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I studied Bio in high school once.

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Interactions with @fetzen

Sil yiped and zipped behind Chres in hiding. Of course she knocked over the rest of Chres wine while doing so. Chres who had just recovered from the mash potatoes and had just started 'enjoying' his meal, sighed as he stared down as his now wet pants. Glancing back up, he gave Týfurkh a flat stare as if to say 'Thanks. That helped.'

Sighing Chres grabbed a clean napkin to clean himself up with.

”In all honesty,-” Chres started while patting his lap. ”-I say we just eat it and save our rations for another day.”

Interactions with @13org

Mentioned @fetzen @jerkchicken @HokumPocus

The serving woman. Stood there a moment longer as if anticipating further questions. But with Karina’s ‘Thank you’ she seemed to take that as a dismissal. She quickly smiled and bowed before hurrying off elsewhere.

”I know how to liven things up.” Sil said, zipping to the table.

”Please don’t.” Said Chres.

He took a seat at the table. He stared at the wine. Moved his hand towards it, but then hesitated.

Perhaps Karina was right. Perhaps he should try going sober tonight.

”FOOOOOOOD FIGHT!!!” Sil shouted.

She took a pile of mashed potatoes and threw it at Týfurkh… or at least that had been who she was aiming for… Instead, it hit Chres splat in the face.

Ooookay… Perhaps he’ll just have one glass tonight. He poured himself a glass, ignoring Karina’s concern.

Out of the corner of his eye he caught Tayla smirking at his misfortune.

”Nice aim, Sil.” She said encouragingly. Tayla was next to get potatoes to the face.

“Sir, if you could control your familiar please.” One of the servants said in an irritable tone.

Chres looked to the servant and then back to Sil, who had grabbed another hand full of mash.

”Hey, Man with stick!” She said shouting to Jen. ”Catch-”

”Hey Sil?” Chres interjected quickly. Sil paused mid-throw. ”Would you like to see me eat a puddle?”

Sil immediately dropped the mash. ”Would I ever?!” She gasped, mouth agape.

Sil flew over and cheered Chres on as he down half of the wine. The servant raised an eyebrow but made no comment. He then walked away, hands clasped behind his back, as he tended to his other duties.

After Sil had calmed down, he looked to Karina. ”This will be the only glass tonight.” He said, ”I promise.”

After cleaning herself off, Tayla eyed the food dubiously. She had never seen so much food in one place before. She hesitantly reached for the roast.

“Please,” said a nearby servant. “Allow me.”

He took the nearby knife in hand and carved the roast… poorly… The slice he carved Tayla was thick on one side and thin on the other. He then proceeded to carve similarly poor cuts for everyone else.

Tayla frowned at the cut of meat. The meat was overcooked. She then grabbed some mash. The mash was lumpy. She tried roasted vegetables. They were burnt, yet still somehow undercooked.

The hell????? What kind of lousy service was this? Was the Divergence to blame. Or did they just have a poor cook?

She grabbed a drumstick of chicken. The chicken was cooked, thank the senses, but it was bland with no seasoning.

Disappointed, she lowered the drumstick back on the plate. No… they just have a terrible chief. She decided.

”Anybody else enjoying their food?” She asked with a sigh.

Face resting in her hand, she looked up. Octavio had dismissed himself from the table for some odd reason… or perhaps for a very good reason.

She took a bite of roast and winced. Too much pepper!

Dejectedly she looked up and caught a servant staring at Tayla and the rest contemplatively. It was the older female servant from before. The one who didn’t seem to know where the kitchen was.

What the hell was she looking at?

Faylrie ran and ran and ran some more.

Damn! Damn! Damn!

Faylrie cursed. The woman could smell blood. She could actually smell blood! Which meant... she could track Faylrie even if she ran.

Faylrie came to an abrupt stop. Storm it all! She had to lose the trail! She spent the next several minute finding an appropriate goat. A Stormtouched of about Faylrie's age and height. One that had clearly taken a beating recently much like herself (such aggression was not uncommon against Stormtouched.) By bribing the woman with some cheese, she was able to get the woman to swap clothes with Faylrie and to take the bone that Callina had given her.

She instructed the woman to go the to healer that Callina had spoken of and request healing. The woman accepted her payment and did as instructed.

Faylrie sighed as she leaned against a wall. This... was exhausting...

“Well that was fun.” Came Faine's voice.

Faylrie blinked. She looked down and saw a dirtied rat standing on its hind legs and look up at her with anticipation.

Her brow furrowed. She looked around to confirm that there was no cat nearby. There was indeed no cat. She then looked back at the rat.

"Faine?" She asked.

The rat tilted its head.

Faylrie sighed. He changed his form again.

“What?” He asked.

"Nothing... just... Why a rat?"

“Becuaaaase... rats have whiskers?”

Faylrie gave him a flat stare. "Cats have whiskers too, Faine."

“The tail then?”

"Cats also have tails."

“Because you like rats?”

"I do not like rats!" She shot back defensively.

Faine chuckled in amusement. “Ah, you see? That's why.”

Faylrie groaned.

“So what now?” Faine asked.

Faylrie looked ahead to a cave she saw in the distance. "What now? We find a place to lay low."

She headed for the cave. A cave she did not know was already inhabited.

brainstorming a character right now.
Sounds good working on some ideas now.
Might be interested. I have this vague idea of a character born out of wed lock by a woman in one of the high ranking families. Maybe the mother of this character had relations with someone in the Third. In any case, the birth was kept secret, and the mother, or someone else in the family, ordered a loyalist under her to give the baby to the storm. (the idea here that this loyalist would have to walk into the storm himself to give the babe.)

Ultimately the loyalist couldn't bring themself to do that to a baby but curses themselves to keep up appearances. They then raise the baby as one of the storm touched and scars the baby's face and body with searing metal to make the baby appear as storm touched.

What I'm thinking is that this Loyalist knew Ikonomancy and taught it to the child in secret, maybe taking the child to the fifth ring during training or something, assuming that is possible. In any case child is grown up now. Knows they were abandoned. Is pissed off, and wants to kill their mother for abandoning them.

I'm also playing around with the idea of starting the character off by having them steal some Wardana armor during the day that the fourth ringers get access to the third.

Just some thoughts I'm having :)

(Side note: My time may be limited as might my ability to log onto the site often (I'm a father). If this RP takes off and I join, any chance that you will start a discord so that I can be notified of when people are planning to post)

mentioned @13org @HokumPocus

Chres grunted and took a sip from his flask as he followed Karina into the room.

Tayla frowned as she watched the two go. Did she believe what Sil was implying? Noooo -Tayla's back stiffen- well... maybe???... It was complicated.

Sil's words triggered her. Experience had taught her that she couldn't be too careful when people start tossing around comments such as Sil's. And besides, Karina with a man????

Tayla had trouble picturing such a thing. Although the woman did have her moments of typical femineity, they were often sidelined by the murderous looks she gave others who slighted her.

Furthermore, could a curiosity in other woman be the real reason Tayla that was still alive? Three times, Tayla did battle with the woman. Three times Karina let Tayla live. Heck, the third time she had even saved Tayla's life! Then she even went to Tayla and asked the woman to serve her! Who did such a thing with someone who tried to murder them?!?!

Maybe Akai was right. Maybe Karina really was a dominatrix.

Tayla cringed at the thought. With a shake of the head, she thought it better to focus on a different topic.

She looked to Octavio, the man she had chosen to stay with in a panic.

Somehow, she got the impression that this one wouldn't be a problem like the others. Not once had she caught the man glancing at her backside or chest. The lack of interest made her feel a little more at ease.

The guest rooms were all identical. Each with a bed large enough for two and a privy set in a connected room. The privy even came with a tub for bathing. With a simple request to a servant, they would bring buckets of water and fill tub.

Unfortunately, they were unable to provide quality soap. Due to the war impacting trade, obtaining proper soaps from the Nation of Smell had become a tall order. Instead, the only soap they had on hand were poorly scented soaps made of animal fats and wood ash.

It didn't take to long for dinner to be called. Chres and the rest were invited to the dining room where they were all seated at a long table and presented with a generous spread of food and wine.

Chres eyed the wine and made note that he would have to ask if they had anything harder.

As if on cue, the young servant from earlier entered the room.

"My apologies, Sirs and Madams." She said with a bow. "Master Ru'Tev and the Princess will not be joining you. I've been instructed to inform you that they will be taking their dinner in the Master's study. They are in the midst of discussing political matters and asked not to be disturbed. In the meantime, the master wishes that you enjoy the spread before you."

Interactions with @HokumPocus @13org
mentioned @Fetzen @JerkChicken

Sil zipped back over to Karina. “Oh Karina! I know the perfect partner for you to sleep w-"

Tayla bolted up in her sofa. "OCTAVIO!" She yelped in half a sweat. She barked so loud that she even caught some stares from the nearby servants.

Tayla blinked twice and looked awkwardly to Octavio. "Um, yeah... Octavio... I'll share a room with Octavio." She said.

She then frowned and glanced at Lynx. The familiar sat in a chair like a human. Who was to say it wouldn't sleep in a bed too? "You two... um... don't sleep together... do you?"

Sil eyed Karina as if to say 'Look at what you did.' And then with a sniff, she zipped back over to Chres.

Eyebrow arched, Chres looked to Sil. Sil was causing trouble, Chres knew that... buuuuuuuuuut, Chres wasn't sure he cared anymore. Instead of berating her, he took a swig from his flask.

He then eyed Tayla and Octavio; Týfurkh and Jen. His gaze then fell on Karina.

"I'm guessing you'll take the bed." He said to Karina, the barest hint of a lopsided smirk on his face.
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