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I guess socializing isn't that bad...
-Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow

The Beach? Nyxia had never been, thanks in large part to her mundane form’s exceedingly poor constitution, but she had always wanted to go. Yes, the thought of swimming with her brother and looking at the colorful coral and the fish that swam amongst it had long captivated her imagination. Yet, while she now had the ability to visit the beach whenever she’d like, she had never done so, had never seen any reason to, not if Kaito couldn’t be by her side. Still, what Roche said made sense, and the thought of testing her beloved Omega Obliterator’s underwater capabilities was an appealing one. Plus, there was even the possibility they’d encounter some aquatic Miseria that were even stronger than their land-based brethren. With this in mind, the Neon Tempest gave her partner a pleased smirk.

“Y’know, that actually sounds like it could be fun,” she told the track captain, moving over to sit on a nearby desk. “Having Suki around might be a pain in the ass, but I’m sure I’ll be able to find some crabs to stick in her bathing suit if she becomes too annoying,” Nyxia added with a twisted grin. “Guess I really shouldn’t be surprised an athlete like you enjoys spending time there,” the Neon Tempest continued. “I’ll bet you and your dad had all sorts of racing and surfing contests, huh?” she noted before sighing and staring at the floor. “I wish I was that lucky…”

I think it's time for a little field test...
-Doctor Nykannis

Comfortably ensconced within the deepest depths of her interdimensional Lab, Doctor Nykannis, Queen of the Mad Scientists, was meticulously working on the continued expansion of her already inconceivably vast knowledge base, her attention intently focused on the lagomorphic Puchuu she was methodically dissecting. The creature’s vital statistics and other important information were noted on a glowing, holographic screen just above her workstation, while detailed schematics of a Snowbun, an Incubator, a Hoojib, a Killer Rabbit, and a certain eldritch, leporine-eared “Supreme Being” were depicted on an arc of several ancillary holodisplays.

“Hmmm… Yes, yes, I see… Very interesting…” the Monarch of Mad Science murmured as she went about her work, before the blaring of an intruder alert interrupted her musings and brought her progress to a screeching halt.

Bringing up yet another holodisplay, the mad scientist was greeted with the sight of her Lab’s manufacturing center, a seemingly endless maze of hyper factories, nano forges, and quantum fabricators, adjacent to her power accumulator pocket dimension. And there, on a vast, gear-like platform, surrounded by the convoluted inner workings of some colossal cosmic engine, stood a crack strike team of The Beacon Ascendancy. There was the masked and mysterious Hudie, the intensely focused Tsuki, the snide, sycophantic Violette, and finally, their bold and fearless leader, the indomitable Inquisitor Rachel herself.

“The time has come, abomination!” the inquisitor declared. “For too long, we have allowed your wicked perversions to fester unchallenged, but no longer! By the holy light of The Beacon, your wretched taint shall be forever purged!”

“Hmmm… I suppose I could use a small break,” Nykannis noted with a smirk as she put down her techno-mystic tools, rose from her work station, and teleported to the intruders’ location. Arriving in her massively monstrous combat form amidst crackling arcs of yellowy-green actinic lightning, the Mad Scientist Supreme gave her guests a toothy grin. “Well, well, well… Isn’t this a surprise. I gotta say, I knew you sanctimonious shitheads were sorely lacking in the I.Q. department, but attacking me in the one place where I’m basically omnipotent, while simultaneously being too spineless to stand up to those Wonderland rejects and their Queen of Farts? That’s taking things to a whole new level…”

“Enough of your prattle!” Rachel snapped. “We have no need to explain ourselves to the likes of you! Now perish!”

With that, the inquisitor darted forward, with Hudie following close behind. A golden glow forming around her as she further augmented her already staggering physical abilities with her exceptionally gifted Reinforcement magic, Rachel leapt into the air, even as a glowing, golden spike of pure mystic energy formed in front of her. “Pricket of Punishment!” she cried, swinging Ukonvasa, her giant, double-handed hammer, with all her formidable strength and smashing it into the recently-conjured spike, sending the projectile hurtling towards Nykannis’s towering form. For her part, Hudie employed her gifted Time specialization to dart past Rachel and engage Nykannis in melee. Although several of the Lab’s various defensive systems sought to impede her, the masked mistress of minutes used her butterfly wing-esque bladed fan, Lepidoptera, to swiftly slice the hammer, buzzsaw, and energy blade-tipped techno tendrils apart in a blur of motion, while her preternatural agility allowed her to avoid the grinder pits, nano acid vats, and energy beam blasters with effortless ease. Meanwhile, Tsuki and Violette had not been idle. As the former advanced, she focused the energies of her gifted Arcane specialization through Merlin’s Oak to erect an array of sigil-etched mystical barriers with which to deflect the security system’s barrage of beams and blades, before employing the enchanted stave to fire her own shimmering beam of destructive force at the deranged doctor. Violette, on the other hand, proceeded at a more cautious pace as she opened her mystic grimoire, Sidhetale, and called forth an ever-growing whirlwind of spirits in preparation for an exceptionally powerful attack.

In a demonstration of the impeccable teamwork and coordination for which the Ascendancy was renowned, the attacks were perfectly timed to strike the same precise location in rapid succession. Thus, although Rachel’s energy spike was absorbed by the fluctuating folds of a Hyperdimensional Hyperion Veil, Tsuki’s beam arced around the just-revealed obstruction at the last possible microsecond to smash through several multi-layered Neo-Neutrino Shields, before ultimately being halted by the inconceivable properties of an Nth-Space Negation Shell. Yet, even this barrier was no match for Hudie, who, moving between ticks of the clock, slipped past each of the slowly reforming protective screens in turn, before slicing through the Negation Shell with a flurry of strikes that transcended time itself, negating its very existence, and managing to make the barest scratch upon the nanofluidic hyperalloy armor beyond.

A scratch that was soon restored to its original, unmarred, state, even as Hudie was hurled backwards by a concentrated gravitic repulsion pulse.

“Okay,” Nykannis declared with a malicious grin. “Now it’s my turn…”

An instant later, the Monarch of Mad Science opened up with the full cataclysmic fury of her super-scientific ultramagitech arsenal, sending torrents of starkly inconceivable destructive energies crashing against the three closest Ascendancy girls’ woefully deficient defenses. Hudie bore the brunt of this assault, her mastery of time proving itself as nothing in the face of ravening Hyper-Quantum Giga-Cyclonic Chrono Cannon beams, Polymorphic Possibility Particle Paradox Pulse Projector rays, and Superdimensional Schrödinger Warps. In mere moments, she had felt herself turn to dust and be reformed over a thousand times, until, after her final “death”, she lurched back to life with a violent spasm as she vomited up the multi-colored yarn her internal organs had been transmuted into. Tsuki, meanwhile, had to contend with a fusillade of hard light energy bolts spewed forth from a quad-barreled rotary infinite poly-cyclic repeater cannon at a rate of ten thousand rounds per second. After shattering her arcane barriers like mundane panes of glass, this horrifying, hyper-tech hailstorm shredded the mage into bloody stew, a shuddering heap of tattered clothes and flayed flesh that coughed up fresh gouts blood with each tortured breath. Even mighty Rachel could not escape Nykannis’s hellish bombardment unscathed, the indomitable inquisitor’s mystic armor braking apart under the fury of Omniphasic Ultra-Atomic Supernova Lances, Omniaetheric Zero-Point Hypertachyonic Wave Motion Cannons, and Turbo-Charged Polyphasic Quantum Singularity Giga Blasters.

“Awww… Was that too much for you?” Nykannis sneered at her foes’ writhing forms. “Here, maybe these are closer to your level,” she added, before a quintet of hovering, weapon-covered drones detached from her towering ultratechnomagimechanical form and descended upon the Ascendancy team…

Groaning with a mixture of pain and outrage, Rachel staggered to her feet.

“Unacceptable…” she hissed. “Let the penance for my failure be my strength! Purgatory!” the inquisitor shouted, punching the ground, at which point a blinding pillar of light erupted around her, infusing her battered body with restorative energies. The agony was immense, as if her wounds were being cauterized by holy fire, but they were healed nonetheless, the pain sharpening her focus, making her stronger. When the glow faded, she fixed her steely gaze upon three of the approaching drones. “I have not the time for such trifles!” she declared, her voice filled with contempt, before gesturing towards the drones and shouting “Gibbet!” With that, a glowing cage of golden energy formed around the sinister machines even as they opened fire, their beams, bolts, and missiles unable to penetrate the mystic barrier.

Meanwhile, using Merlin’s Oak for support, Tsuki’s trembling form rose to her knees, before crying out, “Call of the Radiant Phoenix!” Particles of glowing light rapidly gathered about the tip of her stave, before a brilliant avian form burst forth, its flaming wings spread wide. From out of this span shot a beam of healing light, one which fell upon the nearly dead Hudie and swiftly mended all her myriad afflictions. In mere moments, she had been fully restored. At the same time, healing energies flooded into Tsuki herself, removing her own injuries and filling her with renewed strength and vitality.

“My thanks,” Hudie told her comrade with a nod of acknowledgment. “Please accept this as a token of my gratitude,” she added, sending a swarm of shimmering butterflies shooting towards the two drones nearest the mage with a sweep of her bladed fan. “Echo of Ages!” the masked maiden called out as her mystical insects swirled around the drones in the shape of an hourglass, locking them in a temporal stasis field. Then, turning her hate-filled gaze towards Nykannis, she pointed her weapon at the technomantic titan and shouted, “Curse of Years!” Instantly, the Monarch of Mad Science’s massive technomagimechanical form began to rapidly dissolve and decay, yet, just as soon as an aspect withered to dust, it was immediately restored, the Mad Scientist Supreme’s powerful regenerative capabilities holding the forces of hyper-accelerated entropy in a state of equilibrium.

However, that equilibrium was shattered a moment later, as Violette unleashed her now quite sizable vortex of spirits in a mighty torrent. “Phantasmal Procession!” she declared, pointing towards Nykannis with a gesture of command as the cavalcade of ghostly knights surged past her. Slamming into their foe’s monstrous form, they breached each of the demented doctor’s defenses in turn, and, despite losing a substantial amount of their number in the process, still proved strong enough to wear away at her ultratech armor faster than it could be regenerated. “Ha! How do you like that, you filthy heathen?!” she taunted with a cruel smirk.

“Wow, that was almost impressive!” Nykannis replied with equal derision. “You actually managed to inflict some completely negligible damage with that little trick! Plus, you didn’t blindly rush to your doom like the rest of these idiots,” she added, gesturing a wickedly clawed appendage to the crypt commissar’s three teammates. “Did nearly getting your brain popped like a zit back at the rave make you a bit more cautious than your fellow mindless zealots? Well, whatever the case, I think you deserve a reward, she added with a malevolent grin as she deployed a truly horrific weapon. Its amorphous, midnight black form seemed to shift into spines, tendrils, and wickedly sharp teeth, while its barrel was set in the mouth of a face whose chalk-white skin was slit by inky black cuts and pulsating veins. The mouth itself was frozen in an anguished scream, most likely in response to the spikes of darkest obsidian, which protruded from its forehead. Streams of black blood poured from eyes that were opened impossibly wide, and filled with mind-numbing terror. Indeed, those horrific orbs shuddered and bulged with such intensity, it seemed as though they would burst apart in a shower of gore at any moment. “Wanna see something that’s REALLY impressive?! Then feast your eyes on my Negaphasic Numinospheric Nightmare Cannon! Nyahahahaha!” As the deranged doctor continued her maniacal cackling, she fired a violently twisting, pitch black beam of condensed nightmare energy at the Ascendancy girl. Utterly unprepared for such an attack, Violette could only cry out in horror as she was completely engulfed by the baleful beam…

As is happened, Nykannis had actually been rather prescient when mentioning the infamous rave, since it was to that very night that Violette’s tortured mind brought her. Blood gushing from every orifice, her mind ablaze with agonizing pain as she fought to keep it from being rent asunder, the Ascendancy commander felt her violently spasming form being slowly dragged up the stairs leading to the surface by several spectral hands, the door at their summit, viewed through a crimson haze, promising both safety and precious relief from the nearly unbearable pain coursing through every fiber of her being. However, no matter how far along she was dragged, Violette never seemed to get even the smallest distance closer to that place of refuge, the doorway remaining forever out of reach. Seconds stretched to minutes, and minutes to hours, yet there was still no escape from her torment. Indeed, not even death came to bring an end to her misery. Instead, she would simply repeat this agonizing ascent over and over, forever. “N-Nuh-N-No…” she whimpered as blood gurgled out of her mouth. “N-No… N-NOOOOOO!!!”

Beyond the confines of her nightmare, Violette’s anguished screech reached the ears of Rachel, although there was no sympathy to be found in the inquisitor’s icy gaze, only contempt.

“Utterly disgraceful, Violette!” Rachel snapped. “You are a warrior of the Ascendancy! A champion of The Beacon! Throw off the shackles of those wretched illusions and stand true!” As the inquisitor spoke, a golden pillar of flame engulfed Violette, and while the flames were agonizing in their own right, they burned away the nightmare, returning the crypt commissar to the waking world.

“F-Forgive me, Inquisitor…” Violette hissed through gritted teeth, her agony replaced by blazing fury and bitter shame. “I’ll not falter again!” Rising to her feet, she pointed to Nykannis and cried, “Don Quixote!”

Swirling into being amidst wisps of spectral energy, a single ghostly knight charged towards the Monarch of Mad Science at full tilt. His armor was far more elaborate than any warrior Violette had yet conjured, while his lance glowed with mystic power. He rode forward with inexorable purpose, his weapon piercing each of his monstrous foe’s multilayered defenses in turn as it prepared to deliver a Killing Blow. Yet, just before the gallant ghost could reach his target, he was smashed into spectral paste by an enormous ectoplasmic omni-oscillating quantum hammer.

Simultaneously, Tsuki had fired off another brilliant beam of arcane energy, while Rachel and Hudie charged Nykannis from opposite sides. However, the Mad Scientist Supreme was more than prepared for this, with Tsuki’s beam being reflected right back at her. Its amplified power proving more than a match for the mage’s hastily erected energy barrier, the force of its impact sending her grievously wounded form flying backwards, even as Rachel and Hudie disappeared into twin poly-harmonic protective portals, only to reemerge moments later directly in one another’s paths. It was only thanks to the pair’s superlative agility that they were able to barely avoid striking each other with their charged up attacks.

“Yeah, I heard the Grand Magistrate liked to see ‘cross ups’,” Nykannis noted. “It’s too bad you guys are so super ultra gifted at avoiding them.”

“B-By the guiding light…” Hudie breathed. “H-How can she even possess such multifaceted abilities?”

“Well, I’d explain it, but you dogmatic dumbasses couldn’t possibly understand such advanced concepts, and I hate having to simplify things for the feeble minded,” Nykannis replied with a mocking smirk.

“If only Leena were fit enough to join us in this battle…” Rachel hissed through gritted teeth. “She would easily be able to silence your blasphemous perversions of magic!”

“Oh, please… Nykannis sneered. “I’d just deploy a focused numinospheric null field to nullify her nullification abilities! And speaking of…” At that, the weapon cluster atop one of the mad scientist’s myriad tentacular mechadendrites morphed into a single oversized cannon, its glowing, coned barrel ringed with concentric conducer hoops, spinning orbs, and an octet of sphere-tipped prongs, which crackled with pent up power. An instant later, that power was released in a shaft of desaturated energy, which fell upon Violette, draining the girl of her magic and forcing the crypt commissar back into her mundane form. “Your stupid ghosts are really starting to annoy me,” Nykannis told her. “And so are you! she added, unceremoniously vaporizing the defenseless young woman with a Trans-Etheric Ultra-Antimatter Turbo Disintegrator ray. “Nyahahaha!”

“Violette!” Rachel cried, before turning to face Nykannis with a visage of righteous rage. “You’ll pay dearly for that, you monster!”

“Oh, I’m just getting started! Nykannis informed her with a maniacal grin, while opening up an energy clawed appendage to reveal a palm-mounted possibility particle projector.

From it promptly issued forth a beam of yellowy-green luminosity, which struck Hudie directly in the chest. At first, nothing seemed to happen, but after a few seconds, the horrifying nature of the attack was revealed in all its gruesome splendor… At first, dozens of boils seemed to sprout across the masked maiden’s skin, growing larger with each passing second, until they burst apart in a bloody spray to reveal a swarm of trans-phasic omni-temporal biotechnomantic butterflies. The insidious insects swirled around her, creating an exponentially enhanced entropic field, one which first decayed her skin, then her organs, and, finally her bones, until there was nothing left of the mistress of minutes, save scant wisps of dust. Meanwhile, Tsuki had been subjected to an even more horrific fate, the baleful energies of an Omniphasic Polytransmagorphic Xzylohgifphonic Chaodoxx Cannon rapidly and violently polymorphing her body, shifting it into innumerable shapes, and even turning it inside out, until all that remained of her was a pulsating lump of fused matter. A trap door promptly yawned open bellow it, causing the nauseating mass to fall into a vat of sickly green nano acid with a loud splash.

“Now, then…” Nykannis taunted with a wicked smirk as she loomed over Rachel. “It looks like it’s just you and me…

“Think again, abomination!” a voice called from above.

From out of a shimmering portal descended a squad of magical women, their oversized weapons shining with holy light.

“Fear not, Inquisitor! Reinforcements have arrived!”

They were The Shining Sentinels, cross-dimensional crusaders who could each cleanse an entire world of corruption single-handedly. They were the very embodiment of The Beacon, the very apex of the Ascendancy. They were… utterly erased from existence…? Yes, with the simple sound of tearing paper, the titanic trio were completely unmade, as if they had never been created in the first place.

“As I was saying…” Nykannis quipped, a maniacal grin spreading from ear to ear. “Check it out, you four-eyed fanatic!” the Monarch of Mad Science added as she gestured to an enormous weapon that took nearly half her various appendages to support. Its twisted, technomantic form a bizarre amalgam of techno organic components, a plethora of wires, tubes, and glimmering crystalline cores, while a profusion of glowing, spheroid power accumulators, concentric coils, crackling forked prongs, and quantum quintessence quills protruded from various points, all culminating in a gapping, diamond-shaped barrel, rimmed by a slowly spinning ring of several pitch black blades, each etched with an excessive abundance of intricate techno-runes. “My latest creation, The Neo-Metaphasic Polyplenumic Omnioblitorational Super-Scientific Storyslayer Cannon! Nyahahahaha! I developed it after researching the energies of the Queen of Tarts’s signature sword, which she was kind enough to provide me a sample of to study,” Nykannis explained. “It’s kinda anti-climactic when it does its whole ‘storyslaying thing’, what with just the page ripping sound, but I’ll be adding some extra features that should enhance the visuals quite a bit. After all, I’ll need this thing to look as epic as possible when I use it on queenie herself! Nyahahaha! Still, I think it’ll suffice for dealing with you.

With that, Nykannis pointed the weapon at Rachel, the swords ringing its barrel beginning to spin up once more.

“It will take more than that to lay me low!” the inquisitor declared, before raising her hammer high. “Fortress of Faith!”

No sooner had the words been spoken, then the glowing ramparts of a mighty stronghold rose up around Rachel, its gleaming bulwarks of mystic energy standing in firm defiance of the impending attack. There was the sound of a page being torn from a book, yet, while the fortress fell, Rachel herself was left completely unscathed.

“Nice trick,” Nykannis commended. “Clearly I’ll need to work on this thing’s penetration abilities. Y’know, I think it’ll be more fun to finish you off the old fashioned way,” the deranged doctor added with a smirk, retracting the Storyslayer Cannon into a sub-etheric storage space. “So come on, Inquisitor,” she taunted, her myriad glowing eyes narrowing into slits. “Show me what you’ve got.”

“For the sake of my fallen sisters, I shall not falter, I shall not fall, not until I’ve smote you and this abhorrent realm from existence!” Rachel snarled. “Power of the Shinespark, lend me your aid! Consecration of divine judgment!” she cried, lifting her hammer high once more, both she and her weapon glowing with blinding light as unfathomable power surged into them. “DEUS VULT!!!”

With that, the inquisitor charged forward, her abilities enhanced to their highest possible extent, her furious form encased in shining, golden armor, auric lightning crackling about her like a divine halo, while her hammer grew to triple its already gargantuan size. This was her full Templar Mode, employed against only the most powerful of foes. Indeed, she had last used it when facing off against a literal monster queen, yet, at her current power level, Nykannis was akin to an eldritch horror, her defensive abilities far surpassing those of any mere monster girl...

“Now, gaze upon the visage of your vanquishment!” Rachel roared as she slammed her hammer down upon Nykannis with cataclysmic force.

However, the Killing Blow was fully absorbed by a swiftly erected Numinospheric Nth-Space Negation Shell, augmented by a multilayered Polyphasic Neo-Neutrino Hypershield, and supplemented by Refractive Nanofluidic Nythoninum Metaphysical Monomolecular Omnifoliated Power-Plating, the unstoppable force crashing against the utterly immovable object in a colossal expulsion of unfathomable energies.

“Wow, finally goin’ all out, huh?” Nykannis observed. “Well, I hate to break it to ya, but even though every single one of your stats may be over nine thousand, all of mine are over nine thousand times that! Nyahahahaha!” the Mad Scientist Supreme informed her adversary with a wickedly gleeful cackle, before striking back with a monstrous, eldritch energy-bladed biphasic buzzsaw.

The strike split the inquisitor in twain at the waist, both halves spinning away at considerable speed due to the force of the blow. Not wasting a moment, the Monarch of Mad Science fired a withering volley of Multi-Phasic Maelstrom Missiles, Omnispectrumatic Giga Cyclonic Quantum Annihilator Rockets, Omniaetheric Zero-Point Hypertachyonic Wave Motion Cannons, and Polycyclic Transwarp Infinity Beams at Rachel’s still-airborne torso. When it finally landed with an unceremonious thud, it was little more than a charred lump of flesh, its armor having been completely stripped away by the starkly inconceivable energies unleashed upon it. Indeed, it was a testament to the inquisitor’s sheer force of will that she was still clinging to life by the most tenuous of threads.

“F-Finish it…” Rachel croaked, her single remaining eye glaring at Nykannis’s looming form with unrelenting hatred.

“Now, now,” Nykannis chided. “I’d never hit a girl with glasses.”

From out of the forearm of one of her appendages, a thin mechadendrite emerged. It immediately employed the spindly digits at its tip to delicately remove the mangled remains of Rachel’s glasses from her face, before carelessly tossing them aside.

“There. That’s better,” Nykannis noted with approval as she raised an enormous, energy spine-covered power fist that cracked with arcs of yellowy-green actinic lighting. A moment later, the fist slammed into Rachel’s head with a sickeningly wet crunch, the inquisitor’s cranium bursting apart in an explosion of gore.

“Well, I suppose that served as an adequate field test,” Nykannis reflected as the simulation concluded, the messy remains of her final opponent disappearing in wisps of fading energy particles. There were probably a few minor variables that could have been adjusted, but for the most part, the mad scientist was fairly pleased with how things had turned out. “Now then, what to do next…” she wondered as she reverted to her normal form and stepped through a glowing portal to another part of her vast Lab. “I could always invite Jen over for an Esper World viewing session, see how my little Ashley and the miniature version of everyone’s favorite failure are doing…” she mused. “Oh, and don’t worry,” she added, patting the exposed brain of the partially dissected Puchuu laying atop the operating table at her workstation as she passed it by. “I haven’t forgotten about you, Chiichuu. I’ll put you back together after I finish entertaining my soon-to-be arriving guest. Then we can talk about making that new magical girl team of yours…”

Being a leader means dealing with unpleasant repercussions and responsibilities as opposed to simply running away from them.
-Ashley Avenir

Ashley couldn’t help but wince slightly as The Pink Pounder’s blood-soaked form gave her a thumbs up, but she still managed to return the gesture, along with an admittedly awkward smile. MDP’s incongruously jaunty arrival inside the ruined diner was a different matter, one that actually surprised the Knight of Tomorrow. “Um, wouldn’t it be safer if you stayed outside?” she asked the pastel-colored freelancer with a concerned frown. Yet, before the whimsical girl could reply, Dr. Moller’s voice sounded over Ashley’s earpiece. The director noted that although a cleanup unit would be arriving shortly, the agents’ mission wasn’t over. Even with Finn being MIA, they would still need to complete their investigation, something the high-tech heroine was in firm agreement with. She was also told she would need to make a report on the mission, something she wasn’t exactly looking forward to, despite knowing the necessity of it. Finally, Dr. Moller asked if she needed anything else.

At first, she was tempted to request that Binky join them, but although the additional support would have given her less to worry about, Ashley knew full well just how thinly stretched G.E.M.I.N.I.’s presence in Pax Septimus currently was. “I think as long as The Pounder and MDP stick around to assist, Witch Hunter and I should be able to handle things,” the Knight of Tomorrow ultimately replied, even as she heard the pink-armored knight furiously shout at someone outside. I hope… “Um, Director?” Ashley added in a lower voice. “There are still a few patrons left, but none of them appear to be hostile. Also, Dante’s daughter just came out of the back room. She’s clearly distraught over what happened to her father, but I’m not sure how she ties into all this. I’d like to eventually question her, but if she’s a monster, I would prefer to do so in a more secure location. How would you advise us to proceed?”

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Medical Supplies, Tazer, Clip Light
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2), Purify (6), Homing (2), Avoid (2)



I'm not agreeing to this because I like being aound you or anything...
-Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow

“Doing good deeds?!” Nyxia snarled incredulously. “Ya honestly think that’s gonna make us stronger?!”

However, before Oros could respond to Nyxia’s annoyed inquiry, Roche stepped into the room, looking a fair bit more cheerful than her typical stern demeanor. At first, the track captain’s agreement with Oros and subsequent suggestion to “do something new” were viewed with the same amount of disdain Nyxia held for the blood witch’s initial idea. Yet, after a moment’s reflection, the Neon Tempest began to see the possible merit in both courses of action. So far, their nightly slaughters of the city’s Miseria had done nothing to further augment their strength, so perhaps a change of approach was needed, even one as seemingly pointless as helping those in need, or as unpalatable as engaging in recreational activities with her fellow club mates. Plus, Nyxia had to admit, helping the flower shop’s owner had felt nice, so maybe there was something to this whole “selfless service” thing after all…

Unfortunately, while Nyxia was mulling all of this over, Oros had continued her ramblings, with the blood witch ultimately reaching the conclusion that if Roche thought an idea was a good one, it really meant that said idea was utter crap. Thus, after giving her “condolences”, the pink-haired love freak had promptly made her exit, leaving the Neon Tempest alone with the track captain. Despite her lack of fondness for any of the club’s members, Nyxia still preferred the composed stoicism of the code keeper to Oros’s disgustingly desperate flirtations. Indeed, if she absolutely had to go to a boring play, she would rather it be with someone who wasn’t likely to babble away about the most banal subject matter for its entire duration. Though, it seemed the play was off the agenda, at least for the time being, and that meant they would need to come up with another suitable activity.

“Okay,” Nyxia began with an exasperated sigh as she turned to glare at Roche, with one hand on her hip. “So what kinda fluffy feel-good crap did ya have in mind?”

I am very disappointed in you, Finn.
-Ashley Avenir

Well, this operation had certainly been a complete clusterfuck, Ashely reflected. Of that, there could be no doubt. While all the schoolgirls were now safe, and most of their adversaries, including Dante himself, had been eliminated, the whole point of coming to the diner in the first place was to gain some answers on Finn’s condition, and doing that now seemed highly unlikely, considering the current state of things. The conclusion of the chaotic battle had happened in a confused blur, with Ashley taking custody of the last remaining schoolgirl, even as Finn had apparently landed a fatal blow upon Dante. Yet, before the Knight of Tomorrow could even fully register that, a teenaged girl’s voice could be heard, crying for her father. A moment after that, and Finn had darted out of the diner like a bolt of lightning, leaving the high-tech heroine and Estelle to deal with the battle’s aftermath.

Her father…

The words, and the horrifying revelation they imparted, echoed through Ashley’s mind and pierced her heart like a knife as she rose to her feet and surveyed the shocking scene before her. There were still a few potential hostiles left in the room, but she doubted they would cause any trouble. Instead, the Knight Of Tomorrow’s full attention quickly focused upon Dante, now little more than a glass sculpture, and the young woman hysterically sobbing over him.

Oh Finn…

The thought of the boy’s name filled Ashley with a powerful mixture of concern and anger, for while her heart ached for the trauma that had been inflicted upon the young agent, trauma that had now reached its horrific apex, she couldn’t help but reflect that, in this instance at least, it had all been the result of Finn’s own recklessness. If he had only waited like she had instructed, if they had only proceeded with caution and never even entered the diner, then none of these deaths likely would have occurred. Yes, they had been monsters and criminals, but they hadn’t been doing anything hostile to the innocent, just enjoying some rest and relaxation. They didn’t deserve to be slaughtered like this. Dante didn’t deserve the tragic fate that had befallen him, and neither did his daughter. Ashley and Estelle had only fought because Finn had given them no other choice. All the death, all the pain, was on his hands. And just like the child he was, upon seeing the monumental mess he’d made, he had chosen to flee and let the adults clean everything up…

Looking down at the still-sleepwalking girl in her arms, Ashley gave voice to a tired sigh.

“The girl is safe with me, now, MDP,” the Knight of Tomorrow told the pastel-garbed freelancer over her earpiece. “Thanks for all the help. You too, Pounder,” she added, before switching to Dr. Moller’s line. “Director, Dante has been neutralized and the situation is now relatively stable. However, Timekeeper just fled the diner at considerable speed, and I have no idea where he’s headed. I’d like to request a cleanup team be dispatched as soon as possible.”

Switching off her comm, she turned to the mage biker next to her. “If you don’t want to leave, then could you help your associate put out these fires?” she asked. Out of all the factions in the diner, the mage bikers had been the least openly hostile, only reacting to defend themselves from attack, and this particular biker had even helped protect a civilian. In addition, based on their initial vantage point on the far side of the diner, there was a good chance that none of the mage bikers had gotten a good look at any of the agents’ mundane forms, if they were even affiliated with The Hand to begin with. Thus, Ashley found herself reluctant to eliminate the remaining mages, especially since it was far more likely that the hysterically sobbing “Amanda” would lash out in a burst of anguished fury, and the Knight of Tomorrow wanted to conserve her manna so as to respond to that potentiality in swift and decisive fashion.

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Medical Supplies, Tazer, Clip Light
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2), Purify (6), Homing (2), Avoid (2)



Chapter Nine-
Gotta Catch 'Em All!

Part Five- Kurai Majokko, The Dark Magical Girls!

Oh, look, another arcade! I'm sure this will go a lot better than the last time I visited one of these places! (nervous laughter)

On a particular stretch of coastline, on a particular universe’s version of Japan, could be found a rather generic metropolis. Beside it, was an equally generic suburb, although this particular suburb, Hibusa Town, was a bit more shadowed and somber than most. It was home to the Detention Club, a group of Dark Magical Girls under the leadership of Rei “Schrade” Ishiko, who spent their evenings culling the streets of the amorphous amalgamations of negative emotions known as Miseria. Hibusa Town also had an arcade, and it was there, that Kate was waiting for her subject to appear.

After her surprisingly enjoyable encounter with Oros the Oracle, the photographer couldn’t help but get the ominous feeling that the next Oros on her list would more than make up for Morowa’s welcome lack of unpleasantness. Indeed, the Oros of this universe was the one Kate was dreading interacting with the most, yet, there was still a chance such a meeting wouldn’t even need to take place, and it was this fragile hope that the photographer clung to as she watched her subject step into view beyond the arcade’s front window…

There she is… Kate thought to herself as she observed an excitedly bouncing goth girl through her camera’s viewfinder. And it looks like she’s already living up to her name…

Suki “Oros the Joyful” Oyama was almost without a doubt the most unpleasant Oros Kate had yet to encounter, taking the already lustful, perverted, handsy, personal-space-invading tendencies of an average Oros and cranking them all up to eleven. Thus, to avoid an even more traumatic reiteration of her last arcade encounter with an Oros, the diminutive photographer had chosen to hide herself in a darkened corner of the arcade and surreptitiously photograph her subject while peeking around the corner of an ancient Lunar Lander machine. Triple checking to ensure her flash was off, Kate focused on Suki, pressed down on the shutter button, and then…

Someone tapped her on the shoulder.

“Gah!” Kate yelped in shock, before whirling around to find an impassive, dark-haired girl. “W-Where the heck did you come from?!” It was bad enough that someone had found her hiding spot and been able to sneak up on her completely unnoticed, but far worse was the fact that they had completely ruined her shot of Suki, something that Kate doubted was a simple coincidence…

Before the girl could respond, her phone buzzed, alerting her to the fact that it had just received a voice mail. It took the strange girl several seconds to finally react, slowly pulling out her phone to listen to the message with a blank look on her face. As the message began to play, the girl finally spoke. ”Behind you.”

“Wha…?” Kate began, whipping her head around to see if Suki had moved, before turning to look back at the weird girl when she realized the perky goth was still bouncing in place. “Wait… You mean you’ve been hiding back here this whole time? the photographer asked, her voice and visage filled with confusion. 

Who the fuck even is this girl…?

Kate wouldn’t see it, but as soon as she looked away, Suki stopped her bouncing and walked out of view. Then her voice poured through the phone. 

”Hey Rainbow! I’m already at the Yen Dungeon, but I’ve heard some enticing rumors and I wanted to share them with you since this isn’t going to be strictly for playing games.” She giggled. ”Another magical girl came to town, but this time it’s a light girl. She’s a foreign beauty named Kate Carson. She’s a brunette with hair that cradles her head like a helmet. It’s neck length with just a few rebellious strands sticking out here and there. Her eyes look like pretty blue sapphires that glisten like the ocean, with marble white skin that’s free of blemishes. She also wears a red blazer with a white hood, and she’s got a black undershirt that’s cut just low enough for her collar bones to peek out of. She’s sixteen, but looks younger because she’s on the short side and is as flat as you are. Oh but Rainbow, when she transforms, she’sinapristinewhiteweddingdressandicantevenqueeeeeeeeeee ~” At this part of the call one would be forgiven if they thought a pig had decided to squeal into Oros’s phone. ”And the best part? She’s a photographer, and she’s planning on taking a picture of me. Even though she’s a light girl and a little shy, I guess she has a perverted side, so she takes pictures of girls she likes. I have it on good authority that she’s going to try and take a picture of me at the Yen Dungeon. She simply can’t leave without that photo. In fact, she’s so into the photography thing that she has a custom camera for it. I think it’s ‘Nickin’ this’ brand or something? Point is Rainbow, this could be my big chance! So if you see a girl with that description, just call me.” The phone beeped again. Apparently Oros sent out another message while “Rainbow” was listening to this one. ”Oh! I got a better idea! I just saw Mr Shen leave the Yen Dungeon. I’m going to sneak out back and look at everything through the surveillance system. If you see her enter the arcade, just stall her and give her the ol’ Oros the Joyful greeting!” 

The message ended. While a voice asked if Rainbow wanted to save or delete the messages, a camera’s electric motor hummed as it looked straight at their positions.

What. The. Fuck? 

With each new word of Suki’s message, Kate’s eyes had widened ever larger and her “marble white skin” had grown increasingly paler, even as her body began to shudder in horror.

How the fuck does she know all that about me?! the photographer screamed internally. No one should even know I’m here! Unless…

Yes, she realized with dreadful certainty, it had to be his doing. At that very moment, she resolved to give the druid a flying kick to the nuts the next time they crossed paths. But that was something for future Kate to take delight in. Right now, she had more immediate concerns, like the fact that the girl before her was obviously Suki’s partner, Tsubomi, and that Suki herself, or rather, Oros the Joyful, would soon be joining them…

“Alright, fine,” she sighed in weary resignation. “Let’s just get this over with. But just to clarify,” she added. “I’m not a ‘light girl’, or a pervert. I’m just an ordinary freelance photographer who was hired to take a picture. That’s all. So don’t get any crazy ideas, okay?”

As Kate began explaining her totally not a pervert status, Tsubomi seemed to finally register the message. She clicked to save it, and lazily looked back up from her phone to look at Kate. ”Okay.”

Several seconds passed. ”Who hired you? Why do they want a picture?”

“I was hired by my friend, Nikki,” Kate replied, sounding almost as tired and done with life as Tsubomi did. “She’s a fan of magical girls, and Suki caught her attention,” she explained, hoping it would be sufficient to mollify this strange girl’s concerns.

And speaking of concerns, what little peace that may have existed within the arcade vanished as both girls could hear someone taking slow, labored breaths. Oros the Joyful peaked out from behind an arcade machine the two were “hiding” behind with a giant smile. Even the folks at glasgow couldn’t smile like that. She stepped totally into view and looked down at Kate as if she was desert after an especially decadent meal. 

”Ah! I see you overheard my conversation. That wasn’t really meant for you, I just talk to my friends in a particular way.” She poked her chest with all of her fingers. ”I’m the one you’re looking for. I had no idea I had a secret admirer. Do you think Nikki would like to meet me? Maybe if you brought me back with you and were like ‘I got you a picture, but look what else I got?’ And then I could pop out of her birthday cake and she’d cry tears of joy.” 

Kate couldn’t help but cringe at Oros the Joyful’s sudden appearance, but she still managed to retain most of her composure.

“Well, first off, Nikki’s kinda socially awkward,” the photographer explained, holding up a finger for emphasis. “And second,” she added, holding up another finger. “She can get extremely violent, so I don’t really think havin’ ya show up to surprise her would be a particularly good idea.” 

”In other words, she’s the opposite of you.” Oros spread her hands and stepped closer to Kate. ”Which is just as well! Honestly, I have a hard time picturing someone much cuter than you are! What I was told truly does not compare to what I see. Oh, I actually feel inspired.” She cleared her throat. ”Your hair is like my morning coffee: It’s dark in color, has a nice aroma, and I can’t wait to press my lips against it!”

Tsubomi, for her part, stood almost as still as a statue as Suki appeared and began her barely-restrained activities. As the other girl began to give her compliments, Tsubomi put her phone away. ”No haiku, this time.”

Kate visibly recoiled when Oros started talking about kissing her hair. “Uh, t-that’s a nice, um, poem…?” the photographer replied with a nervous chuckle. “But I’m not really into girls that way, so, uh, I think whoever told you about me might’ve had the wrong idea,” she added, holding up her hands in a probably feeble effort to halt Oros’s advance. “S-So, um, I-I’ll just take that picture now and be on my way…”

”Oh you can take as many pictures as you want. But first you’ve gotta transform!” She was starting to pant like a dog. ”It’s not every day we get a new magical girl in town! Least of all one that doesn’t run away as soon as I show up!” 

Tsubomi nodded, slowly but surely, in camaraderie with her partner. ”That’s rare.”

“Not like I had much choice…” Kate muttered. A part of her was screaming to just snap a quick picture and run away as fast as she could, but memories of Morowa’s request to try and treat her next two subjects with kindness entered her mind unbidden, forcing her to rethink that course of action. Plus, even if she did try to run, she doubted she’d manage to get very far… “Okay, look, I absolutely hate transforming, but if indulging your sick fetish is the only way I can get a picture, then fine, I’ll do it,” the photographer conceded with a tired sigh. “But first, I want you to promise me you’ll stick to staring. No touching,” she added, holding up a finger for emphasis. “Second, I’m only gonna stay transformed long enough to take the picture, then I’m changin’ right back, so try not to blink.”

”Not even hand holding?!”

“No touching,” Kate reiterated in a flat deadpan.

”B-but I wanted to do some marriage roleplay!” She pouted. ”But okay…” 

”... Should Suki get a picture too?” 

As quick as it had left, Oros’s smile returned. ”That’s a great idea!” She reached under Tsubomi’s armpits and picked her up like she were a cat. She then swapped places with Tsubomi before setting her back down again. ”Here, you can take a picture with this.” she handed Tsubomi one of her cellphones before looking back at Kate. ”You’d better be smiling when She takes your picture…” She straightened out her posture. ”I guess there’s no reason to hesitate. Show us what you’re made of!”

After sighing and rolling her eyes in exasperation, Kate muttered, “Picture perfect.” There was a swirling of mystical energies, followed by a bright flash. When it faded, the photographer was wearing an overwhelmingly elaborate and comically impractical wedding dress, while her hair had gone from black to blonde, and lengthened to such a degree that it rivaled even Rapunzel’s famous tresses. Looking up at Tsubomi, the blushing bride smiled as best as she could under the circumstances and, once the picture had been taken, she turned to give Suki a weary stare. “You happy now?” she asked, her annoyance clear in her voice.

But Suki wasn’t really in a position to answer Kate. Sure, she was there physically. The blood witch was on her knees with her hands folded together, mouth agape, as if she had just heard the voice of god. Her eyes continued to dilate the longer she looked at Kate. Noises were coming out of Oros’s throat, but they failed to convey anything in a language anyone present could understand. While she babbled, her skin started to change color. Suki’s flesh was so red that it was indistinguishable from her blood soaked  dress.  The temperature difference between her body and the environment was so great that it caused a fog to form around her. Her jaw swung all the way open and she blasted steam into the air, whistling like a boiling kettle. She disappeared behind a veil of white smoke.

Then, without much warning, Oros’s torso rose out of the smoke. Her shrinking irises were replaced with heart eyes. ”Oh Kate, happy does not even begin to describe it! I thought you were lovely before, but seeing my white princess in uniform Has me all-” Her eyes frantically darted all over Kate. ”Your flaxen hair shimmers like fields of wheat, the luster of your skin is only matched by the gold you wear, And those ribbons…. Gah!” Something in Suki’s nose ruptured, and a high pressure stream of blood shot out of her nose. She sank back to her knees with a blissful smile on her face, even as her blood ran down her face. 

”That’s a really good one.” Tsubomi finally said. ”She doesn’t react that way to just anyone.” 

“Gah!” Kate yelped as she rapidly crawled backwards after a torrent of blood shot from Suki’s nose with all the force of a pressure hose. “G-Glad you enjoyed it,” she muttered once she’d gotten a safe distance away. “Now, mind if I take that snapshot?” the photographer asked, holding up her much more ornate golden, jewel covered, camera. “I’d ask if you wanted to get cleaned up first, but since you’re a blood witch and all, I think it’s fine if I photograph you as-is,” she added with a wry smirk.

”Sure!” In the next moment, Oros the Joyful looked no worse for wear than she had prior to witnessing Kate’s transformation. ”Just let me do the pose!” And with that, she hopped to her feet  and spread her legs. She had one hand on her hip and her other was making a sideways peace sign right beside her eye. It would have looked just like the pose sailor moon uses if it weren’t for the bloody tendrils raised over her head. ”Ta-da!”

Rising to her feet as well, Kate raised her camera, took careful aim, and…


“Okay, that should do it,” the photographer declared with an approving nod as she looked over her camera’s display. “Guess I’ll be headin’ out now,” she added, while shifting back to her mundane appearance. “Uh, have fun playin’ games, or whatever.” 

”Yea, playin’ games…” The corners of Oros’s lips stretched as she squinted her eyes. ”You know how you’re going to leave and never come back again? I was thinking we should do something a little crazy to remember our fateful encounter.” She started to walk towards Kate.

Of course you were…

“What did you have in mind?” Kate asked wearily as she slowly backed away from the blood witch.

”Somehow, I think you already know!” With laughter that could belong to a cherub or an imp, Oros sprinted towards Kate, arms spread, eyes filled with hearts. Her tongue hung out of her mouth like she was a dog that stuck their head out of a moving vehicle.

Eyes going wide in horror, Kate dodged to the side, placing a nearby arcade machine between herself and the slobbering blood witch, before frantically trying to find the best escape route. 

“Shitshitshitshitshit! the photographer swore as she darted between the blocky arcade cabinets, her slight form able to squeeze through gaps impassable for an average-sized person. Yet, for all her “evasive maneuvers”, Oros remained hard on her heels (in more ways than one). “I thought we agreed to no touching!” Kate called behind her as she continued her flight.

”One yes after a thousand nos is still a yes!” Oros chased Kate through the arcade from the ceiling. Bright red spider legs dug into the ceiling and skittered after the photographer like a spider. Suki’s shadow loomed in the corners of Kate’s vision wherever she went.

Damn it, I shoulda Freeze Framed that crazy bitch when I had the chance, even if it meant havin’ to deal with her creepy pal, ‘cause anything’s better than this!

Kate was about to squeeze between another pair of arcade cabinets when she got stuck. Or more specifically, a bloody tendril coiled around her ankle. The bloodwitch dropped to the ground and touched her fingers together. ”Kate! You’re stuck! I know you’re nervous, but I’m not going to do anything lewd, okay? Not right away at least. I’m just going to pull you out, so don’t struggle too much.” Not that Kate could fight back if she wanted to. And if she could, she’d need to produce something fairly strong to break Oros out of her trance. A second tendril coiled around Kate’s waist and pulled her out from the arcade machines and into Oros’s arms. ”I’m not going to do anything that you don’t want me to do, okay? So just take a deep breath.” She placed her chin on Kate’s shoulder. ”Nobody wants to hurt you.”

Although her natural instinct was to panic and try to escape, Kate knew that it was beyond pointless, and so she resigned herself to being dragged into Oros’s waiting arms. “You’ll forgive me if I call bullshit,” the photographer muttered, even as she tried not to cringe too hard at the blood witch’s close proximity.

”If I end up doing something lewd, it’s going to be because you want it to happen!” With a hop, Oros landed on a seat for a driving game. A silent demo played on screen while it waited for its next player. ”But I’m fine just sitting like this with you in my lap.” Largely because regardless of how repulsive someone found Oros, regardless of their common decency, loyalty to other partners, sexual preference, or anything else that might get in the way, someone touching Oros would eventually become infatuated with her. For a normal human this took a few seconds, but magical girls could resist the effect for much longer. A kiss would speed the process up, but Kate wasn’t struggling, and there was no reason to rush what was Oros’s favorite part of meeting light girls. 

“Gah!” Kate yelped as she was abruptly dragged into a game booth. However, although she was still in unnervingly close proximity to Oros (and more precisely, sitting on her lap), the photographer did her best to distract herself by focusing on the racing game’s demo screen. Now that she thought about it, this might not actually be all that bad. If all she had to do was sit here and watch a game being played, it would actually be less bothersome than what Lada had done to poor…

”... You said no touching…” Tsubomi, finally reacting to Kate’s comment as she began fleeing a moment ago, spoke aloud as her head lolled towards where Kate was just grabbed from.

”Eh?” Oros looked at Tsubomi out of the corner of her eye. ”I-I mean she did say no touching, b-b-b-b-but she wasn’t very specific! I mean, she was clearly talking about her magical girl form! And I did! I kept my hands to myself! At great harm to myself! Restraining myself always causes nose bleeds!” She pointed at her nose. ”You saw it, right? A-and Kate is free to change her mind. Sitting here with me isn’t so bad, is it, babe?”

“On a scale of one to ten, I’d have to say it’s a negative fifteen, Kate deadpanned. “And I meant both forms,” she clarified pointedly. “Though I wouldn’t expect you to abide by it either way,” she added with a tired sigh.

Oros nodded. ”Well, I have a feeling we’ll move up to negative ten before long!” 

”Suki, you’re cheating.” Tsubomi wasn’t particularly concerned, not that she ever was, but Oros had gotten in trouble with the boss before for doing stuff like this, at least in a public place.

”Cheating?” She raised an eyebrow. ”This girl has no respect for us. If she could take a picture of me without my permission, she’d have done it! Why should I honor a deal made with someone like that?” She hugged Kate tighter. ”It doesn’t sound like this is a surprise for her either. Why don’t I become the freak she thinks I am?”

Suki, Oros, in all her infinite wisdom had decided to try to make an emotional appeal to her apathetic empath of a partner. It took a few seconds for her to process the question, but when she did… ”Boss said to tell Earthshaker when you do this. She’ll get mad at you.”

”Is that right?” There was disbelief in her voice. ”Well, I never cared about what any of them thought…” She looked at Kate. Oros mouthed something that even she couldn’t hear before patting her head. Then her arm moved away and her tendril placed Kate on the ground. Oros looked off into the distance without making eye contact with anyone.

“W-Wha…?” was all Kate could stammer as Oros released her. “Well, that was unexpected…” she mumbled as she brushed herself off. She was still in a bit of a daze, and at first, she wondered if she wasn’t just hallucinating things. Yet, as seconds passed, the photographer realized Oros’s creepy pal actually had managed to talk the blood witch into letting her go. “Uh, thanks for the help,” she told Tsubomi with an awkward smile. 

Truthfully, Tsubomi didn’t tend to act compassionate when she wasn’t in her magical form, but for the sake of making sure Suki didn’t do something else she’d get in trouble for, she placed a hand on her shoulder. ”Maybe she’ll stay around for a meal… If you keep your hands off?”

Although Kate desperately wanted to flee the arcade as fast as possible, she had promised Morowa she’d make an effort to be nice to Suki, and she did feel indebted to Tsubomi for her recent help…

“Y-Yeah, fine,” she conceded. “W-We can hang out some more, and even get some food, just as long as you don’t make it weird.”

”Well, I’m not hungry.” Oros brushed Tsubomi’s hand off of her shoulder before hopping off of the seat. She fished a cigarette out of the same magical place all magical girls seemed to keep their belongings, followed by a zippo lighter that looked like the ace of hearts. While she walked, she slipped the cigarette between her lips and lit it up. She didn’t look back, not even when she pushed her way through the front door.

“Welp, I tried bein’ nice,” Kate said with a shrug as she watched Oros depart. “Not my fault she’s such a fuckin’ pervert…” the photographer added under her breath.

”...” Tsubomi expected Suki to jump at the idea to cook for Kate, but this was fine too. She shrugged, waved at Kate, and followed after her partner.

As she watched the strange pair depart, Kate gave voice to a sigh of relief. While a (very) small part of her might have felt bad about the way things had ended, a far larger part was just glad her interaction with Oros the Joyful was finally over. It had also, by some twisted miracle, and despite the druid’s best efforts, actually been less embarrassingly uncomfortable than her meeting with Lada had been.

What were the odds?

Not wanting to chance crossing paths with Suki again, Kate made her way to the arcade’s rear exit and surreptitiously snuck into the back alley beyond. She was just about to make her departure, when the sound of a loud *VOP!* suddenly drew her attention to a spot further down the alley. There, amidst a rapidly dissipating swirl of shimmering golden particles, was a strange machine. It was composed of several concentric, spinning circles, arranged in a way that called to mind a gyroscope, and, sitting in a small, cushioned chair at its center, and attired in almost comically dapper fashion, was an equally small… dog?

“Holy shit…” Kate murmured. Parr?!

“Miss Kate!” the comical canine exclaimed, leaping out of his still-spinning contraption and rushing over to the stunned photographer, his tail rapidly wagging in delight. “Oh, how it brings me such joy to be greeted by a familiar face after so very great a time!”

“It’s good to see you again, too, pal,” Kate replied with an amused chuckle. “It sure has been a while.”

“It has indeed!” Parr agreed, nodding his head. “But whatever are you doing here?” he inquired. “According to my instruments, this isn’t my home universe, so… Goodness me! Have you become lost in the myriad reality plenums of the multiverse as well?!”

“Not exactly, Kate replied with an awkward grin. You know how much of a traveler I am,” she added. “I was just here for a quick photo op. In fact, I was gettin’ ready to leave when you showed up.”

“My goodness!” Parr exclaimed. “What a most splendid stroke of good fortune! If you possess the ability to navigate the paths between plenums, then might I beg your assistance in pointing me in the direction of my home universe? You see,” he continued. “After creating the cross-world conveyance behind me, I suffered quite the catastrophic setback, when what was to be a routine test run sent me spiraling off into the uncharted depths of the multiverse! Hopelessly lost in the infinite infinities, I had begun to despair of ever returning home, but, now, at long last, my path has crossed with a dear friend capable of aiding my own dreadfully deficient efforts! Oh joyous day!”

”... Oh, one of them won the game.” a familiar voice observed. ”Do you know each other?”

Whirling around, Kate was greeted with the sight of Suki and Tsubomi entering the alley, and her heart sank.

“Great… Of fucking course you two would follow me back here…” Kate muttered. “Yeah,” the photographer added in a louder voice. “This is Parr,” she introduced, gesturing to the dapper dog. “He’s an old friend.”

Oros looked at Parr, then back at Tsubomi as she walked closer to the dapper hound. Once she was in front of Parr, she squatted down and looked him over. "An old friend, eh?” she folded her arms. "You’re pretty lucky Mr Parr. I only met Kate today and I can tell she’s something special.” She stood back up and rubbed the back of her head.  "So um, sorry for earlier.” She nodded at Kate. "It’s just been a rough week, and I was really excited to meet you. If you guys want, I can cook us something. Talking over a meal might make for better ambience than the back of an arcade.” She rubbed the back of her head. "Also, can I pet Parr? Are you cool with pets?”

“Oh, yes,” Parr replied. “Such a kindness would be most appreciated, my dear young lady!” he added, wagging his tail eager anticipation. “As would your generous offer of a personally cooked meal! Indeed, having an amiable chat with friends new and old, while enjoying what I am certain shall be a most marvelous repast, would serve as a most superlative way to celebrate both my reunion with Miss Kate, and my long-awaited return home! Oh, but goodness me!” he exclaimed a moment later. “I do believe we have yet to be formally introduced! As Miss Kate has already told you, I am Parrthineas E. Doxxon The First, or Parr, for short,” he continued, removing his hat and giving a small bow of his head. “Now then, how might I address you lovely young ladies?” he inquired.

Oros paused. "Oh right! Uh, when I’m working, it’s Oros the Joyful. But Joy or Oros works too!” She extended one of her fingers and stroked the bridge of his muzzle. "And that’s Tsubomi behind me. ” Her fingers slipped between his eyes as she started to pet the back of his head. "She’s kind of weird, but she’s okay. Say hello, Tsubomi!”

Tsubomi waved at the dog. ”Hi, doggy. How much was the… pot? The pot, anyway? Must’ve been good to get all… this?”

“I do apologize, Miss Tsubomi,” Parr replied. “But I am afraid that I am completely at a loss as to what you mean. Please, what is this ‘pot’ you refer to?”

Meanwhile, Kate was simply watching the proceedings with the look of someone who was dying a little more inside with each passing second. Finally, she spoke up. “Fine, apology accepted,” she told Oros with a tired sigh. “And I guess we can have some food,” the photographer added. “But wouldn’t it be easier to just get some pizza back at the arcade?” she asked, pointing her thumb at the building in question.

"Eh?” Suki raised an eyebrow. "As cute as Parr is, I don’t think Mr Shen would approve of a dog being in his establishment, regardless of how good their manners were. Also, everything is made with processed meats and salt, which isn’t good for a dog’s tummy.” She placed her hands on her hips. "When I make food for Tsubomi we gather around a picnic area. It’s well lit, secluded, nobody’s going to bother us and the food will get made on the spot with fresh ingredients.” She sighed. "I know you have your guard up, but trust me. I’m not trying to guide you into my super sexy dungeon to make you do lewd things.” She looked off to the side. "I wonder if there’s a world where I even have a super sexy dungeon… Anyway, the prices are high too. I don’t recommend it.”

“Well, obviously I wasn’t thinking of bringing Parr inside,” Kate replied with a dramatic eye roll. “I was thinking we could get the pizza and eat it out here. I mean, he’s also got this machine of his, and I doubt he’d wanna just leave it here unattended,” she added.

“Oh, not to worry!” Parr reassured her. “My Syllogismobile is fully capable of subspace mass conversion for ease of storage!” To demonstrate, he tapped a button on his wristwatch, and the strange machine swiftly shrank down to the size of a marble, which was then picked up and placed into a vest pocket. “Quite convenient, wouldn’t you say?”

“Okaaay…” Kate sighed in clear exasperation. “Then I guess we’ll be dining at Suki’s, or rather, Oros’s picnic tables. I’m sure your food won’t be highly toxic or do anything crazy like turn into a monster and try to eat me,” the photographer added pointedly as she turned to give the blood witch a “I’m so done with this” expression.

"Not since I revamped the recipe!” Oros reassured Kate with a smile. 

”Didn’t you win a poker game?” Tsubomi finally responded to Parr’s question. Was he not one of the dogs in that painting?

“Hmmm… I do not recall ever playing a game of that name in my life,” Parr replied after a moment’s thought. “Perhaps you have me confused with someone else. Or perhaps it is a game I shall play in the future, and news of my upcoming victory has reached even here!” he added, seeming quite thrilled by the possibility.

Well, regardless of Parr not being famous like she thought, Tsubomi decided it was best to get going before getting caught up in the meal. She walked over to Suki with her trademark slow steps and tapped her on the shoulder, holding out Suki’s phone that she had taken the picture with. As soon as she took it, Tsubomi spoke up. ”Sorry to have made you upset.” And with that, she departed for her home, not looking back at the girls and dog.

The phone felt heavy in Suki’s hand. She found herself biting her lip as she watched Tsubomi leave the alley and turn out of sight. She continued to stare in the direction she had left in before her eyes moved to her phone. With a snort, she put the phone away without looking at the pictures. "Like I said, weird.” Oros kicked a stone. "Um, yea, this way…” 

The “picnic area” turned out to actually be nothing more than a brick slab patio behind a group home on the outskirts of town, surrounded by dense woodland. Four wooden picnic tables were scattered about it, and, upon arriving, Parr and Kate took a seat at the closest one. 

"I wasn’t expecting anyone to show up today, heh. But dinner shouldn’t be long,” Oros told them. "Do you guys want anything to drink? We’ve got all kinds of juices, and some seltzer. There’s milk too. I think there’s a few beers left, but someone might have had them this evening.” 

“I would very much like some apple juice, if you have it,” Parr spoke up from where he sat opposite Kate.

“I guess I’ll have some lemonade,” Kate added in a tired deadpan. “So, uh, what exactly are you making us, anyway?” she asked.

"Well, there’s this recipe I typically make. It’s just sort of a concoction of my favorite foods. But uh, you know, I’m going to change the recipe a little bit so that everyone can enjoy it.” She rubbed her arm. "So um, I’ll be back shortly. With the drinks.” She excused herself with a bow.

There’s no way this can end well… Kate thought to herself glumly as she watched Oros enter the building, before turning her attention to Parr in an attempt to focus her mind on something, anything, other than the impending “meal”.

“So, uh, ya said ya couldn’t get back home?” Kate asked.

“Yes, that is quite correct,” Parr confirmed with a nod. “Thus, if you would be kind enough to provide me with its trans-plenumic coordinates, I would be most appreciative!”

“Well, I could do that,” Kate replied. “But ya said that contraption ya made was a Syllogismobile, right? I’m not exactly an expert, but don’t those things work by just focusing on your destination?”

“They do, indeed. Although there are a multitude of high-order mathematical equations involved as well,” Parr explained.

“So, why don’t ya just do that then?” Kate asked. “Y’know, just think of home strongly enough and ‘bam!’, you’re there, just like Dorothy’s slippers.”

“My goodness, Miss Kate!” Parr exclaimed, his eyes going wide. “What a positively ingenious idea!”

“I have my moments,” Kate said with an amused grin.

“I’m afraid I don’t know of this ‘Dorothy’ person,” Parr continued. “But simply employing fond memories of home to attune myself to its plenumic frequency is actually a most viable solution to my current predicament! Indeed, it’s now so painfully obvious that I don’t know why I didn’t think of it myself!”

“You probably would have figured it out eventually,” Kate reassured him.

“Oh, I simply cannot thank you enough, Miss Kate!” Parr gushed, taking one of her hands with both of his paws. “I am truly in your debt! If there’s anything I can do to repay this great kindness, you need only say the word!”

“Can you get me out of this meal?” Kate muttered.

A moment later, the door to the kitchen swung open and Suki (now in her mundane appearance) marched over to the picnic table. She set the drinks down in front of her guests and, after eyeing them for a second, swapped them. She had delivered them to the wrong recipient initially. 

"You guys want ice? I mean, the drinks are cold, just…” She squeezed her wrist. 

“Uh, sure?” Kate replied with a lopsided frown.

“Oh that sounds delightful!” Parr added with far more enthusiasm. “Thank you so very much for the kind offer, Miss…” his voice trailed off as he paused to look his host up and down. “My goodness, Miss Oros! Did you perhaps do something with your hair?” he inquired. “I must say, it makes you look like a completely different person!”

Oros hadn’t forgotten to transform back, she just didn’t really care. Kate knew who she was, and Parr was likely going to make himself scarce before long. "It must be the hair, let me fix that up.”

With that, Suki walked back into the kitchen. 

“Uh, I’m pretty sure that’s just her normal appearance,” Kate told her canine companion. “She’s a magical girl,” the photographer explained. “She can change into a different form, sorta like how I can with my camera.”

“Oh, how positively extraordinary!” Parr declared. “I must say, transmutation abilities never cease to amaze!”

The next instant, a now transformed Suki bolted out the front door. She glanced over her shoulder once before arriving at the table. 

"Someone hid the ice, but I found it.” Her tendrils set the table in record time. Though that was largely because of how small the gathering was. Once the plates and utensils were out, Oros lifted the lid off of the pan and gave it a sniff. "I’ve never made it this way before, but it looks mostly normal? Usually the color’s a little darker.” Suki dolled out some pink and violet colored “food” onto everyone’s plate before sitting down next to Parr. "Well, you don’t have to wait for me. Dig in.”

If one looked at the dog safe version of Endless Eclipse long enough, they might hear the screams of tormented souls echoing out from beyond the dish. Even the porcelain plates seemed like they wanted to get as far away from what they were topped with as possible.

Holy fuck 

“Looks… delicious…” Kate said in a voice utterly devoid of sincerity as she cringed away from her plate and fought the urge not to gag.

“Oh my!” Parr exclaimed as he gazed down at the “food” in awe. “How absolutely fascinating! This looks just like the eldritch meat moss Miss Alura created for Professor Reed’s transmutation class! Don’t you agree, Miss Kate?”

“Uh, yeah…” Kate replied with a gulp. “It actually kinda does…

“Oh, but since Miss Oros couldn’t possibly know anything about that, I suppose it’s just a sublimely charming coincidence!” Parr added with a jovial chuckle as he smiled up at their host.

Yet, despite his exuberance, Parr mirrored Kate in not making even the slightest motion towards the utensils, something Oros was sure to pick up on.

Oros picked up her spoon. "Yea, I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone called Alura.” The spoon made an audible squishing sound as it cut into the “eldritch meat moss.” When Oros lifted her spoon, it almost picked up the plate with it. Whatever Oros had made, it was very thick, and very sticky. She bit her concoction off of her spoon and started to chew. Oros had to open her mouth wide to properly chew it, and the multicolored mass had stuck to her teeth like molasse. "Huh, it’s not that bad. I think I prefer the original recipe though.” She cleaned her teeth with her tongue before going for a second spoonful. "Are you guys going to try it?” She asked without looking. 

“Uh… I think I might choke if I ate this…” Kate replied. 

“I am hardly an expert, but perhaps if you cooked it some more so that it hardened a bit, it might make for a far more palatable treat,” Parr suggested.

"You’re not even going to try it then?” Suki asked. She set down her spoon. "Not even a nibble? Not even…a lick?” Her hands trembled. Oros looked between Kate and Parr, and then she cracked a smile. Shortly afterwards, she laughed. "Right, right, Kate’s at her limit. It’s probably taking the last of her willpower to just endure a meal with me. But I’m a little disappointed with you, Parr.” She lifted her spoon to her lips. "You’re trying to pass yourself off as a gentleman, but you won’t even try something that I made specifically for you. Moreover, you think you can tell me how to improve it without even tasting it.” She narrowed her eyes. "I’m also very disappointed with your thinly veiled mockery of my food. How would you feel if I said something you made looked like ‘eldritch meat moss’? ”

“B-But I would never mock a meal so painstakingly crafted!” Parr stammered, clearly taken aback by Oros’s claims. “I meant that comparison as a compliment! A-And I suppose it would do no harm to have a small taste…” he added, cautiously bringing his muzzle up to the mound of goop and giving it the most tentative of licks.

A smile lazily crept across Oros’s face. She leaned towards Parr, stretching her arm across his back and placing it on his hip. "Well? How is it?” 

“It’s… actually rather sweet,” Parr replied after a moment’s thought. “In fact, it bears an uncanny resemblance to frosted bubblegum taffy!”

“I’ll, uh, take your word for it,” Kate added with a dubious frown.

"Oh really?” She pulled Parr into her lap and folded her arms across his chest. "I can’t say I’ve ever had that, maybe I’ll have to try it some time.” Oros giggled. Then she raised her hand until it was under Parr’s chin, and elevated it until they were both looking at each other. "Though maybe, you can tell me if the taste compares to this…” She closed her eyes and placed her lips over Parr’s. Her grip on him tightened as she pulled him into a hug.

Parr, clearly caught off guard by this latest development, could do little more than squirm in discomfort as Oros showered him with “affection”. But as soon as he started struggling, Oros stopped. Something was off. Normally when she kissed someone they really enjoyed it, but this dog was different.

Kate, on the other hand, didn’t even try to hide her disgust. 

“Okay, that is just gross,” the photographer stated, her cringing visage one of complete revulsion. “I mean, I know you’re desperate, but come on.

"No, you don’t have a clue how desperate I am.” Oros turned her blood red eyes on Kate. "You were born with a silver spoon in your mouth. You have people who love you. You get to explore the world. You don’t get to judge people who are ‘beneath you’.” She whipped out a cigarette. " I had hoped that prostrating myself would be enough. Were the ice cubes not cold enough? Did the chef not have enough Michelin stars?” She raised her hands. "Why are you even here? This was a choice, and the only thing I’ve seen you do is mope and complain and-”. She pointed behind herself with her cigarette. "Go. You got your picture. Go, just go! Parr, it was nice to meet you, but you should go too. Both of you just go. Go!

“M-My goodness…” Parr stammered after finally overcoming his initial shock. “M-Miss Oros, I…”

“I only came here because I promised someone I’d try to be nice to you,” Kate snapped at their host. “But ya sure don’t make it easy! First ya assault me, then ya try to poison me, and ya wonder why I’m so uncomfortable?! Come on, Parr,” she told the confused canine as she got up from her seat. “Let’s get outta here. Thanks for the meal, Oros,” the photographer called over her shoulder. “Hopefully someday you’ll find someone just as fucked up as you are to share it with.”

“O-Oh, well, um, f-farewell, Miss Oros,” Parr added in an awkward daze as he slowly followed after Kate. “I-It was… v-very nice to make your acquaintance.”

Could I have done anything differently? Kate wondered as she and Parr walked back to the alleyway behind the arcade. While the darkened streets of Hibusa Town were hardly what one would consider safe (especially for a small girl and even smaller dog), any Miseria that appeared would quickly find themselves encased in a chronolock bubble, courtesy of Parr’s entropic encapsulator, there to remain for several hours. I mean, I tried to be as nice as I could. It’s not my fault she’s such a perverted psycho…

“I-I must say, that was certainly an… unexpected experience,” Parr tentatively spoke up, breaking Kate out of her musings. “Despite her alarming forwardness, and somewhat deficient cooking ability, I thought Miss Oros was still a rather charming host, in her own, peculiar way,” he added.

“I guess you could say that…” Kate conceded, even as Morowa’s insistence that Suki still possessed some genuine goodness, in spite of the girl’s myriad flaws, echoed in her mind.

“It is a great pity that our time with her did not conclude under more agreeable circumstances,” Parr continued. “It seemed to me that she was desperate for affection and approval, yet unable to fully express that need in a socially acceptable manner. Thus, we were regrettably unable to provide her with the love and affirmation she sought. Yet, I cannot hope but wonder if this might have served as a learning experience for her, and that she will employ the lessons imparted this eve to better refine her interactions with others, thus allowing her to form genuine bonds of friendship, and perhaps even romance,” he pondered aloud.

I wouldn’t bet on it, Kate was tempted to reply. After all, it wasn’t like it was possible for an Oros to actually change her warped ways. At least, that’s what Kate would have said, before she’d met Morowa. Indeed, the moth woman’s very existence proved that there was hope that an Oros, even one as cringy as Suki, could improve herself. Perhaps… Perhaps there was still a chance for Oros the Joyful to make a genuine, unforced connection with someone, even if that chance was exceedingly remote.

“I guess anything’s possible,” Kate ultimately said with a shrug. “I mean, I’ve certainly seen enough crazy shit on my various travels. Speakin’ of,” she added with a grin. “Got any cool stories from your whole ‘lost in the multiverse’ thing?”

“Oh, yes!” Parr confirmed. “A veritable multitude! For instance, I met a particularly charming young boy named Finn…”

Fucking dragon bitch… Fucking dragon bitch… Fucking dragon bitch…
-Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow

The weeks following the “fight” with Ashbringer saw Nyxia redouble her already manic efforts to cull as many Miseria as possible from Hibusa Town’s streets. She stayed out longer, ranged farther, and tried to seek out the most powerful of the nightmarish creatures to pit her strength against. Yet, for all that, the Neon Tempest’s admittedly vast power seemed to remain stagnant. No matter what she did, no matter how hard she tried, she wasn’t getting any stronger, and neither were her ostensible allies…

Could they be holding me back? Nyxia wondered as she leapt across the rooftops on her way to yet another pointless “strategy meeting”.

However, a moment’s thought was all it required for her to reject that possibility. The quartet’s training had largely been done without the stifling micromanagement that came with Rei’s direct supervision, or the annoying interference of the other club members. Indeed, on many nights, Nyxia had been free to stalk the shadowed streets and haunted alleyways alone, just as she had done before Rei had first crossed her path. That should have brought her joy, should have allowed her to slaughter her hated prey to her heart’s content, utterly unhindered by her so-called “comrades in arms”, but it had all felt so hollow, so meaningless, as if she had reached some invisible barrier to her progress that no amount of dead Miseria could be piled high enough to overcome.

And of course, her hatred for Ashbringer remained undiminished.

Just the thought of the woman was enough to nearly send the Neon Tempest into a violent rage. Even sleep provided no respite, the draconic cyborg’s contemptuous visage haunting her dreams night after night as she sought to smash it into a bloody pulp, only for that goal to remain ever-illusive, her every attempt met with mocking laughter.

I’m not weak… Nyxia seethed, her teeth grinding together. Not anymore. I’m not just pathetic little Norika. I’m Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow, and I’m gonna make that fucking bitch wish she had never been born…

Although she hadn’t been able to save the flower shop, Nyxia had gifted the shop’s owner with the contents of her parents’ safe, an obscenely large amount of money that would hopefully cover the shop’s reconstruction and whose loss, while rather insignificant in the grand scheme of things, would still cause her hated parents no small measure of dismay. Strangely, it was the first act of kindness she had ever done for anyone other than her brother, and the Neon Tempest found that it actually felt rather nice. Indeed, it provided a small bright spot of peace in the midst of the dark sea of her churning fury.

A slight smile of contentment gracing her lips, Nyxia prepared to enter the club room through its open window, when she stopped at the sight of someone blocking her path, her hint of a smile swiftly morphing into an annoyed scowl in the process.

Oh great, it’s her…

“My name’s Nyxia,” the Neon Tempest growled, even as Oros continued to babble about some kabuki theater and how she wanted to see a show there. With her. “I don’t have time for that kinda crap!” Nyxia spat. “Did you miss the part where that fucking dragon bitch called us pathetic and weak?! How the fuck is watching some stupid fucking play gonna make us stronger?!”

I’m sure a selfless protector of the helpless like Finn will be glad to know that the safety of innocent civilian schoolgirls is still my top priority!
-Ashley Avenir

While MDP might have been too occupied with other things to provide direct assistance, The Pink Pounder was another matter, and, coupled with Ashley’s techno-wand shots, he managed to ensure that none of the bikers would be escaping through the burning diner’s front door. That just left the mage bikers, along with a couple of scattered cowboys and dryads tucked away in corners, leaving the Knight of Tomorrow to turn her attention towards what had started this debacle to begin with. Yes, Ashley was painfully aware that the whole fiasco had really kicked off when Finn transformed in the middle of the crowded diner and tried to play knight in shining armor to a group of possibly imperiled school girls. Those girls would certainly be imperiled now, but, thankfully, they had all escaped to safety. All, save one stubborn sleepwalker who was caught in the clutches of a mage biker currently crouched down right next to Ashley herself. Their eyes met in silent deadlock, neither willing to make a move. While the Knight of Tomorrow didn’t want to risk the possibility of this biker revealing her true identity to The Hand, her primary concern was for the unconscious girl in his clutches. Thus, after a few tense seconds, her first action was simply to speak.

“Thank you for shielding the girl,” the high-tech heroine told the mage. “Hand her over to me, and I promise I’ll grant you safe passage through that window,” she added, nodding in the direction of the broken window next to them.

That said, she still wasn’t taking any chances with her own safety, either, and even as she spoke, a glowing green energy field appeared around her body. Hopefully this would provide sufficient protection if the mage decided to take a shot at her with his pistol.

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Medical Supplies, Tazer, Clip Light
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2), Purify (6), Homing (2), Avoid (2)


[Silver Self][Shield] = -48 mana

I guess you meant this Saturday.

This is fine… This is fine…
-Ashley Avenir

Redirect it where?!

It was honestly quite understandable that Ashley had a bit of a mental freak out upon hearing Finn’s request for Estelle to redirect the giant fireball into Dante, especially seeing as how the sandman was standing right over her. Thankfully, Estelle had a different idea, and, taking the initiative that all G.E.M.I.N.I. agents were known for, completely disregarded Finn and instead sent the fireball back towards the mages that had conjured it. Even as this transpired, Dante stopped in mid-swing to reposition himself, but not before Finn thrusted his melody-enhanced chainsaw into the sandman’s back. For all the good it did…

Can nothing hurt him? Ashley wondered as she watched Dante turn into a sand cloud and vanish behind the backroom door, just before the monstrous fireball detonated.

Thankfully, due to her position on the floor, her enhanced energy shield, and the additional barrier provided by a nearby table, the Knight of Tomorrow escaped the ensuing blast virtually unscathed. However, the same couldn’t be said of her fellow agents, who had both been thoroughly set ablaze. Fortunately, Finn seemed to be more than capable of dealing with that little problem, to the extent of trying to rush past the recently-reemerged Dante and into the mysterious back room, and Ashley was confident Estelle could also take care of herself. After all, why would the Witch Hunter make such a risky move if she couldn’t handle the likely results? Still, the diner had become an ironically appropriate hellscape, and there was precious little Ashely could do in such a situation.

Most of the surviving patrons were rushing for the exit, the only exceptions being the mages, whose arcane barriers the high-tech heroine doubted her own arcane attacks could viably penetrate. In addition, while the mass of fleeing patrons made an excellent target for an AoE attack (as per Dr. Moller’s instruction to eliminate all hostiles on the premises), the last remaining schoolgirl seemed to be sleepwalking right behind them, and Ashley refused to risk her possibly getting caught in the blast. Indeed, the very fact that one of the mages had apparently shielded the girl from the effects of his compatriots’ fireball was a minor unexpected miracle in and of itself, and one the Knight of Tomorrow wasn’t going to chance being repeated. The mass of flailing bodies also completely blocked her line of sight to Estelle, preventing the high-tech heroine from assisting her, even if she wanted to, and the same was true of Dante, although she doubted she’d be all that effective against him either. That said, there was someone else who might…

“MDP!” Ashley called over her earpiece. “Can you provide us with some additional assistance?”

Even as she said this, the Knight of Tomorrow crawled over to the counter and, still crouched down, began taking carefully-aimed shots with her techno-wand at each cowboy and dryad that was racing for the exit. It might not have been as effective as a more dramatic attack, but it was the best she could manage under the circumstances. She only hoped that whatever assistance their allies outside could provide would be enough to turn the tide of this chaotic combat in their favor…

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Medical Supplies, Tazer, Clip Light
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2), Purify (6), Homing (2), Avoid (2)


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