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Himea: Lectures Nyxia about caution

Also Himea: Attacks while underestimating the light girls

Don't worry, Nyxia will be happy to call her out on that.


Holy FUCK… Nyxia thought to herself as Earthshaker returned from having a bit of fun in the street to go right back to lecturing her about “being a team player”. I thought these girls were supposed to be delinquents, and here THIS bitch is acting like a fucking head disciplinarian… Yet, when the shamanic girl made her quip about Nyxia’s outfit, the Neon Tempest couldn’t help but smirk, a smirk which only grew wider when Earthshaker mentioned her chest.

“Really?” Nyxia sneered. “You actually get smaller when you transform? And here I thought magical girl forms represented our ideal selves. Or are your boobs not the only thing that gets bigger when you change back?” she inquired with a smirk. “Well, whatever. It’s not like I’d ever be attracted to a wardrobe malfunction waiting to happen with a stick the size of a redwood up her ass,” she added. “Oh, and speaking of wardrobes, that little attempt at an insult wasn’t half bad, but my outfit is still a thousand times more practical than yours. Hate to ruin your fucked up fantasies, but not only is this not painted on, it’s fully armored,” the Neon Tempest explained, tapping a finger against her abdomen. “I’m pretty fucking agile, but I still wouldn’t want to take the chances you seem to be fine with.”

As if to prove her point, a glowing, pink arrow chose that moment to arc through the sky towards where Rei and two other girls were standing. Although the trio swiftly vacated the area before it hit, the impact still caused the lamp post to be engulfed in pink flames. Idly curious as to the source of the projectile, Nyxia turned her head to see that it had been fired by a pink-haired girl in a frilly dress. Something in the girl’s demeanor led the Neon Tempest to believe this was not simply another member of Rei’s little fan club, a suspicion that was confirmed a moment later, when the green-haired club leader issued an order to capture the newcomer. There was even a reward to be claimed for being the one to do so, in the form of choosing the establishment at which the club would have dinner, but (contrary to Acid Drop’s internal musings) even this incentive did little to motivate Nyxia to take part in Rei’s little game. She had never shared a meal with anyone other than her brother, and had no desire to change that now, especially not with a collection of annoying strangers for company. Besides, if everyone was competing to capture little miss cotton candy over there, then who would be left to take care of the Miseria? Slaying them would always be Nyxia’s top priority, and if their uninvited guest helped to keep the others from getting in her way as she did just that, then she would have to thank the clueless-looking girl once someone finally managed to capture her, a task which seemed to have grown a bit more challenging, now that two of the girl’s apparent allies had just shown up.

The Neon Tempest was just about to return her full attention to her glorious slaughter, when another of Rei’s bothersome brown-nosers called up to her, offering words of advice in a particularly condescending manner. If anything, this royal-looking girl was even worse than Earthshaker…

“Why, thank you so very much, your highness,” Nyxia replied in a tone practically dripping with sarcasm, while dramatically placing the splayed fingers of one hand over her chest. “Whatever would I do without your oh-so-valuable advice?! I mean, taking thirty seconds to kill just a single one of these pathetic fuckers is obviously far more effective than annihilating over two dozen in the same amount of time!”

Chapter One-
The Benefits of Making Friends

Yeah, I know it's a huge banner, but I think I deserve something special for my first solo post, don't you?

For Kate Carson, the chance to catch up with old friends was a proposition that she found never failed to provide numerous rewards. Although she very easily could have employed the polychronal reality shard she’d received from Xozooth to ascertain the information she sought, one of the perks of her line of work was the fact that she could travel to interesting places, see interesting sights, and, yes, reunite with acquaintances unseen in several years, if not several decades, acquaintances who could offer an array of valuable services. This particular trip would be no exception, of that, Kate was certain. In fact, it promised to be very rewarding indeed…

Widely considered to be one of the shining jewels of the Pacific Northwest, Seayoto was truly a beautiful city, and from her vantage point on the wooded slope of Mount McNab, Kate was afforded an exceptionally breathtaking view of the costal metropolis. The air was crisp and clear, the sun’s rays providing a pleasant warmth to the diminutive photographer, even as they gleamed off the city’s numerous skyscrapers and sent swarms of sparkles dancing across the waters of Seayoto Bay. Yet, Kate wasn’t here simply to sightsee. She had an important job to do, and after scanning the city’s impressive skyline, the photographer shifted her sights to a far more modest collection of structures. Just a short distance below her, and snugly nestled into the forest foliage, was Seayoto Sanitarium, the place where the subject of today’s covert photo op would be found.

Hailed by many in the mental health community as an exceedingly progressive institution, the sanitarium’s patients were frequently afforded time to get some fresh air and enjoy the mountain scenery from the safety of its park-like courtyard. Sometimes, small games were even arranged. But Kate’s subject adamantly avoided those as she was led outside, choosing instead to curl up on a bench and rapidly look around the courtyard in terror, as if fearing a surprise attack at any moment.

Yikes… Kate gulped. Good thing I’m hidden in these bushes…

After zooming in to confirm that this was, in fact, Megan Vanderbeck, Kate snapped a quick picture of the panicked woman and looked over the new information provided by her camera’s display. As it turned out, the woman had, in fact, been visited by agents of the Queen of Hearts, and although they had found no evidence that she, or her daughter, had any relation to their sovereign’s own missing daughter, the experience had throughly shattered the poor woman’s sanity, something further confirmed by the freakout Mrs. Vanderbeck was now having, after noticing that one of the outdoor games being played was croquet…

“Well now, what’s this? Kate murmured when she noticed that Megan’s file still had more details to convey, her mouth curling into the beginnings of a smirk. “Looks like the Wonderlanders aren’t quite done here just yet…”

“NoT dOnE! NoT dOnE!” a cheerfully warped voice sang out. “STiLL tImE fOr FuN! HeE hEe!”

Whirling around, Kate saw that the strange voice’s source was an even stranger being, a twisted, sinister-looking fairy.

“ShE wAs UnKiNd, sO I bRoKe hEr MiNd! BrOkE hEr MiNd! HeE hEe!” the bizarre being continued.

“You’re a sadistic little thing, huh?” Kate noted, not seeming particularly concerned.

“SaDiStiC tHiNg, yEs, yEs, tHaT’s tRuE!” the dark fairy confirmed with demented glee. “NoW iT’s TiMe tO pLaY WiTh yOu!

With that, a pack of six wendigos appeared in a swirling of mystic energy, all poised to pounce upon the seemingly defenseless Kate.

“So, you’ve got pets, huh?” the photographer asked with a smirk as she pulled a golden whistle from her jacket pocket. “Well, I’ve got some pets of my own…”

However, before she could summon them, the mountainside was suddenly enveloped in a furious blizzard. The sun disappeared as blasts of arctic air propelled churning clouds and blinding sheets of snow, while the temperature rapidly plummeted.

Or, y’know, that works, too.

“Servant of Wonderland!” a cold voice called out, even as a pale figure in a white kimono emerged from the swirling snowstorm. “You are not welcome here. Dismiss your beasts and get off my mountain at once, or I shall remove you by force.”

“HeE hEe!” the dark fairy giggled in its deranged voice. “PeTs iMmUne tO iCe aNd sNoW! YOu’Re tHe oNe wHo’s gOnNa gO!”

“Oh, I don’t plan to harm them,” the frosty young woman clarified. “I plan to control them…”

With that, the six wendigos spun to face the deformed fairy, who barely had time to utter a startled cry before they pounced upon the small creature and began savagely tearing it limb from limb. Once they had finished with their butchery, they dissolved into snowy mist, the blizzard following suit shortly thereafter.

“Thanks, Sarah,” Kate told the icy maiden as the pair exchanged a friendly fist bump. “That was some trick,” she added with a chuckle as Sarah helped her up.

“Well, as guardian of this mountain, all monsters on it are bound to obey my commands,” Sarah replied. “And that goes double for ice-based creatures, like those wendigos. But, really, I should be the one thanking you,” she added. “I’ve known there was a dark presence on this mountain for a long time, but I could never get it to reveal itself. Luckily, you turned out to be the perfect bait,” she quipped, giving the photographer a playful grin.

“Glad I could help, though I think I’m owed a small favor for putting myself in danger like that,” Kate noted with a smirk.

“Oh, come on! You could have handled those things easy!” Sarah shot back. “Me stepping in was just a formality! Y’know, basic ‘Guardian of the Mountain’ stuff! But fine, if you’re gonna make such a big deal out of it, how about I treat you to lunch? Michiko’s parents own the best teriyaki place in the city, and I get a best friend’s discount!”

“Sounds great,” Kate declared with a thumbs up as they began their trek down the mountain.

“I just hope we don’t run into Michi there…” Sarah sighed. “She’s gonna be so pissed when she finds out she missed the chance to fight wendigos. Seriously, though,” the ice maiden added. “I’m just thankful we’ve given that poor lady a chance to mend her broken mind. Those Wonderlanders sure are dicks, huh?”

“Yup,” the photographer agreed. “But I don’t think we’ll have to worry about them bothering Mrs. Vanderbeck any more, not after what you pulled back there,” she added with a chuckle.

“So, what’s next?” Sarah asked. “I mean, it doesn’t sound like this lead really amounted to much.”

“To be honest, I wasn’t really expecting it to,” Kate conceded. “Basically this was just a chance to confirm a suspicion and catch up with an old friend. After this, things get a bit more interesting,” she added. “My next stop is checking in on the parents of the girl the Queen of Hearts is currently convinced is her long-lost daughter. They seem like a pair of total normies, but after what just happened, and considering their daughter’s a paranoid portal witch who works for one of the more influential horrors, well, let’s just say I’m not gonna be taking any chances.”

“Wow… You really get into some high-level shit, huh?” Sarah asked with a raised eyebrow.

“You know it,” Kate confirmed with a smug smirk. “But the bigger the job, the bigger the payoff,” she added, twirling her golden whistle between her fingers.

“Guess I should count myself lucky that I can get away with just offering you a free lunch,” Sarah observed with a wry smile as they continued their decent towards the city below.

“Oh, that’s just the first half,” Kate corrected with a raised finger.

“What’s the second half?” Sarah asked dubiously.

“You’ll find out after we finish lunch,” Kate told her. “But don’t worry, it’s nothing the Guardian of Mount McNab can’t handle!”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence…” Sarah muttered.

Yes, Kate reflected, it truly was a rewarding experience indeed to catch up wth old friends…
How do you feel about “Unstoppable” for our team name? I’m the immovable object and your the unblockable spear

Add a "Doom" at the end there, and we're good.

Nyxia’s eyes widened in a mixture of shock and bewilderment as she watched someone place an object in front of her weapon’s ravening beam, an object which not only withstood the cataclysmic energies that were now pouring into it, but actually seemed to be absorbing them. However, it wasn’t long at all before surprised confusion gave way to savage fury…

“WHAT THE FUCK, YOU STUPID BITCH?!!” The Neon Tempest roared as she snapped her head to face the obstruction’s owner, her finger squeezing The Omega Obliterator’s trigger even tighter than before and sending an even greater volume of ruinous energy surging into the glowing shield.

The young woman, who was dressed as though she had just stepped out of some tribal fantasy game, proceeded to ramble in a disgustingly patronizing and pedantic manner about Nyxia’s need to recognize her allies and how teamwork was the best thing ever, complete with pretentious comparisons to sprints and marathons, as if Nyxia knew a single thing about either of those. As if Nyxia even cared. During all the long years when she was just pitiful, pathetic Norika, she had considered it a major accomplishment to simply walk to the bathroom without assistance, and even if she now possessed physical abilities to rival the world’s greatest athletes, Nyxia had zero interest in athletic pursuits, or those who partook of them. In fact, there was only one person in this entire blighted world she cared about, and the Miseria had killed him…

“Why the fuck would I give a shit about that? The Neon Tempest scoffed as her visage contorted into a disdainful scowl. “If those shit stains can’t keep up, that’s their problem. As for those flying eyeball fucks, I thought they were Miseria, so don’t get your panties in a fucking twist,” Nyxia sneered, releasing her weapon’s trigger and abruptly cutting off its crackling beam. “Besides, if ‘friendly fire’ was really such a big fucking concern, our fearless leader down there should have had the brains to mention that one of her ass-licking underlings could make things that look just like the shitbags we're tying to fucking kill!”

In actuality, it really wouldn’t have mattered even if she had known they belonged to a supposed ally. Anything that was stupid enough to stray into her kill zone was fair game, as far as The Neon Tempest was concerned, doubly so if said thing looked for all the world like another Miseria, but she decided it would probably be best not to mention that at the present time. Indeed, she had a very important question for her new “friend”…

“Oh yeah, and there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask ever since you cockblocked my precious baby with that annoying-as-fuck shield of yours,” The Neon Tempest added with a cruel smirk, eagerly opening fire once more, now that the shield in question had finally been removed. “Just how in the hell do you keep those ginormous tits from popping out of that pathetic joke of a top?”

Unlike a lot of people, Aiko enjoyed getting up early. She enjoyed being able to hear the birdsong that greeted the sun’s first rays. She enjoyed being her favorite little tea shop’s first customer of the day. She enjoyed drinking her favorite soothing blend as she leisurely strolled along the path leading to Ayame High, the idea of arriving late never entering her mind. “Early to bed and early to rise makes one healthy, wealthy, and wise,” someone had once said, and while Aiko wasn’t too sure about the last one, her early morning walks had certainly helped to diminish her stress, while also gifting her with a rich array of sights and sounds as the world slowly woke from its slumber. Tranquil, gentle, unhurried, and approachable, this was how that waking world would perceive Misugi Aiko, much to the young woman’s contentment. After all, she had worked very hard to ensure that such was the case. The brash rebel who played in a rock band until well-past midnight and drank alcohol purchased with a fake ID was gone forever, and the world was better off for it. At least, that’s what Aiko kept trying to convince herself. Besides, there were people in considerably worse shape than she was…

Oh, the poor thing… Aiko thought to herself as she watched the perennially unlucky, and perennially miserable, Kohaku stagger into the teacher’s lounge, roughly half of her skirt soaked with water. The history teacher then went on to experience a messy coffee machine mishap, causing Aiko to once again reassess her belief in curses. Thankfully, Shinobu, Ayame High’s ever-helpful student counselor, was quick to provide assistance, although it would soon become apparent that Kohaku wasn’t the only person in need of help…

Slightly startled by the sound of a loud thump, Aiko turned to face the window, wondering if a bird might have crashed into it. What she saw instead had her blinking her eyes to ensure she wasn’t hallucinating. It looked like a small, golden-haired… fairy…? Well, whatever it was, the others obviously saw it too, at least if Kohaku’s spray of coffee was anything to go by. Not only that, but it was talking to them in a rapid, high-pitched voice, pleading for their help.

“S-Someone’s in trouble…?” Aiko found herself asking, still in a bit of a daze, but concerned for this supposedly endangered person nonetheless. “W-What kind of trouble?”

From where she stood atop a nearby building, a single high-heeled boot placed on the edge of its roof, Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow observed the Miseria gathering in the streets below with a hungry smile. They were not the only ones down there, of course, and as she watched the myriad members of the Hibusa High Detention Club take up their positions, she eagerly licked her lips.

That’s right, you pathetic dipshits… Nyxia sneered mentally. Lure them out for me…

Also present was the club’s curiously untransformed leader, Rei Ishiko. In fact, now that Nyxia thought about it, Rei hadn’t been transformed the night she’d approached her with an invitation to join the Detention Club, either. Then again, the whole experience had been pretty surreal, the compassionate funeral home director who had personally handled arrangements for her brother’s burial just approaching her transformed self out of nowhere, telling her that she knew who she really was, and saying how wonderful it would be if Nyxia joined the little club she had created.

At first, The Neon Tempest had planned to refuse the somewhat suspicious request. After all, she enjoyed working alone, and took a dim view of being confined by the club’s various restrictions, to say nothing of the prospect of potential competitors getting in her way. But Rei had been quite insistent, promising that her identity would be kept secret, and that joining the club would grant her the opportunity to kill greater numbers of Miseria than ever before, which was, after all, her primary reason for being a Kurai Majokko in the first place. Plus, working together as part of a team would mitigate any deficiencies any of the individual members might possess. And speaking of her new club mates, the idea of stealing kills from them was a very appealing one indeed…

Thus, Nyxia found herself here, about to make her debut as the newest member of the Detention Club. She gave off quite the menacing and imperious appearance as the night breeze blew through her aquamarine hair, its chill going completely unnoticed by the Neon Tempest, despite her rather skimpy attire. Still, it was Rei who was obviously in charge here, and no sooner had the untransformed girl alighted upon a lamp post in an admittedly impressive display of agility, then she began giving orders. Clearly the girl was something of a control freak, that much had been apparent from their first meeting, but Nyxia was more amused than bothered by it. Besides, even if she had agreed to join Rei’s motley collection of sycophants, it didn’t mean she had also agreed to play by their rules…

“I was just giving your little toadies time to serve as bait,” Nyxia replied with a smirk when her “leader” asked why she was holding back. “But my precious baby is getting rather hungry,” she added, while gently caressing her massive energy cannon. “So I guess we can TAKE A BITE!!! HAHAHAHAHAAA!!!”

Even as her psychotic laughter rang out, her monstrous weapon charged with power, crackling arcs of neon lightning dancing around its glowing barrels. After waiting a few seconds for The Omega Obliterator’s charge to reach its maximum level, Nyxia squeezed the trigger, sending several ruinous beams of incandescent annihilation lancing down upon the unsuspecting Miseria below.

“THAT’S IT BABY!!! SHOW MOMMY ALL THE BEAUTIFUL CARNAGE YOU CAN MAKE!!!” The Neon Tempest cried in euphoric glee as the five beams converged into a single crackling cylinder of barely-contained devastation. “SHOW THESE WEAK-ASS COCKSUCKERS WHAT REAL POWER LOOKS LIKE!!! HAHAHAHAHAA!!!”

As it continued to be vomited forth in a surging torrent, the malevolent cylinder began to curve and twist in an effort to voraciously seek out as many victims as possible, sometimes even looping back on itself, multiplying its destructive energies exponentially in the process. Anything unfortunate enough to be touched by the baleful beam would soon find itself violently rent asunder, with even the slightest glance causing a victim’s body to begin bubbling furiously, until it messily burst apart like a boil being punctured by a sharp nail.

“OH FUCK YES!!!” Nyxia exulted, her eyes gleaming with deranged delight. “I FUCKING LOVE WATCHING THEM POP!!! HAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!”

Indeed, The Neon Tempest was so caught up in all the excitement that she didn’t even notice Rei being hit on by a blood-covered weirdo, but even if she had, she probably wouldn’t have given a shit.
@TheWendil Question: Is Rei currently untransformed? That's what the post seems to indicate, but I just wanted to make sure.
I should have my first post up by tomorrow evening, at the latest.

Also, @CamiCat, Nyxia would like to request that her full title be added to the character list.
Wanna be magical girl partners?


Although I think it would be best to play their inital meeting out ICly, since the opening club meeting of the rp will be Nyxia's first (and thus first time meeting any of the other members, save for Wendil's girl).
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