Avatar of PatientBean


Recent Statuses

7 days ago
Current Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.....
18 days ago
It's Valentine's Day but it's not too late for anyone to express their undying love to me
2 mos ago
2025: Time to enter my Villain Era
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2 mos ago
New Year, Same Me. Because since when was I the problem?
3 mos ago
Happy Holidays! Because I HAVE to be that person :)


Well now that I got the customary "post once" requirement out of the way....


Welcome to my safe space. Well, about as safe as one space can be, I guess. If you are here looking for something, I am very sorry to disappoint you, but I made fresh cookies! Come sit a spell.

I guess I'll do some more in-depth stuff about myself. My name is Nick and I am 33 years old living in Illinois. I am a therapist and clinical responder (which is a fancy way of saying I go out on police calls to provide mental health assistance). Been doing therapy for a few years now and I absolutely love it!

I am a gay, cisgender man. I came out last year in January (smack dab in the middle of a pandemic. Timing was always my downfall). There is still much I am learning, but I am proud and happy to be who I really am and not have to hide it anymore!

I am an avid gamer, especially roleplaying games (cue surprised and shock noises). I also enjoy writing and reading, especially mysteries. I am not new to roleplay, I promise. I have been doing it for years now in different formats. I am experienced, even if it doesn't seem like it.

I use humor as a coping mechanism for sure, but I also like laughing and enjoying myself. Life can be pretty sad and upsetting for the most part and I don't want to add to it.

Whew! That got deep!

I will be poking my nose around in spaces and hoping to jump headfirst into this. Some interests I have in terms of roleplay settings include superheroes, DnD, science fiction/fantasy, mysteries, thrillers, horror stuffs, apocolypse, and espionage. And I am a fan of most things pop culture. If you have any suggestions or possible roleplays you think I would love, please let me know.

Otherwise, stick around! This is gonna get wild!

Most Recent Posts

@PatientBean Alright sounds great! Roll Fleur's perception and reply with the result here!

@wanderingwolf Hey I want to have Fleur investigate the office to see if she can find out what may have happened here, like did someone come in to find something and did they.
Hi I am still here. Holiday week very busy. I'll post tomorrow
I was more referring to all rolls and used Investigation as an example. Like if I asked for an Arcane roll do I roll and then put it in my post or do so in OOC before I post so I can add if I found anything or not. I get wanting to hold people accountable so we don't just get the good rolls.
So I apologize if this has been answered but if I wanted to roll for something like, say, investigating the office, do I put that request in with a roll in the OOC or the IC? Or does it not matter?

Interactions: Freya, "James" (@NoriWasHere), Elijah (@Theyra)

Quill waited a beat after Lorenza left. It paid to be cautious. She was a mystery girlie through and through and as an avid lover of all things mystery you could never discount the person who hired the detective as the culprit. Granted she doubted the woman would hand over that much money if her intention was to mislead Quill. No there were things at play but $10,000 was $10,000.

But she needed information on this Varnan character. Which means she needed help.

Nico was constructing a post on Reddit that was going to make some people cry. Worth it. As much as he loved the internet it was also a minefield of idiots who thought they knew better. It was like a message board for pompous jack-offs to either pretend they were experts in their fields or be outright racist/homophobic/sexist bigots and hide behind an anime profile picture.

Before Nico could finish constructing his well-worded essay his phone vibrated and nearly fell off his desk. Nico glanced at the screen and rolled his eyes, though he did so with a smile. She never called him unless she needed help and she needed help a lot. He swiped the call and put it to his hear. "What do you want now?"

"Oh hey Nico. I'm fine actually, thanks for asking. How are you?" she said in response, jokingly.

"About to make some boys pretending to be men cry online. Hey Quill."

"I'd ask what for but I've learned not to get you on your soapbox. I remember the Fortnite incident."

"If you are going to be homophobic on a game meant for children you need to do a better job camouflaging yourself on the internet."

Quill chuckled. When Nico was on he was on. No one was safe. She considered herself to be technologically sound but he was something else. She was surprised the government hadn't snatched him up at some point. But maybe they had bigger things to worry about. "Anywho, enough social niceties. I need a favor."

"That was you being nice? Damn I'd hate to be on your bad side."

"Yeah that would not end well for you. I need you to look up information for me on a man named Varnan Ingram. I got a case put in my lap I couldn't say no to."

"Ooooh intrigue. What did this Varnan do?"

"It's more what this Varnan knows that I am curious about. Some crypt keeper lady with an impeccable fashion sense came in wanting me to speak to him. More than likely there's weird things involved."

Nico was aware of magic and its existence in the world. Even someone as chronically online as him was aware of its impact on the world and even on the internet. He actively stalked conspiracy theory sites to check on validity of claims. Aliens in the ocean? Bigfoot getting married? Weirder things have happened. "All right, let me take a look here."

Nico got to work. A cursory search revealed the same information Quill got. Varnan worked at a bakery and lived in North Cloverfield. There wasn't much else about the man which made Nico's ear twitch.

Typically if someone had that small of a footprint online it was for one of two reasons: either that person was just born or they had something to hide.

Nico got to work deep diving. Quill waited on the phone and could hear Nico typing furiously. Credit given where it was due, Nico did work fast. He could find information on someone faster than she could standing in front of the person asking them the same questions.

"Ok I have something though what there is on here is still small. Varnan doesn't have an online presence before the events of the Cataclysm. It's like the dude didn't exist before that day which is impossible because, I mean, people don't just appear do they?" He wasn't asking for an answer, just piecing together information he had.

"I mean I wouldn't discount it, but I would imagine no. Anything else?"

"Besides his place of work which I imagine is most likely a front as this dude is magic. Like literal magic. I don't know what this dude's deal is but he had to have done something to hide himself."

Quill bit her lip as she put some pieces together. If Varnan had nothing in his history before the events of the Cataclysm maybe he was able to hide his records. Or manipulated something to make it that way. He was here for a reason.

"Right. Thanks Nico. If anything else comes up for him can you shoot me a text?"

"Course. I'll set up an alert for his name and any other connections I find. Just...I say it every time you call but be careful. There's weird people online but there's even more offline."

Quill smiled. It was nice having someone in her corner. "You too." Quill hung up and stood from her chair, cracking her back. First things first: she needed to see Varnan and the only lead she had was the bakery he worked at.\

Quill parked a few blocks away, which she may regret, but she preferred to walk. She took in the surrounding area and noted there wasn't much foot traffic. She mentally prepared what questions she would ask and what she may have to do to get the answers she wanted. If what she found out was true Mr. Ingram was a powerful magic user. She checked her pocket and felt the heft of the gun she carried. It wouldn't do well in most situations but bullets still hurt.

Quill neared the bakery and was about to open the door when she looked inside. She saw a few people in there but it wasn't your typical scene inside a bakery. There was a...heaviness. A tension one could cut with a knife. Something was happening.

Even if she wanted to get in the front door seemed risky. Instead she moved around the side street until she got to the back. There was another door thankfully. Quill tried it and found it unlocked and open. Whoever owned the place was either too trusting or trusted themselves to handle any trouble.

As Quill made her way inside she could make out some voices. Things were coming to a head. This was not what she signed up for but if Varnan was one of the people here she needed to speak to him anyway. Or speak to whoever owned the bakery since they knew him.

Quill checked around the corner to the front and made out the people. She didn't recognize anyone but the man, if he could be called as such with a menacing presence, behind the counter appeared to be the instigator. Quill stepped back, took a deep breath, and moved around the corner.

"Gods don't you just love the smell of freshly baked goods. Heard the croissants are out of this world." She looked at those around her, hoping to catch someone's eye as a trusted ally in this moment. "Is there a problem here that donuts can't fix?"
I mean this was my first time doing combat in this instance. I expected it to be more slow-paced. If it could be quicker that may be good, but overall I think we did fine.

Location: New York City, Repair Shop
Skills: N/A

Verity took her keys and debated if she wanted to leave or not. Given what just happened would it be in her best interest to go home? And a fun thought entered her head as to what she could use as a weapon in her own home. If people were acting as crazy as what was being shown on the news and literally attacking people, being alone may not be the best thing.

"I called the police back at the diner and it sounded like they have their hands full with everything. May be best to hunker down until it blows over." She didn't add the fear that this thing may not blow over but she pushed that thought deep down. "Do you mind if I stick around for a bit? Maybe once things settle it'll be easier to get home." She looked over to the customer that got attacked and they didn't seem to be doing well. Verity decided to give them a wide berth. She was attacked once, she didn't need to re-live it.

I have an NPC!

Location: New York City, Repair Shop
Skills: N/A

Verity followed Flynn, careful not to stare too long at the tire iron covered in blood and other materials. This had the makings of a really intense horror film, which left her feeling somewhat comforted, as she would most likely be the "Final Girl." Still, movies were different from real life.

Verity felt her phone vibrate and checked it to see a message from Trudy. She followed it up by watching videos of people going nuts and looting everything. It was almost funny how quickly people devolved into this survivalist behavior when something happened. A disease spreading made people sweep shelves rather than take what they would need to ensure other people had the stuff to survive.

Verity would have laughed at the chaos if it didn't feel like they maybe had the right idea.

Verity shot off a quick reply to Trudy. "I'm okay. Please get home and do not leave until this is over. Talk soon." She hoped she would get the chance to see Trudy again once this was all taken care of.
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