Avatar of Pandora13


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2 days ago
Current I dont seem to have a lot to do these days. I could ask for one more partner.
11 days ago
Feeling little better thank you for the ones being here for me. ^-^
15 days ago
Havent been doing tooo good. Bit i will get to post as quick as a can . :)
21 days ago
I enjoy learning things. I have learn not to worry so much. If I have people to work with or if I dont. Its not the end of the world. I'm thankful for the people i do have. :)
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24 days ago
There are three kind of friends: Friends for a reason, Friends for season and Friends for a lifetime. ^-^
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As you all may know by the top of my profile I'm Pandora. I have looked around different places for the ideal place where I can write amazing stories. So far from what I've seen, I might have found a place to try. Other than writing I love reading romance novels with a spice of drama. My favorite author is Jackie Collins. Her stories inspired me to write and even think about writing books myself. But I began to like fantasy and supernatural stories as well. So that is why my roleplays are action-packed with drama, fantasy, and some romance. Keeping readers on the edge of their seat where they might fall off..oops? Hehe anyway, I am also open to other stories cause I get so invested. Like crime and slice of life. And I'm really into superheroes mostly Marvel Storm is my favorite Xmen. Not too much to say about myself other than I'm a Southern girl who's a gamer and loves to collect Funko pops and Squishmallows. xD

Most Recent Posts

I've been thinking about watching the second season of Happy Marriage. I don't look at TV much unless I'm watching cooking channels. And sometimes wrestling shows hehe.
Ace of Spades-Motorhead
@Cao the Exiled Just learned to reply to this lol. Thanks for the warm welcome. :)
@Yankee Thank you for the welcome. ^^
@Wayward Hmm..well im thinking I want to do a modern setting..like maybe a combination of fantasy or supernatural. But I'm open to others. :)
@KingofSerpents Well right now I've been wanting to do some supernatural or fantasy stories.
Name: Sapphire Moon

Age: 26

Species: Lycan/wolf


Superhuman strength

Superhuman speed


Superhuman agility

Superhuman durability


Super Senses


Supernatural concealment

Features: Medium height, tribe markings on arms back, and chest.Shapely body, shocking red hair green eyes. In wolf form snow white wolf with blue eyes.

Others: Heart of gold, stubborn hot head, Love to cook, and makes jewelry as a hobby.

Late one joyous night Sapphire was born to the Alpha Jason and his mate Ayana and they presented her to their pack the next morning. She was strong and healthy the new princess of the tribe. The two new parents had great hopes for their beautiful daughter. Once she could walk and talk she was already learning the ways of being a wolf. But it was not until she was of age that she could shift into her wolf form. She was a beautiful white wolf with eyes as blue as the brightest sky. She was then able to train to hunt and fight which she did with others her age she was pretty good at it too. She was the fastest and hunted the best she still had some learning to do when it came to fighting. But she was determined to be good at that as well. Once she was in her 20s she was a beautiful woman shapely body and long red hair. She was admired by many for her strength and looks. The males of the pack didn't think her becoming an Alpha would be a good idea since Alphas were always males. Her father listened to his people but he felt she would do just fine. But he knew she would have trouble with the pack once he stepped down one day. Sapphire did her best to prove that she would make a great Alpha. But many had their sons that they thought would be better. Sapphire wasn't sure what else she could do she had to do something. She had to convince the people of their pack that she was worthy of taking care of the pack when the time came.

Name: Artemis Carter

Age: 33

Species: Human/Mutant

Abilities: Telepathy, Telekinesis, Precognition

Features: She's 5'2, with dark long hair fair-skinned, grey eyes, and nice size body showing how much she worked out.

Others: She's a cautious person she doesn't trust anyone except her adopted mother. She's a loving person but she doesn't take crap from anyone. She's a gamer and loves to read.

Late night when Artemis was born it was a normal birth just like any other but she and her parents weren't normal people. They were what the people of the city called mutants the castaways always the ones no one ever knew how they came about they were just plainly born different than the rest. Mutants tried to live amongst humans to have a normal life to raise their kids and do things like normal people did. But once everyone knew what they were they would either be shone or even killed. Her family tried to live as normal as they could in the city they finally found that no one knew them that was until Ashley Sapphire's mother got pregnant. When it was time for her to give birth they didn't have any choice but to go to a regular hospital risking them finding out they were "different".Artemis's birth was different alright for once she was born the doctor looked down at the baby seem to glow an autumn red and she seemed to lift in the air slightly making the doctor almost drop her as Artemis's father Matthew came over and quickly took the baby from the doctor. The doctor immediately pressed a button and an alarm went off which woke Ashley up and she automatically knew what had happened. Matthew was a telepathic and Ashley was a firestarter which explained how the doctor ended up flying across the room as Matthew held on to the baby and tried to help his wife up from the bed. Ashley held her baby as she and Matthew tried to escape but the security tried to stop them. As Ashley and Matthew tried to fight their way from the hospital it began to upset Artemis as she cried out and the whole floor of the hospital went up in a blaze. After the fire department arrived some people lived some didn't but no one could find Sapphire's parents in the rumble someone did find Artemis she was in some kind of red glowing sphere in one of the rooms. An older nurse saw her and picked her up she was a healer who secretly worked at the hospital she slowly walked from the hospital and took the baby in as her own.

Years had passed Artemis now in her 30s was a beautiful young lady now taking care of her adopted mother April who had retired from the hospital. Artemis had been told when she was old enough about her parents. April wasn't sure if they were still alive or not from the blast at the hospital. But she knew what they looked like and their powers. It was then that Artemis found out she was "different". It started in school when she saw she could lift things and she accidentally set some things on fire. She learned that April was different too when she saw her heal her when she fell and hurt herself. But from that day on although she loved April for taking care of her. She wanted to find her real parents if they were still alive. In the meantime, Artemis took on a job at a bookstore to help pay the bills. She tried not to be around too many people like April told her. But she was curious about the world she wanted to go out like everyone else her age. But she knew it was a risk especially since she was still learning the extent of her powers.

Name: Ayana

Age: 22

Species: Nine-tail kitsune

Abilities: She can wield ice snow and wind. If her charm is removed she will transform into a huge white kitsune that can destroy towns.

Features: She's 5'2, with white long hair fair-skinned, hazel eyes, and a nice-sized body always wearing a kimono.

Personality: Very shy with a good heart and somewhat naive but her personality changes when her charm is removed.

In the feudal era, it was a simpler time at least it was for Ayana and the other creatures that roamed the earth. They never involved themselves in the wars and affairs of the humans. She spends her time at the large shrine and temple she was protecting far up in the mountains. And below were the human villages and towns. People would come to visit the shrine but she didn't like them staying too long. Her presence was like being out on the coldest night. She is known to be the spirit of the ice woman but no one would actually see her. Her favorite time was when the cherry blossoms came out. She would just walk around and look at the trees and how the winds blew the petals in the sky. Yes, life was pretty pleasant for her it was like she didn't have a care in the world.

But all of that changed when the humans felt like they needed to rid of the spirit that occupied the shrine. She was caught totally off guard one day by a very powerful exorcist who wanted to seal her away so the temple and shrine could be safe for everyone to visit. She fought hard and strong against the male but he was just too much for her. Finally, he locked her away in a large crystal and placed her under the temple with a seal to keep her trapped. Many years passed people lived their lives and died several centuries have gone by. The place that was left up in the mountain was still there and was in pretty good condition. People still came to enjoy the temple and the shrine there were stories of the snow woman. But people thought she was just a myth. But what they didn't know was the place that was her resting place. Would anyone save her?

Hello, Pandora here looking for people for friends and an RP partner would be a plus. I've enjoyed roleplaying since I learned about it 14 years ago. I was introduced to roleplaying in an old chat site. I loved it the more I learned. From there I went to other sites learning to write more and how to describe things. I enjoy writing so much I've considered writing a book. Anyway, I am very much into action, fantasy, romance, slice-of-life, and supernatural stories. I've been mostly comfortable writing para and multi-para. The stories I write are romantic but I like putting some drama and action to spice up the story. I am open to many stories whether modern or medieval. I try to be compromising with my partner. Interested?? Please contact me and let's talk. :)

I have some of my characters up on here. Please feel free to check it out!

Greetings and Salutations I'm Pandora and of course, I'm new here. But I'm not new to roleplaying. I've been roleplaying for 14yrs but I enjoy learning more from others. I also enjoy making friends communication is key. I usually write para or multi-para but I try to work with my RP partner as best I can. :) I do many genres of stories but my favorites are action, fantasy, romance, and supernatural. I enjoy watching videos, video games, and reading when I'm not writing. Please feel free to message me if you want to create some epic. ^^
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