Standing at 165cm (5'5"), Angel isn't particularly short, nor tall compared to the average adult female demographic in the USA. In terms of stature, she possesses an athletically slim figure with a rather sizable bust. Set upon her head are locks of chin-length light blonde hair framing a pair of amber irises. People she has met throughout her life have in general described her visage to be "cute yet handsome". If it isn't for her bust size, she can easily fit the role of a dreamy androgynous prince.
In her Esper form, Angel's height and stature remain identical, however, her light-blonde locks redden to become fiery red as if her flaming irises exert their influence upon her hair. Furthermore, a golden halo crowns her head and a pair of wings in the shape of glowing golden prisms project from her back, altogether emulating the image of a Malakhim, Heavenly Messengers of Jehovah. Lastly, like most - if not all - espers, her Instrument and Style spawn on her, replacing any apparel she might have worn prior to the transformation.
A gold pendant in the shape of the Christian cross, its surface encrusted with flawless rubies and attached to it is a necklace composed of equally golden chain links. "Dark"-aligned monsters such as vampires and devils will find the pendant uncomfortably hot to the touch though ultimately harmless.
Angel's signature instrument and primary tool of offense. Exia takes the form of a modern firearm, resembling yet not exactly alike the KRISS Vector SMG, along with functions and features one may expect from said weapon but with one key distinction, it possesses an endless magazine as the instrument simply forms bullets out of thin air using Angel's mana, thus bypassing the need to reload.
GRADE: Silver KEYWORD: Long Gun DAMAGE TYPE: Physical DAMAGE: C SPEED: C SENTINEL: D SPECIAL:Fight-and-Flight - Just like Angel herself, Exia is most at home in the air. While the user is airborne, the instrument functions as if it has +1 Rank to DAMAGE.
STYLE:Holy Amendment
A set of techwear combat uniform, quite commonplace amongst GEMINI agents. The word 'A N G E L' is emblazoned on both of its sleeves.
GRADE: Bronze PHYSICAL: E ARCANE: D CHAOS: C SPECIAL:Angel of GEMINI - Comes with an employee card clipped on the left side of the vest, showing affiliation to GEMINI.
GENRE:Seraphic Savior
Angel channels the divine powers of the Malakhim, the Lord's Holy Messengers, to protect His faithfuls from all those who wish evil upon them.
GRADE: Gold ELEMENT: Wind NOTES: [Storm (4), Flight (6)], Push (2), Pull (2), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Purify (6), AoE (2), Extend (2), Full Extend (4), Enhance (2), Full Enhance (4), Quicken (0), Recoil (2) SPECIAL:Zephyr of Eden - The winds of heaven carry and protect His Messengers so they may bring divine judgment from above! Firstly, when Angel uses the [Self] Cast Note, the [Flight] Effect Note can be added to the Melody for free. Secondly, If Angel is affected by the [Flight] Effect Note from any sources, said Effect Note - and only that Effect Note - becomes +1 Rank stronger.
Incorruptible and rust-immune, Angel's supernaturally divine power emulates the untarnishable precious metal.
GRADE: Bronze SPECIAL: All Melodies cast by Angel visually appear to be wind-esque swirls of golden light. This effect is purely cosmetic.
GM Note: New characters do not start the RP with a Backup, and must forge relationships in Pax Septimus to earn one.
Gear and equipment bestowed to Angel so she's not as defenseless should she’s engaged in combat without access to her Esper form for one reason or another. Overall, they're designed to emulate her preferred fighting style. Though these tools are nowhere close in effectiveness compared to her Grimoire, they're still better than having nothing at all.
GRADE: Silver SPECIAL:Glock 17 - Upgrades the Pistol into a Glock 17, a standard-issue law enforcement handgun with a 17 rounds magazine.
Cheerful, confident, and brave if not borderline fearless, the Esper codenamed as 'Angel' (Real Name: Angelie Belrose) seems to shine like a beacon of optimism and hope, a beacon that may be warmly welcomed or be seen as blindingly naive. This figuratively shining presence is - for better or worse - compounded twofold whenever Angel is assigned to the same squad as a certain fellow Esper and GEMINI Agent, the Knight of Tomorrow. A deeply religious person, Angel sees the circumstances of her life that led her to where she is right now as a task bestowed upon her by the Almighty Lord Himself. As evil, atrocities, and monsters - both of human and alien nature - plague the streets unchecked, it falls upon her and her comrades-in-arms to defend those who can't defend themselves.
Deeply buried inside the self-proclaimed savior's psyche is a nigh-crippling sense of regret and copious amounts of self-blame. If only she listened, if only she followed in his footsteps, if only she wasn't so... weak, then perhaps, her life could've been much different. God had shown her the price of hubris by taking her most beloved, opening her eyes to the path she must follow and now, if she can save others from the same fate then it shall be her divinely-ordained mission, for God Wills It.
The one and only daughter of Harold Belrose and Audrey Belrose, the latter who passed away shortly after childbirth, Angelie was raised in a single-parent household in New York City, USA. As the child of an NYPD Officer who's also a devout Christian, the blonde was raised with the principles of duty, discipline, and faith, lessons that she found much too stiff and authoritarian to her liking, and dare she could say... boring? Though it was quite apparent that little Angelie took after her upbeat, cheerful, and easy-going mother than her 'holy paladin' of a father, Harold had never once given up trying to impart his values upon the love of his life for he saw Angelie as a responsibility that God and his departed wife placed upon him. How could he afford to let her stray from the path of righteousness, knowing his wife is watching him from heaven?
Alas, those lessons never really stuck and despite her father's insistence for her to attend church and see how noble being a policeman is, Angelie took them halfheartedly, never really giving any serious thoughts to either. On the flipside, ever since she was but a young girl, Angelie had always wanted to be a paraglider, she believed that there's nothing better in life than soaring through the air like an eagle, feeling the winds against her skin, free as she could be. Her mind was set, no matter what her father would say or do, she would never pick up a badge and a firearm for her place belonged in the clear open sky, not the dirty streets of downtown New York. She'd soar in the aether, but not to get closer to God for she'd be doing it for herself, on her own terms.
Perhaps this was why God showed her a lesson, as one day, instead of attending Sunday church together with her father, Angelie preferred to go on a paragliding competition. If only she was there with him... she could've convinced him to not answer that emergency call, could've diverted him from encountering that Weretiger, ...could've saved him from being torn to shreds. Yes, she could've done all that yet she didn't. Now she was an orphan and it was all her fault.
Weeks of sleepless nights later, Angelie was attending church when she stumbled upon… a miracle, suddenly appearing clenched between the palms of her hands as if it had materialized out of thin air. A most beautiful ruby-encrusted gold pendant in the shape of the Holy Cross, complete with a necklace just as exquisite, and with it, an inexplicable hum ringing within her mind, divine and heavenly like the choir of angels. This... this must be a sign, the Lord Almighty had given her a chance at redemption!
"A Grimoire", the men in black suits told her, and apparently having one makes her an 'Esper'. Well, if God wishes her to be an Esper to continue her late father's work, then so be it. Whether the NYPD or this GEMINI organization, as long as she could protect the innocent from evil, the very same evil that took her father and who knew how many more. No matter how hard she must train, how difficult her life ahead would be, she would bear it all with a smile for she knows, tis' God's Will.
25 | Female | G.E.M.I.N.I. | Auric Angel Exia | Long Gun | Physical | Fight-and-Flight Holy Amendment | Angel of GEMINI Seraphic Savior | Wind | Zephyr of Eden [Storm (4), Flight (6)], Push (2), Pull (2), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Purify (6), AoE (2), Extend (2), Full Extend (4), Enhance (2), Full Enhance (4), Quicken (0), Recoil (2)
DAMAGE: C | SPEED: C | SENTINEL: D | Max Mana: 1000
PHYSICAL: E | ARCANE: D | CHAOS: C | Current Mana: 1000
I really love this character. She's like a cross between Silmeria and Lucette, but a thousand times cooler than either. I can't wait for her and Ashley to meet up!
Still a WIP, but concept is basically parry shit and hit em with Mana Burn until they give up. Pacifist witch hunter go brrt. Posting early so iz easier to edit and also to get feedback on the specialz.
Name Age Sex Appearance
A bolo tie.
It’s literally a just a big katana. Probably dark blue cord wrapped around the black scabbard. Otherwise its just cold steel. Gold. Grade: Gold Keyword: Dai-katana Damage Type: Physical Damage: D Speed: C Sentinel: A Special: STRONG PARRY - Can parry magic and chaos and other things that shouldn't normally be parried. Parried objects either are diverted, deflected, or pushed back depending on the situation.
It’s literally just a suit. Real professional look. Heck, it might just end up being an Agent Uniform. Grade: Bronze Physical: D Arcane: E Chaos: D Special: Outfit is marked with the GEMINI insignia.
Witch Hunt
Grade: Silver (750 Mana, 9 Effect and Mod Notes) Element: Light Notes: [Reveal (2), Purity (4)] Mana Burn (6), Magic Sense (4), Blink (4), Dispel (6), Damage (2), Stabilize (0), AoE (2), Scatter (2), Full Extend (4) Special: Sacred Prohibition - Mana Burn has a continuous draining effect. At the end of the next round, targets struck by the Mana Burn effect lose another 50 MP.
Grade: Bronze See-Through Bangs: Can see through her own hair.
Probably medical supplies and cuffs and other shenanigans.
Why work for free when you can get a government job and then get promoted into a cushy position with job security and good benefits?
Ashley Avenir, The Knight of Tomorrow (Official GEMINI Codename: Orion)
Ashley is a fairly average-looking young woman, standing 5’3” with dark, shoulder-length hair. Her vision is pretty terrible, so she wears a pair of corrective lenses. In her normal form, she prefers to wear comfortable, unassuming clothes, with a particular emphasis on baggy hoodies and jackets. At least, when she’s not wearing her GEMINI uniform, of course. As an Esper, her appearance doesn’t change too drastically, becoming just a little more mature and developed. In particular, her hair lengthens, reaching down to her lower back. It also takes on a slight bluish color.
A small, emerald sphere, which seems to glow with an inner light. Ashley has made it into a necklace.
INSTRUMENT:Implements of Tomorrow
As an Esper, Ashley is armed with a futuristic wand and an energy shield. The wand is tipped by what looks like an ultra-tech tuning fork, between the neon green prongs of which rests Ashley’s Grimoire, now grown to over twice its original size. The wand’s iPod-white body is etched with what appears to be neon green circuitry, punctuated intermittently by several glowing spheres, inlaid at seemingly random points. It is 12 inches long, with a 5 inch grip. Her shield, worn on her left arm, is seemingly composed of semi-transparent green energy, upon which is emblazoned the GEMINI insignia. Upon closer inspection, a hexagonal pattern can be found lightly imprinted upon it, which grows more pronounced when the shield is struck by something. It is 30 inches in diameter. In addition, all the luminous parts of Ashley’s Instrument glow much brighter whenever she fires it, or when she charges up a melody.
GRADE: Gold KEYWORD: Wand, Shield DAMAGE TYPE: Arcane DAMAGE: A SPEED: D SENTINEL: C SPECIAL: Tune of Tomorrow- In addition to the somewhat stereotypical sci-fi sounds her Instrument emits whenever Ashley fires it, or employs it to direct a melody, the techno-wand’s glowing, tuning fork-like prongs are also capable of generating the precise harmonic frequency necessary to bypass even the strongest defenses. When firing a Projectile (normally and/or as a Melody) or Beam from her Instrument, the target’s Defense is reduced by two ranks if it is higher than her Instrument’s Damage.
STYLE:Raiment of Tomorrow
Ashley’s Style is a futuristic outfit which consists of a skin-tight bodysuit, along with matching gloves, boots, and visor/headset, all of which are adorned with a variety of semi-transparent, ultra-tech accessories. As with their similar counterparts on her Instrument, these also appear to emit a soft, neon green glow, which significantly intensifies whenever Ashley employs a melody.
GRADE: Silver PHYSICAL: E ARCANE: C CHAOS: B SPECIAL: Stride of Tomorrow- Ashley’s highly impractical footwear are equipped with a pair of miniature gravity manipulation field generators. In addition to allowing her to walk like a normal person, they are also capable of temporarily increasing the gravity directly beneath her feet, thus permitting her to remain standing even in situations where her footing/balance would normally be compromised.
GENRE:Light of Tomorrow
The manifestation of the shining promise of a bright future, Ashley’s Genre allows her to harness all manner of cosmic and metaphysical energies to bestow a variety of beneficial effects upon her allies and an array of far more harmful effects upon her enemies.
GRADE: Diamond ELEMENT: Light NOTES: [Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Dispel (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Restrain (4) Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2), Purify (6), Homing (2), Avoid (2), Construction (4) SPECIAL: Power of Tomorrow- Such is the raw, potential energy Ashley has access to, that if the Powerful note is included when casting a melody, she can choose to “Charge” it up beyond the note’s normal limitations. If she does this, the melody’s effects are increased by two ranks, instead of the usual one, at the cost of delaying the melody from being cast until the very end of the next post cycle.
In addition, Ashley has recently unlocked the ability to tap into a hyper-dimensional energy source. Although it takes some time to access, it still provides her with a secondary power source for her melodies, allowing her to conserve her personal mana supply. If the Powerful note is included when casting a melody, the total mana cost of that melody will be reduced by 25%. If the Charge note is included as well, the cost of the melody will be reduced by 50% instead.
LEITMOTIF:Vision of Tomorrow
Although her glowing, green visor may at some, ahem, future time provide such helpful features as a Heads up Display, Magnification, Infra Red Detection, and even X-Ray Vision, for now, it merely incorporates the prescription from her mundane corrective lenses.
GRADE: Bronze SPECIAL: While wearing her visor, Ashley has perfect 20/20 vision.
BACKUP:PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement
Ashley received this autonomous, anti-gravity buzzsaw from Binky as protection against opponents wishing to engage her in melee. It is stored in a compacted form within a chamber on her right gauntlet. She deployed it for the first time during the battle against Justin and The Diver. It performed well, and although it was temporarily unavailable due to Binky's capture, upon her safe return it has since been re-eqquiped.
[Bronze Self][Dynamo][Damage X][Piercing] GRADE: Bronze SPECIAL: In an effort to keep with Ashley’s theme, Binky modified the buzzsaw to glow with a neon green radiance.
PR: Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Medical Supplies x 2, Flash Bang, Taser, Clip Light
To increase her survivability outside of the esper state, G.E.M.I.N.I. techs have modified Ashley’s hoodie to be as durable as a Kevlar vest, and then some. She’s also requisitioned a small Clip Light, in case she needs to explore darkened areas while untransformed, a Delux Medical Pack equipped with Improved Techno-Arcane Reactive Bandages, a Tazer for added protection, and a Flash Bang for briefly incapacitating groups of enemies without expending mana.
GRADE: Gold SPECIAL: The effect of healing notes is increased by two ranks on wounds bound with Improved Techno-Arcane Reactive Bandages. Also, the beam of Ashley’s Clip Light has a faint green hue.
GEMNI Agents
A kindhearted and intelligent girl, Ashley excelled in all her classes and was always eager to help tutor her classmates, often staying several hours after school to assist every student who sought her aid. Needless to say, her generosity, coupled with her exceptionally positive and encouraging demeanor, gained her no small number of friends. Thus, when Ashley graduated valedictorian at the end of her senior year, she found herself presented with a myriad of gifts as her friends expressed their gratitude for all the help she had provided them. The humble girl was utterly speechless at this gesture, and it took several seconds for her to recover from her shock, before she began tearfully thanking each friend in turn. However, her joy quickly turned to horror, as the graduation party’s festive atmosphere was rent asunder by the violent arrival of a tentacled monstrosity. Crashing through a wall, the twisted creature swiftly set about attacking nearby students and faculty, grasping them with its slimy tendrils and dragging them inexorably towards its toothy maw.
The next instant, time seemed to stand still, as a terrified Ashley beheld the frozen tableaux before her. Even as her mind struggled to comprehend what she was seeing, even as she desperately tried to think of some way to help her friends and teachers, Ashley’s gaze was drawn to the present-covered table directly in front of her, upon which sat a single unopened, and before now, unnoticed gift. It was a small, white box, an innocuous little thing, and one that shouldn’t have been spared a second thought in such a situation as Ashley currently found herself. Yet, the girl felt drawn to it somehow, as if whatever the package contained could help her save everyone from the horrific monster that was even now poised to devour one of her dearest friends. Opening the package, Ashley found a green, spherical gemstone. It seemed to glow with an inner light, and when she pulled it from the box, that glow expanded into a blinding flash, which consumed the world around her. Ashley felt herself being flooded with power, and, for a brief moment, she glimpsed a vision of a utopian future, a technological paradise free of pain, suffering, and despair. A future she was somehow destined to bring about… An instant later, she once more found herself in her school’s cafetorium, face to face with the horrific monstrosity. She was wearing a highly unusual outfit, and wielding an equally unusual weapon, but Ashley was only dimly aware of such oddities. A far more pressing concern was that time had resumed its normal pace and her friends were still in great danger. Now, however, she had the power to save them and the knowledge to use it.
In short order, Ashley freed each of her friends from the monster’s clutches, before annihilating the creature with a blast of emerald energy. No sooner had she done so, then she reverted to her mundane self, the strange, softly glowing sphere that had caused her remarkable transformation now resting in the palm of her hand. Although everyone was quite shaken up, no one had been seriously hurt, much to Ashley’s relief. She had just begun helping to clean up the mess, when a team of government agents arrived. After debriefing Ashley on what had happened and answering the confused girl’s questions as best as they were able, they offered the new Esper the opportunity to become a member of GEMINI. Doing so would provide her with the training to better understand and utilize her impressive new abilities, as well as the opportunity to employ them for the betterment of humanity, in particular, by ridding the world of monsters like the one she had just defeated. Always one to help others, Ashley eagerly accepted the agent’s offer, firmly convinced that this was the path that would allow her to bring about the bright future she had envisioned.
After several months of intensive training, Ashley was informed that she was being assigned to GEMINI’s recently established Pax Septimus unit, under the command of Dr. Moller. While the young Esper was initially thrilled to be working under such a renowned scientist, her opinion of Dr. Moller swiftly soured after realizing just how dangerously eccentric and flippantly sociopathic the woman could be. However, despite these feelings, and the recent string of highly traumatic experiences she’s suffered through, Ashley continues to hold fast to her belief that she can be a source of hope for the people of Pax Septimus, one that can light the way to a brighter tomorrow.
Ashley is a kind, gentle, and highly optimistic young woman who always tries to look on the bright side of things. Never hesitating to put others before herself, she is quick to help those in need and is only too eager to offer guidance and encouragement, especially to her fellow agents. Her kindness should not be mistaken for weakness, however, as she is equally quick to defend those in danger and is merciless towards those who prey upon the defenseless, especially monsters. As far as she is concerned, the monster thereat is the primary obstacle to bringing about a bright future for humanity, and so she feels their utter eradication should be her top priority. Ashley views Espers aligned with Maverick Alternative as brainwashed victims at best and diabolical traitors to humanity at worst. She may not try to kill them on sight, like most other agents, but she will still seek to thwart their operations at every opportunity.
18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Medical Supplies x 2, Flash Bang, Tazer, Clip Light [Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2), Purify (6), Homing (2), Avoid (2)
Olivia is a plain, somewhat underdeveloped young woman, standing 4’11” with dark hair, which is often worn in two braided ponytails that reach just past her shoulders. Her vision is pretty terrible, so she wears a pair of corrective lenses. She prefers to wear modest clothes, at least when she isn’t wearing her school uniform. As an Esper, her appearance drastically changes. She becomes a whole foot taller, her hair changes into a golden cascade that reaches past her waist, and her entire body becomes considerably more attractive, to the point that she could easily be mistaken for an elegant fashion model, or fairytale maiden.
A pocket-sized ornate hardcover book, with the image of a rose on the front cover, composed of dozens of tiny, glittering blue jewels. It is usually safely stored in a small pocket dimension.
STYLE:Ethereal Elegance
Olivia’s Style is an elaborate azure ball gown, bedecked with an array of flowers and shimmering stars.
GRADE: Silver PHYSICAL: E ARCANE: E CHAOS: E SPECIAL: Beguiling Beauty- In her transformed state, Olivia becomes stunningly attractive and elegant. Her disposition becomes far more serene and refined, and her normal, somewhat nasally, voice becomes melodious and sweet as honey. In this form, she is very distracting, easily capable of turning the heads of all who encounter her, even if only for a short while. In fact, such is the power of her beauty and charm, that she can even stay the hand of those who would seek to cause her harm, although anyone with sufficient willpower will swiftly overcome this beguilement.
LEITMOTIF:Beastly Bodyguard
Olivia lacks a weapon or offensive abilities of any kind. Thus, if she wishes to survive the many dangers of Pax Septimus, she must seek the assistance of a very special friend…
GRADE: Challenger SPECIAL: While in her Esper form, Olivia is always accompanied by her beloved consort, Thyerg’Xolys, Master of Xhar’doth, a Challenger Grade Behemoth. Although mighty, Xolys is limited by the fact that he must remain within 50 feet (15 meters) of Olivia at all times.
The youngest of five children, Olivia was always a bit…different. Unlike her attractive sisters and athletic brothers, she was scrawny, plain, and weak. She wore glasses, talked in an annoying, nasally voice, and was exceedingly inept when it came to any kind of social interaction. For as long as she could remember, she had been bullied and despised by nearly everyone, family and classmates alike. People shunned her. Of course, Olivia did her best to make friends, but her bizarre mannerisms always pushed people away, and her even more bizarre interests certainly didn’t help matters.
Always something of a bookworm, from an early age Olivia would often spend hours reading in a secluded spot in her town’s labyrinthian library. It was a way of escaping a world that didn’t seem to want her, and she would happily lose herself in one tale after another. However, Olivia’s tastes in stories tended to lean heavily towards the macabre, with Edgar Alan Poe and H.P. Lovecraft rapidly becoming her favorite authors. Her other interests were similarly odd, from a fascination with insects and cephalopods, to a love of the paranormal and the concept of visitors from other worlds, and even other universes.
One dark and stormy day, while she was searching the library’s seemingly endless maze of shelves for new reading material, Olivia came upon a previously unnoticed backroom. Stepping inside, she was presented with a small collection of old manuscripts, each with an ornate, gilded cover. All were beautiful works of art, but Olivia still found herself drawn to one tome above all the others. Its cover depicted the image of an ethereal rose, composed from dozens of tiny, glittering blue jewels. After staring spellbound for several minutes, Olivia finally opened the book, whereupon she was delighted to find that it contained an iteration of the legendary tale Beauty and the Beast. Olivia had never really been one for most fairy tales, but this particular story had always touched her heart in a particularly meaningful way.
Being a social outcast herself, she had long empathized with the lonely, reclusive Beast. And being fond of things others considered creepy or unnerving, she liked to think that, if she were placed in a similar situation as Beauty, she would happily accept the Beast for who he was. In fact, from her point of view, the Beast’s monstrous appearance only added to his attractiveness.
So it was that Olivia eagerly read through this newest incarnation of the old story, and as she turned each page, she found herself becoming increasingly enamored. Much like Olivia herself, this version’s Beauty was utterly despised by her family, more so than any other iteration of the character. In addition, the story soon took a dark and macabre twist, which seemed almost Lovecraftian in nature. This was particularly evident in the depiction of the Beast, who was now less of an animalistic being and more of an otherworldly eldritch horror. However, despite his terrifying appearance, the Beast was revealed to be quite polite and well-spoken. Indeed, so charming was he, and so endearingly nightmarish was his form, that Olivia found herself wishing that such a being would enter her friendless existence.
Upon reaching the tale’s conclusion, Olivia closed the book with a wistful sigh. There was no chance whatsoever that she would receive a happy ending to her own sad story like Beauty had, Olivia reflected, but at least she would now have the story itself to keep her company (and serve as inspiration for what promised to be countless fan fiction continuations). Resolving to return and reread the story every day, Olivia was about to leave, when she was startled by the sound of an inhuman screech. Still clutching the ornate tome in her slightly trembling hands, she cautiously made her way out of the small backroom, whereupon she was greeted by a truly horrifying sight.
There before her stood an enormous, demonic fusion of a centipede and a moth, which was in the process of kicking over bookshelves and devouring their contents. Perhaps unsurprisingly, it was the creature’s actions that bothered Olivia more than its appearance, as she actually found it quite fascinating to look at. However, as far as she was concerned, destroying precious, and perhaps even irreplaceable, books was the worst thing one could do, and she was not about to stand idly by while this monster continued to destroy her favorite place in town. Marching up to the creature with an uncanny lack of fear, Olivia demanded that it cease its consumption at once. At first, the scrawny girl’s indigent demands went completely ignored, but she soon gained the monster’s full attention, when it noticed the tome she was carrying.
Looming over the increasingly frightened girl, the creature was about to strike, when all at once, Olivia was enveloped by a whirlwind of mystic energy. Glittering rose petals swirled around her, while a kind and strong voice assured her that she had nothing to fear. The next instant, the whirlwind faded, and Olivia stood before the creature, completely transformed. The monstrosity itself seemed to be stunned by the shocking transformation, before its massive form drooped down in seeming deference to the etherial beauty Olivia had become. Pleasantly surprised by the creature’s changed demeanor, Olivia was about to examine it more closely, when a second creature, far more monstrous than the first, appeared and swiftly sliced it apart.
Understandably shocked by this turn of events, Olivia’s fears were calmed a moment later, when she again heard the voice that had spoken to her just before her transformation. It was coming from the sole remaining creature. The eldritch being introduced itself as Thyerg’Xolys, the very same Thyerg’Xolys that appeared in the tome she was holding when her transformation began. The tome was a Grimoire, Xolys explained, and a rare one at that. It had chosen her to become a Magical Girl and use the power bound within it to fight the Pageless, like the one she had just encountered.
Olivia couldn’t believe what she was hearing. It was like a dream come true. Not only would she be able to take on the role of a storybook heroine, she would finally have her first real friend (And such a handsome one, too!). Over the following weeks, she and Xolys would talk frequently, with Olivia often transforming simply to chat (and occasionally snuggle) with him. Indeed, the incongruous pair have grown rather fond of each other, something made quite obvious by their frequent displays of affection (which for some reason, others seem to find extremely disconcerting).
It was a little over a month after her first transformation that Olivia was approached by a representative of the Grand Ministry. They informed her that they were very interested in her… unique abilities, and offered her a scholarship to the prestigious Marrywell Academy. Honored by the representative’s clear admiration (or so she thought), Olivia eagerly accepted their offer and, soon enough, found herself at the gates of the renowned school. Overjoyed by the prospect of finding a place where she could at long last fit in, and perhaps even make some friends, Olivia couldn’t wait to begin her studies. As events transpired, she would meet many new friends and battle no small number of foes, until, one day, she found herself before the school’s mysterious guidance councilor, who presented her with an incredible opportunity- a single-student field trip to another universe! Unsurprisingly, Olivia jumped at the chance, and now finds herself in a world shockingly different from her own (for example, why does everyone keep calling her an Esper?). Still, with her beloved Xolys by her side, Olivia is determined to enjoy her new adventure to the fullest!
Olivia is a friendly, if socially awkward girl, who is always happy to chat about her many interests. The problem is, those interests tend to be rather bizarre, and the talkative, overzealous and highly energetic Olivia is almost always completely oblivious to that fact. Because of the near consent rejection and ridicule she’s experienced, she has started to become a bit more hesitant to open up to people. That said, showing even the slightest interest in one of her obsessions will open the proverbial floodgates once more, with Olivia happily babbling away for hours on end.
Due to her exceptionally poor social skills, she often inadvertently invades others’ personal space and, especially when excited about the topic of discussion, speaks in an incredibly rapid and louder-than-necessary voice, which most find both difficult to understand and highly annoying. Still, if one can look past all her quirks and eccentricities, they will find a loyal and caring friend. Indeed, Olivia doesn’t seem to have a single mean bone in her body, and all of her various bothersome mannerisms are completely unintentional on her part, leading the poor girl to frequently apologize for her offensive behavior.
Just kidding!
Sorry, Izu, I couldn't resist.
Here's my actual character-
Ashley Avenir, The Knight of Tomorrow
Ashley is a fairly average-looking young woman, standing 5’3” with dark, shoulder-length hair. Her vision is pretty terrible, so she wears a pair of corrective lenses. In her normal form, she prefers to wear comfortable, unassuming clothes, with a particular emphasis on baggy hoodies and jackets. At least, when she’s not wearing her GEMINI uniform, of course. As an Esper, her appearance doesn’t change too drastically, becoming just a little more mature and developed. In particular, her hair lengthens, reaching down to her lower back. It also takes on a slight bluish color.
A small, emerald sphere, which seems to glow with an inner light. Ashley has made it into a necklace.
INSTRUMENT:Implements of Tomorrow
As an Esper, Ashley is armed with a futuristic wand and an energy shield. The wand is tipped by what looks like an ultra-tech tuning fork, between the neon green prongs of which rests Ashley’s Grimoire, now grown to over twice its original size. The wand’s iPod-white body is etched with what appears to be neon green circuitry, punctuated intermittently by several glowing spheres, inlaid at seemingly random points. It is 12 inches long, with a 5 inch grip. Her shield, worn on her left arm, is seemingly composed of semi-transparent green energy, upon which is emblazoned the GEMINI insignia. Upon closer inspection, a hexagonal pattern can be found lightly imprinted upon it, which grows more pronounced when the shield is struck by something. It is 30 inches in diameter. In addition, all the luminous parts of Ashley’s Instrument glow much brighter whenever she fires it, or when she charges up a melody.
GRADE: Silver KEYWORD: Wand, Shield DAMAGE TYPE: Arcane DAMAGE: B SPEED: E SENTINEL: C SPECIAL: Tune of Tomorrow- In addition to the somewhat stereotypical sci-fi sounds her Instrument emits whenever Ashley fires it, or employs it to direct a melody, the techno-wand’s glowing, tuning fork-like prongs are also capable of generating the precise harmonic frequency necessary to bypass even the strongest defenses. When firing a bolt from her Instrument, the target’s Defense is reduced by one rank if it is higher than her Instrument’s Damage. Melodies directed by the Instrument do not benefit from this effect.
STYLE:Raiment of Tomorrow
Ashley’s Style is a futuristic outfit which consists of a skin-tight bodysuit, along with matching gloves, boots, and visor/headset, all of which are adorned with a variety of semi-transparent, ultra-tech accessories. As with their similar counterparts on her Instrument, these also appear to emit a soft, neon green glow, which significantly intensifies whenever Ashley employs a melody.
GRADE: Silver PHYSICAL: E ARCANE: C CHAOS: B SPECIAL: Stride of Tomorrow- Ashley’s highly impractical footwear are equipped with a pair of miniature gravity manipulation field generators. In addition to allowing her to walk like a normal person, they are also capable of temporarily increasing the gravity directly beneath her feet, thus permitting her to remain standing even in situations where her footing/balance would normally be compromised.
GENRE:Light of Tomorrow
The manifestation of the shining promise of a bright future, Ashley’s Genre allows her to harness all manner of cosmic and metaphysical energies to bestow a variety of beneficial effects upon her allies and an array of far more harmful effects upon her enemies.
GRADE: Silver ELEMENT: Light NOTES: [Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2) SPECIAL: Power of Tomorrow- Such is the raw, potential energy Ashley has access to, that if the Powerful note is included when casting a melody, she can choose to “Charge” it up beyond the note’s normal limitations. If she does this, the melody’s effects are increased by two ranks, instead of the usual one, at the cost of delaying the melody from being cast until the very end of the next post cycle.
LEITMOTIF:Vision of Tomorrow
Although her glowing, green visor may at some, ahem, future time provide such helpful features as a Heads up Display, Magnification, Infra Red Detection, and even X-Ray Vision, for now, it merely incorporates the prescription from her mundane corrective lenses.
GRADE: Bronze SPECIAL: While wearing her visor, Ashley has perfect 20/20 vision.
BACKUP:PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement
Ashley received this autonomous, anti-gravity buzzsaw from Binky as protection against opponents wishing to engage her in melee. It is stored in a compacted form within a chamber on her right gauntlet. She deployed it for the first time during the battle against Justin and The Diver. It performed well, but with Binky currently MIA, it has yet to be replaced.
[Bronze Self][Dynamo][Damage X][Piercing] GRADE: Bronze SPECIAL: In an effort to keep with Ashley’s theme, Binky modified the buzzsaw to glow with a neon green radiance.
PR: Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Medical Supplies, Taser, Clip Light
To increase her survivability outside of the esper state, G.E.M.I.N.I. techs have modified Ashley’s hoodie to be as durable as a Kevlar vest, and then some. She’s also requisitioned a small Clip Light, in case she needs to explore darkened areas while untransformed, a Medical Pack equipped with Arcane Reactive Bandages, and a tazer for added protection.
GRADE: Silver SPECIAL: The effect of healing notes is increased by one rank on wounds bound with Arcane Reactive Bandages. Also, the beam of Ashley’s Clip Light has a faint green hue.
GEMNI Agents
A kindhearted and intelligent girl, Ashley excelled in all her classes and was always eager to help tutor her classmates, often staying several hours after school to assist every student who sought her aid. Needless to say, her generosity, coupled with her exceptionally positive and encouraging demeanor, gained her no small number of friends. Thus, when Ashley graduated valedictorian at the end of her senior year, she found herself presented with a myriad of gifts as her friends expressed their gratitude for all the help she had provided them. The humble girl was utterly speechless at this gesture, and it took several seconds for her to recover from her shock, before she began tearfully thanking each friend in turn. However, her joy quickly turned to horror, as the graduation party’s festive atmosphere was rent asunder by the violent arrival of a tentacled monstrosity. Crashing through a wall, the twisted creature swiftly set about attacking nearby students and faculty, grasping them with its slimy tendrils and dragging them inexorably towards its toothy maw.
The next instant, time seemed to stand still, as a terrified Ashley beheld the frozen tableaux before her. Even as her mind struggled to comprehend what she was seeing, even as she desperately tried to think of some way to help her friends and teachers, Ashley’s gaze was drawn to the present-covered table directly in front of her, upon which sat a single unopened, and before now, unnoticed gift. It was a small, white box, an innocuous little thing, and one that shouldn’t have been spared a second thought in such a situation as Ashley currently found herself. Yet, the girl felt drawn to it somehow, as if whatever the package contained could help her save everyone from the horrific monster that was even now poised to devour one of her dearest friends. Opening the package, Ashley found a green, spherical gemstone. It seemed to glow with an inner light, and when she pulled it from the box, that glow expanded into a blinding flash, which consumed the world around her. Ashley felt herself being flooded with power, and, for a brief moment, she glimpsed a vision of a utopian future, a technological paradise free of pain, suffering, and despair. A future she was somehow destined to bring about… An instant later, she once more found herself in her school’s cafetorium, face to face with the horrific monstrosity. She was wearing a highly unusual outfit, and wielding an equally unusual weapon, but Ashley was only dimly aware of such oddities. A far more pressing concern was that time had resumed its normal pace and her friends were still in great danger. Now, however, she had the power to save them and the knowledge to use it.
In short order, Ashley freed each of her friends from the monster’s clutches, before annihilating the creature with a blast of emerald energy. No sooner had she done so, then she reverted to her mundane self, the strange, softly glowing sphere that had caused her remarkable transformation now resting in the palm of her hand. Although everyone was quite shaken up, no one had been seriously hurt, much to Ashley’s relief. She had just begun helping to clean up the mess, when a team of government agents arrived. After debriefing Ashley on what had happened and answering the confused girl’s questions as best as they were able, they offered the new Esper the opportunity to become a member of GEMINI. Doing so would provide her with the training to better understand and utilize her impressive new abilities, as well as the opportunity to employ them for the betterment of humanity, in particular, by ridding the world of monsters like the one she had just defeated. Always one to help others, Ashley eagerly accepted the agent’s offer, firmly convinced that this was the path that would allow her to bring about the bright future she had envisioned.
After several months of intensive training, Ashley was informed that she was being assigned to GEMINI’s recently established Pax Septimus unit, under the command of Dr. Moller. While the young Esper was initially thrilled to be working under such a renowned scientist, her opinion of Dr. Moller swiftly soured after realizing just how dangerously eccentric and flippantly sociopathic the woman could be. However, despite these feelings, and the recent string of highly traumatic experiences she’s suffered through, Ashley continues to hold to fast to her belief that she can be a source of hope for the people of Pax Septimus, one that can light the way to a brighter tomorrow.
Ashley is a kind, gentle, and highly optimistic young woman who always tries to look on the bright side of things. Never hesitating to put others before herself, she is quick to help those in need and is only too eager to offer guidance and encouragement, especially to her fellow agents. Her kindness should not be mistaken for weakness, however, as she is equally quick to defend those in danger and is merciless towards those who prey upon the defenseless, especially monsters. As far as she is concerned, the monster thereat is the primary obstacle to bringing about a bright future for humanity, and so she feels their utter eradication should be her top priority. Ashley views Espers aligned with Maverick Alternative as brainwashed victims at best and diabolical traitors to humanity at worst. She may not try to kill them on sight, like most other agents, but she will still seek to thwart their operations at every opportunity.
18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow [Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2)