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I studied Bio in high school once.

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Below are the basic details regarding the War of the Crazed. I'll add it to the original OOC.

27 years ago, The Nation of Smell was thrown into turmoil. An uprising had begun by those who by magic users who had been long been deemed dangerous. Regulated magic users, doomed to the insanity of the Crazed.

In some nations, like the Nation of Sight, these magic users were locked up the moment they showed signs of insanity. In other places, like the Nation of Touch, those who became the Crazed, were rounded up and executed. In the Nation of Smell, however, a nation where cleanliness and trade governed all, Regulated magic users were deemed unclean and unworthy of living out a normal life.

One of three fates befell upon those born to such magic, in the Nation of Smell. Death was the most common fate among the wealthy. Regulated magic users, belonging to wealthy families, were killed on the spot after showing signs of having such magic. Unfit to bear the family's name. Among the poor, regulated magic user were enslaved. Sold for a pretty penny, to the country's slave traders. For those who had decided to hide their abilities, only to be discovered later in life, these people were exiled to The Dead Sands, a place where death was certain and none could survive. Except.... one did survive.

Hleigar, son of the Nation of Smell's Mistress of Merchants, could not bring herself to kill her son. Instead she kept his power a secret. Covering up the murders he committed. Sending away or buying the silence of those who were close to and/or discovered the truth. To her own grief and sorrow, this secret lead to the death of her only daughter by Hleigar's hands. It was a tragedy to the family, most great, for only a female could be heir to the title of Mistress of Merchants. The secret could be secret no longer. 21 years of age, Hleigar was exiled. Sentenced to die amongst The Dead Sands.

Left to his own, he had hatched a plan to seek revenge upon the mother who had left him to die and the people who had sentenced his kind to live their life in fear. Hleigar had learned to survive the horrors of The Dead Sands. With that knowledge he sought out other recently exiled, taught them what they needed to know and became their King. Hleigar, King of the Crazed.

Five years passed without a word from Hleigar, and things continued as they often did. Until one day Hleigar returned, with an army of Crazed behind him. Caught unprepared, the lands of the Nation of Smell crumbled before his army. He conquered each town, one by one. Freeing his people of their slavery, while enslaving those who he no longer considered his people. With no choice but to follow his rule, the people, Hleigar's word became law in the Nation of Smell.

As the Nation fell, Hleigar set his sights on the Nation of Taste and Hearing. And so began The War of the Crazed. A War that lasted for five long years. In the end, Hleigar was vanquished. His army scattered across the lands. Hiding and waiting for the right time to strike. Fearful of the hunters who seek their heads.

The Nation of Smell's recovery was slow. Where once there was only one Mistress of Merchants, now there are several. Each seek control over the Nation's trade network.

Alrighty, Recap is done. I'm going to start organizing the lore I mentioned about the Crazed and the Nation of Smell.
@Pezz570 Oh, I was sorta planning on writing a character whose mind is going and is fine with that (seeing as he's driven by revenge, not survival), not whose mind is gone. So I'm planning on making him young-ish (21) and with mere quirks of insanity at the moment. As for magic matching the nation, I'll have to see what I can come up with if he's not going to be from the Smell haha

I can probably get a CS to you tomorrow or the next day depending. Catching up on the recap and all that is gonna take a good sec I think, and slow-paced RP sounds good to me!

Sounds good to me. Just remember the type of magic is not dependent on a person's nation.
@HokumPocus Lol Right? I may have been in one longer before (too long ago to remember), but that one was done with friends so it kind of made everyone feel obligated to write. This is definitely the longest I've been with people I don't know. Didn't think I would have to fully flesh out the entire first Act, lol.

@Dusksong Ooooo a regulated magic user you say? Sounds fun and dangerous.

FYI, since this RP's inception, I've built in some lore for those magic users. Most of which I have yet to mentioned to anyone, except 13org (I made it to work with a future character that is related to hers. So it wasn't important until now.)

Second thing to note, I've come up with a name for those who loose their mind due to the magic. They are known as The Crazed (I'll need to update the original OOC.)

I like the idea of smelling magic. It would be a nifty Smell Adept ability. Also as a reminder, you magic system does not have to match you nation.

For the most part the Recap should have most of everything that has happened so far (I'm still updating it), but I'll help you get up to speed. We are on Day 3 now, at the very beginning of the day. Perfect time to join the RP since nothing chaotic is happening. Also, please be mindful that this is a slow paced RP.

Send me a PM with your character. I'll prepare the lore I mentioned earlier about the Crazed. It includes things that happened in the Nation of Smell as well. Lastly, I'll finish up the recap. I have one more interlude to write and the setup for day 3.

Feel free to ask questions. I'm more than happy to answer :)
Wow, so I was just looking at the Original OCC. This RP has been going on for a year and 20 days now. How about that?
Speaking of old posts. It's probably about time that I update the recap
I'm going to mention the festival stuff in my next post. Didn't seem appropriate to do it for this one.
Chres Sansus

Interaction with @HokumPocus

Chres stared up at the pitch black sky. It's odd green sun hiding behind some dark gray clouds, that had tinge of blue. The clouds formed odd shapes with straight edges. They moved against the wind, defiant and unyielding. It was an odd sight to behold. Foreign in every way.

What exactly was this Seed of Insight? How did it's existence cause the world to warp so drastically? More importantly though, what did that mean for Chres and the rest should they ultimately decide to raise their weapons against it?

These were pressing questions. Questions Chres honestly didn't even want to think about. It was a distraction from Chres's real goal. And yet, due to a remaining shred of self righteousness, Chres thought about these questions anyway. They lingered in the back of his mind as Octavio, the Innkeeper and Chres trudged their way towards the Market square. The Innkeeper leading the way.

The walk was not a pleasant one, to be sure. The previous day's events had left the town a mess. Corpses of townsfolk sprinkled the ground. Their smell pungent in the air, attracting flys and ravens who saw a free meal. Windows and doors were shattered and splintered revealing building interiors that had not fared much better. Some buildings were charred to a crisp, while others were gone entirely.

And then, there were the people. People walking the streets aimlessly, as if in a daze. Some sat huddled in a ball shivering despite Summer's warmth. Others kept to the shadows, glancing about nervously as if expecting some sort of attack. Mothers kept their children close, suspicious of those around them.

Chres continued walking onward, not staring too long at any one person. He did his best to ignore them. Were he to care for these people, then he knew he would become lost in some vain attempt to help them. These people were already lost... or at least that was Chres kept telling himself. A weak attempt to look past their plight. And yet with every new person he saw....

"How was it that you got your Familiar?" Chres asked, hoping to distract himself from the horrors before him. "I've been watching him for a while now. Must have cost your weight in coin to buy an elegant Familiar such as him."

"He's saying you're fat." Sil said happily. Chres gave her a stern look. He really did need to talk to her. She did not make for good company when others were around.

I'm thinking I'm going to start on a post
I'm down with that chicken. I think it works out rather well.

Was gonna say he and Chres are like the only two with any secrets, but then I remember The Being of Many Names pretty much spoiled that reveal super hard day 1. Meanwhile I got away because of this secret technique of withholding information.

Not entirely. All The Being of Many Names did was tease Chres about his wife being dead, along with the child she was pregnant with. He never said how she died. In fact He purposefully stopped short of saying how. He claimed to have forgotten. He mentioned that it was funny how that always happens at the most convenient of times (Implying that there was more to her death.)

Honestly though, I thought everyone forgot about that. lol

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