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@Ponn personally I see Olivia being someone who goes with the flow of the Ministry so long as they placate her but I imagine she’d be conflicted greatly if she was asked to use her Darling to reign in any errant Magical Girls.

Yeah, she wouldn't be a very big fan of that. Of course, if they frame it as "These are rogue Magical Girls who are helping the Pageless/harming innocent people", she'd be a lot more receptive to the idea.

@Lewascan2 Not only is this Olivia's first day, this is her first time meeting her fellow Magical Girls. She hasn't even been to the academy yet. She pretty much just unpacked her belongings in her dorm room, transformed to chat with Xolys, as she often does (pitty the poor soul that gets stuck as her roommate), and then it was mission time. But by all means, please do have Camelot approach her! She thought that sword throw was pretty cool, and would love to make friends with meet the person responsible.

<Snipped quote by Lonewolf685>

And now I am imagining Roma stuffing Wilhelmina into various cosplays.

It is adorably hilarious.

<Snipped quote by The 42nd Gecko>

Wilhelmina will want to get to know everyone! Currently, she is only aware of Lumiére, Lilac and possibly Camelot. So there are some introductions to go around definitely. And I am up for whatever extremely awkward shenanigans @Ponn has in mind for Olivia, because I genuinely want to see how that goes.

I should hopefully have an Olivia post up by the end of the weekend.

Prepare thyself...
Then there's Olivia, who just wants to make friends...

So, the blood mage would be making less of a shield, and more of a tunnel, Ashley reflected after Binky had described the barrier in more detail. That would serve as suitable protection from any weapons fire directed their way, allowing them to reach the mansion unscathed. Which still left the interior to worry about, of course, but while they might be walking into a trap, they didn’t really have much of a choice. Justin had to be stopped, and thanks to those misguided monster lovers, this was the only way to do it.

Upon arriving at the mansion, the G.E.M.I.N.I. assault team rushed out of their van and through the (admittedly rather disturbing) “blood tunnel”, provided by their ally. Once Agent Leroux had dealt with the doors, Ashley and her companions found themselves in what was probably the most stereotypical vampire’s mansion one could imagine, complete with creepy organ music. Indeed, even if she didn’t already know one of the vile bloodsuckers made his home here, Ashley would have probably suspected it just from looking at the decor. Most alarmingly, as far as the Knight of Tomorrow was concerned, were the two rings of what she assumed to be hostages. She felt her muscles tense at the sight, her grip on her instrument only growing tighter when the music stopped, and the organist revealed himself to be an impressively burly vampire. This wasn’t Justin, but definitely trouble, nonetheless, a sentiment that was further confirmed when the creature uttered his unnerving little poem…

From her place at the center of her team’s formation, Ashley would be able to provide both supporting fire, as well as protective barriers and healing to any who might need it, while still remaining relatively safe herself. Well, as safe as anyone could be in a situation like this… Agent Wukong seemed to think this was a trap, and the Knight of Tomorrow’s own eyes were peeled for any hidden danger, but even if it was a trap, what more could they do? Simply turn around and leave? That was utterly unacceptable, especially with at least a dozen innocent lives clearly in mortal danger. Trap or no trap, they had to see this mission through to the end… Raising her energy shield to cover her mouth, Ashley whispered into her comlink, “Should I cast a protective melody on one of those hostage clusters, or would you rather I combine fire with Valkyrie to eliminate the hostile?”

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2)



Dana exhaled a sigh of relief when no further threats materialized. However, she remained vigilant as their small group entered the parking garage and searched the abandoned structure for potential hostiles. The energetic Ars Magi only allowed herself to relax once they’d ensured the building was clear and settled into position on the top floor. It was actually pretty cool to watch how quickly the officers’ gear was unpacked and assembled into quite the comprehensive command post. Once that work was done, it was apparently time for a snack break. “Thanks!” Dana told Holst with one of her trademark grins when the cadet offered her a protein bar. “You guys really did pack everything!”

Opening the wrapper, the bright eyed Norban took a bite out of the bar, while leaving the bottom half still contained in the wrapper. Casting her still-enhanced gaze over the darkened landscape beyond their shelter, Dana saw the brief bursts of illumination that denoted the locations of other teams participating in the exercise. As she continued to eat, she couldn’t help but wonder how the others were faring, Noah, in particular. What kind of Ars Magi would he be paired with? The team Priya and Amanda were on? Or perhaps the one to which that towering, green-haired girl she’d seen at the ball belonged? In any event, her musings were soon brought to an abrupt end, when Aiya addressed them, inquiring first of Penny’s speed, and then of Dana’s marksmanship.

“I ghesh sho,” the cheerful Norban replied as she chewed on the last piece of her bar. After gulping it down, she added, “I mean, Guardian Gunslinger Alexis was kinda my hero growin’ up, so when I was told I was gonna get to be an Ars Magi, I wanted to be just like her!”

As if to demonstrate, Dana crumpled her wrapper up into a tight ball, before tossing it into the air. In the blink of an eye, she had drawn her gladius and snapped off an incandescent bolt of golden energy. The shot struck the wrapper dead center, instantly vaporizing it. With an impish smile, Dana twirled her pistol around a finger, before placing it back in its holster. However, her confidence was replaced by slight embarrassment a moment later, when Aiya noted how popular she’d been at the ball, which caused a small blush to color the cheerful Ars Magi’s cheeks.

“Gosh, I sure hope not!” Dana replied with a nervous chuckle, when Aiya mentioned that her popularity might make some people jealous. “I just enjoy makin’ new friends, that’s all,” she added, holding her hands up in a placating manner. “There nothin’ wrong with that, right?” she asked with a hopeful smile, one made all the more charming by her oversized tooth poking out.
<Snipped quote by Ponn>

Oh, very much so! A small portion of which appear to be part of her transformation, which will be... fun to explore going forward.
Camelot has a bit of an interesting perspective on Alter Magical Girls, since it seems like so many of them's Grimoires mess with their users mentally... or only go to people that are a little bit... off to begin with.

And after this post, I think I'm finally starting to understand what Olivia's CS means by "bizarre" interests. XD
On a somewhat related note, the "Beast" is fucking terrifyingly strong, which I understand is a little rich coming from the person that chose "King Arthur" for a grimoire, but damn. Eldritch entities don't screw around. No wonder she only (technically) has two powers as a Legend-tier Grimoire. XD

Actually, she was like this long before she became a Magical Girl. If anything, her transformation makes her slightly less annoying, due to her added charm and the pleasing sound of her voice in that form.

Think about the ramifications of that for a bit…

And yeah, I always intended for Xolys to be a little over the top. He’s the one with all the real power, after all. Olivia just stands around and looks pretty (and creeps the hell out of anyone in close proximity).

<Snipped quote by Lonewolf685>

I think you meant to say Roma doesn't want to win a Darwin award.

I don't know whether to take that as an insult or a compliment...
Lmao, looks like Olivia won't be getting those cheekrubs any time soon. XD

Sad, but probably true.

In case you couldn't tell, Olivia has some... issues...

Perhaps unsurprisingly for someone who had said they needed to focus, Captain Goodhope pretty much ignored Olivia’s continued ramblings. Incidentally, the maritime maiden wasn’t the only Magical Girl to respond to Olivia’s greeting, as Lumiere also addressed the azure-clad beauty. However, in a somewhat ironic twist, Olivia herself was unable to hear the angelic girl’s words, as they were drowned out by the clamorous cacophony of the surrounding battle. A battle that now seemed to have reached a pivotal stage.

Olivia gave voice to a sharp gasp as a truly enormous Pageless made its appearance, but contrary to what one might think, it was not a gasp of fear, but delight. Indeed, while the other Pageless had been cute, this new arrival was positively adorable! Olivia simply loved its spiked wheel, the crossbow-cannon-thing at the end of its arm, and the aesthetically pleasing asymmetry of its three spindly legs. Then there was the way its black orb of a head, with its glowing, almost sad eyes, fit so snugly into the dramatically upturned “collar” of its “neck”. And let’s not even get started on its menacing, spiked crown-thing… In fact, the elegant maiden was so enthralled by the sight of the twisted construct that she almost didn’t hear Lumiere’s urgent call to destroy it. Indeed, the angelic maiden’s hastily conjured barrier was even now being chipped away at by the monstrosity’s powerful blows, while the the other Magical Girls raced to her aid.

“Very well…” Olivia sighed, her lovely visage momentarily marred by a despondent frown as she watched her fellow Magical Girls assault the towering creature. One managed to slice off a leg, while Captain Goodhope herself conjured even more of her ghostly crew, their spectral muskets peppering the monstrosity with enchanted gunshot. “Xolys, darling,” Olivia called to her consort. “Would you please be so kind as to assist them?”

Of course, dearest, the eldritch horror replied, giving a rough approximation of a respectful nod.

However, before the Master of Xhar’doth could take even a single action, the construction site was rent by a massive expulsion of mystic power. Even a relative novice like Olivia knew there could only be one explanation for such an occurrence: the Grimoire had been found, and a new Magical Girl had been born.

“Oh wow…” Olivia marveled aloud as the dust cleared, and she was able to catch her first glimpse of the latest addition to their ranks. “She looks like a witch! I wonder what her powers are like?” she wondered, her features taking on a thoughtful, yet still excited expression. “Maybe hexes? Or perhaps potion brewing?” Whatever they were, the new girl would need to employ all of them if she hoped to survive the massive Pageless looming over her, poised to strike. Unless, of course, she received a little help…

As it transpired, that help would come not from the dark and imposing form of Thyerg’Xolys, but rather a blindingly bright missile, one whose glorious radiance made the sun itself seem to pale in comparison. Like a blazing comet, it shot down from the heavens to strike the gargantuan Pageless’s raised appendage. Once again, there was a massive burst of power, and in its wake, the source of the radiant attack was revealed to be… A sword?

Someone had thrown a sword? Olivia’s mind raced with questions. Where had the still-glowing blade come from? Who had thrown it? Were they now without a weapon of their own, and thus utterly defenseless against any other Pageless that might still remain? Would they be her friend? And what horrendous damage had their weapon’s cataclysmic arrival inflicted upon the massive Pageless? Unfortunately, the answer to this last, and most pressing question soon turned out to be “not nearly as much as she had initially imagined”. Yes, one prong (claw?) of the crossbow-thing (or was it perhaps a pile driver-thing?) at the end of the Pageless’s appendage had been sliced off, but, although a little battered, the rest of the weapon was still very much intact and ready to be employed against the newborn Magical Girl.

And that’s where Xolys stepped in.

Having finally gotten close enough to the colossal Pageless, the eldritch horror opened his tentacled, lamprey-like maw and unleashed a blast of otherworldly power. It was a rare occurrence for the Master of Xhar’doth to face a foe that rivaled himself in size. Normally, he could destroy any opponent in just a single shot, but in this case, he would have to limit himself to one aspect of the gargantuan gestalt. Naturally, he chose what remained of the crossbow-pile-driver-thing. The space between the two imposing monstrosities seemed to twist and warp as a whirlwind of deep blue, ethereal lightning and flame spewed forth. Crashing against the beweaponed appendage with all the force of a pressure hose, the mind-numbing torrent of unreality swiftly began transmuting and reassembling it in a mad, kaleidoscopic frenzy. Flowers of luminous crystal seemed to blossom, before shifting into masses of writhing, slime-covered tentacles, followed by clusters of bulbous, pulsating boils and excessively veined, unblinking eyes, from which poured streams of prismatic, alien blood. After what seemed like an eternity to those who had the misfortune of watching, but was actually only a few seconds, the entire, rapidly shifting mass exploded in a sickly, wet, and crunchy sounding detonation, leaving only a handful of writhing, worm-like tendrils to fall to the ground before swiftly dissolving into viscous, black smoke.

“Ooohh~! So pretty~!” Olivia cooed, her eyes taking on a very dreamy look as she clasped her hands over her chest. “Isn’t he just the greatest~?!” she inquired of Goodhope, blissfully oblivious to the fact that the maritime maiden was concentrating so intensely that her eyes were squeezed shut and her tightly clasped, trembling hands had begun to take on a rather concerning pallor. “Oh, but don’t worry!” the azure beauty hastened to add. “I think all your ghost sailors are pretty amazing, too! Oh, goodness!” she gasped as she finally turned her focus towards something other than Xolys. “There are so many of them now! They’re like a little army!” she added with a giggle, which abruptly stopped as a thought occurred to her. “So, um, if you’re a captain, does that mean you have a ship, too? Does it fly?! It probably doesn’t, because if it did, you could have it show up now and blast that impressively-sized Pageless with its cannons! I imagine that would be quite the sight to see! Oh, but maybe it can fly, but it just requires too much mana? You know, you look a little unwell,” the babbling beauty observed with a slight frown. “Are you feeling all right?”

Just a heads up, I'm currently waiting for a post from Captain Goodhope before I post again for Olivia.

@Villamvihar She's waiting for her promised cheekrubs...

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