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Lunella couldn't help but share a small, understanding smile with Orion at his candid assessment of their current predicament. His words resonated with the reality they were facing. She appreciated the whimsical nature of Quincy's antics but recognized that the whimsy had its time and place.

“You are absolutely right, Orion,” she replied, her voice sincere and tinged with a sense of gravitas. “The whimsy and magic of moonflowers and ethereal dances may be enchanting, but we must meet the Abyssal menace with strength and resolve,” she added, holding up a fist clenched around her Moonstone Amulet. “There is a time for dreams and another for facing the harsher aspects of reality. Quincy has his role, and now, we have ours.”

With this knowledge at the forefront of her mind, Lunella focused herself on the task ahead, ready to confront the darkness with the strength and determination needed to overcome it.

As the exchange between Quincy, Ennui, and Marshal Elara played out, Lunella’s outward demeanor remained the epitome of serenity amidst the tense drama unfolding before her. Inwardly, however, she couldn't help but feel a mixture of fascination and concern in light of Quincy's continued eccentricity, her enchanting eyes following the intricate dance of the Oneiric Gauge with an air of curiosity. The cryptic movements of the tape around Elara might have baffled others, but Lunella's own experiences had honed her understanding of unique phenomena, making her more receptive to such displays.

When Quincy eventually decided to abandon the theatrics and engage in earnest conversation, Lunella couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. She recognized that their current situation was far from an ideal time for his peculiar antics, and his playful responses had initially exacerbated the tension. Yet, as Ennui assumed the role of a more rational spokesperson, Lunella's outward serenity extended to her thoughts as well. She silently commended Ennui's attempt to provide a more straightforward explanation of their circumstances, understanding that the situation required clarity and focus.

Marshal Elara's firmness was evident throughout the conversation, and her skepticism was understandable given the unique personalities she was dealing with. Yet, Ennui's efforts to clarify their situation seemed to have been effective to some extent. This provided Lunella with a glimmer of hope that the unusual duo might not be immediately considered adversaries.

When the exchange concluded, Lunella nodded in agreement with Ennui's promises, supporting the idea of the pair keeping a low profile and refraining from causing further trouble. However, she couldn't help but wonder about the implications of their continued presence in Nexustead and the unforeseen challenges that lay ahead if she continued to journey in their company.

Of course, there were currently more immediate challenges to attend to, as Orion was quick to point out.

“Agreed,” Lunella concurred with a demure nod when the fire elementalist noted that the impending attack of the approaching Abyssals at the present moment was far from a simple coincidence. “And while I fully trust Nexustead’s elemental defenders to completely extinguish the threat they pose, if permitted, I would also like to add my own humble contribution to this settlement’s defense.”

As “Necroid 99” gave his response, Olivia’s eyes and mouth seemed to open even wider with each passing second. “Oh my gosh!” the astonished bluenette exclaimed once the strange robot had finished. “Really?! That’s incredible! And also really dangerous!” she added, adjusting her glasses as her visage took on a serious expression. “Tsubotica’s super powerful and super insidious! Her Lagomorphoids can take the appearance of anyone, so they totally could have replaced all those people, and no one would know the difference! So, yeah!” she declared voice filled with determination. “You can totally count on us! Oh, but, like, if she’s taken control of all the game’s other characters by infecting them with her corrupted Gearless Arcanetech Code, then how did you manage to escape?” she asked a moment later. However, by this point the announcer’s voice had drowned out her inquiry, and when the announcement of the next round of matches had concluded, “Necroid 99” was already departing, while telling her to come find him after her next match, regardless of the results. “O-Okay!” she called after him. “See you then! Oh, and good luck!” she added with a wave.

“Wow, this is so exciting!” Olivia gushed as she and Xolys made their way to their assigned arena.

“It is certainly intriguing,” Xolys agreed from where he was nestled in Olivia’s backpack. “But it is also rather suspicious,” he added. “Thus, I believe we should proceed with caution.”

“S-Suspicious?” Olivia echoed, her tone one of confusion. “What do you mean?”

“I do not know for certain, but I have a feeling that ‘Necroid 99’ is not being entirely truthful with us,” Xolys replied.

“Okay, well, you know I trust you more than anyone, so if you think we need to be careful, then that’s just what we’ll do!” Olivia declared as they entered the arena. “Anyways,” she added as she set Xolys down and activated his combat mode. “I wonder who we’ll be going up against next! Oh my gosh! I just thought of something! What if some of the other characters from Gearmantic Hearts are competing in the tournament?! Going up against the real Finnegan Fabricant or Penny Pinnacle would be so amazing, don’t you think?!” 

However, before Xolys could respond, a massive blue explosion appeared on the opposite side of the arena. Walking out of it with his hoodie up and his hands in his pockets was Justin Haggar. He walked to where his line in the tournament was, before he raised his head to look at the opponent. In a swift motion Justin threw his hoodie up and dropped into stance. He looked at Xolys.

”I get to fight an alien…” Justin flatly said as he rolled his eyes. ”Oh joy. Let’s get this over with.”

“Oh, um, Xolys isn’t an alien,” Olivia corrected, raising a finger for emphasis. “He’s actually a non-corporeal, extradimensional entity who inhabits a robot I made! Xolys is also a character in a really cool video game called Gearmantic Hearts, and that character was based off the Xolys in my robot, ‘cause in the universe he’s from, the events of that game really happened! Isn’t that awesome?!”

”You know what an ‘extra dimensional entity is’, right? Justin added, ”A fancy way of saying an alien.”

“Oh, um, well, I thought you meant alien as in ‘extra terrestrial’, a being from a different planet, star system, or galaxy, but still from this universe,” Olivia replied. “But if by alien you just meant otherworldly, then I guess Xolys could be called one!” she added with a smile and a giggle/snort.

”Hehe… yeah,” Justin said with a chuckle…

”.... BEGIN!”

Justin maintained his stance and did nothing, waiting to see what Xolys could do.

“Oh, um, I should probably head to the stands now,” Olivia noted. “I don’t want to be mistaken for a combatant again…”

”Yeah, you do that,” Justin said as the cybernetics on his arms started glowing, blowing steam. He grabbed his forearm with one hand and slid the sleeves of his hoodie up, showing his cybernetics to the world. Then he did the same thing to the other side. Then the palms of his hands started glowing as he quickly pointed them at Xolys, and then a beam of blue energy went straight for his face as Justin shouted. ”Chord!”

Olivia got to her position in the stands just in time to see Justin reveal his cybernetic nature, causing the bluenette’s eyes to sparkle. “Oh wow! You’re a cyborg?! That’s so cool!” Olivia gushed, but her enthusiasm swiftly shifted to panic when he promptly fired off his first attack. “Oh crap!” Olivia yelped, even as her fingers rapidly tapped the button combination that activated Xolys’s head-mounted Unreality Beam. A swirling cylinder of crackling, constantly-shifting energy shot forth to impact Justin’s own beam, hopefully before it was able to strike the technomantic terror’s head.

The two beams clashed. Justin’s Chord gaining leeway for a moment then the unreality beam. He quickly pumped more power into it in an attempt to gain leeway.

At Olivia’s instruction, Xolys did the same, the churning cylinder glowing brighter and growing more warped with each passing second. But that wasn’t all. The technomantic terror’s glowing energy wings had begun to reposition themselves around Xolys’s central eye, the same eye that was emitting the Unreality Beam. As they did so, they began to spin, causing the beam to surge with exponentially increased power.

“Let’s see if you can handle an APEX Unreality Beam!” Olivia called with a fierce grin.

The beam quickly overpowered Justin, sending him sliding backward, dragging alongside the ground. Supers, already!? He thought to himself as he realized that he was going to get overpowered… and was launched backward but quickly rolled onto his feet. ”Don’t blow your load just yet, alien-man,” Justin said with a smarmy grin as he pointed both hands at Xolys and unleashed a barrage of Beat/Pulses, each the size of basketballs and hit like a truck.

Xolys was forced back by the Beat Pulse barrage, sustaining light damage in the process. “Your durability is most impressive,” Xolys commended, even as Olivia instructed him to lash out with his technomantic tentacles to ensnare Justin and then reel him in closer. “Withstanding the power of my APEX Unreality Beam is no small feat.”

”... Or maybe its just weakshit,” Justin said as he stuck both of his hands out as the tentacles approached him. They glowed a blue color as he shouted, ”BASS-DROP!” A blast of blue energy came out of his hands that slid him backward quite a distance while also getting the tentacles off of him. He slammed his fist on the ground to decelerate, then he looked up at Xolys.

“Perhaps,” Xolys conceded, even as he sent several more tendrils darting out with lightning speed to coil around the cyborg. Which wrapped him… with surprisingly little resistance. 

”Lemme guess, you’re reeling me in to hit me with some melee attack….” Justin said as he was dragged across the ground. ”Well… RECORD SPIN!

Justin spun so fast that he appeared like a blue tornado, hoping to knot Xoly’s tendrils.
While Justin did indeed succeed in knotting the technomantic tendrils, he did not break their hold on him, nor did he stop their retraction. Yet, even before the cyborg was brought into range of Xolys’s myriad trans-phasic energy scythes, he had a more immediate problem to contend with.

“Now we’ve really got you!” Olivia declared, even as the tendrils wrapped around Justin began to glow brightly, before sending over a dozen crackling arcs of lightning shooting into his captive body… He convulsed as electricity was the one thing he was explicitly weak against. He loudly yelled before he stopped and grit his teeth… he had one ace in the hole, and both hands started glowing.

Gosh, I hope that didn’t hurt him too badly… Olivia couldn’t help but worry as she watched Justin cry out in pain. Still, that pain didn’t seem to be keeping him from charging up another attack… Well, if he’s still in the fight, then I guess we’re just gonna need to use a bit more power!

Even as Justin’s hands continued to glow, so too did Xolys’s central eye, before yet another crackling Unreality Beam lanced out towards the restrained cyborg.

Well, here goes nothing!

Fighting through the pain and his circuits were getting fried (That can NOT be tournament legal!), he got enough slack to point both hands forward. He gritted his teeth, letting out a Bass-Drop that reverberated through the arena and launched him away - just in time to dodge the Unreality Beam. However, he was still restrained, which was what the former MAVERICK Hunter hoped for. He fired another Bass-Drop, trying to launch himself around Xolys to wrap the robot in his tendrils. 

Olivia gasped as Justin put on a burst of impressive speed, which not only allowed him to dodge Xolys’s attack, but also to begin wrapping the technomantic terror up in his own tendrils. The cyborg was moving far too quickly to be shot at, and, by this point, he had already ensnared most of Xolys’s scythe-tipped limbs, meaning there was only one real option left. Fortunately, it seemed to be an effective one. Pressing a well-known key combo, Olivia instructed Xolys to hit Justin with another pulse of Eldritch Electricity.

Hopefully this time it’ll KO him…

“Son of a bi-” Justin convulsed in electricity; he wouldn’t be able to take much more even if he wrapped up the robot. He had one last card up his sleeve… He went limp, and the lights illuminating his cybernetics had gone dark.

Not wanting to cause permanent harm to the cyborg, Olivia instructed Xolys to halt the attack.

“Nice work, Xolys!” she called out with a grin. “Uh, I’m pretty sure he’s KO’d,” she added, turning to look up at where the announcer was standing nearby, while pointing her thumb at Justin’s limp form. “That means we win, right?”

In hopes of catching the two off guard, Justin raised his hands and slammed them. Creating an explosion of blue energy that would hopefully break him free.

With both Olivia and Xolys believing the cyborg to be fully out of action, Justin’s escape attempt was an unopposed success.

“W-What?!” Olivia stammered. “B-But I thought…!”

Justin hopped to his feet,

”... You’re new at this, aren’t you?” Justin said as his hands started glowing brighter and brighter… the ground shook violently as rocks began floating. He continued, ”You know that you can’t beat everyone with just one strategy… you gotta think outside the box or else this will keep happening….”

He shot his hands forward, as he shouted,


A massive blue beam of energy came out of his hands that went directly towards Xolys.

Olivia barely had time to comprehend what Justin was saying, before the cyborg blasted Xolys with a mighty energy beam. While the technomantic terror had a few means of dealing with such an attack, they all required a bit of charge up time, and it was just that time that he didn’t have…

Slamming into Xolys with the force of twenty bullet trains, the beam sent the techno horror flying into the arena’s far wall, where his battered and badly-sparking form collapsed onto the floor.

“XOLYS!!!” Olivia cried out, her voice filled with panic and her wide eyes filling with tears.

The light faded, and Justin was frozen… he stood there for several moments before he stood straight up. He looked at Olivia and then at his fists. 


Justin sighed, thinking to himself: ... This is my revenge? He sighed yet again, as he turned his head to Olivia and said,

”... Look, I should have eased up just a little. Is there anything I can do to help?”

Olivia, who by this point had leapt out of the stands and raced over to where Xolys had fallen, turned to look at Justin, her eyes red and cheeks streaked with tears. “H-He’ll be fine,” she sniffed, before returning her gaze to her partner. “H-He’ll just have to be in repair mode for a while,” the bluenette added, before giving voice to a sullen sigh. “I-I just… I just can’t help but feel I let him down…”

“You did nothing of the kind,” Xolys replied, the myriad lights scattered across his massive form flickering with each syllable. “You did your best, as you always do, and that is all that I could ever ask for.”

“Oh, Xolys!” Olivia cried, wrapping her arms around the techno horror in a hug. “I-I don’t deserve a friend as wonderful as you…”

Justin crossed his arms.

”... Can I at least help untangle his tentacles?

The transformed Aiko’s brow rose and her visage couldn’t help but take on a look of puzzlement when the small pink-haired girl bounced up and began acting like a character from some fantasy roleplaying game (not that she had much knowledge of such things, but one of her former bandmates had been a fan).

Damn… That backpack must’ve done one helluva number on ‘er brain case…

For a moment, she tried to figure out just who this amnesiac girl was, before quickly deciding that it didn’t really matter.

Well, whoever she is, at least she’s motivated…

“Glad to hear it!” Aiko told her smaller companion as they raced after the others. “But I ain’t no bard!” she corrected. “I’m a kick ass rocker, though if ya wanna call me somethin’, the name’s Nails!” Despite not using her stage name in nearly ten years, it just felt natural to go by it now.

Soon enough, the group had reached the stage at the end of the field, where both the imperiled student and his monstrous captor waited.

“Holy shit…” she whispered as she came to a stop along with the others. “That’s all kinds of fucked up…” That sentiment was reinforced a moment later when the abomination began speaking in a warped mockery of its victim’s own voice, causing Nails’ grip on her guitar to tighten. However, before an attack could be made, the untransformed Andrew began trying to talk it down…

“What the hell are ya doin’?!” the incredulous rocker snapped, even as she fought to keep her balance in the wake of the shockwave generated by the “cook’s” enormous backpack striking the ground. “Ya can’t reason with a thing like that! ‘Sides, Shinobu’s the therapist ‘ere! An goin’ to some armorer ain’t gonna help, either!” she added, turning to glare down at her pink-haired companion. “Hell, he is the…” Her voice trailed off as various pieces of information clicked into place, like notes in a melody. “Wait…” Earth, time, music, metalworking, cooking? “Are… Are you Amber?!

“You are most welcome,” Lunella replied with a gentle smile after Orion expressed his thanks for her well-wishes. When the fire elementalist went on to note his interest in moon flowers, the young Lunatic’s azure eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. “Oh, they are quite extraordinary,” she replied, her voice carrying a soothing quality reminiscent of the moon's gentle glow. “Moon flowers are delicate, silvery-blue blossoms that only bloom under the light of the three moons. They actually absorb the moonlight, causing them to emit a soft, ethereal silvery-blue radiance.” Her gaze drifted upward, as if envisioning the enchanting scene. “But the real magic happens when the lunar butterflies arrive,” she continued, clasping her hands together. “These butterflies, which only come out when Luminara, The Lunacy Moon, is Full, are shrouded in a subtle, silvery-blue aura. They flutter around the moon flowers, enhancing the enchantment with their gentle, shimmering dances.” By this point, Lunella’s voice had taken on a dreamy quality as she described the spellbinding natural spectacle. “The moon flowers and lunar butterflies create a tranquil symphony of light and nature,” she explained. “It is as if Luminara herself is blessing the world with her presence. I would be delighted to show you, Orion, when the next Full Moon graces us with its beauty. It is truly an experience like no other.”

Before the fire elementalist could reply, Quincy began enthusiastically repeating everything both Orion and Lunella had said. The young Lunatic did her best to stifle a giggle in response to these latest whimsical antics, but her amusement swiftly turned to awkward unease, after the Dreamweaver began to inquire if she had ever tried eating a butterfly, before being cut off by Ennui. The familiar proceeded to tell them about the tragic loss of her and Quincy’s home to abyssal corruption, something that clearly weighed heavily upon the pair.

As Lunella listened to Ennui's story, her moonlit eyes filled with sympathy. “I am truly sorry for your loss,” she told them in a soft and solemn voice as she bowed her head. “The Abyssal Convergence's touch can bring darkness and sorrow to even the most cherished places. If there is anything I can do to help, or if you and Quincy ever need a place to find solace under the light of the moons, please know that my heart and home are open to you both.”

Conversation then turned to the great elemental threat Orion was working to prevent, and upon hearing Orion's grave explanation about the Inferno Tyrant and the cataclysmic danger it posed, Lunella's expression turned serious. As one attuned to the movements of momentous cosmological forces, she fully understood the weight of the situation, and its implications for not just the Elemental Enclave, but the entire world.

“The return of this Inferno Tyrant and its desire to disrupt the elemental balance is a perilous threat indeed,” Lunella concurred. “Based upon my recent astrological auguries, I believe it is likely that the Abyssal Convergence and this cataclysmic force are somehow intertwined, and, needless to say, the repercussions of their combined actions could bring immeasurable suffering if allowed to remain unopposed. That said,” she added with a reassuring smile as she placed a delicate hand over her heart. “Know that you have at least one ally who is prepared to stand by your side.”

However, before more could be said, the once-festive square suddenly thrummed with a palpable tension once again. The ominous presence of the approaching Abyssal creatures was causing the crowd around them to grow increasingly unsettled, and Lunella herself felt a deeply unnerving sense of foreboding in the air, a feeling like a dozen needles pricking the edges of her awareness and sending goosebumps racing across her skin.

Into the midst of this ominous setting, a commanding figure appeared from out of the panicking crowd, her no-nonsense demeanor evoking an aura of authority and control. Lunella recognized the woman at once as Marshal Elara, one of Nexustead’s foremost protectors. As the Marshal strode into the scene and her stern gaze shifted between Quincy and the others, Lunella couldn't help but sense the tension and suspicion in the air. The mention of Quincy Safehaven's name evoked a heightened sense of unease among the crowd, and the young Lunatic couldn’t hep but wonder what the eccentric Dreamweaver could have done to elicit such a reaction, which seemed rather extreme, even in light of his recent antics.

As if in answer, Elara proceeded to caution them about the dangers of trusting Quincy, before revealing that he was the one who had driven King Arion of the Harmonious Archipelago mad a century earlier. As a resident of the archipelago herself, Lunella was well acquainted with this tumultuous period of her homeland’s history. Indeed, the chaotic fallout of Arion’s insanity had reached even her own beloved lunar cities. Yet, despite the gravity of the situation and the accusations directed at Quincy, Lunella maintained a calm demeanor, her delicate features and enchanting eyes continuing to show compassion for her companion. While she was fully aware of his actions’ disastrous repercussions, from what she had seen this evening, it was highly doubtful that Quincy had acted out of malice toward the king. Indeed, it was far more likely to have been the result of a simple misunderstanding, albeit one with distressingly tragic consequences.

Still, in the midst of so much rising chaos and suspicion, Lunella recognized that it was imperative for Quincy to provide an explanation and address the situation swiftly. His actions had already stirred tumultuous events, and the encroaching Abyssal creatures added an even more perilous layer to the predicament. While her serene presence may have contrasted with the turbulence surrounding her, it was evident that she understood the urgency of the situation and the need for clarity.

As Marshal Elara pointed toward the approaching Abyssal threat, Lunella's graceful posture remained poised. Her demeanor conveyed the message that while past events might have shadowed Quincy's reputation, she hoped that the Dreamweaver would be able to provide a compelling reason for his actions tonight, and then, to actively contribute to addressing the growing peril at hand.


Nyxia hadn’t been sitting for very long, before a blonde girl with a violin began playing a tune. The Neon Tempest had to admit that the girl was rather talented, although the piece didn’t really fit the somber mood she found herself in. What am I even doing here? she wondered, even as a blue-haired girl began what appeared to be an impromptu magic show. She didn’t know how to socialize with any of these girls, and, quite frankly, she didn’t particularly want to. As the musical performance continued, Nyxia realized that, like herself, the elegantly attired musician had yet to return to her mundane form, a fact which allowed the girl’s instrument to continue playing in mid-air, even after she had begun wandering over to Nyxia’s table. When the girl sat down, poked her foot, and began her little spiel about trust, The Neon Tempest couldn’t help but sigh.

“I only trust two people,” she informed the girl in an icy tone. “One of them is right here,” she added, gently caressing her enormous weapon. “The other is dead. As for our host’s motivations, it’s painfully obvious she’s just interested in trying to fuck everyone, like we’re characters in some fucking video game. Why the hell would I give even a single shit about someone so needy and pathetic?” she asked, her voice filled with contempt, along with a slight, but still perceptible amount of pain.

For a precious moment, Nyxia had hoped that maybe Oros, Suki, or whatever the hell she chose to call herself might have been different, but no. Like all the others, she merely saw Nyxia as something to be used, rather than as someone to be loved…

Fucking bitch…

Chapter Three-
Making the Most out of Fortuitous Opportunities

Not one fucking word...

After collecting the bounty on the unconscious Tina, it was time for Kate to begin the most unpleasant part of her assignment. Although she’d been somewhat curious as to what the individual who’d posted the bounty planned to do with the curator-turned-cowgirl, when they had produced a pair of pink, fuzzy handcuffs, the photographer figured she was better off not knowing… Indeed, her impending trip to Wonderland promised to be unnerving enough.

While the dimension wasn’t particularly difficult to locate, entering it without being detected was another matter entirely, to say nothing of resisting the bizarre brainwashing effect it had on those who stayed for too long. Fortunately, Kate was nothing if not resourceful, and with the network of connections she had access to, finding solutions for each of these problems was a fairly simple matter. Thus, a special enchanted jewel, crafted by Gem Maiden Margret, at the request of Snow Maiden Sarah, would fully protect her from any forms of mental manipulation Wonderland or its inhabitants might attempt, while a favor from the enigmatic Lesser Force known as The Lady of Doors would allow the plucky photographer easy and unnoticed access to the dimension itself. However, the young woman who emerged from the sentient cottage and into the light of Wonderland’s smiling sun was quite possibly the complete antithesis of the usual Kate Carson.

Bedecked in the most outrageously elaborate wedding dress one could imagine, with a train almost as long as her golden, rapunzel-esque hair, which flowed behind her like a silky river, the young woman was a perfect fit for the fairy tale and nursery rhyme inspired world that she had entered. Always mindful of the importance of blending into the background, Kate had realized that, paradoxically, her impractically extravagant transformed self would actually stand out less in this strange realm than her nondescript mundane appearance, much to her considerable annoyance.

Holy shit… the golden-haired maiden thought as she took in the singing villagers and various sentient objects and structures of the small town in which she now found herself. And I thought MDP was bad… Indeed, Kate wouldn’t have been surprised if the whimsical girl had been the one to create this childish dimension, and even if she hadn’t, she’d certainly feel right at home within it. Kate on the other hand…

“Buzzy buzzy buzzy bees~!” a swarm of honey bees happily sang as they buzzed by her. “Let’s greet the flowers and the trees~!” they added before finally noticing the newest arrival to their town. “Your hair is golden, like the sun~! Why don’t you dance with everyone~?!”

“Oh, uh, I am so terribly sorry,” Kate hastily apologized, affecting a far more formal and archaic manner of speech than she usually employed. “But I have a very important appointment in the Capital, and I must not be late!”

“Then you need a cabbie, that’s for sure!” a jovial bearded man declared, as his pumpkin carriage pulled up beside her. “Just mind the steps beside the door!”

“Hellooo there, lady fair,” the pair of rainbow-maned unicorns hitched to it neighed a greeting.

“Greetings,” Kate replied with a graceful curtsy. “I am Lady Katerella Carsonia of fairest Fae Creek, and I must reach the Capital as soon as possible. Thus, I would be most grateful to make use of thy services.”

“But of course!” the cabbie replied with a hearty chuckle. “Tis’ Royal Portrait Day, after all! Why, painters and photographers are comin’ from all over Wonderland, they is, so we’ll get you an’ that lovely camera o’ yours right to Her Majesty in two tlifs of a tizzle!”

Royal… Portrait Day…? Kate couldn’t help but wonder as she climbed aboard the carriage and attempted to pull both the train of her dress and her golden tresses inside with her. Well, that’s certainly convenient…

Moments later, the carriage was off, the residents and structures of the village singing a cheerful song to commemorate its departure. As they went along, Kate saw the events of over a dozen fairy tales play out, all while the smiling sun serenaded her with a cheerful tune. “What a wonderful world we live in,” the golden orb sang as fluffy, fair weather clouds provided a backing chorous. “When we live in the land of make believe~” Soon enough, they had reached the Capital, the carriage coming to a stop in front of the gilded gates of the queen’s grand castle.

“Here we are, m’lady!” the cabbie announced. “Right on time, we is!” he added, holding up a golden pocket watch. “Right on time!”

“I thank thee kindly,” Kate told the cabbie with a dazzling smile as he helped her step out of the carriage. “And thee as well,” she added, giving a curtsy to the pair of unicorns.

“Oh goodness me!” A dapper servant exclaimed as he approached, flanked by two club guards. “Might you be here for a portrait session?”

“Yes, that is most correct,” Kate confirmed. “Lady Katerella Carsonia, Royal Photographer,” she added with a demure nod and yet another elegant curtsy.

“Oh, how wonderful!” the servant declared. “Right this way! Right this way!” he added, gesturing for Kate to follow him into the castle.

As they proceeded down a maze of corridors, various protective sigils and wards deactivated, allowing their passage deeper into the castle. Before long, they had reached the opulent throne room, where several painters were already hard at work on a series of portraits. At the center of the chamber, the Queen of Hearts herself sat upon her gilded throne, her expression one of regal impassiveness. However, as imposing as the Ruler of Wonderland was, Kate’s attention couldn’t help but be drawn to a small table beside the throne, where, along with various assorted items, a small notebook had been placed.

Damn, I really hit the jackpot…

The servant gestured for Kate to take up position between two of the painters, before announcing, “The Lady Katerella Carsonia, Royal Photographer, your Majesty.”

The queen gave the smallest of nods in acknowledgement, at which point the servant quickly retreated into a far corner. For her part, Kate began preparing her ornate, bejeweled camera for this most important of photo opportunities. Although others might have been petrified at the thought of standing in the queen’s presence, Kate was a professional, and her delicate hands never so much as trembled as she went about attaching a special lens, adjusting the focus, and selecting a configuration on her holographic display’s settings menu that had been prepared for just this specific occasion. Once all was in readiness, she raised the camera’s viewfinder to her eye and took a quick snapshot of Wonderland’s monarch.

“I thank thee most humbly for permitting me this great honor, thy Majesty,” Kate told the Queen with a curtsy as she prepared to depart.

Moving to the exit in a calm and stately manner, she was met once more by the servant who had previously escorted her. “Shall you be needing to use the Royal Darkroom, Miss?” he inquired. “Or perhaps an enchanted computer terminal instead?”

“I am most grateful for the offer, but, as it happens, Her Majesty’s photograph is ready right now,” Kate replied, even as she retrieved a printed copy of the photo from where it extended out of the lower portion of her camera. “I do hope that it is to her liking.”

“Oh, I’m sure it will be, Miss!” the servant assured her. “Thank you so very much!” he added, taking the photo when Kate offered it to him.

With her objective complete, Kate made her way out of the castle and back to the small village she had arrived in. Employing the two-use-only key the Lady of Doors had given her, she stepped through the door of one of the cottages, only to emerge in the back room of A Taste of Heaven tea shop, in the Overcity.

“Phew… Glad that’s over…” the photographer sighed in relief as she reverted to her mundane appearance. “Now, let’s see what we’ve got here…”

Opening several additional screens on her camera’s holographic display, she scanned the relevant pieces of new information her photograph of the Queen of Hearts had gleaned. Apparently, the Queen was originally an English woman who lived in the Victorian Era. She had a daughter, named Alice, who died under mysterious circumstances, circumstances that only taking a photograph of the girl herself would reveal. However, one of the interesting features of Kate’s camera was that it could combine info sets. That is to say, if multiple photos were taken of people and/or objects related to a single item of interest, the information they provided would be pooled together. Not only that, but each additional piece to this proverbial puzzle would unlock new insights that would otherwise be unknown, had said piece been kept separate. Thus, by combining the information gained from the photographs of Mariette and her parents with that provided by the Queen’s photo (which also included the monarch’s notebook), Kate was able to delve deep into the past, and find a possible connection between the Portal Witch and the Wonderland Sovereign.

While Mariette was not the queen’s daughter, it appeared as though one of the girl’s distant ancestors was named Alice and bore an uncanny resemblance to her current appearance. Much like the queen’s daughter, this Alice also died at a young age for reasons unknown. Piecing these disparate facts together, it was clear that this girl and the queen’s daughter were one and the same. Thus, while not the original Alice, Mariette still carried her bloodline, and perhaps, even her reincarnated spirit. Yet, although this was a major discovery, Kate had also found another, considerably more concerning detail. According to the queen’s notebook, every girl named Alice that the Wonderland Sovereign had investigated as potentially being her lost daughter had come to a decidedly unpleasant demise…

Yikes… I better tell Sarah to let her friends know they need to keep a close watch on their Alice.

After texting the snow maiden a quick heads up, Kate sent all the info she’d gathered to Nykannis.

Welp, mission accomplished! Gotta say, that was a LOT easier than I thought it’d be, Kate reflected as she opened up her interdimensional data feed. I think it's time for a little vacation. But where to go… she mused as she scrolled through the list of various items, before stopping on an event with a particularly over the top header. The World Fighting Carnival, huh? It’s been a while since I’ve visited that universe, and the thought of relaxing on a sunny beach sounds awfully appealing…

With a smile, the photographer tapped the item, which opened a small interdimensional gateway. Whistling the first notes of a cheerful melody, she strolled through the portal, which promptly closed behind her.

“It is a most sincere pleasure to meet you, Orion,” Lunella told the fiery elementalist with a demure bow after he had introduced himself. “I pray the moons’ light may guide you to find the answers you seek.”

After Quincy had poured her tea, Lunella waited a few moments for it to cool, before taking a careful sip. Strangely, the “tea” seemed to be markedly lacking in flavor, almost to the point that the young Lunatic couldn’t help but wonder if it was simply heated water. Regardless, their host appeared to greatly enjoy it, the sound of Quincy’s gleeful declaration of its deliciousness bringing a small smile to Lunella’s tranquil countenance.

“Um, perhaps if you allowed it to cool, it would not hurt as much,” she tentatively suggested in her usual calm and soft spoken voice, although, by this point, Quincy seemed to have moved on to other things, in particular, a discussion on potted plants.

He was certainly an amusing fellow, Lunella reflected, although she imagined the task of watching over him was quite the chore, causing her to feel a twinge of sympathy for the Dreamweaver’s small familiar.

As the talk of plants continued, Lunella decided to make her own small contribution to the discussion. “I, myself, am particularly fond of moon flowers,” she shared, placing a delicate hand over her heart and closing her eyes as a serene smile graced her gentle visage. “The lunar butterflies they attract glow in the most enchanting manner.”

As Nyxia sat atop one of the picnic tables, her feet resting upon the seat and her arms wrapped protectively around The Omega Obliterator, she found that she was still trying to wrap her mind around the chain of events that led her here. That first unexpected invitation from Rei, her recent first outing with the club, her… “interaction” with Earthshaker, and, of course, the “fight” that had allowed this strange girl currently holding court to win the “privilege” of cooking them all dinner. It was all so incredibly surreal, she reflected, so utterly nonsensical. Indeed, with how bizarre everything preceding it had been, The Neon Tempest realized that it should have been obvious that the duel between Roche and this Oros girl would devolve into what she could only describe as an aggressive make-out session. She had been so eager for a real fight, for the chance to potentially watch the club’s rule keeper be humiliated, just as the athletic girl had humiliated Nyxia herself, and while that humiliation had certainly occurred, The Neon Tempest had found it more disgusting than gratifying.

As someone who had never experienced romantic attraction in her life, Nyxia had found the display deeply unsettling. Not only was she unused to witnessing such… passionate expressions of affection, but they caused her to reevaluate Oros’s flirtatious advances towards her. Yes, it was now increasingly obvious that this girl would try to force herself on anyone. She didn’t really care about Nyxia as a person at all, just as yet another potential romantic partner, like she was just a character from one of those creepy dating sims. Of course, there was always the possibility that Oros’s behavior was simply a byproduct of her magic, much as how Nyxia herself received profound feelings of excitement and euphoria from slaughtering Miseria, but even if that was the case, it still left a bad taste in her mouth.

The only person who ever really loved me was Kaito… she thought bitterly, even as she hugged her enormous energy cannon tighter.

Oros, or rather, Suki’s words went unacknowledged, The Neon Tempest making a move towards neither the drinks nor the snacks, but simply watching in silence as her hostess went into the kitchen, her sharp eyes noticing that Suki had actually picked the lock, as opposed to using a key.

What the hell?

The girl was certainly a strange one, no doubt about that. Like many of the others present, Suki had reverted to her mundane form, but why she felt the need to show off its rather unappealing appearance, to say nothing about the fact that she lived in a glorified homeless shelter, was beyond Nyxia. After all, she wasn’t about to let any of these people see her weak and pathetic true self, that was for damn sure…

With all this in mind, The Neon Tempest couldn’t help but wonder, Do I even wanna know what the fuck she’s making in there?


Nyxia watched as Rei and the other club members began to return, with their green-haired leader noting that Nyxia and Earthshaker would be deciding where they would eat. This was a bit of a problem, as The Neon Tempest had never eaten out a single time in her life, the exceedingly poor health of her mundane form precluding such things. Thus it came as something of a pleasant surprise when one of the other girls offered to cook dinner for them. But not before engaging in some pretty extensive flirting.

Nyxia was honestly taken aback by this. No one had ever flirted with her before, or even praised her (with the sole exception of her brother). To have this girl she had only just met shower her with wildly over the top complements, while blatantly ogling her body, left The Neon Tempest unsure of what to think. Was this girl simply being sarcastic? Was she just teasing her, as so many others had done? Or was she actually being entirely genuine? Not only that, but Nyxia had never really given much thought to romantic relationships of any kind, so she was seriously out of her depth in such a situation. Still, that wasn’t to say she wasn’t open to trying something new, especially in her current uninhibited form.

“Thanks,” Nyxia replied with a smirk, while flipping her hair back in dramatic fashion. “I’m glad to see someone appreciates what I have to offer this little club! Nice poem, by the way,” she added. “Did you just think that up on the spot?”

When talk shifted back to possible venues for the evening’s meal, Nyxia couldn’t help but giggle at the overly dramatic way this pink-haired girl talked up the idea of eating at her place, to say nothing of the snarky jab she gave to Earthshaker. Yes, The Neon Tempest reflected, she was really starting to like this girl already. For her part, Roche was clearly less than impressed by the girl and her offer, going so far as to suggest a barbecue place Nyxia herself had supposedly mentioned, evoking a frown from the Neon Tempest.

Obviously, Nyxia had done no such thing, and while the thought of eating barbecue for the first time without her mundane self’s sensitive stomach getting in the way was an appealing one, she wasn’t too big a fan of someone lying about her. “Actually, I don’t recall mentioning that at all,” The Neon Tempest replied pointedly, while giving Roche a withering glare. “But it does sound rather enticing…” she mused. “Then again, so does the idea of putting my new admirer’s claims to the test… Decisions, decisions… Oh! I know!” she exclaimed with a sadistic grin. “Why don’t the two of you fight for it?!” Nyxia suggested, her eyes alight with gleeful anticipation.
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