"Oh, there's an idea. Try it Chester."
Knocking another cannonball down, Macario growled, "I'm not jumping in after you."
However, the hail of gunfire seemed to cease. Noticing, Lina said, "Hey, they're leaving!" Wiping her forehead, she said, "That's a relief."
Going back down to the main deck, Macario following, he said, "If we switch the sails back, we should be fine. Or I guess we could take my ship for runs to the island if we anchor properly, though we'll want someone to keep watch."
However, there were some more pressing concerns. The four went down to the lower deck to evaluate the damages. The cannonball pierced through the deck and detonated below, tearing a hole into the men's bedroom. One of the hammocks was now across the floor, one end tied to the remaining wall.
"Looks like someone's going to have to make a trip..."
Knocking another cannonball down, Macario growled, "I'm not jumping in after you."
However, the hail of gunfire seemed to cease. Noticing, Lina said, "Hey, they're leaving!" Wiping her forehead, she said, "That's a relief."
Going back down to the main deck, Macario following, he said, "If we switch the sails back, we should be fine. Or I guess we could take my ship for runs to the island if we anchor properly, though we'll want someone to keep watch."
However, there were some more pressing concerns. The four went down to the lower deck to evaluate the damages. The cannonball pierced through the deck and detonated below, tearing a hole into the men's bedroom. One of the hammocks was now across the floor, one end tied to the remaining wall.
"Looks like someone's going to have to make a trip..."