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It's Tempest Tuesday, Roche. Accept no substitutes.
-Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow

Unsurprisingly, Suki didn’t even try to hide her disgusting depravity, causing Nyxia’s disdainful sneer to remain fixed upon her amethyst-tinged face. Tsubomi’s entrance was, as usual, the epitome of understated, and thus went without acknowledgment from the Neon Tempest. Instead, the teal-haired young woman focused her attention on the ‘artistic rendition’ of Hibusa Town’s newest Magical Girl that Suki proceeded to reveal to them. Despite her contempt for the blood witch, Nyxia had to concede that the image was surprisingly well-composed for a thrown-together collage. If the mystery Magical Girl in question was actually real (and at least vaguely resembled Suki’s recreation), then she certainly seemed like a force to be reckoned with. That said, Nyxia’s hunger for violence was primarily directed at the Miseria. She had no real interest in fighting another Magical Girl, regardless of if they were light or dark. Speaking of, there didn’t seem to be any indication of what side of the “spectrum” this dragon girl belonged to, although, if she was dark, it was a good bet that the ‘too cool for words’ Rei had already made contact with her. Then again, Rei had been even more enigmatic than usual of late, so maybe this new girl would be able to escape the Detention Club’s suffocating grasp? Though even if she did, she might not be so fortunate to escape Suki’s…

Yes, Nyxia reflected, the real reason behind the romance-obsessed Suki’s desire to find this girl was nothing more than a desperate attempt to acquire yet another romantic partner, ideally one who was depraved enough to tolerate being around her for an extended period of time. Still, the idea of seeing the mystery girl in action, especially if that action was beating the shit out of an overly-affectionate Suki, was reason enough for the Neon Tempest to tag along on this little expedition. Indeed, if this dragon girl was as fearsome a presence as she was claimed to be, then she’d no doubt draw no small number of Miseria to her (even if Suki hoped to meet her before the fall of night was complete), and Nyxia delighted in the thought of slaughtering them all before dragon girl could even get in a single strike…

“Why not?” Nyxia mused. “After all, seeing all your pitiful hopes get smashed to pieces never ceases to bring me joy.”

I'm back, bitches.
-Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow

The months following her induction into Rei’s Detention Club had passed in a dizzying blur to the Neon Tempest, the depressing monotony of her horrid home life punctuated by equally depressing and monotonous club meetings, marked by tiresome attempts at socialization and team-building, along with the cherished moments of glorious exhilaration that came with slaying Miseria in their hundreds. One would think that, over such a considerable span of time, Nyxia might have made a deeper connection with at least one of her club mates, yet, aside from a general agreement to keep her caustic commentary on her fellow Dark Magical Girls to the level of “harmless” teasing, the Neon Tempest was still as anti-social as ever. Even her initial “bonding session” with her teammate Roche, aka Earthshaker, had resulted in little more than her displaying the most minor level of cordiality to the code keeper. However, while Nyxia might now treat the track star with more respect than the average club member, she was still merely a teammate, not a friend. Suki “Oros the Joyful” Oyama, on the other hand, wasn’t even that

“Now why am I not surprised a pathetic worm like you is crawling around on the floor?” Nyxia quipped from where she was perched upon the club room’s open windowsill, her mouth curled into a mocking sneer as a light breeze played through her bright teal hair. As usual, she had arrived to the clubroom transformed. Since she was far too sickly to attend classes, running across the rooftops in her magical girl form was the easiest way to make it to club meetings from her family’s palatial estate, and since she would never willingly allow anyone to see her true self, she didn’t bother changing back once she’d arrived. Today, both Roche and Suki had arrived before her, although she ignored the former to focus her caustic attention solely on the latter. “Are you looking for ingredients to make more monsters for my precious baby to kill?” the Neon Tempest inquired as she lovingly caressed the enormous energy cannon propped up against the wall beside her. “Or are you just trying to find a snack for your disgusting self?”

I suppose...
Just thought you'd like to know, your image links are all busted.

And you call yourself a giggachad...

How pathetic.
Cool character!

Two small problems, though. One, none of his Glamours have grades, and two, Long Guns are limited to doing Physical damage, unless modified by their Special to allow for a different damage type.

By the time Ashley returned to the briefing room, she had shifted back to her mundane appearance, but although she had composed herself following her minor altercation with Mika, it was clear to see that her demeanor was considerably more somber than it had been when she’d departed for the interrogation room. Sitting down in a chair near the back of the room, the bespectacled young woman focused her gaze upon the floor, her bowed head displaying a visage of mournful contemplation.

Could we have done more to save her? she wondered. Could I have done more…?

Over and over, she forced herself to replay the horrific scene in her mind, the desperate battle on the rooftop amidst a torrent of hail, frogs, insects, and blood. The last moments of Agent Breacher’s, of Su Fang’s life. Yet despite all her efforts, she couldn’t find a course of action that would have prevented her comrade’s brutal fate. Things had just happened so fast, their foes had been several orders of magnitude above them in power. Indeed, it had been a minor miracle that no one else had perished, that they had ultimately won…

This isn’t like a cartoon show… she reflected bitterly. Sometimes you can’t save everyone… Taking a deep breath, she refocused her gaze on the brooding Mika, the sight of the girl’s own anger filling the Knight of Tomorrow with renewed resolve. But I can sure as hell try

The days following Binky’s recovery had been a whirlwind of activity. In addition to the expected debriefings, training sessions, and patrols, a second abducted G.E.M.I.N.I. researcher, one Doctor Webber, had also returned to the fold, a development which had captured Dr. Moller’s near constant attention. Indeed, it had nearly prevented Ashley from speaking to the director about potentially initiating a Freelancer outreach program as a way of possibly aiding in recruitment, an urgent necessity in Ashley’s eyes, especially in light of how woefully understaffed the Pax Septimus branch currently was. Thankfully, she had managed to secure just enough of Dr. Moller’s precious time to receive approval for the project, and the subsequent trial run had been rather promising, as had her efforts to unlock more of her Grimoire’s power. In particular, she had discovered its ability to tap into a hitherto unknown energy source, enabling her to use less mana when employing melodies. Thus, when Dr. Moller announced that she would be holding an important briefing for all active agents, Ashely couldn’t help but feel a sense of optimism at what would be discussed. Yes, she reflected as she stepped out of her apartment, things were really starting to improve in a meaningful way.

“Hi, Ashley!” a chipper, if rather nasally voice called as soon as she had closed her door.

“Oh, hello, Olivia,” Ashley replied with a smile at the sight of her scrawny, bespectacled neighbor. “How has your, um, field trip been going?”

“It’s been going great so far!” Olivia revealed, her azure eyes seeming to sparkle with excitement. “I’ve been seeing so much of the city, and learning a lot about its history, too!” she explained. “There’s this really beautiful library in the historic district that didn’t really suffer too much damage during the hurricane, and they had so many fascinating books on the city! Oh! And then there was this really cool bookshop run by this funny old man in a wizard’s outfit! Or maybe he was a magus? Or perhaps a sorcerer…? Anyways, he was super helpful! He told me all about a bunch of local myths and monsters! I was really hoping to see one, but the only exciting thing that happened was when these two guys in robes tried to get me to be a sacrifice in this ritual they were planning. It’s okay, though!” she hastened to add upon seeing the horrified look on Ashley’s face. “I told them that they could see an eldritch creature without having to sacrifice anyone, and then I showed them Xolys! And then they both ran away screaming... I really don’t know why so many people have that reaction…” she added with a puzzled frown.

“U-Um, that’s… Q-Quite the story…” Ashley mumbled, still in a bit of a daze after listening to Olivia’s bizarre ramblings.

Who even is this girl… she wondered. And who or what is Xolys? At first I thought he was just an imaginary friend, but now…

“U-Um, Olivia?” Ashley asked tentatively, her voice lowered to little more than a whisper. “Are you an esper?”

“No, I’m not,” Olivia replied with a shake of her head. “I’ve heard that term a few times since coming here, but I don’t really know what it means. Why do you ask?”

“W-Well, because espers are people with extraordinary powers,” Ashley explained. “And I was wondering if you, or perhaps your friend Xolys, might possibly be one.”

“Oh, I see!” Olivia said with an excited nod. “That sounds extremely fascinating! I guess they’re like this place’s version of Magical Girls, then, huh?!”

“U-Um, yes, I-I suppose you could say that…” Ashley replied cautiously.

Magical Girls…? I can’t tell if this girl just has an overactive imagination, or if she’s actually being serious…

“Oh wow!” Olivia gushed. “In that case, I really hope I can meet one!”

“I-I wouldn’t be too eager for that, Olivia,” Ashley cautioned. “Espers can be very dangerous, and usually only appear in response to equally dangerous situations, so I wouldn’t advise seeking them out, even with your friend Xolys to protect you.”

“Oh, don’t worry!” Olivia reassured her with an amused giggle/snort. “Darling Xolys always keeps me safe!”

“Okay, well, in that case, good luck, I guess,” Ashley bid her exceedingly odd neighbor with a departing wave as she headed for the stairs.

“Thanks, Ashley!” Olivia called. “See you later!”

What a strange girl…

Upon arriving at GEMINI HQ, Ashley found only two of her fellow agents waiting for her in the break room. Even as she greeted Finn and Estelle with a polite and gentle smile, she couldn’t help but notice how the virtually empty room threw their distressing personnel shortage into sharp relief. Mika was probably around somewhere, but the girl’s pronounced anti-social tendencies were beginning to worry Ashley. Binky and the other researchers were busy working away as usual, but Ellie was suspiciously MIA, a fact that didn’t exactly bode well for an organization tasked with protecting a city as large as Pax Septimus.

“How have things been going, Finn?” she asked the branch’s youngest agent in an amiable voice, before switching to a more subdued tone. “Have you made any progress on your… investigation?
@BrokenPromise Here's Ashley's full upgraded Genre for your consideration-

Also, is it safe to assume that Ashley's Backup is once again active, now that Binky has been rescued?

Despite her well-founded concerns that they might still encounter a trap or ambush at any moment, to Ashley’s considerable astonishment, no further opposition was forthcoming. In short order, Estelle had located and retrieved Binky’s grimoire, the prisoners had been freed, and the whole group had returned to the surface, where Ellie and called-in cleanup units were waiting to meet them. Of course, there was always the possibility that some of the imprisoned civilians were secretly weretigers, but a quick scan by the ever-useful Estelle proved that they were all just as human as they appeared. Still, Ashley couldn’t help but feel that things had gone a bit too easily. They had been expecting heavy resistance, after all, and she didn’t think a pair of weretigers and a few mundane guards fit that description. As she returned to the team’s van after turning things over to the cleanup crew, the Knight of Tomorrow only hoped that something important hadn’t been overlooked…

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Medical Supplies, Tazer, Clip Light
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2)


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