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As the other’s talked about their Pokémon partners, Rudy listened, the names only bringing him a little recognition. It wasn’t too unusual, right? There were so many Pokémon, how were you supposed to remember them all? However, as Professor Michael noticed Rudy’s lack of Pokémon, he offered to give him one of the ones in the Daycare. Contemplating the offer, Rudy looked from the Professor to the daycare window, considering things. The last time he was given a Pokémon, it was a nearly wild, rowdy Carvanha that tried to take a chunk out of him (seriously, what was his dad thinking?) But, thinking logically, these little baby Pokémon couldn’t be that dangerous, so there was no reason to be skittish around them. In fact, this Lab studied human and Pokémon relationships. Maybe it would be worth it to give it a shot? His parents wouldn’t mind, as it had been a while since he’d even showed any interest in getting a Pokémon. That and Rudy didn’t like to stand out.

As he thought, Jason loudly pointed out that Rudy had no Pokémon despite that he was certainly old enough, though supporting the idea himself. His eye twitching for a moment at the annoyance, Rudy muttered to himself, “It isn’t that weird...” Taking a breath, he looked back to Professor Michael, before nodding, saying, “O-okay, I’ll take one.” Realizing he was being a little rude, he bowed his head lighting, adding, “Thank you for the opportunity.”
After the Professor answered yet another question of Velis’, he finally continued with the tour, taking them deeper into the lab. At the mention of there being a number of Pokémon about, Rudy was put on guard. However, he managed to relax a bit when the group was brought to the Daycare. Not only were they on the other side of a wide window, they were all small, young Pokémon of their species. Even if for just a moment, he managed a smile, his mood put at ease.

As Desmond began to talk about his own Pokémon partners, Rudy couldn’t help but notice that both Jason and Velis both had Pokéballs on their respective persons. Rudy didn’t feel envious, but he was still the odd one out. Scratching the side of his face awkwardly, he mumbled, “Er, I don’t...”
At Rudy’s question, Professor Michael explained thoughtfully and clearly. Rudy had a brief feeling of admiration: he was truly knowledgeable in his field. The description of Shadow Pokémon chilled him, however: not only did they sound terrifying and dangerous, but it lined up eerily with the reason he came here: the Crawdaunt his father had recently received. The fact that people couldn’t see Shadow Auras was bothering him though.

As he finished, the girl, Velis, asked yet another question, which Rudy was also quite curious about, though he hadn’t thought about it until she’d said something. Professor Michael answered, explaining about a girl who’d aided in the crisis, who had possibly been in possession of some strange ability. Rudy felt a bit nervous, his blood chilling: was he some kind of...weirdo? Desmond seemed skeptical about the subject and speculation, leading Rudy to wonder about himself as well. He’d have to ask the Professor.

Jason asked yet another question, about the possibility of others like the girl. Heart leaping into his throat, he couldn’t help but gag on his spit. After choking for a moment, he recovered, before pointing out, a bit of nervous sweat visible on his forehead, “Er, this Shadow Pokémon stuff is kinda interesting, but what about the rest of the lab?” Wiping his brow with his sleeve, he hoped that they could get on with the tour. He wanted to speak with the Professor, certainly, but he’d have preferred a bit more privacy.
I could post, but I think I'll wait and do it tomorrow evening after work to give Dawn a chance to have Jason say something.
As the others introduced themselves, Rudy kept quiet, regretting his outburst a little. The Professor didn’t seem to mind that much, but still, why was he so nervous? It wasn’t like he was the farthest he’s ever been from his parents or anything alone...oh wait, it was. Slipping his hands into his pockets, he took a calming breath, which seemed to help a bit. It wasn’t like things were focused on him, and as long as things stayed that way, it’d be alright.

After introductions were completed, Professor Michael led the tour group into the cooler air of the lab proper. As they stopped, Rudy got a look around, seeing all the machines and such before turning his attention back to the Professor as he began speaking. As he mentioned Professors, Rudy couldn’t help but remember the Professor of his home region, Kalos, whom he’d probably heard about on TV or something to that effect. As he went on about befriending Pokémon, Rudy couldn’t help but frown a little bit: it felt like something easier said than done, yet Michael said it like it was so easy. However, as he began to talk about the Shadow Pokémon Epidemics and Cipher, the mood in the room seemed to tense a bit. Rudy had heard rumors of them, but to hear it from the person who had actually dealt with it was something else. And he was twelve when he did it, the same age that Rudy was now.

A question burning on his mind, Rudy began, “How...” Stopping, he cleared his throat, before raising his hand, finally asking, “How do you tell what a Shadow Pokémon looks like?”
“Are you sure you have everything sweetie?”

“Yeah mom.” It’s just a tour, I don’t need anything.

“Your bus fare? ID? Contact information?”

“Mhm, I checked.” About three times...

“And you’re sure you don’t want me to come along?”

“I’ll be fine.”

A block or so away from the bus stop near the edge of Gateon Port the green eyed, black haired woman, wearing a light blue dress and white blouse, stood over her fairly short son, his hair short and black, his eyes wide and blue, wearing a wide sleeved purple shirt and black shorts, a hip bag turned to hang near the back of his lower torso. He had a tired expression on his face: he knew she meant well, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t a bit much. Sure, he was a bit skittish around Pokémon, but just because it was a Pokémon Lab, it wasn’t like there were just going to be a dozen of the things running amok...right?

Briefly cringing at the though, the boy cringed even harder as his mother said, “Well, you enjoy yourself, Cornelius!” That name: why did his parents curse him with that name? Cornelius Rudolphus Duval. His sister was better off with ‘Marielle Josephine Duval’, but it took a couple years for Cornelius to squeeze a decent sounding name out of his long one. Seeing his displeasure, his mother corrected herself, “Er, Rudy: I’ll see you when you’re back!”

Rudy nodded, waving before turning to go to the bus stop. Despite his previous certainty that he’d be fine, he did get a bit of anxiety as he headed towards the sign: sure, he’d gone around the town alone, but he’d never been far from Gateon Port alone. Trying to get a grip on himself, he focused on what he was going to say to the Professor when he got a chance.

The bus ride was a bit quiet (well excluding the bumps and jostling), with only three others taking the tour. Did the tour’s happen often enough that not too many showed up for each one? Or perhaps the Professor wasn’t as popular as Rudy had heard.

When the bus finally came to a stop, Rudy took a moment to stretch before standing from his seat, waiting for the others to file out, the first being the white haired boy with the scooter. Following the rest, the path took them to a red haired man in a white lab coat, who looked around for a moment before launching into an introduction, then asking the four for their names. Rudy cringed again, why did it have to be names.

The first to introduce themselves was the white haired boy, Desmond. As Professor Michael responded, Rudy began to predict the future: the other two would introduce themselves, and then the shy Rudy would be badgered into giving his own name. Wanting to avoid that, the short boy suddenly blurted, “Rudy!” Having said it a bit louder than intended, he bit his tongue, feeling a shred of embarrassment.
Evening bump!

Figured I'd note: Chev, since you aren't too familiar with the newer stuff, I believe, the most important thing is the Fairy type, specifically that a number of Pokemon have had their types changed. Mime Jr is Psychic/Fairy, for example. Also retyped are Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Togepi, Marill, Snubull, Ralts, Mawile, Cottonee, and most of their evolutionary lines. Serebii is a good resource if you want to check what types a Pokemon is weak/resistant too easily, but that's easily avoided in battles against NPCs by having them not use Fairy types (which you might want too at first because both Fighting and Dragon are weak to it!).

I've played all Gens so I'm good. ;o

What's the age range you're looking at? I sorta guessed 10-13ish, where my character will probably be, which is pretty normal for trainers.
Hmm, thinking about my character, I think I might actually take the 'can see Shadow Pokes' route, I think I came up with an actual backstory that might work. Should be neat.

Waiting for a bit more interest for the OOC, I presume?
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