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I think it's always been Roma, just like Suzuya's banner has never said "Burning Heart", even when she's transformed, like now.

Although Olivia had addressed her question to Valeria, it was Ozma who answered first, noting that she was indeed correct in her assumption that they were all Magical Girls, and thus should all be on the same side. Nonetheless, an uneasy tension continued to suffuse the air, accentuated by the flurry of less-than-enthusiastic responses that followed. First was Maria, who commended Olivia’s curiosity, yet still felt it was out of place in such a serious situation. This was followed by Suzuya leaping off Xolys and placing herself between Olivia and Tsubasa, while somewhat harshly rebuking the azure-clad beauty’s attempt to try and pet the now seemingly pacified Pageless. Although Olivia knew her friend was simply trying to protect her, the fox girl’s words still caused a frown to mar the fair maiden’s otherwise lovely countenance. Before she could say anything in reply, Valeria finally gave her own reponse, informing the Ethereal Rose that the masked Magical Girl had a dangerous reputation, and thus was someone to be extremely wary of. This revelation did little to remove the frown from the blonde beauty’s face, but she understood that if a Magical Girl with as much experience as Valeria was giving such warnings, then they were probably true and she would do well to heed them.

“O-Oh, I see…” Olivia replied softly. “Very well then,” she added, giving a small nod of acknowledgment, while silently joining the German in hoping that the tense standoff wouldn’t dissolve into violence and feeling considerable relief when the metal-limbed girl lowered her pistol.

Still, those concerns were quickly forgotten when Tsubasa began speaking once more, her words as refined and elegant as ever. But this time, she was addressing Olivia and her consort directly…

Oh my gosh! Is she actually giving me a chance to pet them?! the lovely maiden thought to herself, almost squealing with delight, and completely missing the insult directed towards her roommate. Oh, how absolutely wonderful! she gushed, closing her eyes as her lips curled into a blissful smile.

Indeed, the blonde beauty was so enraptured by her imaginings of what such an experience might be like that she was utterly oblivious to the rest of the masked maiden’s monologue. Thus, it came as a bit of a surprise when she was broken out of her reverie by the sound of Ozma mentioning something about a “real body” and subsequently caught sight of one of the other girls conjuring a quartet of mystic projectiles, all aimed at Tsubasa…

“U-Ummm, what’s going on?” an utterly clueless Olivia inquired.

“Miss Tsubasa has just enumerated her goals,” her darling Xolys replied. “And it regretfully appears that they stand in opposition to our own.”

While his lovely consort had been dreaming of cuddling and snuggling with piles of cute Pageless, the Master of Xhar’doth had been paying close attention to the continuing exchange between Tsubasa and the rest of the gathered Magical Girls. Although the eldritch beast had yet to hear the masked maiden’s responses to the very reasonable inquiries posed to her, something told him that Tsubasa’s answers would do little to defuse the tense atmosphere. In fact, he was almost certain they would do the exact opposite, something Ozma’s insinuation that the Tsubasa who stood before them was merely an illusion of some form only seemed to confirm. With that in mind, he tightened his grip on Olivia and made sure to move one of his larger appendages so as to shield the azure-clad beauty from any potential ranged attacks. Concurrently, he readied his myriad other limbs to spring into action at the slightest hint of danger, while tiny eyes formed on dozens of tentacular stalks, allowing him a full three hundred and sixty degree field of vision. If Moonlight Tsubasa really was planning to engage in combat, then Thyerg’Xolys would be ready…

Even as her shots continued to slowly erode Justin’s blood barrier, a not inconsiderable number of frogs threatened to erode Ashley’s clothing and skin as they leapt upon her. One even landed on her cheek, but while uncomfortable, the Knight of Tomorrow knew she couldn’t take her attention away from the vampire, not even for a moment. Events transpiring across the street only accentuated that fact, as Justin charged towards Gale, only for the bluenette to cast twin whirlwind melodies, one on the vampire, and the other on herself. As crimson globs spun around the pair and dozens of frogs were hurled against the blood barrier, their caustic detonations dissolving it further, Ashley’s eyes widened in alarm as Justin grabbed Gale and flung the bluenette towards her. Knowing that a collision at that speed would likely detonate every frog on her body, the Knight of Tomorrow nimbly dodged to the side. Such a maneuver would still cause her to step on, and subsequently detonate, at least a few of the explosive frogs hopping around the roof, but even if their corrosive innards managed to penetrate her outfit’s defenses, any pain it might generate would be as nothing compared to the heartrending sight that greeted her when she looked towards her fellow agents…

“BREACHER!!!” Ashley screamed, tears streaming down her cheeks and mixing with the crimson torrent that already coated her body.

The sound of a hellish screech accompanied the cataclysmic collision of two cars, with the draconic agent directly between them. Even with all the shield-bearing esper’s defensive abilities, the odds of her surviving such a brutal attack were slim to none, something the subsequent spray of blood from between the two mashed vehicles grimly attested to…

“S-She… She had a daughter…” Ashley whispered, before whirling to face Justin, an almost inhuman snarl emerging from deep within her anguished throat. “YOU BASTARD!!!” she howled at the vampire, her voice filled with utter fury. She had detested him before, but now her hatred had reached new, terrifying pinnacles. She wanted, needed him to die, needed him to suffer, and she would ensure he would, or die in the attempt. Her fury gave her focus, her will inexorably fixed upon the goal of ending Justin’s wretched existence. Thus, even as the vampire conjured tendrils of blood with which to ensnare them and a torrent of lice began falling from the sky, the Knight of Tomorrow set about accomplishing that task with all the impressive speed her esper form afforded her.

Reaching up to gently pluck the frog off her left cheek, she hurled the small creature at the approaching crimson tendrils, hoping its corrosive detonation would buy her the time she needed to complete this first stage of her renewed assault. Less than a second later, she raised her techno-wand and fired a beam of neon green destruction directly at the center of Justin’s chest, followed by an even stronger bolt. Without his blood barrier to protect him, the first shot should strike true, and even if it was absorbed by whatever other defenses or natural toughness the vampire might possess, the second attack, striking so soon after the first, should pass through those now-weakened defenses and cause considerably more harm…

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Clip Light
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2)


[Silver Beam][Damage X] = -108 mana


Frogs were now falling from the roiling heavens along with the crimson rain, but Ashley was content to ignore them for the time being. The Knight of Tomorrow had Justin in her sights and a lack of focus could prove fatal, if not for herself, then for Gale, whom the vampire was currently closing in upon. Darn it! the high-tech heroine hissed as she watched Justin rotate his shield so that the rapidly shrinking opening her energy bolt had created was now facing away from them. With so much blood available to fuel his dark incantations, it seemed like it would be impossible for her to break through Justin’s defenses. Even if his spells were limited by his remaining mana, there was no telling how much of that the vampire had left, and time was clearly of the essence, something the cacophonic croaking of the surrounding frog swarm attested to.

Seeing that Gale seemed to be safe from ranged attacks for the moment, and not wanting to waste any more of her own mana than absolutely necessary, Ashley put her trust in the floaty bluenette’s ability to avoid Justin’s melee attacks and just focused on wearing down the vampire’s defenses as best as she could. To that end, the Knight of Tomorrow fired yet another glowing bolt of neon green energy at the vampire’s blood barrier. With luck, this continued bombardment would, at the very least, keep their foe’s attention divided so that Gale would be able to take advantage of any openings that might appear in Justin’s defenses. Meanwhile, Ashley’s own above-average defenses against chaos attacks should keep the corrosive frogs from harming her, at least for the time being. In any event, this was sure to be a challenging fight, and the high-tech heroine only hoped that her fellow agents were having a better time of things than she was…

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Clip Light
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2)



The Angel of Hope was somewhat taken aback when Lily rushed over to hug her as thanks for the reinforcement boost.

W-What the fuck?! Hasn’t this idiot ever heard of personal space?! A-And is she seriously nuzzling me?! My tits aren’t your personal pillow, dumbass! Holy shit, she’s almost as bad as that glittery bitch from the wendigo fight…

“Oh, you are most welcome, vivacious champion,” the Angel replied, while giving the enthusiastic girl some affectionate head pats. “It is my greatest pleasure to provide my blessings to all who might have need of them.”

No sooner had Lily finally let go, then the dragon girl who had arrived in such a disruptive manner earlier approached and introduced herself as Mayra. Then she offered a visibly smoldering hand to shake…

How stupid does this scaly freak think I am? I just saw that green-haired ditz get her hands singed…

However, despite her internal distaste, the heavenly maiden was compelled to return the gesture, although she was mindful to place a thin coating of reinforcement magic over her skin to keep from being burned like Lily was.

“Warmest salutations, Mayra,” the Angel replied with a kind smile, gently clasping the draconic girl’s hand in both of her own. “It is a most sincere pleasure to make your acquaintance as well,” she added. “You may refer to this humble servant as the Angel of Hope, or simply Angel, if you would prefer.”

Penny then began handing out ear pieces so the impromptu strike team could all keep in contact.

Taking the offered device, the Angel gave an appreciative curtsy. “This humble servant is most grateful for this most generous gift,” she told the robotic girl.

“T-Thank you!” Connie added, followed by a serene nod of gratitude from Gaia.

“Truly an excellent idea, Your Majesty,” the verdant maiden told her. “I believe these shall most assuredly be put to good use.”

As soon as the last of the communicators had been handed out, Mayra opened the portal to Bolorton in her typical flashy style.

Unsurprisingly, Lily was the first to leap through it, calling out that the last one through would have to buy ice cream.

What is she, ten?

As she glided towards the portal, the Angel’s eyes momentarily widened as she received a private message from Penny.

What the hell? Why the fuck is she sending me this? We barely even know each other and now she secretly asks me to make sure she doesn’t go HAL 9000? (sigh…) This shitshow just keeps getting better and better…

Nonetheless, when the Angel passed by Penny, she gave the mechanical monarch a demure nod of understanding.

Once they had all made it through the portal, the team was greeted by the sights and sounds of battle. On the bright side, it seemed as though the local magical girl was still in the fight, at least if the towering sunflowers which ringed the town were anything to go by, but it didn’t look like the constructs could hold out for very much longer, especially against the waves of infantry and tanks headed their way…

A scream from Lily drew their attention to where Annabell, the resident magical girl, lay battered and bloody.

Connie gasped at the sight, raising her hands to cover the mouth of her mask, while its pitch-black eyes widened in horror.

“Oh, you poor thing!” the Angel cried as they all raced over to the fallen girl.

Despite the heavenly maiden’s aching desire to help the injured young woman, Alex reached her first, and promptly set to work using his own reinforcement magic to mend her wounds. Even as he did so, the girl desperately begged them to evacuate the town, adding that, while no one had been injured, all of the residents had seemingly been afflicted with some form of mystical sleep spell.

“Although it pains me to say this, I doubt that we could evacuate everyone before your defensive perimeter is breached,” Gaia noted with a frown. “That said, I can bolster your magnificent sunflowers with some of my own magic, and, if my suspicions are accurate, I believe my dearest Connie here is particularly suited to dealing with that invading army,” the verdant maiden added with a reassuring smile, while placing a hand upon her masked friend’s shoulder.

“I-I’ll d-d-do m-my b-best!” Connie declared with as much determination as she could muster.

“It would be this humble servant’s greatest pleasure to assist you in your noble efforts, brave champions!” the Angel added. “Please be assured that I shall allow no harm to befall you!”

Yeah, if I can’t kick these fuckers' asses myself, I can at least get a front row seat to watch you losers do it…

Unfortunately for Olivia, between the efforts of Xolys, Suzuya, and the rest of the gathered Magical Girls, the Pageless were annihilated far too quickly for her to make more than the most cursory of observations of their adorable reptilian features. Although this brought the blonde beauty no small amount of disappointment, she knew that the swift culling of their foes was undoubtedly for the best, lest one of the monsters manage to harm any of her fellow Magical Girls, or worse, escape into the city beyond. As it transpired, however, the battle did not conclude with the elimination of the final Pageless, but, rather, with the arrival of yet another Magical Girl…

She was a strikingly tall masked woman, who emerged from what was once an art supply store. She’d apparently been putting what supplies still remained to good use, at least, if the splotches of paint on her hands was any indication. Lavishly garbed, she possessed an exceedingly refined demeanor, one that was not lessened in the slightest by her manner of speech. Once the new arrival had given her greeting, and Ozma her response, Olivia realized that this was the person they’d been seeking, Moonlight Tsubasa. She’d heard about her from Suzuya, whose team had encountered the masked maiden during their patrol a few days earlier. However, despite the unsettling nature of that encounter, and the tense atmosphere that pervaded this one, Olivia’s thoughts were, unsurprisingly, focused on something completely removed from any concern of impending danger…

“Oh my goodness!” Olivia exclaimed, even as she felt a slight chill trickle down her spine. “She can make the Pageless stop attacking just like me! And she can even control them, too!” the Ethereal Rose added, her lovely visage seeming to glitter with wonderment. “You said you met her before, right Suzuya?!” the azure-clad maiden inquired with an enthusiastic gleam in her eyes. “Do you think if we asked nicely, she’d let us take a closer look at the Pageless behind her?! Or perhaps even pet them?!”

“I believe now might not be the best time for that, my sweet,” Xolys replied gently. “It would appear that a conversation of some significance is taking place, and it would be most impolite to interrupt such a discourse, do you not agree, Miss Suzuya?” the eldritch beast inquired of his passenger, whose previous gestures of respectful affection had been greatly appreciated.

Olivia frowned slightly at her darling’s words, but before she or Suzuya could respond, they heard Valeria issue an ultimatum to the new arrival. Looking in the german girl’s direction, Olivia couldn’t help but give voice to an alarmed gasp. Valeria had stepped forward to place herself between Tsubasa and the rest of the students, and was now aiming a pistol at the masked maiden. Olivia couldn’t help but question if such a show of force was truly necessary. After all, Tsubasa didn’t currently appear to be a threat. Indeed, if she truly harbored ill intentions towards the gathered Magical Girls, would she have called off the attacking Pageless and subsequently engaged them in polite conversation? As far as Olivia was concerned, if anything was going to make the mysterious woman turn hostile, and thus completely unreceptive to any requests to pet her subservient Pageless it would be an act of completely unwarranted aggression like this one.

“P-Pardon me, Miss Valeria,” Ethereal Rose spoke up. “But is it really necessary to treat Miss Tsubasa so aggressively? She hasn’t done anything to harm us, and actually stopped the Pageless from attacking!” the blonde beauty added, gesturing to where the pacified Pageless were gathered behind Tsubasa. “I mean, she is a fellow Magical Girl, isn’t she? Doesn’t that mean we’re on the same side?”

Bolts of golden and crimson energy filled the air as Dana Noel raced across the rain-soaked rooftops of Palmyra’s Military Exercise Zone. Although a swarm of airborne magitech drones assailed the energetic Norban from every angle, her impressive agility had allowed her to evade the majority of their fire. What few shots should have found their mark had been deflected by the array of glowing stars that orbited the grinning Ars Magi in a protective screen. Indeed, their point defense beams, combined with the more powerful blasts from Shining Zenith, had already blown several of the drones out of the sky, with a new one seemingly plummeting to the ground in a shower of sparks and scorched metal with each passing second.

It was a test designed to push the sunny sharpshooter’s abilities, both magical and physical, to their limits, and while it was certainly a harrowing experience to run through this tailor-made gauntlet, after the mind-numbingly tedious written test had pushed her patience to the limit, Dana was only too happy to finally get to the fun part. For the past few weeks, she and her teammates had been feverishly preparing for their Field Readiness Examinations, and while Dana was eager to improve her abilities and remedy her various deficiencies, she had dreaded the written tests with every fiber of her being. In addition, she soon realized that having Penny as a roommate was both a blessing and a curse in this regard, since the hyper-focused, no-nonsense Siscian refused to allow the carefree Norban to shirk her studies, and would even go so far as to hold impromptu quiz sessions when Dana would least expect them. Like in the middle of the night... To say that these were the most grueling weeks of her life would have been a massive understatement, but, at long last, she’d finished the various prelims, and, thanks in no small part to Penny’s rigorous efforts, even managed to pass the final written exam. Now, she could devote all her characteristic energy to the part that really mattered- the final field exercise, in which Dana could show off the results of everything she’d learned in the weeks of training leading up to this point.

Despite her distaste for the dozen-plus page written tests, practical application was where she excelled. She knew her shortcomings better than anyone, and she had done her very best to overcome each weakness in turn, while simultaneously bolstering her strengths to even higher pinnacles. Here, leaping, dodging, and rolling her way through a veritable laser light show, her shimmering auric bolts dueling the drones’ malevolent blood-red beams, Dana Noel was in her element. However, as she dispatched the final done with a finishing flourish, the golden gunslinger was only too aware that this was merely the first phase of her challenge, the one which accentuated her strengths. Now, she would have to prove that she could overcome her weaknesses as well…

“Nice work, Dana!” her instructor, Shelby Kwan, commended with an approving grin. “You could give a clinic on how to take down aerial opponents attacking en mass.”

“Thanks, Shel!” Dana replied in her typical exuberant manner. “I’ve been training really hard, so I’m glad to see all that work paid off!”

A veteran Ars Magi and Wing of Justice, no less, Shelby had initially seemed quite the imposing figure, but Dana had quickly discovered that the bearer of the Shimmering Silver Spinel Armgaus was actually a very laid-back sort, one who had even gone so far as to allow her boisterous pupil to call her by a friendly nickname. Of course, Dana knew she would be foolish to think Shelby’s relaxed demeanor in any way mitigated her staggering combat ability. Sharing Dana’s affinity for the Light elementum, the silver-haired Wing of Justice used her mystical abilities to augment a melee focused fighting style, often bending light around her to conceal her presence, at least until she was ready to strike. In addition, she employed a pair of energy blades as her gladius, weapons which, for all intents and purposes, might as well be called lightsabers. Unsurprisingly, Dana thought this was incredibly cool, but also more than a little terrifying, especially since she had a sneaking suspicion that she’d have a chance to see the weapons in action firsthand…

“Okay, so, the next phase of your exam is to see how well you can compensate for your various weaknesses,” Shelby explained. “In particular, your lack of any real close combat capabilities. As I’m sure you’ve already guessed, since drones are fairly useless as opponents in that regard, and Voids would be a little too dangerous, you’ll be facing the nearest equivalent- another Ars Magi. Namely, me.” she added, activating her energy blades, which glowed with a pale blue radiance. “Ready to start?”

Dana was about to reply, but before she could open her mouth, Shelby had vanished.

A hologram? But then…!

The golden gunslinger barely had time to roll out of the way, before Shelby reappeared behind where she’d been standing split second earlier, the instructor’s twin lightsabers slicing apart a few of her stars that hadn’t moved fast enough.

Yikes… I was almost a goner there… Dana thought as she tried to calm her racing heart.

“Lesson one: don’t let your enemy set the pace,” Shelby told her pupil, who was even now backflipping her way across the rooftop in an effort to put as much distance between herself and her instructor as possible. “You always need to seize the initiative. If an enemy seizes it first, make regaining it your top priority. I know most Voids aren’t really the talkative type,” she continued, while effortlessly batting away the various energy bolts Dana was firing at her. “But you can never tell what kinds of powers high-classes of Voids might have. They could distract you with taunts, or disguise themselves completely. They could even pretend to be someone you know. Anything to get you to let your guard down.”

Dana’s eyes widened as Shelby disappeared again.

“Feeling paranoid yet?” an amused voice whispered in her ear.

Dana had barely whirled around, when she felt a powerful kick being driven into her stomach. The Norban gasped in pain as the force of the blow sent her flying into an old air conditioning unit, which crumpled behind her.

Crap! Crap! Crap…! Dana swore as she clutched her aching stomach and struggled to stand on her shaking legs.

Even now, Shelby was racing toward her, leaping up to deliver a finishing blow. It took all of Dana’s rapidly dwindling strength to dodge to the side at the last moment, but when she tried to fire a shot at her instructor, the Wing of Justice delivered a swift strike to the Norban’s hand. Although the strength of Shelby’s energy blades had been significantly reduced for this exercise, they still hurt like hell. Crying out in pain, Dana dropped her gladius and fell backwards onto the rooftop.

That was pretty sloppy,” Shelby chided as she strode closer. “If I was a Void, you’d be missing a hand right now. I gotta say,” she added with a disappointed frown. “I was expecting better from you, Dana.”

Stopping in front of the fallen girl, Shelby raised one of her energy blades for a final strike. However, before she could bring it crashing down, Dana opened a clenched fist, from which emerged a blinding flash. When it faded, the Norban was gone.

“Well done…” Shelby noted with an approving smirk. “Maybe there’s hope for you yet.”

In a darkened alleyway, tucked between two bulky dumpsters, a battered and bruised Dana Noel tried to compose herself. Her small body still shuddered with each ragged breath, but the irrepressible Norban knew that whatever momentary reprieve she had found would be short-lived. Shelby was bound to find her again soon enough, and when that happened, Dana needed to be ready, or else everything she’d accomplished thus far would have been for nothing.

Come on, Dana, she told herself, hugging her knees close to her chest as rain dripped off the brim of her hat. Get it together! You can do this!

The golden gunslinger was intimately familiar with the fact that her ability to engage foes in melee was utterly laughable compared to that of her teammates, but she had devoted countless long hours, and more than one sleepless night, to finding ways of overcoming this deficiency. Thus far, however, those efforts hadn’t amounted to very much…

But that changes now

A moment later, the sound of approaching footsteps caught her attention.

“So, hide and seek, huh?” the amused voice of Shelby Kwan called out. “Y’know, that was actually an impressive little trick you pulled back on the rooftop,” she added. “Keep that up, and you might even have a shot at beating me!”

Okay, this is it…

Taking a deep breath, Dana grit her teeth and prepared for round two.

Although she had recovered her gladius before making her escape and the pain in her hand had subsided to a dull ache, the young Ars Magi was doubtful that she’d be able to hit a target of Shelby’s agility and defensive prowess, even in an ambush situation. Thus, she would focus on a different target, a roughly cylindrical piece of machinery attached to one of the alley walls. Dana had no idea what function it might have served, but, with luck, it would now play the role of obstruction and distraction. Snapping off two quick shots to free her target from the wall, Dana didn’t waste time watching its impact on the ground below. Instead, she darted out of the alley, vaulting over a wrecked car, before coming to a stop in the center of the street. Turning to face the alley she’d just emerged from, the golden gunslinger dropped to one knee and, holding her gladius with both hands, took careful aim with Shining Zenith.

She was just quick enough to observe the blur of motion that was Shelby Kwan leap out of the alley. Behind her, the mangled form of the cylindrical piece of machinery, which Dana had hoped would at least slow the Wing of Justice down, still glowed molten red from where the veteran Ars Magi had sliced her way through it. Dana fired shot after shot as her foe barreled towards her with all the force of a runaway bullet train.

That’s it… Just a little closer… Dana thought as her golden eyes narrowed with fierce intensity. I’m done running away…

As fast as Shelby batted Dana’s auric bolts right back at her, the sharpshooter conjured an array of glowing stars to absorb them, until the Wing of Justice finally came within striking range. Leaping above her target, Shelby prepared to bring both her energy blades down with stupendous force, but Dana was ready for this. In the blink of an eye, her myriad stars had coalesced into a single brilliant barrier.

I’m gonna end this right now!

For the briefest moment, Shelby hung suspended in midair as her blades crashed against the star-shaped shield, before a blinding blast of auric energy shot forth, the starburst’s stunning power sending the Wing of Justice flying across the street to impact against the side of a building with a loud crash. All was quiet for several seconds, until Dana slowly rose to her feet and cautiously walked over to where Shelby lay atop a pile of rubble.

“How was that? the sunny sharpshooter asked with one of her trademark grins, while pointing her gladius at the center of the Wing of Justice’s head.

“Not bad,” a weary-sounding Shelby replied with a chuckle. “Not bad at all…” she added as Dana offered a hand to help the veteran Ars Magi to her feet.

“Thanks!” Dana replied, fully back to her cheerful self, despite her clear exhaustion. “Ya really had me on the ropes for a bit there,” she explained. “I was startin’ to get scared that I might not be able to beat ya, but then I realized I had to stop worrying and just let my heart light my way!”

“Guardian Gunslinger Alexis…” Shelby noted with a grin.

“Yeah!” Dana replied, her eyes gleaming with delight. “Are you a fan of her’s too?!” she asked eagerly.

“You better believe it!” the Wing of Justice confirmed. “I’ve watched every episode and movie at least three times,” she added. “Alexis was a big inspiration for me growing up, but I’ve always had a special appreciation for her partner, Izumi. Her skill with dual wielding was what led to my desire to master fighting with twin blades myself.”

“Really?! That’s awesome!” Dana gushed. “Ever since I was a little kid, I wanted to be just like Alexis! Although, I guess that’s pretty obvious with my fighting style and all…” she added sheepishly.

“After we get cleaned up and the debriefings are all finished, what do you say we hang out for a bit and watch some of our favorite episodes?” Shelby inquired. “Snacks and pizza are my treat.”

“That sounds great!” Dana cheered, her exhaustion seemingly swept away by a flood of exuberance. “Thanks so much!”

“You earned it,” Shelby replied warmly as she put an arm around her pupil's shoulder. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

As the pair departed, the clouds above them began to disperse, allowing shafts of warm sunlight to reveal the prismatic glory of a rainbow. It was a sight that promised a bright and hopeful future for not only Dana Noel, but with luck, the entirety of Team Radiant Storm, and the world they had all vowed to defend.

Ashley ground her teeth in utter fury as she watched Justin violate Betty’s dignity in a particularly disgusting manner, although her anger still paled in comparison to Fable’s manic rage. However, before any of the G.E.M.I.N.I. espers could make a move, Gale, of all people, dropped down from her hiding place on the roof above Justin and attempted to drive her instrument through the vampire’s head. Sadly, any chance of this sneak attack being successful was thwarted when the building itself seemed to come alive and fling her into the street. It was only thanks to Breacher’s quick thinking that the bluenette didn’t plummet to her death on the pavement below. The source of the building’s sudden mobility soon became apparent as Gunther poked his spectral head out of a wall, but even as he did so, something else chose that moment to make its appearance…

From a jagged hole rent in the roiling thunderheads it descended, a horrific monstrosity that almost made Ashley’s heart stop. For a moment, the Knight of Tomorrow simply stared up at the terrifying behemoth in stunned silence, even as a crimson torrent rained down upon her. This… This thing was enormous! How could they possibly defeat such a foe? Such thoughts raced through the young esper’s mind, but she knew they would have to. For the sake of everyone living in Pax Septimus, there could be no other option. Although it seemed there was a more immediate threat to deal with first…

Not content with his first trick, Gunther employed his bound spirits to levitate a trio of cars, upon which Justin and his two brainwashed minions rode to engage the G.E.M.I.N.I. espers in earnest. As a crazed Betty leapt upon them, screaming Fable’s name with unhinged ferocity, Ashley used the olympian physical abilities of her esper form to leap out of the arc of the deranged girl’s swing, as well as the flying pac-man projectile launched by Pac-a-Fist. With Fable seeming content to bait Betty, Ashley, wielding one of the only two ranged instruments among them, decided to focus on eliminating Justin. The vampire himself was currently focused on dealing with Gale, which gave the Knight of Tomorrow a small window of opportunity. With an array of glowing particles coalescing between the prongs of her techno-wand, Ashley fired a protective melody at Gale, followed by a bolt of arcane destruction at Justin, less than a second later. At the very least, this would save the bluenette’s life, and possibly allow her to make a second attempt on Justin’s.

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Clip Light
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2)


[Silver Beam][Shield][Reflect] = -168 mana


“So am I!” Ashely added once Breacher had responded to Leroux’s question, nodding to each of the newly arrived agents in turn.

As they waited for their foe to make its grand entrance, Ashley’s attention was drawn to their team’s youngest member, who had pulled what appeared to be a sentient puppet from his pocket and begun conversing with it. Despite the seriousness of the situation, it was still a rather charming sight nonetheless. “So, who’s your friend?” Ashly inquired with a smile. The boy barely had time to make a quick introduction, before the puppet noted that they weren’t alone…

Ashley gasped.

There, on a balcony opposite the precinct, was none other than Justin Von Carnage, flanked by two young women Ashley quickly recognized as Betty and Pac-a-Fist. How was this even possible, she wondered as she entered the esper state, her hand tightly gripping her instrument and her teeth clenched in a snarl of fury. After all this time, Justin had been right across the street?! Seriously?! Still, now was not the time to question or berate the capabilities of their information sources. Justin alone was bad enough, but he also had two hostages with him, innocent victims the Knight of Tomorrow couldn’t bring herself to harm, and, even worse, the Holy Diver would be arriving at any moment!

They had to act fast, but what to do? Any attack on Justin from this distance could easily be blocked by his “expendable” hostages, and there was precious little room on the balcony for a melee engagement, even if they could get over to it, to say nothing of how woefully underpowered they probably were against such a foe… Still, before Ashley could take even a single action, Timekeeper stepped forward to deliver an emotional and rage-filled rant, vowing to kill the vampire, no matter what it took. While Ashley had to admire the boy’s conviction, she was still more than a little concerned about his current mental state. After all, this wasn’t the time for recklessness, or to let one’s emotions get the better of them, something Eddy thankfully seemed to agree with.

“Eddy’s right!” Ashley spoke up over the torrential, and increasingly crimson, downpour. “We’re a team! If we work together, we can make sure neither Justin nor the Diver will live to harm another innocent ever again!”

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Clip Light
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2)




“Is that it?” Adam Avenir asked, pointing to the green marble-size sphere.

“Uh huh,” Ashley confirmed as she continued to pack several sets of cloths and her most important belongings into a small collection of suitcases and travel bags. The G.E.M.I.N.I. people would be stopping by to pick her up the following day, and she wanted to make sure everything was ready by the time she went to bed.

“Wow…” the thirteen-year-old boy marveled as he picked the item up to get a closer look at its shimmering interior. “And you have no idea who gave it to you?”

“Nope,” his big sister replied. “It was in an unmarked box, sitting on the table along with the rest of my graduation presents.”

Although nearly everyone’s recollections on what, exactly, had transpired during the graduation party were rather hazy, Ashley’s brother, by virtue of being the closest to her, had seen and remembered everything. Ashley had sworn him to secrecy, of course, and Adam had been only too happy to keep the knowledge to himself as a special secret between siblings, something which only served to further strengthen the pair’s already inseparable bond.

“That’s awesome!” Adam declared. “Like, whoever made this thing must have been searching for just the right person to have it, and after seeing how much you love to help people, they chose you! This is, like, your very own origin story!”

“Maybe…” Ashley conceded with a slight blush.

“Come on, show me how it works again!” Adam begged his sister with an eager grin as he held the tiny orb out to her. “Pleeease?

“All right, all right,” Ashley told him with a giggle. “Just give me a moment,” she added, taking the offered sphere and stepping back into the empty center of her room. Closing her eyes for a moment, there was a bright green flash, and then…

“So cool!” Adam cheered as he took in his sister’s transformed appearance. “You look like you just stepped out of a video game, or maybe a sci-fi movie! And with all those cool powers you have, you could totally be a superhero!”

By this point, Ashley’s cheeks had turned a bright crimson from all the hero worship, but she was still smiling nonetheless. “Well, now that I’m joining G.E.M.I.N.I., I’ll be able to learn how to use my powers to help people, so I suppose that’s sort of like being a superhero,” she reflected. “Although I doubt it’ll be anywhere near as glamorous as what you see in the movies,” she added.

“Still, if you’re gonna be a superhero, you gotta have a super awesome codename!” Adam insisted. “How about Future Girl?!”

“I’m not really a fan of that…” Ashley replied with a frown.

“Then what about Captain Future?!”

“I think that’s already been taken.”

“Tomorrow Lady?”

“Hmmm…” Ashley mused as she found her attention drawn to her brother’s t-shirt, which depicted the cast of his favorite comic series in vibrant colors, with the name “Knights of the Cosmos” boldly emblazoned above them. “How about… The Knight of Tomorrow?”

“Oh wow!” Adam exclaimed, his face lighting up with excitement. “That sounds great! You’re really good at this codename thing, sis!” he added with a grin. “But, then, you’re pretty amazing at everything!”

“And here I thought little brothers were supposed to annoy their big sisters,” Ashley teased as she wrapped Adam up in an affectionate hug. “Thanks Adam,” she whispered before placing a soft kiss on his forehead. “I’m really going to miss you.”

“Me too,” her brother replied as he returned the hug with interest. “You gotta promise you’ll tell me about all your cool adventures when you come home for Thanksgiving.”

“Okay,” she agreed, smiling down at him from an even greater height than usual, thanks to her taller esper form and its rather impractical footwear. “It’s a promise.”


Ashley couldn’t help but think of her brother as she made her way along the rainy streets to Precinct #11, her hood up and an umbrella in one hand. Although he was safe in Tomasville, the bond she shared with him naturally brought to mind the familial bonds shared by all the inhabitants of Pax Septimus, bonds that would be irrevocably shattered, should she and her teammates fail today. Dr. Moller had sent out one of her typical, unnaturally nonchalant, messages, informing the agents where to meet, and as Ashley replayed that message, a part of her wondered just how much of the doctor’s almost carefree overconfidence was actually genuine…

She always puts on such a brave facade, but…

Ashley shook her head. There was no sense questioning such things now, not when her team, her city, was depending on her to be at her absolute best. Entering the building in question, the young esper made her way to the roof, where she found two of her fellow agents had already arrived.

“Timekeeper, Silhouette,” she greeted with the best smile she could muster, given the circumstances.“It’s good to see you. So, um, have either of you given any thought as to how we might actually go about fighting this thing?”

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Clip Light
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2)


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