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2 yrs ago
Every few months I stop by here "just because". I've been doing so for like a decade. However, every once in awhile something really GRABS me and I stay for awhile. I live for those moments xD.
3 yrs ago
The og X-Men: The New Era turns 10 years old soon! I can’t believe how many amazing people I have met thanks to this RP, or the multiverse that has spawned from it since then. I love you all so much!
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3 yrs ago
Coming back to this Guild and reconnecting with old friends is genuinely one of my favorite things in life. Much love to all of you who have been so wonderful to me over the years <3.


Help, it's again!

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I wrote this at work and wasn't able to edit or proof read it very good due to interuptions, so please forgive mistakes lol.
Name: Cael Maddox

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Race: Caucasian; Irish roots

Appearance: He has intense eyes, a small scruffy beard, and is covered in tattoos.

Clothing: He’s wearing an old, short sleeved, light gray shirt that has a Metallica symbol on it. His denim jeans are dark blue and faded at the knees, and he wears an old pair of work boots

Equipment: He has a black back pack that contains some food rations (mostly junk food that he looted from a convenience store), six bottles of water, an extra pair of clothes, a map, a 750ml bottle of Hennessey that’s wrapped in a hoodie, and an extra pair of shoes tied an outside strap on the pack.

Weapons: He has a Fire Ax and a half-serrated pocket knife with a 5” blade.

Bio/Background: Cael was raised by a single alcoholic of a father who couldn’t have cared less about him and his younger brother’s well being. His mother passed away when he was young due to Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, and he was forced to grow up fast in order to look out for his brother and himself. Growing up, Cael developed a bit of a bad attitude problem as well as a chip on his shoulder and was admittedly “pissed off at the world”; if it didn’t pertain to his brother or himself he really didn’t give a damn about it. He got his first job when he was 14, where he bailed hay for $3 an hour and worked almost nine hours a day during the summers, and during the school years he woke up early to go to work causing him to be late to school often. He got into fights frequently, a lot of the time defending his little brother from bullies, and ended up getting expelled from high school in the middle of his sophomore year. Then he got a full-time job digging ditches for a local man with money who owned his own business and began making around $15 an hour. This lead him to get his own place, his own car, and begin providing a better life for his younger brother.

Eventually, he was fired from his job due to being caught sleeping with his boss’s daughter and everything pretty much went to hell from there. Most people in town wouldn’t hire him because of his bad attitude and known anger problems, and so he ended up falling in with a bad crowd where one of his buddies introduced him to the local illegal street fighting circuit. Immediately he was enthralled by the fights and the lifestyle, and it wasn’t long until he begin earning money fighting and betting in the circuit. During his time with that crowd he began drinking heavily and using drugs casually, especially pain killers, which helped him get through the days with all of the bumps, cuts, and bruises that he obtained fighting in the circuit. It was all justified to him though because of his “screw the world” mentality and he would do ANYTHING if it meant that he could put food on the table for his brother and himself. He felt like he was doing something good for a change and began to make some pretty good money. However, his drinking eventually became an addiction and alcoholism as well as pain pill drug abuse took over his life and he got in so deep that he couldn’t get out on his own. He was arrested for illegal street fighting and drug possession, as well as charged with felony assault; he was sentenced to do 8 years in prison with the chance of an early parole. In prison he did what he did best and he fought to survive, and during his time he got dozens of tattoos done by fellow inmates and completely swore off drugs and alcohol; claiming a Straight Edge lifestyle as his own after being introduced to the concept by his cell-mate. Due to other good behavior he was released after only half of his sentence.

While he was in prison his brother had joined the Army, and was currently overseas fighting in the war, so when Cael got out he was basically alone. He moved to Jonesboro to get a fresh start. He found employment at a dive bar working as a bartender ironically enough, and has now been working there for 3 months.

Occupation Pre-Apocalypse: Bartender/Ex-Con
So what's the general feeling of the game? Obviously it's dark and dangerous due to the circumstances, but is there a determined goal that our characters should strive towards (i.e. Are we building a community or something?), or is it mainly just about survival and whatever story comes organically is what happens?

Also, just so I know, is there any character type that I should stay away from, or is there any type that anyone feels would bring a good balance or that would jut be a good addition to the current cast of characters?
So what's the general feeling of the game? Obviously it's dark and dangerous due to the circumstances, but is there a determined goal that our characters should strive towards (i.e. Are we building a community or something?), or is it mainly just about survival and whatever story comes organically is what happens?

Also, just so I know, is there any character type that I should stay away from, or is there any type that anyone feels would bring a good balance or that would jut be a good addition to the current cast of characters?
Because I'm using my work computer.....Shhhhhhh don't tell lol. I usally use my phone while I'm at work and my PC when at home.
I appreciate the speedy replies :). I'd absolutely be interested in joining this if my freaking phone would let me in!
Is anyone else having issues when trying to log on with a mobile device? I've attempted to log in on my Galaxy S4 like twelve billion times today and it keeps saying my credentials are invalid.....is it just me?
Sorry to intrude like this but I was wondering if this RP is still looking for characters? Also, is anyone else not able to log in on a mobile phone (random I know lol)?
I'm going to miss you brother...I wish I would have seen this sooner......
Hey. I have been a RP Guild Regular for the last 2 years under the name BloodVendetta, however I see this new site as a chance at a new start and I figured I might as well change my username to fit with most of my others. I'm glad the site is back up...I've missed it, and I am so sorry that it went down the way it did. I look forward to getting back into the mix and watching the site continue to develop, and I feel honored to be a part of it's rebirth. Let's make sure to keep the legacy of this wonderful site alive and well and craft amazing stories together like we all have. Allons-y!!!!!!!!

-BloodVendetta reborn by the fires of creativity as ShieldsOfWar :D.
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