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I studied Bio in high school once.

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I'll wait on you then @Hokumpocus. We're going to need to time posts carefully, ideally in such a way that we complete our part of the story around when the others complete theirs. I'm thinking in the end we see the commotion and meet up with them. @JerkChicken mentioned earlier that he was thinking his character would get carried away and separated from the others due to not being used to working with others. I think that's a perfect excuse for us to notice. That and we could also have the fight result in the destruction of the clock tower. I think that would be rather noticeable.
I'll be doing a post as soon as I get a chance. got some things to do today.
Wow six posts in one week. That's got to be a record for this RP lol
Lol also thanks for reminding everyone. Now it won't be as hard to look up exactly what I said with Gin in the first place.... for now at least. It has been a long time after all.
If I had thought of this idea sooner, then I would have made this the RP start on this day (with the festival going on) I agree it is a missed opportunity. But hey, Hindsight is 20/20
Haven't thought about Gusttium too much yet, but yeah. Also food competitions and also people bringing food from all over the land.

In regards to the current festival, I'm thinking it will be more like scattered decoration half set up. Wide eye people paying little to no mind to the ones trying celebrate (most everybody is traumatized from the previous day, while the ones trying to celebrate are trying to forget what happened and act like nothing was wrong. Then there's the issue with the Cult going around and taking all the food from vendors that they could find, while everyone was going crazy the previous day. Another reason why people aren't celebrating, they are panicking.

The main idea here is, that your characters should be going into town thinking it eerie/weird how almost nobody is celebrating. That today is the most depressing Olfaccium Festival that they ever saw. The characters should understand why that is, but still eerie. I may have a story teller pop in though (one that nobody is listening too or they're standing there wide eye, half listening). Might throw in some riddled lore there.
So a bit of background world building information for you all to work into your next posts if you like:

The current day in the RP is the 1st of month of Olfaccium (The month of Smell). The 1st of each month is celebrated with a festival commemorating what the month represents.

So for Olfaccium, that would mean lots of flowers, perfumes, fragrant smelling foods with plenty of spices. Flower petals everywhere. Face painting for the kids (The paints had added perfumes). Games where kids throw scented bags of chalks. Storytellers tossing powders of different aromas as a means to enhance their stories...

However, because of everything that happened the previous day. Barely anything has been set up. Most people are in shock still. So it will be a pretty lack luster festival.
And so, our heroes set off....
Chres Sansus

Interaction with @Fetzen, @Jerkchicken, @HokumPocus
Mentioned @13Org

Chres's quest for death came with a set of requirements. First, it must be public. Second, that it be shameful. He wanted to be remembered as a fool, rather than a hero. Last, above everything else, his death had to come without bringing risk to others.

It was this last rule that bound Chres to this group. Should escape from this town come down to a fight, their chances of winning would only decrease if their numbers were to dwindle. Chres stuck around for this reason, and this reason only. The moment they escaped, he would be gone. Never sparing the group a second thought.

So when Karina mentioned her plan and the possibility of escape, a glimmer of hope rose in Chres's chest. That was about when Chres's plate of bread shifted suddenly. Týfurkh had not taken kindly to Sil's words.

"Hear that Chres?" Sil giggled. "It thinks I'm cute!"

Chres whipped his head in Sil's direction, staring daggers at her.

"Hey Chres! Can you tell it-" Eyes wide, Chres snatched Sil out of the air as if his life depended on it. He quickly covered her mouth with his thumb an forefinger. The rest of her sentence came out as a muffle.

"-Mmmfpha mmma mmmufph mmufph mma mmmfff mmmm mmma!" Sil continued, unaware nobody could understand her.

"I'll be sure to talk to her." Chres said releasing Sil. She happily fluttered off to the right. That was about when DB walked in.

Sil giggled as the man patted her on the head with his finger. I like him. She thought to Chres, before zipping off, towards Octavio's familiar, and sticking her tongue out at it.

Chres frowned at the two men's words. Fighting the cult would just be another shackle binding Chres to the group. This wasn't the first time DB had expressed a desire to fight the Cult. Chres wondered to himself exactly what the man's motivations were.

"I suspect fighting the Cult would be reckless without a plan of attack." Chres said carefully. "Sounds to me our ability to coordinate with the military is limited while inside the town. If Karina can provide us a way out, it could allow you all a means to regroup and plan out an attack."

Chres was careful not to put any emphasis on the words 'you all'. He didn't want to make it sound like he would ditch them, yet at the same time, he wasn't going to mislead them about his intentions. Perhaps he would not have a problem with recklessly attacking the Cult were it not for the fact that the Cult wanted them alive instead of dead...

"As things stand right now, I just don't see us as having the numbers to effectively help."

"There... there might be a way..." The Innkeeper spoke up hesitantly. "To bring in some numbers, I mean." Chres's heart sank at the man's words. He turned his attention to the Innkeeper. Careful to keep the disappointment out of his expression.

The innkeeper appeared uncomfortable to have so many eyes on him. For a moment nobody said anything. The innkeeper blinked his eyes, as if suddenly realizing that everyone was expecting him to elaborate. "They call themselves The Watch. They have been going around trying to encourage others to rebel against the King's decision to allow the Cult in our town. Most of us have been against the idea. You know, with the war going on and all... But now..."

Chres nodded in understanding. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt..." Chres began hesitantly, "...to have a backup plan." Starting a riot would help if things did come down to a fight. "Where might we find them?"

"That, I do not know." The innkeeper said. For a moment Chres nearly breathed a sigh of relief. It would have been a hindrance to his 'quest', were he to rope himself into another group. Unfortunately for Chres, the innkeeper didn't stop talking there. "However, I know a man who does..."

And so they split into two groups. Chres, Octavio and the innkeeper head out to the market place, looking to buy rations and to meet the man who could take them to The Watch.

Karina, DB and Týfurkh set out towards the center of town, near where the Cult's influence was strongest. The three of them unaware of the tail they gained, only moments after leaving the house.
Got a post for myself ready. I'll wait till Fetzen's done though and adjust. I'll have the post skip ahead a little bit and have everybody set out.
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