Avatar of PatientBean


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7 days ago
Current Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.....
18 days ago
It's Valentine's Day but it's not too late for anyone to express their undying love to me
2 mos ago
2025: Time to enter my Villain Era
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2 mos ago
New Year, Same Me. Because since when was I the problem?
3 mos ago
Happy Holidays! Because I HAVE to be that person :)


Well now that I got the customary "post once" requirement out of the way....


Welcome to my safe space. Well, about as safe as one space can be, I guess. If you are here looking for something, I am very sorry to disappoint you, but I made fresh cookies! Come sit a spell.

I guess I'll do some more in-depth stuff about myself. My name is Nick and I am 33 years old living in Illinois. I am a therapist and clinical responder (which is a fancy way of saying I go out on police calls to provide mental health assistance). Been doing therapy for a few years now and I absolutely love it!

I am a gay, cisgender man. I came out last year in January (smack dab in the middle of a pandemic. Timing was always my downfall). There is still much I am learning, but I am proud and happy to be who I really am and not have to hide it anymore!

I am an avid gamer, especially roleplaying games (cue surprised and shock noises). I also enjoy writing and reading, especially mysteries. I am not new to roleplay, I promise. I have been doing it for years now in different formats. I am experienced, even if it doesn't seem like it.

I use humor as a coping mechanism for sure, but I also like laughing and enjoying myself. Life can be pretty sad and upsetting for the most part and I don't want to add to it.

Whew! That got deep!

I will be poking my nose around in spaces and hoping to jump headfirst into this. Some interests I have in terms of roleplay settings include superheroes, DnD, science fiction/fantasy, mysteries, thrillers, horror stuffs, apocolypse, and espionage. And I am a fan of most things pop culture. If you have any suggestions or possible roleplays you think I would love, please let me know.

Otherwise, stick around! This is gonna get wild!

Most Recent Posts

I'd go a Scoundrel-type. And a Twi'lek if other races are possible. Kind of like Mission Vao from KOTOR but older and not so child-like and innocent XD

Ok so I want to try something. You can tell me if this is possible or not.

I would like to cast Detect Magic on the door. Provided it is magical in some way, I have more to add to what I have in mind.
Ya know what, hell yeah! Been looking for a Star Wars RP. Consider me intrigued.
I'll be posting tomorrow at work. I have an idea

Location: New York City, Repair Shop
Skills: N/A

Verity didn't want to stay but there was little choice. Either this would all blow over quickly once the authoirities got control and she can make it back home or this was going to last a little bit longer and she would prefer to be around others, especially capable ones, than on her own.

Verity made her way over to the vending machine along with Flynn, who ordered two cokes and gave one to her. She took it and cracked it open, sipping it while Flynn asked her about how she felt. Verity took a look out the window, seeing the body before the blinds closed. "I've seen dead people before. You know, funerals, visits to the hospital, all that. It's different when you cause it, inadvertantly or not." She knew it was defense, us vs. them, but it didn't make it easier. "You ever watch a movie, like a horror movie or disaster movie, and part of you thinks 'that'll never happen? There's no way', but another part of you is hyper-aware that there's potential there? That's where I am at currently."

Verity took a seat and took a deep breath in. She was calmer now, at least. "Thanks again for the help back there. Sorry I was such a bitch to you earlier."
Sabine Bassard

Location: Bassard Family Home (Lyon, France)
Skills: N/A

Normally a girl would be thrilled if her parents took her to France during a break from school. Not Sabine. Feeling more like a punishment than a reward, after her father and step-mother picked her up from school and flew her back to their place in California her step-mother had the 'brilliant' (read: selfish) idea of taking some time during the break "away from it all". Sabine could read between the thinly-veiled lines: her step-mother's original vacation was destroyed and she wanted to go elsewhere and drag Sabine along. Her father gave in because his spine was forcibly removed when the two of them got married.

So Sabine spent a plane ride with her family and was now in their family home in Lyon. All the while Sabine's mind floated back to April and Leah, Danni and Dorian, and everyone else at the school. The future lay uncertain. Would she be allowed to go back or was this it?

Her father continued to work and spent precious little time at home. And the time he was here was spent with his wife as she monopolized him. Sabine gave up quickly of there being any semblance of family-together time. Her step-siblings were spending break elsewhere so there was some positive news. But it meant she was, more often than not, alone at home with her step-mother.

While she usually ignored her, there were a few moments when her step-mother attempted conversation. Usually, it was to ask if she looked fat in whatever outfit she was wearing before she went out shopping to buy more or to make little digs into Sabine's own appearance. "Skin looks blotchy darling, but we'll chalk it up to stress!" was one of her favorites. And anytime Sabine bit back her step-mother ran to her father and whined. Sabine spent most of her time in her room.

Those moments of uncertainty hit. Sabine felt her chest tighten and her breath halt and hitch. Usually, it lasted a few minutes but still tired her out to the point she fell asleep almost instantly.

Sleepless nights were becoming too common but one night in particular shook Sabine's core. She had been having recurring dreams. In them, her mother was dressed impressively with a sword strapped to her person. In the dreams, she could see her mother walk close by to a man. The man was tall and handsome, dressed impressively in each vision, a cloak around his figure and a crown on his head. Each scene was out of a televised drama as her mother would work with this man, or rather for this man, in various scenes. It was clear her mother was a bodyguard and an impressive one at that. Sabien felt like she could walk through her dreams but no one paid her any mind.

The night before she was to return to school and determine her future she had another dream. It started out like before, her mother walking down a decorated corridor along with the royal man. Sabine followed them, anxious and excited to see what new adventure would be had.

Instead her mother stopped. Sabine stopped also. Curious, Sabine waited a beat to see what would happen. It was then her mother turned and faced Sabine, looking directly at her. Sabine turned her head to see if someone or something was behind her as no other dream had behaved like this. But there was nothing. Sabine faced her mother again, who continued to stare at her. It wasn't a cold stare. There was warmth. Understanding. Sabine felt like her mother was actually standing before her.

Before Sabine could speak or reach out, her mother uttered something that shook Sabine. "You are not your father's child, Sabine. You're his." Sabine's mother then glanced at the crowned man before Sabine jutted awake, taking shallow breaths.

Sabine looked around her room, taking it all in slowly to catch herself up. What did that mean? Was it her mind playing tricks on her and causing anxiety? No, it was different. She had been missing her mother so dreams of her would not be uncommon. What was unusual was how clearly she remembered how her mother looked. She had lost her mother fairly early on in her childhood. Pictures didn't do her justice. N the dreams felt more than that.

And if it was true then everything Sabine knew was all lies.

Location: Avenger's Academy, Coulson's Office
Skills: N/A
Fit of the Day: Pink and Gray

Sabine had gotten ready in advance. The helicopter ride back to school was silent, for once. Her father may have felt the break did her good but Sabine kept finding herself staring at him. If her dream was true, this man who she had called father this whole time was not her real father. If she were being really honest with herself, he never felt like a father after her mother died. Was it because she wasn't actually blood?

She would be remiss to say there wasn't love there. At the beginning the two of them were close. Closer than close. It wasn't until he remarried to that monster that he changed. Threw himself into his work and all but forgetting she existed apart from giving her money or gifts.

Never once realizing all she wanted was her father back. And even now, who held that title?

Sabine checked her phone to see she had been texted. She opened the one from Danni first. She smiled warmly.

She missed everyone, sure, but her heart wasn't fully in it. Especially when she read her other text thread from her girlfriends. April panicking wasn't new and Leah stepping up to support and acknowledge the broken system. She didn't tell them about her dream. How could she? Compared to the two of them her problems were small potatoes.

Sabine put her phone away as she rounded the corner and saw a few of the others standing there. She walked up and made a line for April, wrapping her in a warm hug and kissing her cheek. Then doing the same to Leah. "Hey you two. How's things?" She gave a passing wave and acknowledging nod to the others, but the reality was she needed her girls first.

Ok I posted the results so feel free to follow up!

Fleur hid a smile, seeing them all work together for the briefest of moments, as she looked back to the others. Saur had seemingly found something she missed. With a flourish of her dress she made her way back to peer at the papers that Saur found. He was correct in his assumptions. As Fleur got a closer look at the rune on the paper, she delved into her past knowledge of Arcane magics. She closed her eyes and reached out. As images flooded her mind (ironic) she saw a waterfall.

"A good find. Whatever it was meant for it has the power of torrential water behind it. Given that there is a set of watery footprints I think it is safe to say it was not Teacher Ot who was in here wearing the mask or leaving the trail behind him. I cannot say if he caused the crack in his desk or not, though my hopes is that he didn't as whoever did would surely be hurt. I suggest we follow the prints before we lose them also unless someone else has another idea."
You know, I have a pretty high Arcana score. @wanderingwolf Can I roll for Arcana on the papers to see if I get anything?

20 if I am able to

Fleur left the others to converse, not really paying attention to what was being said. Her concern was toward whatever occurred in Teacher Ot's office. Fleur scanned the immediate surroundings. Being an elf allowed her more insight compared to other races. She was sure something bad happened here if the wonton destruction was any indication, but perhaps they could pinpoint the exact reasoning.

Fleur noted the desk. Upon closer inspection of it she noted that it was a fine, wooden desk. It was made of a sturdy material which, in retrospect, was perfect for wooden furniture. However the desk exhibited a crack. Fleur noted this would mean something quite heavy was slammed against the desk. If the broken skylight was any indication perhaps something or someone fell and landed on the desk. If that were true they would be in serious pain...or worse.

Fleur was about to move away when her eyes landed on another wooden instrument, this one below the desk. She kneeled down and picked up the item. A wooden mask in the shape of a rabbit. The cord used to attach the mask to one's face was ripped off, suggesting it was torn in a struggle. The struggle would explain the broken bits and pieces in the office.

"If I might draw your attention real quick I believe I found something. The desk here has a large crack in it which suggests something slammed into it with great force. This mask was hidden beneath it and was also broken in a struggle. Whoever left the room," Fleur said, gesturing towards the damp footprints she noted as she walked towards the door, "will have more information surely."
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