• Appearance:

• Name: Norika Tsukishima
• Title: Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow
• Age: 18
• Emblem: A pendant shaped like a small retro ray gun. It hangs from a necklace kept hidden under her clothes.
• Devil Arm: After transforming, Norika’s innocuous pendant becomes The Omega Obliterator, an enormous technomantic energy cannon.
• Magic: Death Rays! Not only is Nyxia’s weapon a death ray, but she can also shoot them from her hands, her eyes, and even her mouth. In addition, she can pump magic into The Omega Obliterator to supercharge it with extra power (causing it to grow larger and even sprout additional barrels), as well as conjure a pair of hovering, ray gun equipped drones to provide additional firepower or point defense as needed.
• Background: Born into the wealthy and prestigious Tsukishima family alongside her twin brother, Kaito, it soon became clear that Norika was his complete opposite in every respect. Where Kaito was brave and confident, Norika was timid, her self esteem virtually nonexistent. Where he was skilled, she seemed to fail at everything. And where he was healthy and strong, she was sickly and weak, to the point of being almost constantly bedridden for most of her young life. That said, she loved her brother dearly and never cursed his good fortune.
For his part, Kaito was equally caring towards Norika, showing her the affection their parents refused to give to such an “utter disgrace of a child”, and using the gifts they lavished upon him for her benefit, rather than his own. He would play video games with her, read her stories, and even gift her with a VR headset so that she could experience what it felt like to play outside under a sunny sky. Truly, he was the sole bright spot in Norika’s otherwise bleak and hopeless life.
Alas, even this fragile beacon would all-too-quickly be snuffed out…
On their eighteenth birthday, Kaito reluctantly informed Norika that their parents had decided that he would study abroad after graduation, at a prominent foreign university. He would only be able to see her a handful of times each year, but, even so, he promised that their bond would never falter. Even as he spoke these words, he presented his tearful sister with a small toy ray gun, explaining that it would grant her courage and strength, even if he couldn’t be present to provide those things for her himself. It was by far the most cherished gift he had ever given her, and it greatly helped to mend her breaking heart. However, nothing could withstand the soul-destroying horror that came only a week later, when she learned that Kaito had died in a car crash on the way to the airport.
Her grief was so strong, it felt as though she were being suffocated by it, as if it were a palpable force that was literally choking the life out of her. That night, while she was crying in bed, the nebulous force fully revealed itself. It was a nightmarish horror, which seemed to rise up from the floor, a writhing mass of slimy tendrils and segmented limbs with the head of a demonic mosquito. At first Norika was frozen in fear, but then she realized that the monster was frozen as well, and that a strange cat with a tv for a head was now sitting in front of her on the bed. It spoke not a word, but its flickering screen showed exactly what this monster had done the night before, exactly whose head had been impaled upon its spiked proboscis, and upon seeing this, Norika’s fear turned to blazing, glowing, incandescent rage…
In that, the darkest moment of her life, even darker power surged into her, remaking timid, weak Norika into someone altogether more terrifying. In a blast of dark radiance, Norika was reborn, her toy ray gun now a weapon of horrible potency, and she wasted no time in making use of it. Giving voice to a scream of anguished fury, the transformed Norika annihilated her monstrous visitor, the ruinous energies of her death ray violently rending the nightmarish creature asunder.
Although she passed out shortly afterwards, Norika knew that what had occurred the night before had been no mere dream. There may have been no trace of the tv-headed cat or the monster’s myriad goopy remains, but the fact that her toy ray gun had now become a small, slightly glowing pendant was all the proof she needed. She knew what had really happened to her brother, she knew what horrors haunted the night, but most importantly, she knew she now had the power to kill them. To kill ALL of them…
Each subsequent night, she would transform into her psychotic alter-ego and kill as many Miseria as she possibly could. Already enjoying a euphoric high from her nightly slaughters, she soon discovered that each Miseria killed also increased her own power, making her even better at cleansing the streets of them. And then she had a twisted epiphany. If she could become powerful enough, her death rays could do more than tear though Miseria and mundane objects. They could tear trough the very fabric of reality, letting her travel back in time to the night of her brother’s death. They could let her save him! With this deranged video game-inspired goal at the forefront of her mind, Norika, or rather, Nyxia, has made it a personal vow to kill as many Miseria as it takes to achieve it, and pity anyone who dares to stand in her way…
• Sample Post:
• Other: Due to a combination of her poor health and her family’s vast wealth, Norika was home schooled (when she was even healthy enough to attend lessons), and so is not currently a member of Hibusa High’s Detention Club.

• Name: Norika Tsukishima
• Title: Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow
• Age: 18
• Emblem: A pendant shaped like a small retro ray gun. It hangs from a necklace kept hidden under her clothes.
• Devil Arm: After transforming, Norika’s innocuous pendant becomes The Omega Obliterator, an enormous technomantic energy cannon.
• Magic: Death Rays! Not only is Nyxia’s weapon a death ray, but she can also shoot them from her hands, her eyes, and even her mouth. In addition, she can pump magic into The Omega Obliterator to supercharge it with extra power (causing it to grow larger and even sprout additional barrels), as well as conjure a pair of hovering, ray gun equipped drones to provide additional firepower or point defense as needed.
• Background: Born into the wealthy and prestigious Tsukishima family alongside her twin brother, Kaito, it soon became clear that Norika was his complete opposite in every respect. Where Kaito was brave and confident, Norika was timid, her self esteem virtually nonexistent. Where he was skilled, she seemed to fail at everything. And where he was healthy and strong, she was sickly and weak, to the point of being almost constantly bedridden for most of her young life. That said, she loved her brother dearly and never cursed his good fortune.
For his part, Kaito was equally caring towards Norika, showing her the affection their parents refused to give to such an “utter disgrace of a child”, and using the gifts they lavished upon him for her benefit, rather than his own. He would play video games with her, read her stories, and even gift her with a VR headset so that she could experience what it felt like to play outside under a sunny sky. Truly, he was the sole bright spot in Norika’s otherwise bleak and hopeless life.
Alas, even this fragile beacon would all-too-quickly be snuffed out…
On their eighteenth birthday, Kaito reluctantly informed Norika that their parents had decided that he would study abroad after graduation, at a prominent foreign university. He would only be able to see her a handful of times each year, but, even so, he promised that their bond would never falter. Even as he spoke these words, he presented his tearful sister with a small toy ray gun, explaining that it would grant her courage and strength, even if he couldn’t be present to provide those things for her himself. It was by far the most cherished gift he had ever given her, and it greatly helped to mend her breaking heart. However, nothing could withstand the soul-destroying horror that came only a week later, when she learned that Kaito had died in a car crash on the way to the airport.
Her grief was so strong, it felt as though she were being suffocated by it, as if it were a palpable force that was literally choking the life out of her. That night, while she was crying in bed, the nebulous force fully revealed itself. It was a nightmarish horror, which seemed to rise up from the floor, a writhing mass of slimy tendrils and segmented limbs with the head of a demonic mosquito. At first Norika was frozen in fear, but then she realized that the monster was frozen as well, and that a strange cat with a tv for a head was now sitting in front of her on the bed. It spoke not a word, but its flickering screen showed exactly what this monster had done the night before, exactly whose head had been impaled upon its spiked proboscis, and upon seeing this, Norika’s fear turned to blazing, glowing, incandescent rage…
In that, the darkest moment of her life, even darker power surged into her, remaking timid, weak Norika into someone altogether more terrifying. In a blast of dark radiance, Norika was reborn, her toy ray gun now a weapon of horrible potency, and she wasted no time in making use of it. Giving voice to a scream of anguished fury, the transformed Norika annihilated her monstrous visitor, the ruinous energies of her death ray violently rending the nightmarish creature asunder.
Although she passed out shortly afterwards, Norika knew that what had occurred the night before had been no mere dream. There may have been no trace of the tv-headed cat or the monster’s myriad goopy remains, but the fact that her toy ray gun had now become a small, slightly glowing pendant was all the proof she needed. She knew what had really happened to her brother, she knew what horrors haunted the night, but most importantly, she knew she now had the power to kill them. To kill ALL of them…
Each subsequent night, she would transform into her psychotic alter-ego and kill as many Miseria as she possibly could. Already enjoying a euphoric high from her nightly slaughters, she soon discovered that each Miseria killed also increased her own power, making her even better at cleansing the streets of them. And then she had a twisted epiphany. If she could become powerful enough, her death rays could do more than tear though Miseria and mundane objects. They could tear trough the very fabric of reality, letting her travel back in time to the night of her brother’s death. They could let her save him! With this deranged video game-inspired goal at the forefront of her mind, Norika, or rather, Nyxia, has made it a personal vow to kill as many Miseria as it takes to achieve it, and pity anyone who dares to stand in her way…
• Sample Post:
In the otherwise silent depths of the night, the sound of muffled sobs filled the opulent bedroom, their source barely visible as a small, shuddering lump underneath the covers, dimly illuminated by the star-shaped nightlight in the corner of the otherwise shadowy chamber. This had been by far the worst day of Norika’s life, and as the night’s darkness threatened to smother her frail body, so too did an even more profound darkness threaten to smother her heart. “K-Kaito… K-Kaito…” she whimpered as she clung to her ray gun with all her meager strength.
It was an incredibly juvenile thing for a young woman of eighteen years to be doing, objectively speaking, yet Norika had always been meek and childish, something not helped by the scrawny, almost emaciated appearance of her illness-ravaged body. Yet, Norika didn’t care. This “toy” was a precious gift from the one person to ever treat her with kindness, and now that he was gone, it was all she had left of him. He had said it would give her strength, and she desperately wanted to believe his words. How often had they practiced using the gun to banish fears and unhappy thoughts. “Pew pew!” she would voice as she pretended to shoot those phantasmal foes, taking courage from the “weapon” her brother had promised would protect her just as well as he had. She tried to do that now, but the words wouldn’t come. Only tears. In the depths of her broken heart, Norika knew the truth. She was utterly, completely powerless and utterly, completely alone.
Yet, as she would soon discover, neither of those things were true…
The sudden flickering of her nightlight was Norika’s first indication that something wasn’t quite right. Peeking out from under her covers, the timid girl gave voice to a frightened gasp as she watched the shadows swirl and coalesce into the menacing form of a nightmarish monstrosity, a chittering, writhing mass of viscus tendrils and segmented, insectoid limbs, all tipped by wickedly curving spines. Eyes wide as she shuddered with indescribable terror, Norika instinctively whipped out her ray gun and pointed it at the monstrous horror’s mosquito-like head. “P-P-Pew, p-p-pew…” she whimpered in a barely-audible voice as she ineffectually squeezed the trigger. Tears continued to stream down her cheeks and her weak heart pounded like a jackhammer, threatening to completely give out at any moment. Yet, even so, she noticed that while her “weapon” might not have managed to harm the monster, the creature had stopped moving forward. In fact, it had completely frozen in place.
A moment later, the terrified girl realized that a cat had sat itself down on her bed. A cat with a static-filled tv screen for a head. Even as Norika’s eyes were drawn to that flickering screen, the static faded, only to be replaced by a scene even more nightmarish than the one she currently found herself in. It showed her brother’s limousine being attacked by the very creature now frozen before her bed. It showed her brother being violently pulled out of the mangled wreckage. It showed the creature’s spiked proboscis extending. It showed…
Norika screamed. It was a scream of anguish, a scream of horror, but also, far more than anything else, it was a scream of rage. In that instant, Norika’s heart shattered completely, only to be reforged an instant later by a dark power of unimaginable potency. Glowing, sickly energy surged from deep within her, remaking the fearful and fragile girl into something, into someone, far stronger and far more terrifying… Like a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis, Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow emerged from the pitiful remains of Norika Tsukishima to utterly annihilate the wretched thing that had dared to kill her beloved brother. The ruinous beam disgorged by her massively enlarged ray gun utterly rent the hapless monster asunder, splattering its smoldering remains all across the once-immaculate chamber.
Her mouth spread wide in a sadistic grin as she gleefully took note of her accomplishment and reveled in the gleeful euphoria it filled her with, Nyxia tossed her head back and unleashed a deafening peal of psychotic laughter.
“YES!!!” she cried in deranged delight. “DIE YOU MOTHER FUCKING SHIT STAIN!!!” she screamed as she fired at the creature’s remains again and again. “DIE, DIE, DIE!!! HAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!”
Collapsing back onto her bed in utter exhaustion, Nyxia hugged her enormous energy cannon tight to her heaving chest.
“T-Thank you, baby,” she whispered, before giving the weapon an affectionate kiss. “Y-you really did protect mommy, didn’t you…” she murmured, before slipping off into a deep and contented slumber.
It might have been the worst day of her young life, but it was also unquestionably the best night.
It was an incredibly juvenile thing for a young woman of eighteen years to be doing, objectively speaking, yet Norika had always been meek and childish, something not helped by the scrawny, almost emaciated appearance of her illness-ravaged body. Yet, Norika didn’t care. This “toy” was a precious gift from the one person to ever treat her with kindness, and now that he was gone, it was all she had left of him. He had said it would give her strength, and she desperately wanted to believe his words. How often had they practiced using the gun to banish fears and unhappy thoughts. “Pew pew!” she would voice as she pretended to shoot those phantasmal foes, taking courage from the “weapon” her brother had promised would protect her just as well as he had. She tried to do that now, but the words wouldn’t come. Only tears. In the depths of her broken heart, Norika knew the truth. She was utterly, completely powerless and utterly, completely alone.
Yet, as she would soon discover, neither of those things were true…
The sudden flickering of her nightlight was Norika’s first indication that something wasn’t quite right. Peeking out from under her covers, the timid girl gave voice to a frightened gasp as she watched the shadows swirl and coalesce into the menacing form of a nightmarish monstrosity, a chittering, writhing mass of viscus tendrils and segmented, insectoid limbs, all tipped by wickedly curving spines. Eyes wide as she shuddered with indescribable terror, Norika instinctively whipped out her ray gun and pointed it at the monstrous horror’s mosquito-like head. “P-P-Pew, p-p-pew…” she whimpered in a barely-audible voice as she ineffectually squeezed the trigger. Tears continued to stream down her cheeks and her weak heart pounded like a jackhammer, threatening to completely give out at any moment. Yet, even so, she noticed that while her “weapon” might not have managed to harm the monster, the creature had stopped moving forward. In fact, it had completely frozen in place.
A moment later, the terrified girl realized that a cat had sat itself down on her bed. A cat with a static-filled tv screen for a head. Even as Norika’s eyes were drawn to that flickering screen, the static faded, only to be replaced by a scene even more nightmarish than the one she currently found herself in. It showed her brother’s limousine being attacked by the very creature now frozen before her bed. It showed her brother being violently pulled out of the mangled wreckage. It showed the creature’s spiked proboscis extending. It showed…
Norika screamed. It was a scream of anguish, a scream of horror, but also, far more than anything else, it was a scream of rage. In that instant, Norika’s heart shattered completely, only to be reforged an instant later by a dark power of unimaginable potency. Glowing, sickly energy surged from deep within her, remaking the fearful and fragile girl into something, into someone, far stronger and far more terrifying… Like a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis, Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow emerged from the pitiful remains of Norika Tsukishima to utterly annihilate the wretched thing that had dared to kill her beloved brother. The ruinous beam disgorged by her massively enlarged ray gun utterly rent the hapless monster asunder, splattering its smoldering remains all across the once-immaculate chamber.
Her mouth spread wide in a sadistic grin as she gleefully took note of her accomplishment and reveled in the gleeful euphoria it filled her with, Nyxia tossed her head back and unleashed a deafening peal of psychotic laughter.
“YES!!!” she cried in deranged delight. “DIE YOU MOTHER FUCKING SHIT STAIN!!!” she screamed as she fired at the creature’s remains again and again. “DIE, DIE, DIE!!! HAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!”
Collapsing back onto her bed in utter exhaustion, Nyxia hugged her enormous energy cannon tight to her heaving chest.
“T-Thank you, baby,” she whispered, before giving the weapon an affectionate kiss. “Y-you really did protect mommy, didn’t you…” she murmured, before slipping off into a deep and contented slumber.
It might have been the worst day of her young life, but it was also unquestionably the best night.
• Other: Due to a combination of her poor health and her family’s vast wealth, Norika was home schooled (when she was even healthy enough to attend lessons), and so is not currently a member of Hibusa High’s Detention Club.