Fleur bit her tongue the entire rest of the trip to Teacher Ot's office. How dare she be questioned? She was not here to do menial tasks she was here to perfect her craft and she couldn't do that by fishing. Once it was possible she would split from this group. None of them would benefit her or improve her studies.
What transpired next shook Fleur, but she wouldn't let the others see her. The blood came first. The scene in Teacher Ot's office reminded her of something but she couldn't place it immediately. Fleur noted the broken skylight, the shattered glass with its contents missing. A burglary gone wrong? Or something more sinister?
That had to wait as they had some angry insects to handle.
Saur took the initiative, going forward to see what can be done. He took some hits but seemed okay. What was more interesting was that the insects weren't just random foes. Hopefully that meant this could be taken care of without further harm.
Jenk followed Saur's instructions and offered one of the bugs some of the purple ooze. And it worked! Fleur hated it but she strode forward, collecting some of the ichor herself before moving to one of the other bugs. "Here little one. We mean you no harm."