least somewhat familiar with the setting: I find the setting well built, so I'd like to preserve that. I'm something of a lore monger, so I hate to see original stuff that meshes horribly or outright contradicts the series. Not to say I hate original stuff, or that stuff that contradicts the setting or my interpretations can't be done well. One Piece is far from a generic pirate setting, so I'd like to see some heart or charm in what you come up with too.

*Someone who can post at a Low Advanced Level: at least 2 paragraphs or so. I'm not expecting a novel at any point, but I'd still like you to do your best! I personally post a bit more than that, but it's pretty much never too meandering.

*Someone aware of the possibility of the game being long: Given my usual ambition, and the series itself, I like to plan my OP games to be far spanning and grand in scale, even if they've never gotten that far.

Beyond that though, I'm pretty flexible!

I think the generic idea for a game would be you and I playing as a couple characters who meet and form a crew, before going on adventures and adding more crewmates, not unlike the series itself. That would require playing multiple characters, however: 3-5 easily, though I've never had a game where it went past three each.

If you are interested in working something out, hit me up! I'm willing to do games through threads or PM. Also note, I don't do a lot of OOC talk...
Sorry, just stepping in to say I'm dropping. There's been quite a bit of interest since I submitted my ap, but I feel as though even if the IC were to go up today, I probably wouldn't feel up to making a post in the first place. My slot would probably be better served with someone who still had interest in the game, sorry for any inconvenience! Thanks for having me though.
XxFellsingxX said
Pfft, tell me about it XD I once tried to find a picture for a female mage character, but it took ages because all of the pictures I found had the character as extremely busty and wearing very revealing clothing.

Yep, I gave up on looking for artwork for my characters after I had the same thing happen.

With an ORC WOMAN.


Best compromise though is to look up art and transcribe the good parts into words. No worry about pictures!
You're the boss, boss.

Though making sure everyone else accepted is still active may be prudent.
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