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Don't worry about details like that, I'll indicate if an Action Check is needed for an action to succeed. Thus, despite the door being dented and damaged, your character is innately strong enough to force it open.

So, do you want to convert your current roll for another action or just cancel it altogether?
@Skyswimsky @GreenGoat

Conversation Checks are for removing Madness but you can talk to other people without rolling a dice. It's just that it won't remove Madness. Would you like to keep the check you made? (It's a fail, by the way sooo...)

Also, fluff for Conversation Checks should be Dolls talking about their feelings, joking around, etc. and not brief exchanges about the matter in hand. But hey, we're still at the play test stage so it's a'ight.

P.S. The door Yuno attempted to open wasn't locked or anything as indicated in the post. What the Action Check was for was to identify the black stains on the door. Would you like to keep the roll?

Dead Factory

The door was locked and it needed force to be opened. Luckily, Rosemary's undead body had more than enough strength for that. With one sudden and forceful turn, she broke the knob and the door swung open in surrender. "Whoa! How'd you do that? You got some sort of super strength?" Out came a person clad in black, protective clothing. His face was covered by a unique gas mask that had green lenses. In his hands was a sniper rifle that was in good shape unlike much of the things in this factory.

"Hey, hold on a sec. Y'all are those Doll girls." He apparently knew what Rosemary and Yuno were. "You two aren't under a Necromancer, are you? I'm guessing not or else you would have already killed me. The name's Greene by the way." He introduced himself. "Hey uhh, do you two mind me tagging along? I don't really know this place and I think it's a good idea that we all stick together for now."

[Greene has joined the party!]

"Stabilize your centre! Do not break your focus!"
"Work is sweet, What are you doing?! Do not rest!"
"Do not rest until you win!"
"Do not attack! Continue with your work!"

The human voice continued on and on. Rosemary and Yuno can attempt to listen more closely to the voice and music and get more info about it.
[Action Check for this action may be rolled!]

At the end of the corridor there is a large metal door. The sounds were coming from behind this door. The door is not heavy but there is no key. A doll's muscle strength should be able to force open the door without difficulty. Before that, however, there are obviously different doors than before.

One was a damaged door with a plate stamped with 'Factory Manager'. The damage was too much that the door was likely to come off the hinges if one were to press against it. There were a number of black stains on the floor around the door. The door was forcibly pushed open and the twisted metal fittings are scattered on the floor. The door itself was broken from the inside out, as if something came out of the room. Yuno and Rosemary can investigate this room first before heading off for the metal door. They can also try to identify what the black stains were.
[Action Check for this action may be rolled!]

Then there was a more regular door. It was damaged too but not as much as the 'Factory Manager' door. This was the door Rosemary broke open to free Greene. Inside was another corridor but the ceiling has collapsed and blocked the way with rubble of stone and metal and wires. There was nothing more to this corridor and door.

[Conversation Check available]


Dead Factory

(Rosemary's Conversation Check is successful! She must remove a Madness Point from a Fetter.)
(Yuno's Conversation Check is successful! She must remove a Madness Point from her Fetter towards Rosemary)


"Who... is there?"

"Wha!? Someone there?!" The knocking and banging stopped and a reply came from the locked door. "Hey! Hey! Thank the Lordie, I thought I was gonna be stuck here forever! Please, whoever you are, please open the door. The way I came in collapsed for some reason so this door is all I got." The male, accented voice pleaded. "Don't worry, I ain't dangerous. I mean, I'm carryin' a rifle and all but trust me, I won't bite so long as you won't."
[Action Check to open the door can be attempted.]
@Skyswimsky @GreenGoat

Actually, Rosemary was not supposed to be able to initiate a Conversation Check the guy on the other side of the door since he's not known but since the guy's actually Greene, I guess it's a'ight.

To be clear, Conversation Checks can only be initiated on people you know but I guess I should've made that clearer earlier.
With the player base low, I'll probably be opening the interest check again. Although with the way things are right now, I'll put it on hold until the tournament arc is over (when Seleth is done fighting Varjan and the ending ceremonies are finished).

Also, don't forget you can have two characters.
Luminous Citadel


~~~ @CitrusArms ~~~

"Thank you, Kieth. That's all I've got for you, though... No, there's one other thing. This card. It's one of the ones that was thrown at you, brother to the ones that killed Juan. Do you know about who used it?"
Lumina Lusteria

"That's Hisana's. Enishi's girlfriend. Enishi being the guy beside you." Keith answered, motioning to the Eastern swordsman. "She'll like you, you know? Although, I don't think you'll like her."

"Anyway, good luck with your little disaster hunt. You're gonna need it 'cause you don't even know what it is nor any clues or leads about it." The mercenary added. "Me? I'll be outta here. Don't have to worry about it if I get far enough."

Northern Gate Town

Suspicious Gym

~~~ @CitrusArms ~~~

The man on the box took out a corked vial. He popped off the cork to drink the contents within but you clocked him straight in the face, putting him out of the fight. Your beam burst forth to the sky, blasting a hole through the first floor and through the roof. You already hear fighting on the upper floor.

"Beastkin! Watch out!" Vitalion warned while you were gathering strength and powering up. A cudgel man had approached and brought his weapon up for an overhead swing. It was time to fight.

Seraph Academy

Main Arena

Varjan did not see your dazzle coming and relented his attack, allowing you to send a sharp uppercut at the boy. The grip on your neck released and Varjan was knocked a few steps back. He put his hand on his chin, not from pain but from surprise.

You saw him smirk, you shattered his illusion that you would go down with a fight. Varjan returned his gaze to you and raised his hands to the sky. The dark clouds overhead heeded his call and sent several lightning bolts to his palms. With hot plasma burning in his grasp, Varjan then turned his arms sidewards and shot out the bolts in all sorts of angles.

The lightning hit the arena's invisible protective dome, bouncing from it and all converging towards you. The bright, blinding bolts surrounded you and you had seconds to react. Being always on the defensive was unwise, but you had advice from a certain knight. You knew you just had to weather the storm, literally and metaphorically.

Yes. You are all with your Reinforcement Parts.


Dead Factory

Yuno and Rosemary may not know where they were exactly but they were perceptive. By examining the features of the room, they were able to realize that they were in a basement of a factory. A factory for what? How did they end up in a factory in the first place? Where is this factory? They did not know. They will have to move forward to find more. There was nothing else in this room.

The two Dolls move for the single iron door that lead out of the room. It was not locked and a turn of the knob was all it took to open it. Beyond the door was a corridor was a wide and long corridor of similar theme to the previous room. The human voice they have been hearing was clearer now. The words could be discerned.

"Stabilize your centre! Do not break your focus!"
"Work is sweet, What are you doing?! Do not rest!"
"Do not rest until you win!"
"Do not attack! Continue with your work!"

Rosemary and Yuno can attempt to listen more closely to the voice and music and get more info about it.
[Action Check for this action may be rolled!]

At the end of the corridor there is a large metal door. The sounds were coming from behind this door. The door is not heavy but there is no key. A doll's muscle strength should be able to force open the door without difficulty. Before that, however, there are obviously different doors than before.

One was a damaged door with a plate stamped with 'Factory Manager'. The damage was too much that the door was likely to come off the hinges if one were to press against it. There were a number of black stains on the floor around the door. The door was forcibly pushed open and the twisted metal fittings are scattered on the floor. The door itself was broken from the inside out, as if something came out of the room. Yuno and Rosemary can investigate this room first before heading off for the metal door. They can also try to identify what the black stains were.
[Action Check for this action may be rolled!]

Then there was a more regular door. It was damaged too but not as much as the 'Factory Manager' door. More than that, there were sounds of knocking and bumping on the other side. Someone or something was trying to budge open the door and get through. The door was obviously locked but Rosemary and Yuno can try to open it from their side and let in the mysterious entity. Would that be a wise choice though?
[Action Check for this action may be rolled!]

[Conversation Check available]
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