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<Snipped quote by Ponn>

Will that be a traditional befriending or a Nanoha-style befriending?

A traditional befriending with Nanoha-strength huggy wuggies.

What good is manipulating dreams when all you ever have are nightmares?
-Ashley Avenir

To Ashley’s considerable disappointment (but regrettably, not to her surprise), the situation in the diner rapidly went from bad to much, much worse. Initially, she had assumed that, once she’d cleared a path, Finn would apply a speedster melody on himself and race over to the trapped girls, before breaking open a window and covering the opening with his jacket to provide them a safe and swift passage out of the establishment. However, much to the Knight of Tomorrow’s shock, it was Estelle who, in a burst of agility Ashley didn’t even know the young woman was capable of, leapt across the room and landed by the imperiled schoolgirls. Whether she would choose to have them escape via the nearest window was a question whose answer would have to wait, as a far more pressing problem reared its ugly head. The monsters had recognized them as G.E.M.I.N.I. agents…

Naturally, they were none-too-pleased by this, and promptly put aside their initial dispute in favor of teaming up against a common foe. Ashely had to trust that Estelle could take care of herself, as thick roots burst from the floor to ensnare her legs, while several burly cowboys rushed towards her, wielding an array of makeshift weapons. Nor could she do anything to help Finn, who now seemed to be in the midst of a duel with Dante himself…

Why do these missions always keep going to hell…? Ashley sighted mentally, even as she raised her shield to block the worst of the incoming blows, while simultaneously blasting the roots with her techno wand and sheathing her body in an aura of green protective energy.

And then, as if everything occurring around her wasn’t bad enough, the Knight of Tomorrow heard Director Moller’s painfully chipper voice through her ear piece. Apparently, they had backup in the form of a freelance esper with dream manipulation abilities. She was useless in a fight (because of course she was), but would be helpful in defending against any dream-related attacks, which, the high-tech heroine hated to say, wouldn’t really do them much good in their current situation. Yet, she still had enough composure left to keep from mentioning that little point when the doctor asked if they had found anything yet.

“A bar fight,” Ashley replied curtly. “Witch Hunter is trying to rescue some schoolgirls and Timekeeper’s being attacked by Dante,” she added, quickly noting the most important details. “I’ll do my best to link up with him, but I’m currently surrounded and cut off. Are you certain this backup can’t just put everyone in the diner to sleep?” the Knight of Tomorrow inquired as she barely dodged one of the cowboys’ blows.

Ashley knew it was a long shot, but with how bad things had gotten, she figured she might as well ask…

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Medical Supplies, Tazer, Clip Light
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2), Purify (6), Homing (2), Avoid (2)


[Silver Self][Shield] = -48 mana

I feel like a pinata filled with sugar, rainbows and glitter just exploded in my brain on reading that post.

Mission accomplished.

Now post for Coffin Fortress so MDP can befriend her.

Violet sighed as she massaged the bridge of her nose. Although it was only at its halfway mark, her day had already been replete with an uninterrupted series of board meetings, business meetings, reports from various section heads, and videoconference calls with the CEO of Mishima Motors and the Republic of San Borleo’s President-for-Life. The rest of the day promised to be more of the same, with several additional important meetings, culminating in a fancy dinner with the mayor at one of the city’s most exclusive dining establishments. Yet, at least she could savor this brief, fifteen minute respite as she had her meager lunch of an energy bar and protein shake. It was a time for her to rest her eyes and refocus her mind for the tasks ahead. However, this precious period of peace and quiet was soon interrupted by a sugary sweet voice echoing in her mind.

“Golly gee whiz, sweetie!” the voice exclaimed. “Like, a super duper meanie monster just appeared in that pretty green rectangley place in the middle of your city and is making people super duper unhappy!”

“A monster in central park…?” Violet wondered aloud.

“Yepperoo!” the voice confirmed, its sweet tone filled with urgency. “You, like, have to go there and help them!”

At first, Violet wanted to refuse, to say that some other magical girl could handle it, but then she remembered that there weren’t any other magical girls confirmed to be active in the city. There were rumors, of course, but nothing definitive, which meant she really had no other choice…

“Very well,” the heiress said with a firm nod, before pressing a button on her desk. “Melissa, I shall be indisposed for the next hour,” she told her secretary. “Please inform Amanda that I will need her to represent me at the Polybius Software acquisition review.”

“Of course, Miss Covington,” Melissa replied.

While the acquisition was a major boon that would certainly bolster their video game development subsidiary, Covington Arts’, already prominent position in the electronic entertainment sector, the meeting itself would be a relatively simple affair. Thus, Violet was confident that Amanda, her most trusted and capable subordinate, would be more than up to the task.

After ensuring that she had complete privacy, the heiress took a deep breath and began to recite the incantation that would transform her into her magical alter ego.

“Hearts, Candy, Sparkles, and Balloons~! Teehee~!” Violet began, her mature and stoic voice shifting into a far more childish and cutesy tone with each new syllable as shimmering pink energy swirled around her, completely transforming her body and clothes. “Sunshine, Glitter, Unicorns, and Rainbows~! Taaa daaa~! Magical Girl

is heresie~! (giggle!)”

Upon the completion of her transformation, the hyperactive and whimsical girl the refined heiress had become wasted no time in jumping up and down in childish delight, her big eyes seeming to sparkle with tiny hearts and stars.

“YAAAAY~!!! Playtime waytime in the parky warky~! Playtime waytime in the parky warky~! Tee-hee~!” she cheered, clapping her hands together. “Magical Dream Princess wuvs playtime waytime~! (giggle!)”

However, the small girl’s jubilation quickly turned to confusion.

“But, like, how does Magical Dream Princess get theresie weresie~?” she wondered tilting her head in puzzlement, before grinning broadly as a rainicorn pegasus with butterfly wings suddenly appeared before her.

“Pretty witty horsey worsey~! (giggle!)” the whimsical girl squealed, running over to the colorful creature and giving it a big hug. “Can Magical Dream Princess ride you~?!” she asked excitedly as she rapidly bounced up and down on her short legs. “Can she~?! Can she~?! Can she~?!”

The rainicorn pegasus nodded and winked at her, creating a spray of glitter, which swirled around the giggling girl and lifted her onto the colorful creature’s back.

“YAAAAY~!!! (giggle!)” MDP cheered, before bending over and giving the rainicorn pegasus a big hug. “Oooohh~! So softy wofty~! (giggle!)” the whimsical girl cooed as she nuzzled her mount’s prismatic mane. “Okie dokie, horsey worsy~!” she declared with a big smile. “It’s timey wimey for funsie wunsie, so giddy widdy up~! (giggle!)”


“WEEEEEEEHEEEHEEEHEEEEE~!!!” MDP cried in unabashed joy as she and her mystical mount sped through the sky, leaving a trail of prismatic glitter in their wake. “Faster waster, horsey worsey~!” she told the rainicorn pegasus, while rapidly kicking her tiny legs against its sides. “Faster waster~! (giggle!)”

The whimsical girl had no idea who or what would be waiting for her when she reached the park, but whatever the case might be, MDP was positive that not only would they want to be friends with her, but they would also have lots and lots fun together!

Okay, now I’m fuckin’ pissed…
-Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow

While Nyxia had initially strode down the street at a leisurely pace, she was still planning on performing a magical girl strength-enhanced jump, much like Earthshaker had, just as soon as she had gotten far enough away from the flower shop to not cause any inadvertent collateral damage. However, that was before a sizable fireball appeared out of nowhere and nearly collided with her partner, right in the middle of one of the tribal girl’s leaps. Thankfully, a mid-air collision was narrowly averted, but far worse was to follow. Far, far worse…

As Nyxia watched in mounting horror, the fireball continued its flight overhead, until it crashed into the roof of the flower shop with a fiery explosion.

“The flowers…” Nyxia gasped, her eyes going wide in horror, before narrowing with barely-contained outrage, her now-clenched teeth grinding together.

The flames parted to reveal a cybernetically enhanced, draconic young woman, obviously the girl the now notably absent Oros had been not-so-secretly thirsting for. Yet, that was currently of zero importance to the Neon Tempest, as were the Miseria the girl had just killed, and the words she had started speaking. No, at this precise moment, only two thoughts filled the entirety of Nyxia’s mind- the location the dragon girl was standing atop, and the effect her presence was having on it…

“Get offa there, you FUCKING BITCH!!! the Neon Tempest snarled, her voice suffused with utter fury. “YER KILLIN’ THA FUCKIN’ FLOWERS!!!”

Even as she shouted this, Nyxia charged up the Omega Obliterator and fired a cracking energy beam at the fire hydrant just in front of the flower shop, her bright neon-teal hair streaming behind her from the back blast. As expected, the ruinous cylinder of annihilation blasted the hapless hydrant apart, sending a geyser of water shooting into the air to rain down on the growing blaze that was beginning to engulf the small building. Then she turned it upon the dragon girl.

“Get offa there, or I’m gonna fuckin’ BLOW YOU OFF!!!”

So much for being team leader...
-Ashley Avenir

Ashley frowned when Finn forcefully slipped out of her grip and approached the counter, a frown which only grew when Dante and the boy began to have a rather concerning conversation. Although Finn’s whispered side of things was hard to make out over the din of the diner’s myriad other patrons, Dante’s considerable volume made his words ring out loud and clear…

Already made arrangements…? Ashley wondered, her concern growing as each new piece of information revealed itself. Did Finn make some kind of deal with him he never bothered to tell us about?

That thought alone was troubling enough, but things only got worse when one of the cowboy bikers offered to “help”, only to start a chain of events that culminated in an all-out barroom brawl…


With a sigh of tired resignation Ashley shifted to her esper form just in time to hear Finn (now Timekeeper) snap out orders to rescue the group of girls in the establishment’s far corner.

And here I thought I was supposed to be the leader… the Knight of Tomorrow grumbled to herself.

Although she might not have wanted the position, it had nonetheless been assigned to her by Director Moller, and Ashley couldn’t help but wonder what the point of having such a role even was when everyone on her team simply ignored her. That said, if potential innocents were in danger, the Knight of Tomorrow wasn’t about to just idly stand by.

“I’ll clear a path!” Ashley announced, before aiming her techno-wand at the line of four cowboy bikers in front of them and firing a wide pulse of neon green energy. With any luck, it would incapacitate them enough for the trio to pass by.

Yet, even as she did this, the Knight of Tomorrow couldn’t help but wonder if the four girls really needed rescuing. When one really thought about it, the odds of them being nothing more than a quartet of mundane schoolgirls were slim at best. Indeed, it was far more likely that they were monsters or espers, which meant that not only were they capable of handling themselves, but they would also probably be less than pleased about a group of G.E.M.I.N.I. agents trying to “save” them…

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Medical Supplies, Tazer, Clip Light
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2), Purify (6), Homing (2), Avoid (2)


[Bronze Projectile][Damage][AoE] = -48 mana

For your consideration-

This is a really cool RP, and you should totally consider joining it!

Plus, since we're currently in the middle of an operation, you have plenty of time to make your character!

I try not to overthink stupid shit.
-Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow

Nyxia continued her leisurely stroll amongst the flowers, heedless of her partner’s presence, until the shop’s owner began preparing to lock up. With a resigned sigh, the Neon Tempest followed the woman out of the shop, giving one last wistful look at her beloved flowers before stepping through the door. As she stood next to the elderly woman who owned the shop, Nyxia idly wondered if this was in fact the dragon girl they were seeking, before dismissing that possibility as unimportant. Others had pondered at length over the possibility of adult women becoming magical girls, along with the apparently highly divisive topic of magical boys, noting popular theories of how magical women might be powerful enough to hide their presence from lesser, teenaged magicals, or that they actually took on teenaged forms themselves. Talk would then inevitably turn to what would happen if a teenaged magical girl simply got older. Would she just stop physically aging, making a magical girl virtually immortal, unless killed by a monster or fellow magical (the most common assumption by far), or would she lose her powers once a certain age had been reached (or keep her powers and just age normally)? Aside from the club’s mysterious advisor (who claimed to be a veteran magical woman, but was more enigmatic than even Rei), no one had ever encountered anyone who could truly be called a genuine magical woman, and so the mystery persisted.

Regardless, Nyxia was utterly unconcerned with such things. Indeed, aside from killing enough Miseria to bring her brother back, she really didn’t care about much of anything, or anyone. She held no love for her fellow dark magical girls, yet also felt no hatred towards those “still in the light”. Therefore, while the old woman before her might have been their target, even if she was, and regardless of whether she was Light or Dark, the Neon Tempest’s response would be unchanged. She would simply tell her that there was a disgusting pervert nearby who wanted to be dominated by her, and she was just here to watch the ensuing curb stomp. Yet, all-too-quickly, that possibility disintegrated like a Miseria’s remains on the wind as she watched Suki leap from a nearby rooftop, transform into Oros the Joyful, and skate off towards the nearby forest on a trail of blood, having apparently found the “actual” dragon girl. Predictably, she was shouting about it in a wild frenzy that was impossible to miss.

What a pathetic loser…

“I guess we should follow her, huh?” Nyxia inquired of her partner as she stretched herself out. The Neon Tempest was pretty sure Suki was the fastest among them, especially when it came to chasing girls, but Nyxia didn’t want to outpace the blood witch, merely arrive in time to hopefully watch dragon girl kick her needy ass…
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