Avatar of Poleski79


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8 yrs ago
He who handles the knife, is always right in the kitchen
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"If you never chase your grilled cheese, you will never catch it."

"Cheese and bread are a powerful combo."

"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but the grilling of cheese."

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Woohoo! Can't wait @Wayward
just checking in if theres interest



The Mutes were a part of everyday culture. They were our neighbors, our friends, even our family. The Mutes had been around as long as anyone could remember. Hell, they had been around as long as history could remember. There were ancient Roman sculptures, thousands of year old Egyptian stones with hieroglyphs, even cave drawings of them. Turns out the Mute gene was probably in our system from the very beginning. But with these Mutes around, the world grew up hard.

Most of them fit in fine with society. Some even excelled, using their powers to whatever advantage they could. But this is not a story about those people. As always there were those that just couldn't quite make it work. The rebels, rulebreakers, and pyschos. So when the Mutes got out of line, the world needed some place to put them (usually for a more than extended duration). A place locked up far away from sight. A place where they could forget they existed.

A place like Sirocco.

Sirocco was an undisclosed prison lost from the world in middle of blazing hot desert. As one of the only Mute prison's in the world it was locked down with some of the toughest prison guards, that kept everyone on a stringent schedule. There are no real rules out in Sirocco. So anyone caught pushing their luck will be at the full mercy of the guards. Ontop of that the Captain is said to be one of the most ruthless men. Some rumors have even stated he may be a Mute, after all there are a few Mute guards.

Tomorrow, is the rare shipment of fresh-meat. New inmates freshly processed from the system. After being drugged, they'll wake up changing into their prison uniforms on the bus, with their specially equipped SkyPulse neckbands. Note: Skypulse neckbands are made of a nano-tech Mute polymer that adapts to the Mute they are currently attached to. They can stretch in any size, or any shape necessary, and adapt to many special circumstances. Depending on the power level of the Mute they can dampen to completely limit the ability to use powers. They also provide a nice incentivizing shock when powers get too out of hand, or when any guard feels particularly trigger happy.


- PG-13 for romance (this is a bi-gender jail). Fade to black or whatever
- Violence goes. This is a jail after all. Feel free to get gross
- Same goes for language, be vulger, swear, cuss, I don't give a fuck
- No discrimination in my OOC. We respect everyone writing here. IC go for it, just use ***** to bleep out any slurs.
- Realistic Pictures required for Character Sheets, doesn't have to be a real photo, just has to be realistic. No anime pls sry
- Get your CS approved before posting it to the Character Page
- Try not to get too out of hand with your powers, add some equally negative limitation
- My word is law
- 2 paragraph min
- Please post like min every 2 weeks (or let me know if you gone)


Powers come in 6 levels. The higher the level the more rare it is and the more Skypulse neckbands will limit the power ability or lower the threshold for shocking treatment (depending on the specific power).

White: Indistinguishable from the average human except at a biological level. Essentially just carried the Mute gene.
Blue: The most basic level, and typically the most common. Not considered a general threat.
Yellow: Moderate ability. Not very threatening.
Orange: Threatening ability. To be kept on high alert.
Red: Very threatening. To be kept on close guard.
Purple: Extreme threat. Do not let out of sight at any time. Some of these powers are still not fully understood.

Character Sheet:


Okay here we go. I've never GMed before but I couldn't find a RP I wanted to join so here I am!

The way I see this is basically a modern day jail RP with superpowers. I like realistic stuff so limitations are obviously in order to keep anyone's powers from getting too out of hand. You can be an existing inmate, a prison guard, an incoming fresh-meat. Happy to have someone play the prison Captain aswell.

Hit me up with any questions you got. Also looking for a Co-GM. This is my first RP so I'd love to have support.
how we doing yall

"Manic? Aw you got a cute nickname for me? You do like me!" She squeezed 'Mildfire' in an embrace, dancing back quickly with a jump. Before she could land, she dissipating with a poof, she reappeared on the little fire-lings left. She had seen quickly what happened when you stayed too close to this one. "I just knew it, all this time we were gunna be best friends." Gods this one was fun! With a wink she blinked up to Ophilia's side and gave her a sharp tug of the hair. Then booped her on the nose while turning.

Without so much as a glance in her direction, Liv popped out of existence and right in front of Barre. She gabbed a finger in the girls face. "You! You... uh..." Shit! She had forgotten this ones name. Her finger faltered. But she was usually so good! "Uh... Doc. Yeah... Doc." It came out strangely and she looked at this person even more so. Head slightly cocked to the side she stared at Barre dead in the eye. For a long moment she didn't say anything. Still staring her dead in the eyes, she grabbed the water bottle from her hand. Flicking the cap off with one finger she chugged the bottle without breaking eye contact until her mouth was full as a chipmunks.

Slowly Liv reached out and flicked Barre straight in the forehead with her middle finger. "Mmm hrr. hmmr hm'mm." She told the healer with a mouth full of water. I mean what kind of doctor couldn't cure cancer?!

With her cheeks bulging Liv bounced back through space to 'MildFire'. She had heard something a moment ago when she was staring at Barre and with her recent antgonizations she had an idea for what was going on behind her. On the ground the redhead was curled up muttering something. Looking down at the figure she said "Wa'uh?" The emphasis on the word as she leaned over made her choke. Coughing, all of the water sprayed out of Liv's mouth all over Ophelia.

Liv paused for a second, looking at the now wet and steaming girl. "Well no point in wasting." With a shrug she dumped the rest of the bottle on the redheads head. Leaning down she planted a kiss on the sizzling girls forehead. "There... Let's not start with that temper ey?"

A faint whistling made her look up just as something massive crashed into the ground. Twisting mid-impact she tried to teleport out of the way. Get somewhere safe, she thought. Away! As she vanished from the spot she could feel her body tumbling, even through the short space between. When she landed, a white hot lance of pain shot up her back. She was leaning against a wall and she had spliced. Immediately a scream ripped itself out of her throat.
go right ahead, thats why ive been waiting lol

once Dragonheart hits the ground shit is gonna go from zero to a hundred instantly, and someone is getting their ass beat and I don't wanna derail something else already in motion

Hit me hit me hitme


The world spun and warped as Liv tumbled. A flashing light. An impossibly bending tower. Blurred shaped everywhere. All too much information to focus on any one piece. She accepted it naturally, letting the chaotic tearing of her jump flow over her, and landed with a light stumble on the tiled roof. Her feet almost skated out from under her as some of the tiles gave way under her feet flying off into the street below.

Nice, real subtle. She cringed at the crashing noise from below and glanced a look over the edge. Down dozens of feet below her, her target staring straight at her. "Ahh fucked it, already?" Launching off the roof of the building she was on, she tucked into a roll. As she rolled she warped through a portal landing on her feet at street level. Now where...

A flash of movement. In an instant Liv was at the place she was just looking, staring down an alley. An empty alley. She cursed again and spun. Where the hell had the target gone? She glanced up and down the street but with all the people moving back and forth it was near impossible to see anything. She teleported away then back holding a shotgun, pressed against her shoulder. Pumping the gun she emptied the entire thing into the alley way. Swearing, she smashed the end of the gun into a nearby crate again and again till it bent. Dropping the ruined gun, she moved back to the roof level, teleporting up and down the street.

After nearly half an hour of searching she let out a hiss of frustration. She couldn't keep this up any longer, she was sweating straight through her shirt, and a dozen other places. And that was just from the humidity without her powers taking effect. As it was she was drenched and panting. Any moment now she was going to have another heat stroke. "Fuck!" She kicked the tile stubbing her toe in the process. Groaning she rubbed her toe as she tipped backwards. Flipping over the edge she threw out her arms as wide as she could. For the briefest of moments she felt the butterflies in her stomach flutter, then the world distorted in on itself, and she landed in the ocean with a splash.

After cooling off in the Pacific she vanished with in a blink and landed on the roof of one of the buildings in the good ol' jail complex. A splash of water fell down the sides as she teleported, from all the stuff that was in contact with her. Shaking out her hair she grimaced and she thumped on her chest, choking slightly, then coughed up a fish. Ugh gross.

After a moment she stepped to the edge of the roof and stared down. She saw some poor prisoner get zapped for using her power. That was... fuck she was supposed to know this... she had almost been there a full week... Mildfire? Close enough. But what was going on down there? A little tea perhaps? Grinning a bit she lay down on the roof with her arms crossed under her chin. Kicking her legs back and forth she watched, cocking her head to the side. Oooh little Sparky was gunna help out the pyro? Sparky was easy to recognize, she had that blinding white hair. Liv grinned deviously. Why not have a little fun right now? She had already had a long day with her mission. Hound could wait a little longer for her.

Warping reality around her, popping her into existence right behind Lavina, only inches away. Leaning in close to her ear she whispered, "Boo." Before the girl could turn around she vanished again crouching behind Ophelia. "Ohh Mildfire... causing a ruckus now are we?" She spun the steel bat in her hand, landing on her shoulder, and raised an eyebrow looking the girl in the eye.
May or may not be contemplating the idea of Dragonheart jumping out of a helicopter and landing like the hulk to scare the shit out of the Hunters while a bunch of NPC rebel soldiers storm the gates

oh christ I gotta get going
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