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I studied Bio in high school once.

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Chres Sansus

Interaction with @Typical @HokumPocus

As Lynx spoke, Talon began to slowly crouch forward, almost predatorily. His eyes narrowed into what could only be amusement. The feathers on his body ruffled and smoothed excitedly as he spanned out his wings and gave them two quick flaps. The familiar seemed eager, perhaps even pleasured by Lynx’s own indignation.

Reluctantly, he slowly turned his hungry gaze away from Lynx. His attention directed towards Octavio. His posture straightened and calmed. His wings folding back into their resting position.

“A master wise beyond his years.” Talon remarked in his drawn-out voice. “And yet, he still hesitates… Perhaps not so wise after all.”

Chres looked to his companions and then to the door. He took step forward.

“Leave your weapons with the guards.” Talon drawled without paying the man a second glance.

Chres eyed the bird as he walked past. He began undoing his dagger as well as the short sword and hatchet, which he had scavenged from the cult members the previous day. He hand them to one of the guards at the door.

“The knives too.” Talon said behind him.

Chres gave the bird a sidelong glance. He reached into his boots and pulled out the knives hidden within. The guard took the knives. His companion then patted Chres down. Finding nothing else concerning, he let Chres inside.

The side entrance gave way to a living space containing two other armed men. Crystal Jade candles scattered the room. Their positioning appeared strategic, making the most out their light distribution. The windows to the room remained covered. Likely to avoid prying eyes as well as to block out any daylight that might interfere with the Crystal Jade’s ability to glow.

The four men lifted a rug and opened a concealed trap door. The door revealed a set of stairs, lined with more crystal jade candles. The stairway led down into the earth below. The men motioned Chres to proceed. Nodding he made his way to the stairs.

The steps looked ancient. Their stone surface weathered and uneven. The kind of deterioration that takes years to occur. Whoever originally made this passage was certainly not the people using it today.

Chres carefully made his way down the first few steps, all the while taking in the passage’s musky, stale smell. An unnatural awareness washed over him. A strange feeling best described as an almost increased awareness of everything he was experiencing. An awareness of common sensations that he would have normally ignored. The feeling lasted for a second before vanishing as abruptly as it occurred.

Chres stopped his descent. An itch crawled up the back of his neck, as if urging Chres to turn back. A strong itch. Stronger than usual. Chres took a deep breath, squashed the urge to retreat and continued downwards.

The stairs seemed to descend forever, though the decent couldn't have been more than a minute. At last they opened into a small corridor. The corridor had a slight slope upwards. Its end fed out into what appeared to be a much larger stone chamber. Chres trekked onward. Pooling water and hushed voices could be heard echoing out from the chamber ahead.

I don’t like this. Sil thought. The words caught him off guard. They mirrored the same thoughts in Chres’s head. Unusual for Sil.

Chres looked to her form, sitting atop his shoulder. She was huddled in a ball. Arms wrapped around her legs. She shivered. Her image blurred once, twice, three times.

Sil, what’s wrong? Chres thought to her with concern.

Something… in my head… looking… searching…

Sil… Chres thought back. She didn’t answer.

“Sil!” Chres said more urgently.

Sil’s form burred thrice more, before finally settling down. Her shivering ceased. She lift her head and blinked.

“Sil…” Chres said again.

She then looked to Chres and smiled. “Oh... Why hello there, Chres.” She said happily. “Hm?” Sil blinked again, her attention drawn to their surroundings. “Oh… We’re still here?”

Still concerned, Chres was about to question Sil further when he noticed the voices had quieted in the chamber ahead.

“Aaaah, it sounds like our guests have arrived…” Came a male voice from the chamber. The owner had an accent that Chres couldn’t quite place. “Come on in then…”

Reluctantly, Chres turned his attention away from Sil and entered the chamber. The chamber was large and circular, with five other exits other than the one they came from. Armed men stood by each of the entrances, carrying quarterstaffs and cudgels. The ceiling was domed shape. From it hung several crystal jade lanterns lighting up the room.

Trickles of water pooled out from a few holes on the far side of the wall. The water ran down a rocky surface and into a pool below. The pool itself fed into two small channels that split the room. The channels curved off in separate directions, each feeding into their own openings. Their destination unknown.

To the left and right were two burning hearths. The flames colored black, from the distortion, and yet they still gave off an orange glow. The fires pillared smoke which rose into ventilation shafts that likely led to the surface above. Several smaller shafts dotted the walls and ceilings. They likely acted as a precaution against any smoke that built up, and as a means to recycle the chamber’s air with the air above.

A man stood chained by each of the fires. Naked save for a rag around their waists and a veil covering their faces. Their feet were shackled and chained to a nearby wall. Their skin an odd orange brown hue.

The men tended to the fires. Placing logs as needed. With the limited clothing provided, Chres suspected their lives likely depended on maintaining the fire, least they succumb to the cavern's chill.

Lounging on a sofa, by the leftmost fire, lay a full-bosomed woman with almond shaped eyes and silky black hair tied in a bun. The woman was wrapped in a thick, long, forest green cloak. A white wool turtleneck popped out from beneath. The turtleneck's length had been exaggerated enough to cover the bottom half of her face. She studied the Chres and his companions silently. Judging them with her eyes.

Sitting on a cushioned chair across from her was a tall dark skinned man. His hair grey and balding. Creases lined the man’s face. They etched a permanent frown. The man was wrapped in wool blankets, struggling to stay warm in the chilly cavern. He eyed each of them distrustfully. When his eyes fell upon Ferris, he sneered. He then turned away and inched closer to the fire.

Between the two of them stood an average sized man. Interestingly, skin was of the same hue as the slaves tending to the fire. His hair was long and silver. His eyes light blue. He was draped in long, strange foreign clothes tied at his waist. They were a dark greenish grey in color and stopped just above his feet.

The man clasped his hands behind his back, and gave them a smile that did not reach his eyes. “Well, well.” Said the silver haired man in his accented voice. “If it isn’t the ones who ran across the rooftops.”

Chres felt a breeze brush by him. Talon had swooped down from behind them. The familiar landed comfortably on a wooden perch designed specifically for him. He eyed the group with disinterest.

“Go on then.” The man continued. “What business does the theatric ones have with me?”
Karina Frost

A familiar face appeared at the opening to the top of the tower. It was her! The white haired woman! Tayla's lips curled into a smile. She watched as the coins flew towards the woman's face.

To Tayla's dismay, the woman jumped to the ground and barely avoided the attack. Tayla bared her teeth. She pushed the cotton tufts off to the side with her tongue.

"GET HER!" She raged. "SMASH HER FACE IN!"

The first of her men made it to the top, his club raised above his head. He ran at the woman. Ready to slam his weapon down on the woman's back.

Some of the coins that Tayla had launched had made their way towards Týfurkh and impacted on his shoulder plate and armor, both of which he had luckily strapped on again just moments before. There was a saying that money was the root of evil, but it being that dangerous was something that could only mean that the cultists were back.

"How the hell..."

He didn't get any further with his exclamation as a potential disaster unfolded right in front of his eyes. Týfurkh not really had time to think about things, but decided spontaneously to not even try to aim and fire a bolt at the charging man. Instead he did the same thing and tried to intercept him at speed in order to slam the metal front end of his crossbow into a place where it was bound to hurt or to simply ram the attacker off the platform.

The two men's height was so vastly different, the charging giant ended up smashing the man in the chest. The man was sent flying backwards to the ground. The impact causing him to drop his club.

Tayla cursed. The giant would be difficult to deal with. She figured that if she could get close enough to touch him, then she could use her Hydraision magic to make his armor heavier. But first, they would need to get off these stairs.

Grabbing more coins, Tayla shifted the cotton in her mouth until she tasted sour. The coins launched up the stairs

It was just a single glance, but upon seeing that face and hearing the enraged shouts, Karina almost instantly knew who was responsible for the coin shower. It was the cultist woman she had beaten before. Apparently she wasn't very happy she got so humiliated...

Her plan, coupled with the fact that Karina was caught off guard almost resulted in Karina's death but thankfully, she wasn't alone. The second the man began running towards her with his club raised, he was brutally smashed on the wall by Týfurkh's charge, immediately making him drop the club.

With a thankful nod towards Týfurkh, Karina quickly got up and prepared herself to fight. Tayla was still on the stairs, behind the group she brought with her and she was certain that she wouldn't stay still, patiently waiting for her turn.

"Be careful with the coins!" Karina shouted to Týfurkh as a cold aura began forming around her as she formed two sharp ice spikes. Just as she finished doing that though, just as she had just said, more coins flew up the stairs, but this time Karina was prepared and had something planned to retaliate.

"Let's see if you learned anything..." Karina said to herself with a smirk as she shot the ice spikes towards Tayla. While the spikes would go to the general direction where Tayla was, upon getting close to her and the rest of the people she was with, they would explode, sending many ice shards flying everywhere to cut those nearby.

If it worked as Karina was planning it would buy her and Týfurkh a little bit of time to think of what to do...

The two icicles shot towards Tayla. She grit her teeth.

Not this time Tayla thought. Those icicles were dangerous. The woman did all sorts of sneaky tricks with them. Best to avoid them. Tayla slid her left hand along the stone wall and swapped around the cotton in her mouth. Savory.

A single stone in the wall extended. It wrapped around Tayla's wrist, stretching as she ran up the stairs. This allowed her to maintain contact with the stone. The warped stone then shot outwards from her wrist, stretching sideways to form a protective roof over the people on the stairs. Though this would protect them from the icicles, Tayla knew it wasn't enough. The person at the front would still be vulnerable.

Tayla warped the stone further, stretching it beyond the opening to the floor above. The stone curved downwards, making a protective alcove. It's opening facing away from the giant and the white haired woman.

Still not enough. Without a distraction, her team would remain on the defensive. The stone warped further. Several spikes shot out from the back side of the alcove, towards the woman and the man. She couldn't see pass the opening above, so she fanned the spikes out blindly. Unsure if they would actually hit anything.

"Damn it, Tayla!" She heard a shout from above. "I'm on your side!" The clansman with the club. Still alive, apparently.

Tayla licked her drying lips. She was pushing herself. Dangerous, she knew. And yet, it was necessary. She would do what it took to beat this women.

Tayla took another sip of water from her skin. Two more people made it to the top. One of them was a female deterrent user under Smit's tutelage.

"Ready the deterrents!" Tayla shouted. The woman pulled out her throwing knives.

Karina couldn't help but to let out a smirk when she saw Tayla's reaction. She had indeed learned from their last encounter. Karina wasn't wrong when she got interested by that girl in the first time they met. It was truly a shame she was on the wrong side though.

Tayla's next move was smart though, protecting the ones who came with her from Karina's ranged attacks. They were in a pretty disadvantageous position and Tayla knew that as it became clear on how she used the alcove she formed to send spikes towards them. Even if it was a blind attack, it still served to further push Karina and Týfurkh back, making them step back and give Tayla's allies enough space and buying them enough time for them to get up and corner them.

Despite Týfurkh and Karina's position, Karina knew very well that Tayla was pushing herself much more than Karina or Týfurkh were. Other than that, Tayla was enraged just by seeing Karina. Judging by how she was acting and screaming, Karina doubt she would be able to keep her cool if she provoked her a bit more. Luckily, she would make a mistake and give them an opportunity to either escape or turn the battle in their favor.

Using her magic once more, Karina readied the same ice blades she had used against Tayla on their last battle. More of them would soon get up, they couldn't let Tayla and her allies to overwhelm them at any costs.

"Týfurkh, don't let them overwhelm us, try to eliminate them quickly, otherwise we wont stand a chance!" Karina said, as she got ready to impale whoever was the one who tried to get up next with two of her ice blades.

"Pathetic to the very end. Couldn't beat me in a duel so you resort to an ambush..." Karina shouted, with a cruel smile as she tried to provoke her.

Just as the next two people arrived on the top, Karina sent two ice blades to impale one of them as she got ready to fight. They needed to take them down quickly, before more were able to get up...

Mr. Club had made the mistake of betraying the fact that he was still alive, something he wouldn't survive. Having noticed it, Týfurkh once more slammed the front end of his crossbow against him, this time aiming at his throat. It was apparent that something very important for breathing had given way as a result, leaving the attacker regurgigating blood and on his way of dying if left untreated.

Týfurkh stepped back, trying to get some distance between him, the edge of the platform and the entrace where Tayla's weird magic was about to make its appearance. That weirdly warped piece of stone was an obstacle very hard to go around for both any individual and any projective, however it seemed that their men didn't have to face this problem.

Faced with a rather one-sided situation, Týfurkh sticked to Karina's advice of trying to kill quickly. However while there were Tayla's men standing on the other side of her obstance maybe she'd refrain from using it as a source of shrapnels again. The last volley of them had almost hit Týfurkh in his face and, in fact, a small amount of blood had started to pour from a place where his armor wasn't metal. The next piece of stone flying at him might not be so 'benevolent'.

One bolt was ready in his crossbow and Týfurkh pulled the trigger at a very close distance. He didn't care much about where it hit as long as it did hit. At this range there was so much kinetic energy involved that the bold possibly would just rip through the flesh and leave a large cavity behind. Still he couldn't be sure if that was enough, so Týfurkh also gave the attacker a kick in his belly region that was intended to make him stumble and come to a fall rather close to dead Mr. Club.

The obvious disadvantage of this action was that now the crossbow needed to be reloaded and this would require at least a bunch of seconds. However hopefully this barricade was as intransparent as it seemed to be from this side so hopefully none of the attackers on the other side would know this. And they had moved themselves into a cramped space Týfurkh intended to utilize with the next bolt. With a certain plan firmly in his mind, the giant started the reloading procedure as quickly as he could.

Tayla got to the top of the steps in time for the woman’s taunts to reach her ears. Her ears turned red as the hatred seeped through her. To the side, she noticed some of her comrades looking to one another. Perhaps second guessing the reason why they up here. Tayla’s face redden further. She reached for one of the blades at her side.

Without warning, one of her men stepped out from the warped stone’s protective cover. His actions earning him a crossbow bolt in the chest. He fell to the ground bleeding out. Another got his shoulder impaled by a blade of ice. Their dying forms. tampered Tayla’s rage and give her a moment of clarity. Reluctantly, Tayla relinquished her grip on her blade.

They were focusing on the ones stepping out of cover. That probably meant that her comrade, with the club, was no longer a threat. All of the enemy’s focus would remain on the rest of her team hiding behind Tayla’s cover. A cover she could not hold forever. To make matters worse, both of her opponents could use projectiles. Despite their numbers being on her side, range had her team at a severe disadvantage.

Tayla looked around, wondering what she could do to turn things in their favor. She saw nothing. Nothing, save the dangling rope hanging from the giant bell above them. Her eyes widened. A plan starting to form in her head. A desperate plan, but a plan nonetheless.

A strange calm filled Tayla as a familiar itch crawled up her neck. “Go back downstairs and help the others.” Tayla told her team coolly.

The others hesitated, looking to her as if she were crazy. Tayla sighed. She grabbed a handful of coins while eyeing them threateningly. “Now.” She said firmly.

Grudgingly, they turned to leave. “You.” She said to the magic deterrent user. “I’ll be needing those knives…”

Moments later, the remainder of her team had begun their trek back down the stairwell. Tayla grabbed her skin of water and took a long sip. She released her hold on the stone wall and let it revert back to its original shape.
Chres Sansus

Interaction with @Typical @HokumPocus

Talon flicked his wings sharply. His posture stiffened; his feathers ruffling ever so slightly. Talon spoke in a long drawn out voice. “It is not my place to answer that question.” He said with a hint of annoyance. “My bond is sacred. My allegiance? … Not to you.”

Talon looked to Farris, eyeing the man distrustfully. His eyes narrowed, widened, and then narrowed yet again. “It seems my master has invited you inside.” He said with a click of his tongue. “In this town, words are best spoken under a shroud of light.” A side door opened to the building behind Talon. Inside came a familiar green glow.

Chres raised his head at bird’s choice of words. He looked to the open door and the crystal jade glow emitted from within. Whoever Talon’s master was, it was clear that person already had a working knowledge on how to shield his or her self from the cult.

Chres hesitated. He turned his gaze to the building from which the innkeeper had yet to return.

“My master does not grant invitations lightly. I suggest you accept the offer." Talon warned. "For your own sake... and for the sake of your comrade.”

An unease befell Chres. The atmosphere surrounding them had gone unnaturally silent. The entire street appeared to be watching them. Waiting to see what the group would do.
Chres Sansus

Interaction with @Typical @HokumPocus

Paranoia. Could be worse. Chres could handle a paranoid Crazed for now.... So long as the man didn't Snap.

That was about when Octavio's familiar spoke out. "I apologize for not having formally introduced myself to this party. I am Lynx, travelling partner to Octavio."

Chres turned his attention to the familiar, caught off guard. This was the first time the familiar addressed the party.

"Despite my feline appearance, I am an individual of distinguished origin and would prefer to be treated as an equal on this journey." It said.

Chres was taken aback. A familiar seeing itself as an equal to the rest of them? Familiars were property first and foremost. The intelligent ones were designed to understand this difference between their selves and a normal person. The less intelligent familiars, like Sil's, were simply made to not be smart enough to understand. It was a guard put in place for the owner's own safety... as well as everyone else's.

Octavio's familiar was clearly different. That unnerved Chres. How many others were out there like Lynx? How many of them were dangerous?

Lynx turned to Sil and muttered. "And no Sil, you may not play with my tail,”

"Hmmmmmm..." He heard Sil hummed aloud.

Sil... Chres thought hesitantly to his familiar.

Sil looked from Lynx to Chres, to Ferris and then Octavio. She finally settled her gaze back on Lynx. Clasping her hands behind her back, she leaned forward and smiled.

"Okay." She said happily.

Okay?! Chres thought, raising his eyebrows in surprise.

"No more pulling on Mr. Lynx's tail." She said fluttering off to go perch herself on Chres's shoulder.

Chres looked to his familiar, impressed. "Well, well." Chres said. "I'm proud of you, Sil."

"He wants to be treated equally," She said with a shrug. "and I don't have a tail for him to tug on."

Sil leaned back, relaxing on Chres's shoulder. Suddenly she tilted her head to the side as if remembering something. She transformed into her ferret form. "Wait a second..." She said, looking to her tail.

"My appolgies Lynx!" Chres said suddenly, and loudly. "It was wrong of us to treat you as anything less then a person. Isn't that right, Sil?" Chres growled out the last sentence.

"Hm?" Sil said, distracted from her prior line of thinking. She looked to Chres, transforming back into her fairy form.

"Lynx wishes to be treated equally." Chres said firmly. "Treat him like you would me."

"Unseemly." Spat a voice from above. "A proper Familiar should know it's place!"

Chres looked up. Perched on the roof above them, was a vulture that gave off a dull silver glow. A familiar, no doubt. The bird stared down at the group as if dissecting them. No... judging them.

The bird fluttered down, landing onto a nearby post. It gave Lynx a look of disgust. "You're a disgrace. Nothing more than a pampered cat." The Familiar snapped. "You are no equal."

Suddenly Sil spoke up. "He's not a disgrace!" She protested. "He's a lynx! A lynx of... of dis... disting..."

"Distinguished?" Chres suggested.

"Yeah! That's it!" Sil said. "A lynx of distinguished origin! -Whatever that means- And what are you supposed to be? An ugly chicken?" Sil looked over to Lynx. Winking and giving him a thumbs up.

"Call me what you'd like." The vulture said with a sniff. "I care not."

Chres narrowed his eyes. His hand absently fingered his dagger. He didn't like the attitude of this familiar. "Who are you?" He said coldly.

"Not that it matters," The bird drawled. "but you may call me Talon." He clenched his own talons, as if to emphasize the name.

"Humorous, I know. But it's a far more original name than the one belonging to that beast over there." Talon said condescendingly. It nodded off in Lynx's direction.

Plot Point

@Jerkchicken, @fetzen, @13org

The door to the tower splinter inwards. Lynne, one of the new recruits, was the first into the building and up the steps. She paused half way up.

"What is it?" One of the men behind her asked.

"I..." Lynne stuttered, blinking twice. "I just saw myself die..." She replied.

Lynne looked up wide eyed in time to see the target's foot smash her head in. Lynne's body went limp. Rolling down the steps and knocking the two men behind her down with her.

Tayla tsked. Seeing yourself die is never a good sign, while in the Distortion. Had Lynne reacted quicker, perhaps she could have avoided death.

Smit sighed. "Whelp... Lynne's dead." He said, frowning.

Tayla shrugged off the comment. She never liked the woman anyways. Lynne was far too flirty with the men. It made her more of a distraction rather than an asset.

"Good news is," Smit continued. He reached for his magic deterrent coated throwing knifes, and looked the dirtied man in the eyes. "our target came to us."

Tayla grit her teeth, grinding them in frustration. She looked up, towards the top of the tower. That was where she wanted to be.

"We need to cut him off." Tayla said. Her voice muffled by the tufts of cotton.

Smit nodded. "Makes sense. I'll go gather-"

Tayla cut him off. "No need." She said, placing her hand to the ground. Five others gathered around her while three other cultist ran up the stairs to face the dirtied man. "I planned ahead." She focused on the taste of one of the five cotton tufts in her mouth. Savory.

"What?" Smit asked. He whipped his head in Tayla's direction, but it was already too late. The ground beneath Tayla warped, stretching upwards. "Tayla!" Smit called after her, in protest.

She ignored the man's complaints, instead directing her attention to the man who had pretended to be a beggar. "Tex!" She shouted to him. "You're up!"

Tex smiled a sluggish grin. The skinny brown skinned man had just finished chugging half a wine skin. It's effects were quickly kicking in. The man leaned against the wall, touching it's stone surface with his hand. His eyes were half closed and unfocused.

For a moment, it seemed that Tex would collapse. But then, his eyes shot open. His scrawny muscles bulged. A renewed focus entered Tex's eyes. The effects of the wine seemingly burning away.

With a roar, Tex lept toward the dirtied man as he faced off against the three clan members climbing up the stairs.

Tayla warped the ground beneath her and her men. The ground stretched upwards, up off the ground floor. Warping so much ground was a taxing feat. She could quickly feel her lips beginning to dry with each moment that passed.

They raised pass one flight of stairs. Two flights. Three. Tayla stopped there. She could feel her tongue sticking lightly to the roof of her mouth as she pulled it away. She needed a sip of water.

She looked to the men and women with her. They looked back as if expecting her to do more.

"Well?" Tayla said expecting the group to get off. Instead they glanced at one another as if unsure. One woman even questioningly pointed upwards as if asking, 'Aren't you taking us all the way to the top?'

For the love of- Tayla thought, her lip curling up in annoyance. "STOP STANDING AROUND AND GET OFF ALREADY!" she barked.

The group jumped, startled awake from their stupor. One by one they stepped onto the nearby steps and ascended to the top.

Tayla tsked. New recruits. She thought. Here she was, dehydrating. What did they do? Stand there, looking around like a flock of dumb birds.

With a shake of the head, she followed the group. Once on solid ground. She let go of the warped platform. The ground instantly turned back to it's normal state, as if it was like that the whole time.

Tayla took out a skin of water and took a long swig. Much better. She thought.

She followed her team upwards, grabbing a handful of coins as they neared the top. Using her tongue, she shifted the cotton tufts in her mouth till she tasted the one she wanted. Sour. Her magic triggered.

Tayla released the coins, letting the coins newly applied momentum launch them towards the opening above. Anyone waiting there would be in for a nasty surprise...
Chres Sansus

Interaction with @Typical @HokumPocus

Mentioned @13org

The innkeeper covered his ears in response to Octavio's words. "Everything's normal! Not thinking about it! Just going to show you all the way." The innkeeper said loudly.

Chres smiled. He couldn't help but feel slightly amused by the innkeeper's stubbornness. Sooner or later the man would have to confront the reality of what Ferris was.

A sudden growl distracted Chres from his amusement. He looked to Lynx in time to see Sil yelp. Frightened by the familiar's change in demeanor, Sil quickly zipped away from the snarling beast and hid behind Chres's leg. Chres smiled. About time. He thought.

"He... growled... at me..." She said in-between sobs.

"Yeah... I don't blame him." Chres said.

"How am I supposed to know what a minx is?" She cried.

"You're not!" Chres said more quickly than he would have liked. Last thing he needed was for Sil to start tossing the word 'minx' in Karina's direction! Chres took a deep breath. "He's a lynx, Sil. Not a dog. Not a mouse. Not a lizard, horsey or arma-whatever-you-called-it. But a Lynx."

Sil's sobbing quieted. "A Sphinx?" She asked with a sniffle.

"A Lynx." Chres said firmly.

"A... Lynx..." She said as if trying the words out for the first time. She looked to Lynx curiously. Her finger raised too her lip. Chres tilted his head. Did he actually get through to her? Perhaps she could be taught a lesson or two.

He then looked to Octavio and sighed. "Honestly, Octavio, Lynx would have a hard time hurting her even if he wanted to. She was never given the ability to feel pain. Unfortunate really. Perhaps she would have been a better learner if she knew what pain was." He joked.

"I do too know what pain is!" Sil exclaimed, making herself level with Chres's gaze. Her hands on her hips. Cheeks puffed out. "Pain is what happens when people insert things where they don't belong!" She explained proudly, nodding her head satisfied.

Chres coughed loudly, nearly tripping in shock. He looked to his familiar. Eyes wide with disbelief. "Sil! Where did you ever learn a thing like that?" He asked in-between coughs.

Sil shrugged. "I've seen people do all sorts of weird things while you take naps. Did you know some people make puddles on trees?!"

Chres gave her a long flat stare. "Sil... I'm afraid we are going to have a nice, long talk tonight." If he could get through to her with Lynx, then perhaps he could teach her not to spy on people when they do... private things...

"I agree." Sil replied, fluttering off in Lynx's direction. "We really need to talk about how much bigger your nose is compared to mine."

Chres arched an eyebrow. So... He thought, that's why she thinks my nose is big... He shook his head. Watching as she hesitantly approached Lynx.

"Um... Ex-excuse me, Mr. Lynx." She said shyly. Her politeness impressed Chres. Perhaps her manners were taking a turn for the better. "Would you like to play tug on Mr. Lynx's tail with me?"

Aaaaaaaaaand.... face palm. "Well... at least she asked." Chres sighed. That was one step in the right direction.

"We're here." The innkeeper said, stopping in the middle of the Shimmer Town's slums. Chres looked around uneasy. Homeless lined the streets, wrapped in blankets and covered in dirt. People of questionable character stood hunched in the shadows eyeing their group. They looked at each of them from head to foot, as if trying to decide whether it was worth robbing them or not. The streets stank of trash, shit and piss. It was not the most pleasant of places.

"Wait here." The innkeeper said. "Try not to make a scene. I'll go inside and talk to him."

Chres nodded to the innkeeper, who sighed and walked up to an old rundown brick house a few buildings away. Two men stood outside guarding the entrance. The innkeeper hesitantly approached the men and spoke them.

Chres watched apprehensively, worried that something might go wrong. At last one of the men went inside the house. The innkeeper stayed behind waiting patiently.

"Ferris." Chres said. "Now might be a good time to know what the symptoms of your insanity are."

After a minute or two, the guard came back out and nodded. The second guard padded down the innkeeper. Finding nothing, he let the man into the building.

"You do still know what they are, right?" Chres asked in a voice that was not too calm or stern. He looked Ferris in the eye, hoping this man had his wits about him. Whoever the person they were about to meet was, Chres had a feeling it would be trouble if Ferris lost it during the meeting.
Plot Point

Mentioned @Jerkchicken@fetzen@13org

"The clock tower..." Smit said aloud. "Why the clock tower?"

Tayla simply shrugged. She wasn't concerned about why. Right now, all she was cared about was the chance to stick her blade in that pompous woman's cold heart. Before she could do that, however, she needed her team to get in position.

She waited impatiently, watching as her team spread out. She wanted to approach the tower from all angles, though in such a way so as to not tip the enemy off too quickly. She watched as one of the females on her team made her way towards the back of the tower. The woman stopped halfway to tighten the straps on her boots. She got to her feet soon after, and continued the rest of the way. The woman causally leaned against the tower's base. She shuffled her feet every now and then. Looking around apprehensively, as if waiting for someone else.

"It doesn't seem very wise." Smit continued with a shake of the head. "There's only one way in and out of the building. They are taking a huge risk going there."

Tayla didn't respond. Her attention was focused on the others. A man and a second woman arrived from a different direction. They joined the woman already positioned at the foot of the clock tower. Greeting each other and engaging in conversation.

To the north, she had three other men positioned at a table outside a tavern. They crowded around a game dice. Half full drinks in hand. In the east, stood a man preaching to others about the wonders of the Clan of Insight. Two female assistants at his side, approaching and engaging with the people passing by. To the south, a "beggar" sat on the streets. He looked to those who passed, hands outstretched. From the west, another three went about placing decorations celebrating the new month and it's associated sense.

And then there was Smit and herself. Standing southeast. Alone, at the mouth of an alleyway. An ancient oak tree shading them from the measly light shining out from behind an ever cloudier sky. Together, they watched from a distance. Fifteen people in total. She thought. Plenty enough to handle two magic users and the giant man with the crossbow.

"I wonder why they are taking such a risk." Smit pondered behind her. "Just what are they up to at the top of that tower?"

Tayla felt her heart pounding in anticipation. Everyone was in position. "Honestly Smit," Tayla said, "I don't really care."

Smit looked to her, frowning. She forced herself to not look away too quickly. She didn't like him looking at her like that. It always made her feel uncomfortable. Tayla took a deep breath to calm her nerves.

"You know what I am, Smit?" She asked, taking a few steps towards the tower. "I'm a doer." She reached into her pouches, grabbing the flavored cotton tufts inside. "I prefer doing rather than thinking too hard on any one thing." Tayla popped the tufts into her mouth and pushed them off to the side with her tongue. "You, however," she continued; her voice slightly muffled, "are a thinker. If you thought less and did more, then maybe Sightless Syella would give you a team and some of your own missions some day."

Smit chuckled softly. "I'm in no hurry." He said behind her. "You keep on doing, and I'll keep on thinking." Tayla shook her head at the man's words. 'A future, yours to make', he had told her. What sort of future was he making for himself?

She brushed away the thought and plowed on ahead. Smit tailed closely behind. Her approach was a signal to the rest. Now was the time to make their move.

One by one, each of the groups inched closer to the tower's base. The "decorators" came forward. weapons concealed in their baskets of flowers. The gamblers got up asynchronously. Fanning out, so as to not draw as much attention. The "preacher's" assistants each split up. One approaching Tayla's direction with a wave. The other moving earnestly towards the gambler closest to her. The preacher, still preaching, turned his back to the tower. He made grand gestures with his hands. A distraction from his backwards motion towards the tower.

The "beggar" was the only one who didn't move. That all changed with Tayla's passing. She swooped down and grabbed some of the beggar's earnings. The beggar, playing his part, yelled in outrage. Smit responded by shoving the beggar to the ground. Tayla walked on, ignoring the commotion. She counted the coins and stuffed them into her purse. She didn't look back. Even after the beggar got back to feet and proceeded to chase after them.

Slowly, everyone closed in on the tower. Tayla looked to Smit. The man caught her gaze, nodded and whistled. All acting immediately stopped. Props were dropped. Weapons drawn. Together, they rushed the building and kicked down the door...
Chres Sansus

Interaction with @Typical @HokumPocus

The Innkeeper's face paled upon learning Ferris wielded crazed magic. Unlike the others, he appeared far more uneasy about this information.

"Where?" The innkeeper squeaked. His eyes widening till they looked like they might fall out. The innkeeper looked from Octavio to Chres in disbelief. Chres offered the man a shrug, which only made the innkeeper pale further.

He looked back to Ferris, wiped his brow and shook his head. Finally, he sighed. "Southside..." He said. The resignation thick in his voice. "I-I'll just.. I'll take you to him..." He walked away as if in a daze. Horror stories, involving Crazed killing a town's worth of people, running through his mind.

"Everything's fine. Everything's perfectly fine." The innkeeper muttered, reassuring himself. Chres could barely make out the words, as the innkeeper lead them Southside. "The sky is black. My shadow moves towards the light. Did that rock over there suddenly move half an inch to right? Yes... yes, it did. Perfectly normal! Just like the Crazed follow me aro- No, no, no... bad thoughts.... bad thoughts... Everything's fine! Everything is just... fine..."

They walked for a few minutes in silence. Chres did his best keep an ear out for trouble. As a bodyguard, it had been his job to survey his surroundings in order to spot trouble before it happened. He needed not worry so much about blending into the crowd. His only concern was to keep the caravan and his master safe from harm.

Things were different now. Chres was no longer a bodyguard, and the ones in control of this town were out there looking for him. Too much glancing about looked suspicious. Suspicion could draw unwanted attention. Unfortunately for Chres, this meant he was out of his comfort zone. Nevertheless, he did his best to remain aware of what was going on around them.

Chres looked to the innkeeper. The man seemed to have regained some color in his face. He had stopped muttering reassurances to himself for the time being. Instead, his focus seemed to be more on keeping the group off the main roads and on ignoring the Crazed wielder behind him.

Sil, sighed audibly. Something she did at times when bored. Getting to her feet, she back-flipped off Chres's head, and took flight. After a few laps around the group, she fluttered up to Chres's right side. Her figure level with his shoulder.

Where's a good puddle when you need one? She thought to Chres.

Chres smiled softly. Sil... He thought back.

Hmm? She replied, looking to Chres with a slight tilt of the head.

Why are you obsessed with puddles? He asked her.

To Chres's surprise, Sil scoffed at the question. Obsessed? She thought back. Obsessed?! First of all, obsessed? Ha! I don't even know what that means!

Chres stared at Sil flatly. Her arms were crossed. An unamused look upon her face. Are... are you upset with me? He asked, feeling slightly confused.

Second of all, She continued, disregarding Chres's question. can yoooooou do this? Sil transformed into her ferret form.

N-no? Chres responded, not quite following.

Sil transformed back and nodded as if satisfied. That's right! I didn't think so!

Chres arched an eyebrow. All this, because I asked you about puddles?

Aaaand third of all, she thought loudly. Eyes closed. Finger raised in the air. I don't appreciate- Sil's eyes shot open. Her thoughts stopping mid-sentence.

"Wait..." She said aloud. "Did you say puddle?"

Chres, mouth slightly agape, stared blankly at her. Shutting his mouth, he nodded slowly in bewilderment.

Sil gasped with excitement. "Puddles?! I love puddles!"

"Sil," Chres said, dumbfounded. "why don't you go play with Lynx?"

"Who?" She asked.

"Your friend, the horsey."

"Oh!" Sil said, pounding the bottom of her fist into her hand. "You Mr. Armadillo!"


"Yes..." Chres sighed. "Go play with your friend, the... whatever you just called it."

Sil giggled and zipped off to go yank on Lynx's tail.

Chres shook his head. "The more I try, the less I understand her." He said to the others. He grabbed his flask of flavored water and took a small swig.

Swishing the water around in his mouth, he overheard the innkeeper reassuring himself again. Chres swallowed the water and looked to Ferris. "You must be use to this sort of thing." He said, nodding towards the innkeeper. "Doesn't seem very pleasant."
Chres Sansus

Interaction with @Typical @HokumPocus

Chres arched an eyebrow upon learning of Ferris's ability. It had been a while since he last met an Augaisionist. He doubted Karina would appreciate the idea of a potential Crazed joining their ranks. He was not ignorant of the distrustful look she initially gave him after learning that he may have already been touched by Insight.

"Sounds like our 'friend' told you the gist of things." Chres said. "The others are at the clock tower, trying to send a message to the invading army's nearest camp. With any luck, they might be able to get us out of here without even needing to take out whatever this Seed is. If not, well our group right here is working on plan B.

"There's a group in the city who want to rid the town of the Cult. They call themselves The Watch. Our innkeeper friend, over there, knows a guy. The plan was to go meet with him, but... well... it seems the cult was able to recognize Octavio and myself."
Plot Point

Mentioned @Jerkchicken@fetzen@13org

As the three made their way up the clock tower, their tail disappeared into a nearby tavern.

Tayla fidgeted impatiently with her Whittler's knife. Little by little, she chipped away at the block of wood in her hand. Shaping it into the form of the woman from the day before. Her strokes started smooth and precise. However, as the shape she desired began to emerge, her whittling became cruder. Her cuts less accurate.

Her mind was elsewhere. Away from the block of wood she cut away at. The fight with the woman replayed in her head. The memory consumed her. Filling her with anger and obsession.

She was out there somewhere. She mocking her. Laughing at her! 'Coward' was what she called Tayla. 'Pathetic' she had said.

Tayla's carving became erratic. Each cut chipping away larger chunks of wood. I AM NOT A COWARD! She screamed in her head.

Someone's hand lightly touched her shoulder. "Tayla..." Said a voice behind her. Tayla looked up towards the owner of the voice. It was Smit. "You'll hurt yourself." he said.

Frowning, Tayla looked down at the block of wood. In her anger, she had chipped away so much of the wood that her next cut would have surely nicked her thumb.

Tayla put down the knife. Shrugging off Smit's hand, she got to her feet and tossed the butchered block of wood off to the side. "I hate waiting." She said.

Smit smiled softly. It made Tayla feel anxious. What? Did she say something funny?

"You know," he said, "Sightless Vetius says waiting is the key to victory."

"Yeah? And where is Sightless Vetius now? Lounging about in the Shining Palace?" Tayla said dryly. "I wouldn't mind waiting either if I were him."

Smit dropped his smile, he looked around as if uncertain. "You really shouldn't speak poorly of Sightless Vetius." He said quietly. "If Sightless Nieffar overheard you..."

Tayla rolled her eyes. Typical Smit. A loyal dog through and through. Loyal, protective and boring. He followed Tayla wherever she went. It had been that way ever since she first joined the Clan.

She still remembered that night on The Broken Isles. She sat alone atop the Church of Insight, looking upon the Clan's home town. She had just arrived, but didn't really know why she came. She didn't belong there. She didn't belong anywhere. She was just Tayla, the broken girl. She had no home, no family. She had nothing.

He came from behind her and sat down a few feet away. They just sat there like that, saying nothing to each other. Finally she got up to leave.

"Where are you going to go?" He asked out of nowhere. She looked at Smit, confused.

"I've seen your like before. Syella often brings back people she found off the street. Most of them leave, but some, like me, stay." Smit turned to face her, looking at her for the first time. "You? You look like a runner."

Smit had been right. She had been planning on running. It annoyed her that he knew that. It frustrated her that he pinned her so well. "What does it matter to you what I do?" Tayla asked, not making any attempt to hide her annoyance.

Smit shrugged and looked away. "It doesn't." He said.

Strangely, Tayla felt let down by this answer. That feeling only served to frustrated her even further. She turned to walk away.

"But," He said behind her. "were you to stay, it could be a place for you to call home."

Tayla froze in place.

"A place where you can feel safe." He continued. "A place where you can finally feel like you belong." She felt naked and exposed. She did her best to hold back the tears.

"It would be a new beginning. The future, yours to make. That is why I stayed. That is why all of Syella's recruits stay."

Tayla ran, unable to tolerate his words any longer. She ran and ran till she could run no further. Leaning against a nearby wall, she struggled to catch her breath.

'It could be a place for you to call home.' His words lingered in her head. Tears streamed down Tayla's eyes. Why did she run? Why did she always run? She was sick of always running. Sick of always being weak.

'It would be a new beginning. The future, yours to make.' Tayla's breathing slowed. She looked up at the Distortion's night sky. Perhaps a new beginning wouldn't be so bad. A new beginning meant she didn't have to be that weak girl any more. A future. Hers for the making.

That was the night that Tayla didn't run. It was the night that Tayla held her ground. She remembered the surprised look on Smit's face when he saw her still there. That surprise quickly turned to a smile.

Smit had been by her side ever since. Even as she quickly rose up the ranks. When she started getting assigned missions, he would volunteer to come along. She remembered It made her uncomfortable having the man around her all the time. She never asked him to come, and yet on every mission he would be there. Ready and waiting to follow her command. He was there to bring her food on nights where see didn't eat. There to make a fire when she shivered in the cold. There to watch her back when the enemy was about to take her life.

Tayla shivered. She would have died yesterday were it not for Smit's interference. He was too nice. Too thoughtful. It made Tayla uneasy.

She didn't trust men. She didn't like the way they looked at her. She knew the evil of man. It would only be a matter of time till Smit revealed that same evil. All Tayla had to do was wait.

Tayla sighed, leaning against a wall. Oh how she hated waiting.

"Do you need more numbing oil?" Smit asked. Tayla looked to the man questioningly. "Your shoulder." He clarified. "Does it still hurt?"

Tayla glanced to her bandaged shoulder, realizing that she had been rubbing it. Unconsciously pressing against her wound from the previous day.

"It's fine." She said bluntly. Reluctantly, she slid her right hand down the length of her arm. She shook her head. He really was far too conscious of her needs.

The door, leading to the room, opened. One of the survivors from yesterday's battle walked in. "He's at the clock tower." He said. "Accompanied with the large one and the woman."

Tayla smiled. It seemed she would have the opportunity to kill the white haired woman after all.

An itch crawled up the back of her neck. 'Do not kill them.' Sightless Syella's words echoed in the back of her mind.

I won't. She thought to herself. I'm only going to kill one.
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