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"YOU DON'T GET TO TALK! YOUR FIRST INSTINCT WAS TO LIGHT HIM ON FIRE!" Lina snarled. As hands shuffled on the flooring, Lina stamped at them from the doorway, but they weren't ceasing.

"Forget this! I'm going to Macario's ship! You idiots can bust up the Breeze for all I care!" Lina grumbled, rushing out as the ceaseless hands continued to move, grabbing at Chester and Kuhn, trying to pull them through the holes made in the wall.
Bloomer stared as the creature creeped out. It was ragged, dirty, wild, and...actually a person? Brow furrowing, Bloomer took a mental step back. But her eyes widened when she spotted a tail. That was a new one.

Following his eyes, she returned to her stew pot. Letting out a sigh, she took her extra bowl, filling it up before standing to head over. Then, a bell kicked off in her head, and she once again turned to the local. A faint smile on her face, she placed the bowl down for him, before stepping back, crouching down, eyes focused as she watched him. Earnestly.

"Ah, so they were exploiting the villagers for protection money..." Hamel nodded, now understanding.

Their ship, partially loaded with a scant amount of supplies taken from the Doom Pirates, was already prepping to head out once again, though it hadn't been docked for more than a few hours.

However, a crowd began to form around the ship, though it kept a safe distance. Finally, a man who'd approached Sancho earlier stepped forward, before placing a briefcase down. Cracking it open, he revealed the contents: it was filled with money. One stack of full bills, the rest coins and smaller bills, crumpled and stuffed inside.

Bowing his head, he said, "Please...I am the mayor of this small town. This is all I have to offer. We didn't know our protectors were the same pirates harassing us, but...they have allies! The rest of their crew, and those on Lefacti! Please, don't leave!" Digging his forehead into the dirt, he said, "Please!" Behind him, the townsfolk rippled like a wave as they too sank to their knees.

Hamel blinked, before his face cracked into a knowing smile as he leaned back against the railing of their small boat.
One of Chester's hands rushing by her, Lina was able to stand, yanking her sword up as she did so.

"DON'T BREAK THE SHIP!" Lina cried as the fury of the hands rose. Faces popping out as hands scuttled after them, Lina made the wise move, turning to run.



Eye cracking open in the dark cabin, there was a shuffling as the hammock rocked. Thumping down onto the floor, the boat rocked from Macario's bulk. A few moments later, a match lit a candle, bringing a dim light to the small vessel's cabin. A desk drowned in material, a hefty bookshelf, a table, and a small, portable cooking stove practically filled the room. Feet bare, candle in hand, a long white and blue striped nightgown with a matching cap, ball of fluff dangling fro mthe tip on his person, he made for the door, poking it open as he looked up to the back of the Breeze, eyes lidded.

Stick jabbing, the fire crackled even louder. Leaning back onto her short chair, Bloomer watched blankly as the pot hanging over the fire bubbled. Looking at her light camp setup, she patted her stomach again. Watching. Waiting.

A rustling from nearby had her ears perking up, as she looked over to see a humanish form from the nearby foliage. Bloomer nearly jumped, before she narrowed her eyes, standing up to get a better look.
"Oh, now you admit there are ghosts, huh!?" Lina suddenly yelled. As she'd started speaking, she'd raised her sword, before jabbing it down roughly into the hole she'd been digging, piercing straight through.

"It huuurts!"

Looking down, Lina offered, "My bad."

Unfortunately, her apology was not accepted. Even in the darkness, Lina could see as the floor and nearby walls teemed with the small movements of barely visible hands. They yanked at hammock strings and one nudged Chester's bottle, sending it to the floor. Lina let out a squeal of fright as she felt them begin to claw at her. While she tried to dig up her sword, she screamed, "Ah I didn'tthinkthisthrough!"
Wiping his nose as the crew was once again surrounded, Hamel was unable to suppress a grin. "These small fry really don't know when to quit." Stepping forwards, he took a long, hard, deep breath, before plugging up his nose with each of his thumbs. "Hickory...Pharoah!" He said before clamping down on his mouth, face puffing as he blew out. From his clothed arms sprouted dozens of small leaves, which remained for just a moment before flying off, halting and regrowing once again. The storm blew sideways, raining upon the mooks, who cried in surprise as they pulled back.

Moments later, Hamel stopped, catching his breath. The pirates blinked, brushing away the small leaves. "Wh-what?"

"They're just leaves," Hamel said.

"Hold your fire..." Cormac rumbled, stomping forwards. "I'm making freak stew outta these three. Don't want any lead poisoning..."

Hamel wiped his forehead. "Whew. I was wondering how I was gonna take them all out in one go." Turning to wave at Sancho and Samehana, he said, "You guys can handle it!"

Knife hacking down at him, Hamel raised his arm, catching his forearm bare. "Do I even need my Fruit for you?" Cormac flicked his wrist, the blade hacking into his shoulder. As Hamel reeled, he punched forward with his musket, jabbing it against Hamel's back.


Smoke barreling, Hamel fell to his knees. Grunting, he clutched his arms to his front while a hole in his back burned. Moments later, he pulled his hands out from under his shirt, revealing a small leaf, a bullet embedded in its fibers. Standing, he tossed it aside. "That surprised me...if you didn't touch me I wouldn't have known where to grow that."

"Tried cooking with leaves before, but none like those. The hell are you made of?"

Holding his arm out to the side, a number of stems poked out from his green jacket. "I ate the Leaf Leaf Fruit so I'm a Leafy Human. I can grow them any way I want, but it takes longer to make them really tough. Unless they're small, then it's fine."

"Not that it matters. Doubt leaves'll taste different this time. Not that anyone'll complain."

Hamel ignored him, holding up three fingers, before revealing his palm, which had three stems on it. "I'll beat you with just these. No punches or kicks or anything. Just three leaves."

"Mocking me!" Cormac growled, charging once again. Hamel reached for one of the stems, which sprouted a forearm sized, flat leaf with a pointed tip. Taking it in his hand, he met the butcher knife head on. "Birchen Shogun!" As Cormac's blade bounced back, the leaf sword's tip snapped off, Hamel flashed his blade, the razor edge biting into Cormac's finger, gouging it, then the handle of the knife, seperating it from its edge.

Cormac cried out in pain before raising his firearm. Hamel reached out his hand, a long spike sprouting from it, driving into the barrel of the musket. "Pine Raja!" The trigger went, and the back of the musket exploded, scorching Corma's hand as the massive pine needle crumbled. Hamel's grin flashed as he pulled the hand back, holding it for several seconds as Cormac scrambled in pain, weaponless. An even larger needle came from Hamel's hand.

"Pine Maharaja!"

"Th-that's not a leaf!" Cormac cried, backing up in an attempt to flee. Hamel punched his arm forwards, the large needle firing, splitting into dozens midair. Hamel stuck his leg out behind him, stopping him from getting pushed back by the force of his own launched attack while the barrage stabbed into Cormac, dropping him flat.

"You barely know how to cook. What do you know about leaves?" Hamel laughed, turning his back on the remaining two officers of the Doom Pirates.

Lina blinked, stunned. Even as Macario's ship was unloaded.

As they went off to do their own thing, Lina blubbered, hissing, "Really!?"



Lina let out a slight squeak of fear from her small, fluffy white bed. Hands holding her blanket, she sat up, glancing around the room, dimly lit in the scant moonlight from the window. What time was it even? Lina hadn't gotten a wink of sleep...

Throwing off her sheet, she slipped out of bed, bare feet landing on the wood of the ladies bedroom. Patting down her frilly white nightgown, she took her sword, unsheathing it, before creeping out to the hallway. The creaking of the ship and light waves against the hull continued to meld into the night. Tiptoeing, she made her way a door down to the men's bedroom. Inhibitions nonexistent, she slowly opened the door, peering in. This room was bigger, and had a few more windows, so she could see the two hammocks staying aloft, where Kuhn and Chester slept. On the far wall was Kuhn's handiwork, where the wood didn't quite line up right, letting the smallest amount of light in (but no draft, thankfully). Of course, Chester and Macario would argue that they helped, but they mostly stood around and drank...

A vein throbbed in her forehead. She felt her vision flash as she looked over Chester, who left her out to dry. Her incisors flashed in the darkness as a smile crept onto her face. She steadily wormed her way into the room, moving over to Chester's hammock, before sliding down to her knees, dipping the tip of her sword to the floor. Steadily, she began to dig it in, rotating it until she formed a hole.

Collectively, the ship groaned. It sounded like a storm in the dead of night, but Lina transferred her surprise into more downward force, familiar whispers beginning to sound from the walls.

"It hurts..."
Babbling clear, the loud river streamed at its sturdy pace. Putting away from it was the exhaust of a gray scooter bike, until it turned about. Engine reeving, it burned to a top speed, course angled to a rocky outcropping, pointing across the river, guiding the rider forwards.

As the scooter closed, the rider turned her shaking hands, skidding to a halt. The scooter careened sideways, bumping against the butt of the buttress. The rider let herself go, and the scooter collapsed to its side.

Scrambling free, a girl in a one piece, yellow dress with a brown belt and red satchel, rested on all fours. Standing up onto her brown boots, she tore off her gray pair of goggles, tussling her grayish-purple ponytail, tied back by a red bow. Her blue eyes blinked against their freedom, as she rubbed them, growling, "What the hell am I doing!?"

Letting out a sigh, she stooped down, fiddling with the scooter, turning it off before in vanished in a puff of smoke, a gray and black capsule labeled (11) appearing in her hand. Zipping open her satchel, she pulled out a light blue case, popping it open. Setting it right next to number (12), she ran her finger down the row. She briefly tapped the blue and cyan (18) before removing the gray and gold (19). Biting her lip in anticipation, there was a cloud of smoke as another vehicle appeared. She giggled as she looked over the rounded,blue and gold striped cockpit attached to what appeared to be layered black discs. Hopping in, she rubbed her hands together, before popping and tweaking a number of switches and knobs. With the press of a button, the wind rose, as did the craft. Hovering over land, she took a breath before taking the plunge. Effortless, the craft balanced over the roaring river. Cackling, she made forwards, upriver, as fast as she'd been going before.

Going back to her capsule case, she took out a red, green, and black capsule numbered (70). A puff of smoke later and it took the shape of a round object with a dial on top. Clicking it, the screen lit up with a green grid. A yellow dot labeled '2' was centered. Spinning the dial, it zoomed out, and another dot labeled '4' appeared, the '2' steadily moving to it. As it pinged, the hovercraft drifted, smacking into a tree on the bank.

Spinning wildly out of control, the girl held on for dear life as she tried to recombobulate herself. The craft wobbled and waved, threatening to toss the pocket radar overboard, but she somehow held firm, regaining control. Steering along, she twitched the wheel ever so often, but the craft kept drifting to one side. Turning back, she saw the top disc, dented. "Augh! Really!?" Slumping back in her chair, she muttered, "Some genius..." In her pout, the cascade of birds flying about escaped her eyes, stirred by an interstellar reckoning during her wild ride.

Drifting to a clear back that cut by a sheer cliff, she made land, before she lowered the vehicle, making land. Stowing away her craft, she looked around and up the cliff, before her stomach began to gnaw at her...
Climbing up onto the deck after him, Lina growled, "Chester! Calm down! You're not helping things!" Seeing the hands starting to form, she tensed in anticipation, but they seemed a bit passive.

As Kuhn and Macario came onto the deck, they began to fade. "What's going on? Ghosts?"

Lina blinked at where the hands were, before grumbling, "Well, there was these hands that were growing out of the walls and stuff..."

"Uh-huh," Macario grunted, patting his large paw on Lina's head. "You can watch for creepy hands while the three of us start getting the stuff on the boat. I'll pass it up, Chester can hand it off to Kuhn." Lina adjusted her ruffled hat, glowering at Macario.
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