Avatar of PatientBean


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Current Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.....
18 days ago
It's Valentine's Day but it's not too late for anyone to express their undying love to me
2 mos ago
2025: Time to enter my Villain Era
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2 mos ago
New Year, Same Me. Because since when was I the problem?
3 mos ago
Happy Holidays! Because I HAVE to be that person :)


Well now that I got the customary "post once" requirement out of the way....


Welcome to my safe space. Well, about as safe as one space can be, I guess. If you are here looking for something, I am very sorry to disappoint you, but I made fresh cookies! Come sit a spell.

I guess I'll do some more in-depth stuff about myself. My name is Nick and I am 33 years old living in Illinois. I am a therapist and clinical responder (which is a fancy way of saying I go out on police calls to provide mental health assistance). Been doing therapy for a few years now and I absolutely love it!

I am a gay, cisgender man. I came out last year in January (smack dab in the middle of a pandemic. Timing was always my downfall). There is still much I am learning, but I am proud and happy to be who I really am and not have to hide it anymore!

I am an avid gamer, especially roleplaying games (cue surprised and shock noises). I also enjoy writing and reading, especially mysteries. I am not new to roleplay, I promise. I have been doing it for years now in different formats. I am experienced, even if it doesn't seem like it.

I use humor as a coping mechanism for sure, but I also like laughing and enjoying myself. Life can be pretty sad and upsetting for the most part and I don't want to add to it.

Whew! That got deep!

I will be poking my nose around in spaces and hoping to jump headfirst into this. Some interests I have in terms of roleplay settings include superheroes, DnD, science fiction/fantasy, mysteries, thrillers, horror stuffs, apocolypse, and espionage. And I am a fan of most things pop culture. If you have any suggestions or possible roleplays you think I would love, please let me know.

Otherwise, stick around! This is gonna get wild!

Most Recent Posts

Fleur bit her tongue the entire rest of the trip to Teacher Ot's office. How dare she be questioned? She was not here to do menial tasks she was here to perfect her craft and she couldn't do that by fishing. Once it was possible she would split from this group. None of them would benefit her or improve her studies.

What transpired next shook Fleur, but she wouldn't let the others see her. The blood came first. The scene in Teacher Ot's office reminded her of something but she couldn't place it immediately. Fleur noted the broken skylight, the shattered glass with its contents missing. A burglary gone wrong? Or something more sinister?

That had to wait as they had some angry insects to handle.

Saur took the initiative, going forward to see what can be done. He took some hits but seemed okay. What was more interesting was that the insects weren't just random foes. Hopefully that meant this could be taken care of without further harm.

Jenk followed Saur's instructions and offered one of the bugs some of the purple ooze. And it worked! Fleur hated it but she strode forward, collecting some of the ichor herself before moving to one of the other bugs. "Here little one. We mean you no harm."

Am I waiting for the scene to be resolved or am I able to go next?
Sabine Bassard

Location: The Gym
Fit of the Day: Gym Outfit
Skills: N/A

Sabine put on her best performance to date but had to face off against a lawyer and an Avenger who more than likely has seen worse. To She-Hulk's credit, she didn't seem flustered at Leah's situation though with April Sabine would have to check with her later. Defeated and ready to face the music Sabine rattled off her father's phone number and waited for She-Hulk to explain what happened. Sabine thought of a hundred ways to explain it but would any be good enough? Would he care?

Soon She-Hulk handed the phone over to Sabine and she took it walking off a ways from everyone to have a private conversation. Or as private as could be.


"Sabine? Are you all right?"

Checking to see if she was okay was a good sign, though even abusive parents checked for bruises and scrapes. "I'm fine."

"I am still unsure what happened over there. I know the woman on the phone was talking but after hearing..certain words I sort of tuned her out. What exactly happened?"

Sabine took a beat. Did she go for the whole truth or hide bits and pieces? Did it matter at this point? "So, one of the other students here tried to kill all of us. In as much as I understand it he developed this program and lured us all here. It's like a video game. We were essentially in a video game and the game itself wanted to kill us and if we died in the game we died in real life but it's fine and I'm fine! Really..."

"Sweetheart that sounds like the bad plot to a movie. I mean what exactly am I sending you to that school for if this type of shit happens?"

"Really da-...father it's fine. We're safe."

"From the sounds of it you all aren't. I can only imagine the mental turmoil you all faced. And now I need to drop everything to come pick you up. We're sending the helicopter. We'll be there as soon as possible."

Sabine picked up on that pronoun. We. It meant it was more than just him coming. Before she could confirm it she heard the tell-tale grating voice.

"Darling what about Boca?"

"Well obviously we need to put that on hold."

"You heard her, she's fine! Surely someone at that school can look after her."

"My daughter and her classmates were just attacked I don't trust the school to look after her."

"Well then put her somewhere else. I know the heads of many a school that would happily accept her. Goodness knows she could use the culture."

"I am not.."

"Oh relax darling. Precious? Can you hear me? It's mummy here."

Sabine winced, both at being called precious and for her using the word "mummy". "I'm here."

"We're coming to get you. Had to put off a million things to do so but you're worth it!"

"Good to know all it takes is having my life threatened for you to make time for me."

"You see that darling? I can't win with her."

"Sabine, please, let's try to be cordial."

Sabine fought the urge to hang up. She should have known he would take her side. "For the record, I am the one who got the guy to change his ways. I'm the one who helped change him for the better. Anyone else may have wanted him dead but I stood up and made change. This school is helping me understand myself better and taking it away from me is not going to help."

She heard a sigh on the other side and didn't know if it came from him or her. Did that matter? "Sabine, what would your mother..."

"Don't you dare bring her up now. You lost the right to do so when you moved on and married that witch."

She heard him start to speak before she hung up. She glanced at the others, wondering if they heard her almost lose it. She felt a pressure in her chest. Her head started to pulse. She grabbed her wrist and put some pressure where she felt the beat of her heart. She closed her eyes and took some deep breaths. It was going to be a long helicopter ride and she would need all her faculties to get through it and not cause them to crash.

Peregrine Mayfield

Location: New Orleans, Gardens
Skills: Combative Summoning
Fit Of The Day

It started with fire. Despite the warring emotions ending it was clear emotions were still at play. Chrysi would not go down easily. As soon as Chyrysi attempted to attack the group her spirits did their part. Mary Ellen attempted to throw her off balance and Barry shot his taser. However the girl was capable, avoiding both Mary Ellen's gravitational pull and the shock.

Perry looked around to the others before she felt a negative force heading her way. Perry was able to get out of the fire blast, feeling the heat coming off the shot, but it missed her. Chrysi wasn't playing around but Marygold was still in there.

"Words aren't going to work. Not yet at least." Ed's shield popped up and Perry waited. She looked over to her new spirit Adonatille and nodded. Adonatille understood the assignment. "Edward if that sheild falls I want you to freeze her. We can't let her leave."

Interactions: Lorenza Adel@Estylwen

Quill eyed the woman as she seated herself. Quill let out a breath as she felt some force attempt to enter her space. It appeared that Ms. Adel was like her. Quill used her abilities in moments of need and when faced with someone similar to her it often made things more difficult. Not impossible, but difficult.

Quill listened, taking in mental notes and things to check once this woman left her office.

Quill winced when Lorenza used the word savages. It reminded her of the colorful terms used by those in power to those without. While she didn't believe there was malicious intent it seemed Ms. Adel was quite wealthy and those in wealth tended to not give a damn what their words meant. The people she was referring to could very well be monsters in the most literal of senses. In which case it also made sense to want them out and gone. Quill would have to keep an ear out for rumors about them.

And this lead, Varnan Ingram, was aware of the situation. As Lorenza spoke Quill did a quick search of his name and the first result gave her some simple information. Quill noted the bakery he works at. Even if she did not accept this job it would be worth looking into. Monsters could be very good or very bad for business.

And then the kicker came as Lorenza requested being a part of the investigation. Quill worked alone. Always had. She had resources; people she could talk to for favors or to help her out, but they remained at arm's length. Quill liked to think of herself as that grizzled detective in tv shows, the one who always did it alone because partners slowed them down. But Quill figured Lorenza would not be easily dissuaded from being a part. Clients often preferred updates on what she got done but this was the first time one had wanted in on the action.

$10,000 was $10,000 though....

"All right Ms. Adel. I will accept the case. I'll see about speaking to Mr. Ingram first and report back to you on what I find. Once that is done we can plan next steps together. I will note that this could get...interesting. If things go sideways well...it would be best if you were able to handle yourself. I trust you can, but I need to make the warning regardless. Was there anything else I should note before I get started?"

Quill also made a mental note to check Ms. Adel out. She wouldn't do so with her in the room, but it paid to be careful. Quill had to look out for herself. If she was about to get in bed with someone a Google search and background check was warranted.
@Estylwen I will note it would be a lot easier to talk and plan on Discord but I recognize not everyone has/wants one.
I feel like a conversation was just had with me involved and yet I said not a word

Interactions: Lorenza Adel@Estylwen

Quill was spinning one of her pens in her left hand as Mrs. Gardner walked out followed shortly after by the door opening. Two clients in a matter of hours? Her lucky day. Quill glanced up and saw what could only be described as the Grim Reaper if he was a woman and gave a damn about her appearance. The all-black ensemble reminded her of a funeral and Quill admonished herself. Don't think negatively about a potential client. At least give them a chance to disappoint you.

As the woman spoke Quill felt her muscles tense ever so slightly. Quill trusted her gut and felt she could read people easily, but this woman was hard to pin down. Quill had to admire her in a sense. A "I don't care what you think I'm going to wear all black and carry a freakin' parasol and fuck you for judging".

"Please." Quill gestured to one of the seats in front of her desk as the woman sat.

Varnan Ingram? Had she heard that name before? If she did she couldn't place it immediately. She would have to scour her records to see if she did work for or against him in the past. He had to be doing something if the Grim Reaper was after him.

"So Ms. Adel, you say you have a problem and it involves this Varnan Ingram? Why don't you tell me what's going on and what you need from me."

Location: New York City, Repair Shop
Skills: N/A

Verity eyed the crazed customer attempting to...what was it? Bite Gus?...as it soon set its eyes on Verity. She hadn't expected the sudden change in target as it lumbered closer to her, knocking her down. He started to bite her as Verity did her best to fend him off. She noted Gus got the customer away.

Flynn got to work real quick, knocking the man off of her and, much to her lack of sympathy or shock, crack his skull in. Verity took his proferred hand and stood up, brushing herself off. "I'm fine. Same can't be said for our friend there." Just what the hell was this? Did this have something to do with whatever was going around?

Verity watched some horror movies in her time and this was starting to seem like one. "We should check with Gus. If that man was sick there may be others also."

Peregrine Mayfield

Location: New Orleans, Gardens
Skills: N/A
Fit Of The Day

Perry felt the emotions play out, gauging their flow. Perry remained hopeful that Mary would win out in the end. So when the emotions seemed to dissipate, as if one had finally taken control, Perry looked at Mary.

But it wasn't Mary.

Pietro had managed to grab her, Aniie, and Guin, though just barely. It seemed the Phoenix had won out. Perry knew that no amount of talk was going to resolve this. Not right away. Perry stepped back a bit, her spirits in tow. Perry lowered her voice to a whisper. "Not sure how this is going to play out but I would like her to remain relatively unharmed should the worst come to me. Mary Ellen and Barry, I'm relying on you."

So Perry waited, hoping someone may get through, but prepared for the inevitable anyway.

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