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Well, this is an unexpected treat…
-Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow

At first, Nyxia was pleased to see that her ostensible teammates were following her instructions, but the Neon Tempest’s eyes widened a moment later as she watched Oros place herself at the center of the sand sculpture and begin piling even more damp sand around where she was standing. Ever a highly anti-social individual who would always work alone if given the choice, Nyxia didn’t have even the slightest idea of the specifics of how her fellow dark magical girls’ abilities functioned, so it should have come as no surprise that the Neon Tempest didn’t realize that this was the only way Suki could generate anywhere near the amount of blood she had demanded.

Still, despite how unexpected the move was, it did little to change Nyxia’s plans. If anything, the blood witch’s presence at ground zero of her impending lance of incandescent devastation was an added bonus, and Nyxia doubted the perverted pinkette would be seriously hurt by the blast in any case. After all, she couldn’t make her attack too strong, or else most of the blood would be vaporized before it could rain down on the hapless masses of beachgoers, and they certainly couldn’t have that…

Look out below, bitch.

With a savage smirk, the airborne Neon Tempest sent her teal death ray streaking down right onto Suki’s head…

“A new friendy wendy~?!” MDP repeated with a delighted smile after Penny explained the reason for her recent “upgrade”. “Like, Magical Dream Princess would wuv thatsie whatsie~! (giggle!)” she added when the Mechanical Monarch mentioned the possibility of meeting said new friend. Then, the arrival of two familiar faces caught the whimsical girl’s painfully limited attention. “Ronin Wonin and Miko Wiko~!” she cheered as she ran over to glomp the sisters. “Like, Magical Dream Princess is soooo happy wappy to see you~! (giggle!) Like, do you wanna hearsie wearsie aboutsie woutsie all the super duper funsie wunsie stuffy wuffy Magical Dream Princess has been doing lately wately~?!” she asked the pair while excitedly bouncing up and down. “Do you~?! Do you~?! Do you~?!”

Despite her nervousness, Connie’s mask formed a smile at the sight of Ronin and Miko’s arrival and MDP’s charmingly childish antics in response to it. Their group was certainly growing, the timid girl reflected, which would hopefully improve the chances of the impending mission being a success. “O-Oh, um, y-yes,” Connie confirmed when Ashley observed that everyone seemed to know one another. “I-I’m friends w-with almost e-everyone here. A-Although I’m n-not too f-familiar with t-that girl o-over there,” she added with a slight frown, while surreptitiously pointing a trembling finger at where Nefer was attempting to flirt with Melisa.

“I believe she was present at the evacuation of Bolorton,” Gaia noted. “And she came to the previous park meeting as well, although I am afraid I still know next to nothing about her, or her motivations for aiding us,” the verdant maiden added.

Speaking of Bolorton, the next thing Connie knew, Lily had popped over to introduce herself to Ashley and ask if the sci-fi themed young woman had helped with the evacuation, before going full fan-girl on the visibly unnerved space knight. The greenette’s babblings only ceased with the arrival of three small animals, who quickly clambered onto her.

“O-Oh gosh!” Connie exclaimed, clasping her hands together. “T-They’re sooo cute!”

For her part, Gaia couldn’t help but giggle at the sight of Lily and Connie’s adorable reactions. Unfortunately, her mood soon shifted to one of apprehension as she watched the Ascendancy contingent make their entrance, followed shortly by Justine. Having the two formerly adversarial parties in such close proximity was troubling enough, but the fact that the former vampire had brought her unhinged sister along only made matters worse. Although Gaia appreciated the additional help, she only hoped their presence on such a vital mission wouldn’t end up doing more harm than good…
Something like this was already attempted about a year ago- roleplayerguild.com/posts/5476740

While it was an amusing experience (and quite a cool world setting), an AI like ChatGPT can only serve as a GM for so long until it starts having issues with remembering plot points/setting info/etc.

It's a nice tool for a GM, though, especially when it comes to world building and brainstorming character concepts.

Y’know, I can actually work with this…
-Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow

As much as she hated to admit it, Nyxia was impressed by Suki’s creative solution to the whole “being invisible to normies” problem. Plus, it actually seemed to be working, with a sizable crowd having been gathered around the blood witch’s sand sculpture. Now came the part where they got that crowd to collectively shit themselves in utter terror. The Neon Tempest had an idea on how that might be accomplished, but a few steps would need to be taken before hand.

“Ya said liquid mediums work best for your powers, right?” she asked Tsubomi. “Then pump as much fear and panic into this blood as ya can,” she instructed pointing to the moist sand Suki was using to sculpt with. “Preferably at a pace faster than a fucking snail’s. And you,” she added, turning her attention to Oros. “Make that statue even bigger, and fill it with a fucking shit ton of blood. Don’t stop until the whole fucking thing turns red and starts leaking. I’ll handle the rest.”

Assuming her companions did as instructed, Nyxia would wait until streams of blood had begun pouring out of the enlarged sculpture, before crouching down and blasting herself high into the air. At the apex of her ascent, the Neon Tempest would point the Omega Obliterator at the mass of crimson sand and send a ruinous cylinder of teal energy lancing out of the zenith to slam into its “head”, whereupon the sculpture would burst apart, causing a deluge of blood to rain down upon the gathered crowd. It that didn’t terrify them, then the pure terror infusing the bloody downpour certainly would…

Wow, that’s a pretty detailed plan, Roche. Too bad it sucks.
-Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow

Nyxia’s scowl only grew more intense as she listened to Tsubomi’s explanation of why her plan to summon a giant Miseria wouldn’t work. Indeed, the fact that the normally-dead-to-the-world girl was even speaking this much was of little interest to the Neon Tempest when compared to the words she was spewing out. Even Roche’s surprisingly emotional outburst on her behalf did nothing to improve Nyxia’s increasingly sour mood. If anything, the typically stern and stoic rule keeper’s desperate pleas for their dysfunctional quartet to actually cooperate for a change only succeeded in causing the Neon Tempest’s already low opinion of her to plummet even further.


“I didn’t say she was useless,” Nyxia muttered when Oros began a rant of her own. “I said she was being useless by not doing anything helpful with her powers!”

Still, as annoying as that little misunderstanding was, far worse was to follow…

“W-What the fuck?! the Neon Tempest snarled after the blood witch insinuated that Roche was crushing on her. “Is sex the only thing you fucking think about?!” It was bad enough that Suki had even brought it up in the first place, but seeing the embarrassed blush on Roche's face and hearing the rule keeper’s stammered denial only made Nyxia feel even more disgusted. Fuck, the thought of being in a relationship with any of these losers makes me wanna vomit…

After that unpleasant matter was cleared up (at least for the time being), Roche went on to outline a plan via which they could summon a Miseria, but only if they worked together. While Nyxia had never been a big fan of all this “teamwork” crap, she very much wanted to face a stronger than average Miseria, and so she would do anything within reason to attain that goal. That said, Roche’s plan, aside from requiring an ambitious degree of coordination, had two fairly glaring flaws, flaws which the Neon Tempest had no problem pointing out.

“I think you’re forgetting the fact that normies can’t see us while we’re transformed,” Nyxia noted in a blunt deadpan. “Plus, even if Tsubomi drugs the water, wouldn’t people have to drink it in order to be affected by it?”

I just made one simple request…
-Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow

Nyxia ground her teeth when Tsubomi refused to help and instead suggested that Nyxia herself could create a panic among the beachgoers just fine. Of course this pothead bitch is gonna make things difficult… she muttered to herself. Thankfully, before the Neon Tempest could tell the rainbow-haired girl what she thought of that idea, Roche stepped in to clarify things. Then Suki voiced her own suggestion…

“Yeah, that’s something we won’t be doing,” Nyxia told the blood witch, her voice dripping with derision. “I know how much you want this to end with a fucking orgy, you sick freak, but the idea is for them to run away, not be crammed together so we’re stuck havin’ to protect their pitiful asses when the Misera shows up. Besides,” she added, rolling her eyes in annoyance, while placing a hand on her hip. “How the fuck would we even corral all these people together anyway? On the other hand, rainbow head over here can get ‘em all to lose their shit in one shot,” she continued, pointing a thumb at Acid Drop. “She just needs to stop being completely fucking useless and traumatize these fuckers already!”
Seeking Trouble

“My most sincere thanks for stopping by, good seeker!” Torvald Brellomee called out as his latest guest departed. “If you ever encounter another obstacle in your quest for knowledge, my door is always open!”

Ah, how wonderful! the bearded, wizard-garbed proprietor of Torvald’s Tomes and Trinkets thought to himself with a smile. Another satisfied customer!

Indeed, business was booming of late, with not even the Diver’s “visit” doing much to disrupt things. If anything, all the recent chaos had led to a dramatic upswing in the number of people interested in supernatural phenomena, like the charmingly excitable young lady who had stopped by a few days earlier. Yes, Pax Septimus was certainly a prime location for his shop, and the sage of sages was looking forward to several more months of prodigious profits. However, even as he envisioned the torrent of future knowledge seekers flooding into his humble shop, the ring of the door chime heralded the arrival of someone who threatened to bring that particular train of thought to a screeching halt…

“Good evening, Mister Brellomee,” a cool and dispassionate voice greeted before the chime had even stilled.

Having been shaken out of his reverie, Torvald stifled a gasp at the sight of the new arrival.

“W-Why, if it isn’t the lovely Miss Everly!” the tome keeper exclaimed as he awkwardly tried to compose himself. “Whatever can I do for you this fine evening?”

“You can stop selling manuscripts that lead impressionable and utterly unequipped children into the most perilous parts of this city,” she replied flatly, her visage stern and her glasses covered in a reflective sheen.

Of course it had to be that, Torvald grumbled to himself. These snooty librarians and their overbearing attempts to control the flow of information. He could see through Everly’s ruse. She didn’t care about safety she just hated the fact that his shop was so popular, and provided knowledge that she either couldn’t or wouldn’t convey!

“What any given knowledge seeker does with the insights they’ve gleaned is their business alone,” Torvald protested. “I merely provide the pathway to enlightenment. It is the knowledge seeker themself who chooses to walk it.”

“An almost admirable attempt at deflection,” Eleanora conceded as she adjusted her glasses. “Yet, while you merely provide said knowledge, you neglect to include any cautions as to the danger that knowledge may lead a ‘seeker’ into. This is especially concerning when said seekers are mere children,” she added, while fixing Torvald with a piercing glare. “And even more so, when they are led to my library.”

“I must beg your pardon, Miss Everly, but I fail to see how any of this is my concern,” Torvald replied. “If you are unable to keep ‘mere children’ from forbidden areas of your library, then perhaps you should invest in better security, hmm?”

“There would be no need to take such measures if you simply stopped selling the relevant manuscripts,” Eleanora shot back.

“I do apologize, Miss Everly, but I would never deprive any seeker of the knowledge they quest for!” Torvald declared. “To do so would be a complete violation of my most sacred duty! Furthermore, I do not believe a simple librarian is in any position to enforce demands upon me. After all, your kind has no power here!

“Perhaps not, but the Pax Septimus Merchants’ Guild most assuredly does.

At the mention of the guild, the color rapidly drained from Torvald’s face. This was getting treacherous, yet he still had one last hope to cling to.

“Ah, but you are not a merchant, now are you, Miss Everly?” he asked with a knowing smirk.

“Correct,” Eleanora confirmed, giving the sage a curt nod. “However, Brittany Todd, is, and she owes me a favor, one which I am entirely prepared to collect.”

Torvald swallowed hard. Of course she would have to mention that name… His face grew even paler. His heart began to race. Beads of sweat began to form upon his troubled brow. Finally, he sighed in defeat.

“F-Fine! I shall accede to your demand, but only in regard to information concerning the library!”

“That is acceptable,” Eleanora replied after a moment. “However, I would ask that you add a warning to any manuscript or informational pamphlet pertaining to any other dangerous location in Pax Septimus,” she added.

“I suppose that could be done…” Torvald conceded.

“Excellent,” Eleanora declared as she began heading for the door. Pausing for a moment, she turned to face the sagely shopkeeper. “A pleasure doing business with you, Mister Brellomee.”

The next instant, she had vanished into the night, leaving the stunned Torvald standing alone at the counter.

“Accursed librarians…”

“H-Hi, Melisa,” Connie told the fairy girl, her mask forming a smile. “W-We’ve been d-doing okay,” she added. “T-Thanks to M-Miss Ruby and M-Miss Kayli, w-we were able to h-help some p-people in the o-overcity, w-which was r-really nice.”

“And you helped as well, little sister,” Gaia added with a smile, while giving her timid friend’s shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

“Y-Yeah… I-I s-suppose so…” Connie conceded, a small blush coloring the white cheeks of her mask.

“Awww~! Connie Wonnie’s always walways so modest wodest~! (giggle!)” MDP observed cheerily.

“W-What about you, M-Melisa?” Connie inquired in an attempt to take the attention off of herself. “H-Have you d-done anything i-interesting lately?”

However, before the fairy girl could respond, a new arrival made her presence known.

“Ashley Washley~! (giggle!)” MDP exclaimed with delight as she gave her “imaginary friend” a big hug. “Like, does thatsie whatsie mean that you’ll be coming to Wonderlandy Wandy with us~?!” the whimsical girl asked excitedly as she bounced up and down. “Does it~?! Does it~?! Does it~?!

“U-Umm… I-It’s v-very nice to m-meet you,” Connie told the new arrival. The masked maiden was still a bit taken aback by the girl’s sudden appearance, as well as MDP’s typically overzealous reaction to it, but “Ashley Washley” seemed friendly enough.

“Likewise,” Gaia added with a demure nod. “And thank you for agreeing to join us today,” the verdant maiden added with a serene smile. “The task ahead of us promises to be a challenging one, to say the least. Thus, the presence of an additional ally is most appreciated.”

A moment later, Penny joined them, followed by Lily, while Alicia and the Egyptian-themed girl from the previous meeting stood a short distance away.

“Penny Wenny~!” MDP cheered as she spun around to embrace her girlfriend. “Like, Magical Dream Princess has been super duper busy wusy~! (giggle!)” she confirmed with a big smile. “Oh~! Like, this is Penny Wenny, Ashley Washley~!” the bubbly girl explained as she introduced the Mechanical Monarch to her futuristically attired “imaginary friend”. “She’s Magical Dream Princess’s super duper special wecial girlfriend wirlfriend~! (giggle!) Hmm~?” the whimsical girl inquired when Penny asked if she noticed anything different about her. After tilting her head and thinking it over for a moment, she replied, “Like, Magical Dream Princess thinkie winkies Penny Wenny looks lots more happy wappy nowie~! (giggle!) Like, did something womething super duper nicey wicey happen wappen~?!” she asked. “Did it~?! Did it~?! Did it~?!”

“H-Hi, Lily,” Connie greeted the greenette. “I-I’m kinda nervous t-too, b-but I’m gonna do e-everything I can to h-help you s-save Alex a-and p-protect our h-home!” she added, her mask displaying a visage of determination as she held up a trembling pair of clenched fists.

“And I am prepared to do the same,” Gaia added.

“Yeah~! Like, we’ll all helpy welpy~! (giggle!)” MDP declared with a bright smile. “After wafter allsie wallsie, when friendy wendies work together wether, they can do anythingy wingie~! (giggle!)”

Well, it wasn’t the target we were aiming for, but I’ll take it.
-Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow

Nyxia’s eyes narrowed as she saw what looked like a battle between Tsubomi and an unknown magical girl unfold before them. “You got it!” the Neon Tempest told her partner with a fierce grin when the tribal girl requested more power so that they could ram the unknown assailant. The aquamarine beam of incandescent annihilation doubled in size as even more power was pumped into it, sending the pair rocketing across the waves as if propelled by several jet engines firing at maximum blast. Apparently having noticed the incoming projectile, the mystery girl wisely decided to flee, but her speed was nothing compared to the velocity her pursuers had attained. A cataclysmic impact was inevitable, yet, when it came, it was not Tsubomi’s assailant the pair struck, but an entirely different pink-haired girl…

“THE FUCK…?!! Nyxia exclaimed in annoyed incredulity as she watched Oros burst from the water directly in front of them. Mere seconds later, and the unavoidable crash sent the Neon Tempest flying through the air, before landing in the water with a mighty splash. Slowly rising to her feet, she saw that Roche seemed to be okay, although Suki was bleeding from a nasty wound on her back. Then again, she was usually covered in blood, and if her characteristically physical contact obsessed comments were anything to go by, she’d be just fine. Meanwhile, their actual target was nowhere to be found, but that didn’t really bother Nyxia. Regardless of who she was, the mystery girl was nothing more than a minor annoyance, and there were far more pressing matters that demanded her full attention…

Ignoring Oros’s dazed inquiries, the Neon Tempest walked over to the now transformed Tsubomi. “You can manipulate emotions, right?” she asked the rainbow-haired girl. “Can you make all these people scared shitless enough that they start running for their lives?”

Inciting mass panic? There’s a Tsubomi for that!
-Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow

As Nyxia listened to Sink Queen’s little lecture about aquatic Miseria, all the feelings of suspicion and annoyance she felt towards the squid girl and her odd companion were replaced by a sense of eager anticipation, one which seemed to grow with each new detail revealed. So, they just had to create some negative emotions, and a massive, extra-strong Misera was sure to show up? Now that was something she could work with. While magical girls were invisible to mundane people, their powers were not. That said, the Neon Tempest didn’t exactly want to harm anyone. After all, her psychotic hatred was reserved for the Miseria (and anyone who sufficiently pissed her off). Yet, even so, they had fortuitously brought along someone who was capable of manipulating emotions. All they had to do was get Tsubomi to flood the other beach goers with a sense of desperate panic, and bam! Instant Miseria!

“Ya don’t say…” Nyxia replied, her disgruntled frown having turned into a pleased smirk. “That sounds fuckin’ fantastic! Thanks for the advice, queenie!” she added, before turning to Roche. “Come on, let’s get back to the beach!” she told the rule keeper with an eager grin as she climbed onto her shield. “Uh, sorry we interrupted your bath, or whatever,” she added, glancing back at Felix, before charging up the Omega Obliterator to serve as a massive thruster. The Neon Tempest still had no idea what, exactly, the aquatic pair were doing out here, but she really didn’t care one way or another. Far more important was setting the stage for what promised to be a positively epic battle…
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