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"Spy? Well-" Macario began, but he was interrupted by Chester's burst of action. His mouth hung open as the line of Quartz Company goons were laid out flat. Blinking, he continued, "Um, no. I'm part of a group called the Scholastic Advocates. We're researchers. These guys probably wanted whatever what I was studying, not that I blame them."

Light bulb going off, he snapped his fingers, before suggesting, "Tell you what, I'll get you a drink. You helped me out there." Waving his hand, he admitted, "Plus I'd really just rather you forgot this whole thing."


"Ahaha! Man they got wrecked," Jeko laughed.

Turning around from his vantage point on the bridge, Jeko scratched at his chin, saying, "Well, we could try again, but I dunno if we can take them. Two on three isn't my style unless I'm with the three.

Looking at the surly face of Isaac, he said, "Plus, maybe we could kill two birds with one stone. Get me a stone!" Isaac blinked, before looking around on the clean bridge. Spotting a small rock, he opened his mouth, but Jeko interrupted, "Old cyclops. I meant...sigh."
"Hah?" Lina blinked, before taking a look at the papers she had. After a few moments of staring...


"Are you guys children!?" the man growled, snatching the papers from their hands. All of them collected, he began to put them into his briefcase, but he instead held a few up to his face.

"You're looking too!" Lina yelled.

Blushing, the man growled, "Well, I had to check to make sure I wasn't delivering dick drawings!" Lina snorted again. "That's not what they are!"

Returning the papers and closing up the briefcase, the man rested his head on it, groaning, "Aw hell, I'm dead..."

Lina blinked, "What's wrong?"

"Secrecy is kind of a big deal in my organization..." he groaned.

Lina gave a nod of understanding, before wondering, "What's your name?"

"It's Macario," he began, before stopping. "Our names aren't secret."

"Just checkin'."

Eyeing the two, Macario said, "Well, I probably don't know about you two. You don't know what you saw, but...people are still after this. You might be in trouble."

Lina waved her hand. "I doubt it."

"I don't think you know who you're dealing with."

Crossing her arms over her chest Lina said, "Likewise." She was ignorant to the echoes of numerous footsteps audible amongst the other buildings,
Going up to Chester, she brushed his hair aside, spotting a lump on his forehead, before mumbling, "Oh hush. You'll be fine." Glancing down at the projectile, she lifted up the briefcase, turning it over in her hands. While the handle was in a normal place, the corners were both latched tightly. One was covered by a rubbery seal, but the other had clearly popped out. Poking at it, Lina mumbled, "Hmm..."

Another wooshing sound coming into audible range, Lina looked over just as a huge formed crashed into the ground, Lina hopping up in fright. The first thing that came to sight was a large dark purple coat with a ruffled trim over a black tank top and gray slacks. His boots left imprints in the ground where he landed, and he was tall: probably almost seven feet, his frame muscular. His hair was black and straight, going to his shoulders, and his skin was a pale brown. Brown eyes locked on the briefcase, he pointed a finger, requesting, "Hey...mind if I get that back?"

Lina handed it over wordlessly, and he nodded, glancing up to the bridge he'd dropped from. Looking over to Chester, he noted, "Oh, crap, did it hit you? My bad. I dropped it." Looking over the briefcase, he clicked his tongue, noting, "One of the seals is gone...should be fine." As if to test it, he brought his tough hands to either side, giving it a little pull.

The briefcase blew open, scattering a flurry of papers about. His mouth gaped open in horror as his eyes seemed to retreat into his skull, making him look gaunt as a faint groan escaped his lips, echoing into the day. His shaky hands reaching for the papers, a wind lightly blew, making him bellow, "H-help me pick them up! That case wasn't supposed to be opened!" A slightly stronger gust blew, a few papers moving over, making the man let out a squeal as he dropped down to collect them. Lina stooped down as well, eyes unable to help but go over the scribbles and notes, unable to make much of them. "Don't look at them!" The man whined.
Lina gasped, "Y-you're paying attention to your clothes? Maybe you should rest a little longer..."


Moving on, the two got some breakfast at a little eatery before going around town. When it came to the ship, they were pretty good on supplies: the only thing they really needed was the repairs. Not that they hadn't gotten most of the materials, but Chester simply hadn't gotten around to making them. To remedy this, they were able to hire a carpenter to work on the ship for the day. He didn't even need to be paid up front: Chester had become a local legend overnight for overcoming the infamous tag team of Isaac and Jeko single handedly. Lina promised they pay him later.

Sadly, Kesrizu wasn't exactly the most tourist friendly town. Aside from some admittedly nice parks, most of their entertainment in the form of plays or gambling needed money, and Chester and Lina were a bit dry when it came to on hand funds. Well, Chester was, and Lina was doing her best to keep a tight grip on her wallet...but those tantalizing window displays...


Hands on a fresh pale (yellow) sun hat that went with her blouse and white, form fitting shorts, Lina was starting to get a bit hungry. Her and Chester moving around the outskirts of the nice part of town, poking around for Isaac or Jeko, Lina lit up as she saw a food stall sitting under a tall bridge. Though it seemed disused, leading to the danker areas of town, that whiff of baked sweet potatoes was catching her notice. Buzzing over, she didn't pay Chester any mind, even as there was a slight ruckus from high up on the bridge.
Returning to the shop, Lina didn't have to go far before she caught the tones of Chester's innards hitting the toilet. "Oh, good, he's up," Lina noted before heading through the backroom to Chester. Peeking in, she reached into a tote bag she was carrying, plopping down a small bottle. "Anti-toxin. Hopefully it'll help a little. If you can keep it down..."

Giving Chester a few minutes, Lina sat down by the door. After Chester seemed to have calmed down a bit, Lina said, "I figured we could take the day off today. I already let my workplace know, and most of the other things we've been doing have been odd jobs." Clenching her fist, she hissed, "And those guys still haven't paid us! You." Leaning back against the wall, she suggested, "This isn't a bad town. I figure we could look around for those two guys, maybe enjoy ourselves a bit."
Freya cringed at the mushroom sauce plastered on the fish dish. Who would ruin a good slab of fish with mushrooms. Grumbling, Freya was honestly a bit baffled: this guy was a complete screw up. They hadn't even ordered and he was showering them in food. What gives? Unless...he was nervous?

With Samehana heading out, Freya was torn between going along and getting her damn food: that stuff smelled nice, at least... Getting up, Freya went over to Samehana's side, asking, "Eh? Are you sure? I don't think he cares about the Captain." She elaborated, "I'm pretty sure he just likes you." That said, his possible nervousness and that kiss seemed to be in direct odds with each other... Having served on ships with hundreds of different sailors, Freya thought she knew men but it looked like soldiers were just cut from a different cloth.

"Hah? Eh..." Freya muttered, put on the spot. Turning to Tabitha, she began, "Well...for starters, try not to die. You won't be able to turn in any bounties that way. And peaking of turning in bounties: get your paperwork sorted out. Nothing worse than when a bounty hunter can't get their earnings immediately: it just gets everyone tired and frustrated pretty. And for that matter never go to Patrol Divisions and think you'll get your money then and there. They don't have enough money for bounties: find a bounty office or Marine Base. Patrol Divisions can get you a voucher which you can redeem elsewhere though, and they'll hold the prisoner, but if you need the cash as soon as possible then don't go whining abo-"

Before she could finish her sudden ranting, Tabitha was shooed away, some other waiter entering the scene, offering them a steak that sounded...admittedly nice, but then again...

"Hah? That sounds like a bribe." Freya realized a bit too late that she wasn't quite right: she wasn't a Marine any more, so there wasn't much point in that. Still, weren't they the customers? Well, I don't really want steak right now..." Finally picking up her menu, her mind throbbed as she tried to wrap her head around the exact request. Something about their captain but he actually wasn't even at the ship? Eyeing a garlic butter salmon with a side of spinach salad, Freya waved her hand, pushing the task of talking to this guy on to Samehana.

Jeko's jaw hung over, his brow sweaty. Regret filled every pore of his face. Before he could stammer out a response, a tug pulled his head backwards. As he leaned backwards uncomfortably, Lina hissed, "Poisoned crackers!?"

Jeko muttered, "H-hey, it's not like you can prove it. He ate them all! And Isaac didn't eat one! Of course he was able to drink more!" He grunted as Lina pulled harder, before her fingers worked. Jeko's eyes widened as she uncorked a small bottle that came from his pocket and moved it towards his face. "Ahhhh!"


"You think we have that much on me!? We don't carry money. Isaac doesn't lose!"

Propping him up, Lina kicked him in the rear, making Jeko stagger towards Isaac. Throwing the poison to the ground, she propped her fists on her hips, demanding, "Tomorrow morning. Chuck's house."

Jeko grumbled, and Lina turned, hoisting Chester up. "C'mon you." Thankful he was just conscious enough to hold on to her back, Lina headed to the door. As she arrived, Jeko nearly bumped into her, the two stuck with their drunk passengers.

Jeko blinked, "Who the hell is Chuck?"

Lina jabbed her finger, "Some old guy who lives that way! Just make sure we get it!"

Jeko grumbled, before dragging Isaac out of the Cauldron. As Lina headed out, turning, she muttered, "Now, let's get you some water. Lots and lots of water..."



In a lavish office, a window overlooked the sea, Jeko and a slumping Isaac stood in front of a wide desk, circled to look not unlike the crescent moon reflecting on the dark night water. Fingers interlocked, head bald, spotted, and wrinkled, small glass spectacles over his eyes, a man in a yellow suit with a scarf split down the middle in black and white hanging on his shoulders.

"Huh, I thought you'd be more mad," Jeko noted.

"Of course I'm mad you idiot!" Picking up a pistol, he fired suddenly at Jeko, the bullet hitting him in the chest. Jeko cried out, writhing in pain. Isaac looked around, clearly dazed, but most of his efforts seemed to be in standing straight. He wasn't particularly successful.

"Half a million is nothing, but it's a stupid amount for you two idiots to lose in one evening! And those drinks come out of your winnings! Do you know how much you two drank today!?" Jeko shrugged. "Neither do I."

As if on cue, a suited Quartz Company goon entered, handing a receipt over, before moving to the corner of the room and waiting. Looking it over, an eye twitched. He raising a gun and fired at Jeko again. Putting it down, he looked down at a lit cigar lying in an ashtray, before angrily snuffing it out. "Can't even enjoy myself now..." Glancing out at the ocean, he gritted his teeth, before slamming his fist on the desk. "Between this and the damages done the other day in both property and trust by those pirates, I'm tearing my hair out!"

"Y-you ain't got none," Jeko said, before yelping again as he was shot once more.

Waving his hand, Chief Goldenrod ordered, "Get out of here. I'll figure out what to do about this tomorrow." Jeko smiled, brushing off his shirt, three crumpled bullets falling off. As they bounced to the ground, he grabbed Isaac, pulling him along.

Goldenrod leaned back into his chair, thinking for a few minutes, before he acknowledged the man in the corner. "You're still here?"

He nodded, before beginning, "Chief, about that scholar: he's begun avoiding us."

Raising an eyebrow, Goldenrod scratched his chin, nodding, "Is that so, eh?"
"Hey hey hey, what're y'all doing? Pay attention, pay attention!" A voice cried out in the Cauldron's bar. The whispers shied down, and as one man went over to Chester, there was an underpinning of excitement.

Resting his arms on the bar, the man in his wavy, dark gray hair, brownish skin, a stained red long sleeved shirt, and straw colored shorts. A grin was plastered on his face as he said, "Sup pal! Name's Jeko. You can call me Jeko. Some call me Jack but they're all pricks. You're the one who's been drinking half this bar under the table, right? How about a round?" The bartender gave Jeko a look, prompting him to laugh, "Ah, you got me!"

From the other side of the room, Isaac moved, sitting on the far of the bar from Isaac. The bartender clicked his tongue. "You're gonna make me walk?"

"Get some help. Trust me, you're gonna want about a meter of clearance on both sides." As he called a couple of his serving girls, Jeko began, "Anyway, I heard your usual rate is 20,000 Beli. Well that's not enough for me and Isaac here. I like things to be interesting. Even if you don't have 200,000 beli on you, we'll figure out some way to get it from you, heeheehee."

"And one last thing! I like a little bit more depth. Strategy, you know?" Slinking off into the kitchen, he returned moments later with two plates of crackers arranged in squares, 5x5 each plate. He handed one to Chester and the other to Isaac, explaining, "Just a little something to take the edge off, if you're up to it, but now you have another thing to pace out." Sitting down in the middle, right between the two contestants, he said, "Well? Are you in or out?"


As she got a bit closer to the Cauldron, Lina couldn't help but notice an increase in energy. Was something going on?
"Two hours, huh?"

Setting herself on a wooden crate, Freya huffed at a cigarette, trying to figure out what to do with herself. Story of her life, really. At least she was trying to put more effort into dressing herself. Uniforms were just so easy! At the moment she wore a brown and white plaid button up hanging open over a pale green tube top and blue jeans.

Purupurupuru. Purupurupuru.

Freya reached into her pocket, pulling out a plain baby Den Den Mushi. Opening it, she was about to shift into her serious mode, but it was only Samehana. Not really thinking about it, she answered, "Uh, sure. Why not?" Hanging up, she stowed the Den Den Mushi away. Some old habits died hard.

Stretching, Freya stood up, turning west and heading over. Now, what kind of place was the Angler even going to be? Guess Freya would find out when she got there. Hopefully there would be food. Or alcohol. Or gambling. Or some combination. Freya was a simple lady.

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